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Government of Odisha

Department of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

NO. 75 al
/SSEPD Dt. OII ' Qq - 3©23

Sonia Behera, OAS (SAG)
Additional Secretary to Government


Boudh, Dhenkanal, Jajpur, Nuapada, Bargarh, Kendrapada & Sambalpur

Sub: MoU with PIAs for Implementation ofSweekruti Scheme.

Madam/ Sir,
In inviting reference to the subject cited above, I am to enclose herewith the copy of
MoU duly signed by the Director, SSEPD valid up to March 2024 for Implementation of
Sweekruti Scheme by Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) as per list enclosed.

You are further requested to submit work plan and budget at the earliest for
approval and assignment of funds through SNA account.

Enclosure: Copy of signed MoU

Yours faithfully,

Additional Sedretary to Government


Ph . No.0674-2390116. FAX-0674-2391976
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;–amT;MMFr as MoLDm7oject
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The MoU is signed on this........................... of
J ...... ..............2023 at the office of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with
giyi£'£Bili{i;; b'g;)art;rlent, Odisha: Bhuban;swar:
G Department of Social Security & Ernpowerment of Person.s with
- Disabilities (hereinafter as SS&EPD), Government of Odisha represented by Director,
, SS&EPD which expression shall, where the context so admits include its successor in office
8 M/s. Society for Empowerment & Welfare Action (SEWA) having its
q Registered office at Ghantabahali Plot No.17/2020 .P.S-Titlagarh Dist.Bolangir
represented by the Executive Secretary Sri Dingara Tandi (which expression shall, where the
B context so admits, inCludes its successors, per;nitted assigns and amalgamated) as SECOND

g Whereas, SS&PED has decided for Impart Community Awareness

Campaign Programme, Personality Development, skill up gradation training & self-employment
@inkage and Self Help Group(SHG)formation for Transgender during the financial year 2023-
24, and thereafter, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants hereinafter
contained, it is mutually agreed and declared by and between the parties hereto as follows:
1. TheSEWA, Ghantabahali, Bolangir will implement various activities for
g Transgender Persons. in consonants with SyVEEKRUTI g.uideline + i is
- amendments. The particular of the operating Project Implementing Agencies is
as here under:
a. Name of Organization/Institution: Society for Empowerment & Welfare Action (SEWA) \

A b. Name of Authorized Person: Sri Dingara Tandi,Executive Secretary,SEWA Mot>6371784698

v With Designation & MobileNo.

g c. Registered Office/Head Offioe Address- Ghantabahali, Bolangir

SRA 1860-5018-314 of 2001-2002

B Registration Number with:

ric .2019/01/2022

SSEPD Depar+THat

, tH!


Stamp VOn{}a 1 ] F:FR323
Tit it?'

++ I:L, S +•.';Br. ' •t• • '•

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f’GIRI riga . VIi:;i+f;X]

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q+w+Ba :} . ...
Date & Pla(..eof Registration: 30th Match 2002 /BOLANGIR COLLECTORATE

e. Status/Constitution of the firm : Active



g. Phone /Fax/ Mobile No.: 63717@1698

h. E-mail & Website:

2. Duties&ResponsibilitiesoftheAgency :

a. MoU will be valid for a Period of One year i.e.dt: to

And may be extended on case to case basis depending on performance of
the agency.

b. Project Implementing Agency (PIAs)will work in the area allotted to them.

c.. The
agency should provide different services for identification, welfare,
personality Development of Transgender Persons, arrange for skill
development and other activities as provided under Sweekruti Scheme of
the Department.

d. The selected PIA/Agency shall submit Action Plan, Programme Calendar

and Budget to OSSO for approval before commencement of programme
to the concerned DSSOs and shall work accordingly. Only after the
budget approval, the agency can start working in specified area.
e. Should keep records of all the beneficiaries and facilitate their
rehabilitation process by coordinating with DSSO/BSSO of concerned
district .

f. Should co-ordinate with DSSO/BSSO of concerned District for

organization of Panchayat/Village level programmes.

g. Submit Monthly Progress Report to concerned DSSOs/SSEPDDepartment.

