Counseling Diagnostic Test

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Name of Learner: _____________________________________________________

Section: ____________________________________________________________

True or False. Directions: In a separate sheet of paper. write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
__T___ 1. Counselors help people resolve conflicts even if the concern is developmental in nature.
__T___ 2. One example of group counselling is the counselling for alcoholics.
__T___ 3. Community counselors work in communities only and do not work with various age groups.
___F__ 4. School counselors have nothing to do with curriculum development.
__T___ 5. “Eclectic approach” in counselling is the blending of different ideas that appeal to the
for use.
__T___ 6. Pre-contemplation stage is the first step when the client is thinking about getting help.
__T___ 7. Counseling settings can be long term or short-term care facilities.
__T___ 8. Building rapport with client is essential in any counseling setting.
__T___ 9. Counselors are also needed in private companies.
___F__10. Counseling stages should not end in termination.

Test. Direction: Answer the following exercises. Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. These are guidelines for the Guidance and Counseling profession.
a. The Professional Ethical Principles of Guidance and Counseling
b. Informed Consent
c. Confidentiality
d. The Ethical Considerations for Psychiatrist and Psychologists

2. The principle that states that the client has the right to privacy.
a. The Professional Ethical Principles of Guidance and Counseling
b. Informed Consent
c. The Ethical Considerations for Psychiatrist and Psychologists
d. Confidentiality

3. Counselors must be knowledgeable about culturally and clinically appropriate sources of referral which
they may suggest to the counselee.
a. Professionalism c. Client Welfare
b. Professional Knowledge d. Informed Consent

4. This allows the client to decide whether to participate or terminate the counseling session process.
a. Client Welfare c. Informed Consent
b. Professionalism d. Confidentiality

5. Counselors should not engage in any personal relationship with the client.
a. Informed Consent c. Professionalism
b. Confidentiality d. Relationship with Clients

ESSAY. In three sentences give the difference between the roles and function of counselors



Name of Learner: _____________________________________________________
Section: ____________________________________________________________

Direction: Match the items in column A with items in column B. Write the letter of your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Assessment and Diagnosis E. A. It shall serve as the parameter of
work and the client-counselor relationship
2. Formulation of Counseling B. It determines the review of progress and create closure
Goals D. between the client and the counselor.
3.Relationship Building A. C. It is essential in tracking the record if whether the helping
process is in progress or not.
4.Monitoring and Evaluation C. D. This serves as the window for the counselor to
have a thorough appreciation of the client’s condition.
5. Follow-up, termination or E. This is the heart of the counselling process
referral B. because it provides the foundation for the
counselling to succeed.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It serves as the parameter of work and the client-counselor relationship.
a. Implementation c. Assessment and Diagnosis
b. Goal setting d. Monitoring

2. This therapy works well for compulsive and obsessive behavior, fears, phobias, and addictions.
a. Behavioral Therapy c. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
b. Existential Therapy d. Gestalt Therapy

3. It is sometimes described as “psychology of the soul”.

a. Gestalt Therapy c. Adlerian Therapy

b. Psychosynthesis d. Integrative Therapy

4. The client gains self-awareness in the `here and now’ by analyzing behavior and body language and
talking about bottled up feelings.
a. Adlerian Therapy c. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
b. Existential Therapy d. Gestalt Therapy

5. This is when several distinct models of counselling and psychotherapy are used together.
a. Adlerian Therapy c. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
b. Integrative Therapy d. Existential Therapy

6. This promotes positive change rather than dwelling on past problems.

a. Adlerian Therapy c. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
b. Existential Therapy d. Gestalt Therapy

7. This describes any form of counselling or therapy which places emphasis on spirituality.
a. Existential Therapy c. Gestalt Therapy
b. Adlerian Therapy d. Transpersonal Therapy

8. The objective is for the client to become able to see himself as a person, with the power and freedom
to change, rather than as an object.

a. Person-Centered Therapy c. Adlerian Therapy

b. Existential Therapy d. Gestalt Therapy

9. This counseling tool provides information about the individual’s intelligence, aptitude, interests,
abilities, and personality.
a. Cumulative record c. Non-testing tools
b. Psychological test d. Rating scale

10. These are counseling tools that are usually used for individual assessment without the intention of
testing the individual.
a. Psychological test b. Anecdotal Record
c. Non-testing tools d. Sociometry

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