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EXECUTIVE Contractual Computer Engineer: 11th CAT- 8éch in Service at

Model: 675660u
Nationality: Cameroonian
Objectives: In relation to the structures, having within them a computer network, or wanting
to set up a computer network, databases or wanting to set up a database and exercising in the
multiple fields of computer science.
Specific Skills: Databases-Systems-Network Administration-AUTOCAD -3D Architect-
Maintenance.Office- Joomla- Observer- CICS- DB2- GNS- Packet Tracer- Oracle-MySQL-
Dreamweaver- office suite-C++- Linux, JAVA-, MS OFFICE, Configuration servers, MVS,
TSO..ANTILOPE (Salary processing software in Cameroon), TSO (Payroll database
administration software in Cameroon),
Professional experience :
2002-2003 Schlumberger Cairo
2005-2009: Temporary at CENADI -YAOUNDE Cameroon
2009: Contractualization at the Ministry of Finance and
assignment to the National Center for the Development of IT as IT organizer.
2009: Introduction to Administrative techniques to enable us
to master administrative writing and administrative ethics
2009: Deputy Information Systems Project Manager at
2010: Deputy Research Officer at CENADI-Yaoundé
2010- Cisco Academy training by CFAO Technologies in order to better master the operation
of the Solde network in Cameroon.
2012: Training on DATACOM by Computers Associates in order to master the management
of information for civil servants and retirees in Cameroon

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