3. ResponsibilityofDepartment/DSSO:

a. Funds will be released to the Agency through PFMS. All the DSSOs &
PIAs will open and operate Zero balance accounts which shall be
mapped under PFMS with SNA account ofthe Department,
b. Ensure co-ordination & linkages with district and field level
officials/functionaries suchasDSSO/BSSO etc. oftheconcerned district
c. MonitorfunctioningofAgenciesth roughDSSOs/BSSOsconcerned .

d. Any other issues required to be addressed at Department/Government



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SSEPD Departrnent
4. Scopeofwork-

Shall follow the Sweekruti guidelines of SSEPD Department and other

assignments and instructions as may be issued from time to time.

5. Renewal of Agreement-

SSEPD Deptt. may consider the renewal of agreement basing on the

performance evaluation report of agencies, or may extend period of contract.
As executive orders on same terms &conditions.

6. Inspectionofrecords-

The authorized representative of SSEPD Deptt. can inspect the

relevant records and visit the area ofimplementationfor monitoring atanytime.

7. Review&Monitoring-

Quarterly review meeting will be organized at SSEPD Deptt. to have

discussion with the operating agencies, progress achieved along with all
other issues associated with the programme.

8. Audit & Utilization-

Utilization Certificates for the programme/ project should be sent to

the Director SSEPDby31 st March of the ongoing financial year. Similarly the
NGOs shall submit utilization certificate ,audited statement and report cards
along with such other documents as may be asked for and keep accounts of
the organization open for audit by the Department.

9. Progress Report-

The operating agencies shall submit monthly report on achievement of the

agencyin the specified area to DSSOs with copy to the SSEPD Deptt.
concerned as per prescribed format.

10. ChangeintheProvisions/cancellationof theMOU-

The provisions of this MOU can be changed at any time at the discretion of
SSEPD Deptt. The SSEPD Deptt. may cancel this MOU at any time on
unsatisfactory performance.

11. ReviewoftheScheme-

SSEPD Deptt. may, at it’ s discretion, undertake review of the scheme as

and when required.

12. Jurisdiction- Bargarh

PT4-SSEPD-DA6-SS-0002-201 9/01 /2022

• The agreement is subject to the Jurisdiction of courts in Bhubaneswar and

The Memorandum of Understanding is signed between the Director, SSEPD Deptt

And SEWA Ghantabahali Bolangir agreement to the terms and conditions stated above
and functioning of Agency will commence from, ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... ......,

The above MOU id signed on dt........................... ...................and

valid upto ......................................................

y (Signatnhbr ,\ (Sig I
ltive !tary
F„ & ,„ b,h,if ,f MB P@g©Re88,1 (Fi„t p„ty)
Name lting
Director, SSEPD Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Agency with seal



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PT4-SSEPD-DA6-SS-0002-2019/01 /2022
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Bed’I atfiVTT ODISHA P 685981

Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred as MoU) for Project Implementing
i agencies to Impart Community Awareness Campaign Programme at Nuapada in District
of Odisha.
The MoU is signed on this of June, 2023 at the office of Social Security &
i Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Department, Odisha, and Bhubaneswar.
Department of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter
as SS&EPD), Government of Odisha represented by Director, SS&EPD Which
expression shall, where the context so admits include its successor in office as FIRST


M/s. Social Association for Transgender Integration (SATI) having its registered office
at Radhakrishnapada (Ward No: 06) PO/ P.S/District: Nuapada (Odisha)

Represented by Ms. Juli Majhi (which expression shall, where the context so admits,
includes its successors, permitted assigns and amalgamated) as SEC£)ND PARTY.
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Whereas, SS&PED has decided for Impart Community Awareness Campaign

Programme, Personality Development, skill up gradation training & self-employment
Linkage and Self Help Group (SHG) formation for Transgender during the financial
year 2023-24.and thereafter, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants
hereinafter contained, it is mutually agreed and declared by and between the parties
hereto as follows:
1 M/s. The Social Association for Transgender Integration (SATI) (name &
address) will implement various activities for Transgender Persons in
consonants with Sweekruti guideline & its amendments. The particular of the
operating Project Implementing Agencies is as hen undef:
a) Name 0 f M/s. Social Association for
Organization/Institution : Transgender Integration (SATI)
b) Name of Authorized Person Ms. July Majhi
With Designation & Mobile No: President, SATI (7803087622,
94371 19702)
C) Registered Office/Head Office at Radhakrishnapada (Ward No:
Address: 06) PO/ P.S/District: Nuapada
d) Registration Number with 41422300578
Date& Place of Registration District Sub-Register, Nuapada
e) Status/Constitution of the firm: Trust Deed
h) Phone/Fax/Mobile No 7803087622, 9437119702
i) E-mail & Website:

O Duties & Responsibilities of the Agency:

a) MoU will be valid for a Period of One year i.e. dt:....................... to
................... And may be extended on case to case basis depending
on performance of the agency.
b) Project Implementing Agency (PIAs) will work in the area allotted to them.
C) The agency should provide different services for identification, welfare,
Personality Development of Transgender Persons, arrange for skill
Development and other activities as provided under Sweekruti Scheme of The

d) The Selected PIA/Agency shall submit Action Plan, Programme Calendar and
Budget to DSSO for approval before commencement of pFogramme to thF
c,on;,erned DSSOs and shall work accordingly. Only after the budget Approval,
the agency can start working in speci8ed area.

e) should keep records of all the beneficiaries and facilitate their Rehabilitation
process by coordinating with DSSO/BSSO of concerned District

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SSEPD Departmalt


f) Should co-ordinate with DSSO/BSSO of concerned district for organization of

Panchayat/Village level programmes.
g) Submit Monthly Progress Report to concerned DSSOs/SSEPD Department.
3. Responsibility of DepartmenVDSSO:

a) Funds will be released to the Agency through PFMS. All the DSSOs & PIAs will
open and operate Zero balance accounts which shall be mapped Under PFMF
with SNA account of the Department.
b) Ensure co-ordination & linkages with district and field level Officials/functionaries
such as DSSO/BSSO etc. of the concerned district
c) Monitor functioning of Agencies through DSSOs/BSSOs concerned
d) Any other issues required to be addressed at Department/Government level.

4. Scope of work-
Shall follow the Sweekruti guidelines of SSEPD Department and other
Assignments and instructions as may be issued from time to time.
5. Renewal of Agreement-
SSEPD Deptt. May consider the renewal of agreement basing on the
Performance evaluation report of agencies, or may extend period of contract. As
executive orders on same terms & conditions
6. Inspection of records-
The authorized representative of SSEPD Deptt. Can inspect the relevant Records
and visit the area of implementation for monitoring at any time.
7. Review & Monitoring-
Quarterly review meeting will be organized at SSEPD Deptt. To have Discussion with
the operating agencies, progress achieved along with all other Issues associated with
the programme.
8. Audit & Utilization-
Utilization Certificate for the programme/project should be sent to the Director SSEPD
by 31 st March of the ongoing financial year. Similarly, the NGOs shall submit utilization
certificate, audited statement and report cards Along with such other documents as
may be asked for and keep accounts of the organization open for audit by the
9. Progress Report-
The operation agencies shall submit monthly report on achievement of the Agency in
the specified area to DSSOs with copy to the SSEPD Deptt. Concerned as per
prescribed format.

Soc;. f . sc f f T:an
IntegratIon{sAI'l J. i. ..„ , .ada

DtI It
$SEPD DejRMent
10. Change in the Provisions/ cancellation of the MOU-
The provision of this MOU can be changed at any time at the discretion of
SSEPD Deptt. The SSEPD Deptt. May cancel this MOU at any time on
unsatisfactory performance.
11. Review of the Scheme-
SSEPD Deptt. May at its discretion, undertake review of the scheme as and When
required .

12. Jurisdiction-
The agreement is subject to the Jurisdiction of courts in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.

The Memorandum of Understanding is signed between Directors, SSEPD Deptt.

And M/s. Social Association for Transgender Integration (SATI), Nuapada

In agreement to the terms and conditions stated above and functioning of Agency will
Commence from

The above MOU is Signed on........................and Valid up to...............

(Signature) Dtrecbr
For & orf6J an Deptt. With For & on behalf of Name of the
seal(First Party) Executing Agency with seal
(Second Party) b L . f ; NaIA\:
SociaIA$80cfdioBbt Tran: g.
Witness Witness
1. R€Avx a\\gYM) pdb%aRk
OIRMS,£lidalrbomt y
2. NuaB'vla 2. 'atqq if
khAn t.b„,&

lat.B- tri''eeA : '_
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ODISHA N 893404
aQ 1
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M{norandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred as MoU) for Project Implementing Agencies to
Impart Community awareness Campaign Programme at Jajpur in Districts of Odisha.

Thg MoU is signed on this --–––-- day of -–––––––-- 2023 at the office of Social Security &
Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities. Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar.


DeBartment of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter as SS&EPD),
Goqernment of Odisha represented by Director, SS&EPD which expression shall, where the context
so©dmits include its successor in office as FIRST PARTY.


M/is. SAKHA having its registered office at Plot No.335/1080,Aradhana Nagar, Ebarang Mauza,
Sugdarpada,Bhubaneswar-751002, P.S – Airfield, Bhubaneswar, District-Khordha

RePresented by Neha Mahapatra, President of SAKHA (which expression shall, where the context so
admits, includes its successors, permitted assigns and amalgamated) as SE :OND PARTY

g P
W g
SSEPD Dep8n8uot
S 'F. t< FI A
Bh ub aneBWat

Whereas, SS&PED has decided for Impart Community Awareness Campaign Programme, Personality
Development, skill up gradation training & self employment linkage and Self Help Group (SHG)
formation for Transgender during the financial year 2022-23, and thereafter, in consideration of the
mutual promises and covenants hereinafter contained, it is mutually agreed and declared by and
between the parties hereto as follows:

1. The SAKHA , Plot No.335/1080,Aradhana Nagar, Ebarang Mauza,Sundarpada,Bhubaneswar-

751002, P.S – Airfield, Bhubaneswar, District-Khordha will implement various activities for
Transgender Persons in consonants with Sweekruti guideline & its amendments. The particular of
the operating Project Implementing Agencies is as here under:

a. Name of Organization/Institution: SAKHA

b. Name of Authorized Person: Neha Mohapatra, With Designation & Mobile No. President, Mobile

c. Registered Office/Head Office Address: Plot No.335/1080, Aradhana Nagar, Ebarang Mauza,
Sundarpada,Bhubaneswar-751002, P.S - Airfield, Bhubaneswar, District-Khordha

d. Registration Number with: 23043/50 of 2009-2010 dated 1“ day of October, 2009

Date & Place of Registration

e. Status/Constitution of the firm: Society


g. Phone/ Fax/Mobile No. : 9658667606

h. E-mail & Website: &


2. Duties & Responsibilities of the Agency:

a. MoU will be valid for a Period of One year i.e. dt: to

and may be extended on case to case basis depending on performance of the agency.

b. Project Implementing Agency (PIAs) will work in the area allotted to them.

c. The agency should provide different services for identification, welfare, personality Development
of Transgender Persons, arrange for skill development and other activities as provided under
Sweekruti Scheme of the Department.

d. The selected PIA/Agency shall submit Action Plan, Programme Calendar and Budget to OSSO fOI
approval before commencement of programme to the concerned DSSOs and shall work accordingly
Only after the budget approval, the agency can start working in specified area.

e. Should keep records of all the beneficiaries and facilitate their rehabilitation process by
coordinating with DSSO/BSSO of concerned district.

fr: St

IT. A }< tI -b--
= = t !- I ?:: Ra'S\Af af

SSEPD DepanB+nt

f. Should co-ordinate with DSSO/BSSO of concerned district for organization of Panchayat/Village

level programmes.

g. Submit Monthly Progress Report to concerned DSSOs/ SSEPD Department.

3. Responsibility of Department/ OSSO:

a. Funds will be released to the Agency through PFMS. All the DSSOs & PIAs will open and operate
Zero balance accounts which shall be mapped under PFMS with SNA account of the Department

b. Ensure co-ordination & linkages with district and field level officials/functionaries such as
DSSO/BSSO etc. of the concerned district.

c. Monitor functioning of Agencies through DSSOs/BSSOs concerned.

d. Any other issues required to be addressed at Department/Government level.

4. Scope of work-

Shall follow the Sweekruti guidelines of SSEPD Department and other assignments and instructions
as may be issued from time to time.

5. Renewal of Agreement -

SSEPD Deptt. may consider the renewal of agreement basing on the performance evaluation report
of agencies, or may extend period of contract. As executive orders on same terms & conditions.

6. Inspection of records-

The authorized representative of SSEPD Deptt. Can inspect the relevant records and visit the area of
implementation for monitoring at any time.

7. Review & Monitoring-

Quarterly review meeting will be organized at SSEPD Deptt. to have discussion with the operating
agencies, progress achieved along with all other issues associated with the programme.

8. Audit & Utilization-

Utilization Certificates for the programme/ project should be sent to the Director SSEPD by 31st
March of the ongoing financial year. Similarly the NGOs shall submit utilization certificate, audited
statement and report cards along with such other documents as may be asked for and keep
accounts of the organization open for audit by the Department.

9. Progress Report-

The operating agencies shall submit monthly report on achievement of the agency in the specified
area to DSSOs with copy to the SSEPD Deptt.concerned as per prescribed format.

10. Change in the Provisions/cancellation of the MOU-

tIt-'.:':t'- ''
SSEPD Department
The provisions of this MOU can be changed at any time at the discretion of SSEPD Deptt. The SSEPD
Deptt. May cancel this MOU at any time on unsatisfactory performance.

11. Review of the Scheme-

SSEPD Deptt. May, at its discretion, undertake review of the scheme as and when required

12. Jurisdiction-

The agreement is subject to the Jurisdiction of courts in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.

The Memorandum of Understanding is signed between Directors, SSEPD Deptt. And

In agreement to the terms and conditions stated above and functioning of Agency will commence

The above MOU is signed on.............................................................. .and

valid up to ...............................................................................................

) :; ! (={ e t+I t+

Gi P\„ }( A ?--'.

(Signature) (Signature) ' ' " :'-'' ' ' -’ " ' -

For & on beW#j}WWNWnt For & on behalf of Name of Executing Agency

The (First Party) the (Second Party)

LJEly\eM IJt4~c„
t B

a ' kat)Leo dr)r(ee ATHol–


Li II !\)

. . B

F_S= ’ellc
C) 1 OC

06611 % ODISHA N 893403


M6morandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred as MoU) for Project Implementing Agencies to

Impart Community Awareness Campaign Programme at Dhenkanal in Districts of Odisha

T& MoU is signed on this ––––-- day of ---––––––-- 2023 at the office of Social Security &
Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar.


Department of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter as SS&EPD),
G&,rnment of Odisha represented by Director, SS&EPD which expression shall, whdre the context
s03dmits include its successor in office as FIRST PARTY.


M/s. SAKHA having its registered office at Plot No.335/1080,Aradhana Nagar, Ebarang Mauza,
Su6darpada,Bhubaneswar-751002, P.S – Airfield, Bhubaneswar, District-Khordha

Reeresented by Neha Mahapatra, President of SAKHA (which expression shall, where the context so
admits, includes its successors, permitted assigns and amalgamated) as SECOND PARTY
Wha F) i iI D j f{ ,I n j
gSA Kt
}@ B hUb a nes
SSEPD Department

I iI: '} .I}


tft%'h!-:;• ,T - f: 3 _
Whereas, SS&PED has decided for Impart Community Awareness Campaign Programme, Personality
Development, skill up gradation training & self employment linkage and Self Help Group (SHG)
formation for Transgender during the financial year 2022-23, and thereafter, in consideration of the
mutual promises and covenants hereinafter contained, it is mutually agreed and declared by and
between the parties hereto as follows:

1. The SAKHA , Plot No.335/1080,Aradhana Nagar, Ebarang Mauza,Sundarpada,Bhubaneswar-

751002, P.S – Airfield, Bhubaneswar, District-Khordha will implement various activities for
Transgender Persons in co-nsonants with Sweekruti guideline & its amendments. The particular of
the operating Project Implementing Agencies is as here under:

a. Name of Organization/Institution: SAKHA

b. Name of Authorized Person: Neha Mohapatra, With Designation & Mobile No. President, Mobile

c. Registered Office/Head Office Address: Plot No.335/1080, Aradhana Nagar, Ebarang Mauza,
Sundarpada,Bhubaneswar-751002, P.S – Airfield, Bhubaneswar, District-Khordha

d. Registration Number with: 23043/50 of 2009-2010 dated 1“ day of October, 2009

Date & Place of Registration

e. Status/Constitution of the firm: Society

f. PAN: ABSFS6060M

g. Phone/ Fax/Mobile No. : 9658667606

h. E-mail & Website: &


2. Duties & Responsibilities of the Agency:

a. MoU will be valid for a Period of One year i.e. dt: to

and may be extended on case to case basis depending on performance of the agency.

b. Project Impiementing Agency (PIAs) wiil work in the area allotted to them.

c. The agency should provide different services for identification, welfare, personality Development
of Transgender Persons, arrange for skill development and other activities as provided under
Sweekruti Scheme of the Department.

d. The selected PIA/Agency shall submit Action Plan, Programme Calendar and Budget to OSSO for
approval before commencement of programme to the concerned DSSOs and shall work accordingly
Only after the budget approval, the agency can start working in specified area.

e. Should keep records of all the beneficiaries and facilitate their rehabilitation process by
coordinating with DSSO/BSSO of concerned district.

y }( !!

SSEPD Department
f. Should co-ordinate with DSSO/BSSO of concerned district for organization of Panchayat/Village
level programmes.

g. Submit Monthly Progress Report to concerned DSSOs/ SSEPD Department.

3. Responsibility of Department/ OSSO:

a. Funds will be released to the Agency through PFMS. All the DSSOs & PIAs will open and operate
Zero balance accounts which shall be mapped under PFMS with SNA account of the Department.

b. Ensure co-ordination & linkages with district and field level officials/functionaries such as
DSSO/BSSO etc. of the concerned district.

c. Monitor functioning of Agencies through DSSOs/BSSOs concerned.

d. Any other issues required to be addressed at Department/Government level.

4. Scope of work-

Shall follow the Sweekruti guidelines of SSEPD Department and other assignments and instructions
as may be issued from time to time.

5. Renewal of Agreement -

SSEPD Deptt. may consider the renewal of agreement basing on the performance evaluation report
of agencies, or may extend period of contract. As executive orders on same terms & conditions.

6. Inspection of records-

The authorized representative of SSEPD Deptt. Can inspect the relevant records and visit the area of
implementation for monitoring at any time.

7. Review & Monitoring-

Quarterly review meeting will be organized at SSEPD Deptt. to have discussion with the operating
agencies, progress achieved along with all other issues associated with the programme.

8. Audit & Utilization-

Utilization Certificates for the programme/ project should be sent to the Director SSEPD by 31st
March of the ongoing financial year. Similarly the NGOs shall submit utilization certificate, audited
statement and report cards along with such other documents as may be asked for and keep
accounts of the organization open for audit by the Department.

9. Progress Report-

The operating agencies shall submit monthly report on achievement of the agency in the specified
area to DSSOs with copy to the SSEPD Deptt.concerned as per prescribed format.

10. Change in the Provisions/cancellation of the MOU-

qr.;}: Ft A
Bh u b3ne3w ar
SSEPO D,pa,t,nent

', _. !UP' It:..'

Tq ;;}\ :: {jl L {;' \ :a #

The provisions of this MOU can be changed at any time at the discretion of SSEPD Deptt. The SSEPD
Deptt. May cancel this MOU at any time on unsatisfactory performance.

11. Review of the Scheme-

SSEPD Deptt. May, at its discretion, undertake review of the scheme as and when required

12. Jurisdiction-

The agreement is subject to the Jurisdiction of courts in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.

The Memorandum of Understanding is signed between Directors, SSEPD Deptt. And

In agreement to the terms and conditions stated above and functioning of Agency will commence

The above MOU is signed on................................................., and

valid up to ......................................................................................

(Signature ) (Signature)

For & on b&WD©£khMt For & on behalf of Name of Executing Agency

The (First Party) the (Second Party)

hi i hay td IInt'%

a. kab Lta 4t)np e Am)at:

R. hU
lb+a Sm llbb

Be A

o01 oo 1 o61
001 OO 1 001


a@dl @HT ODIS:A ; N 893402


plemorandurn of Understanding (hereinafter referred as MoU) for Project Implementing Agencies to
Impart Community Awareness Campaign Programme at Boudh in Districts of Odisha

the MoU ’is signed on this -–––--- day of -–––––––-- 2023 at the office of Social Security &
Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar.


*Department of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter as SS&EPD),
gGovernment of Odisha represented by Director, SS&EPD which expression sha11, where the context
i,so admits include its successor in office as FIRST PARTY.

M/s. SAKHA having its registered office at Plot No.335/1080,Aradhana Nagar, Ebarang Mauza,
$Sundarpada,Bhubaneswar-751002, P.S – Airfield, Bhubaneswar, District-Khordha

!Represented by Neha Mahapatra, President of SAKHA (which expression shall, where the context so
admits, includes its successors, permitted assigns and amalgamated) as SECOND PARTY

S .A, F: FJ .J\
hP/ SSEPD Uetxartnunt Bn { iba IIe s''."/af
q \N A.P

et *VW
'-+’ - A tJ \:' ' ' -
Whereas, SS&PED has decided for Impart Community Awareness Campaign Programme, Personality
Development, skill up gradation training & self employment linkage and Self Help Group (SHG)
formation for Transgender during the financial year 2022-23, and thereafter, in consideration of the
mutual promises and covenants hereinafter contained, it is mutually agreed and declared by and
between the parties hereto as follows:

1. The SAKHA , Plot No.335/1080,Aradhana Nagar, Ebarang Mauza,Sundarpada,Bhubaneswar-

751002, P.S – Airfield, Bhubaneswar, District-Khordha will implement various activities for
Transgender Persons in consonants with Sweekruti guideline & its amendments. The particular of
the operating Project Implementing Agencies is as here under:

a. Name of Organization/Institution: SAKHA

b. Name of Authorized Person: Neha Mohapatra, With Designation & Mobile No. President, Mobile

c. Registered Office/Head Office Address: Plot No.335/1080, Aradhana Nagar, Ebarang Mauza/
Sundarpada,Bhubaneswar-751002, P.S – Airfield, Bhubaneswar, District-Khordha

d. Registration Number with: 23043/50 of 2009-2010 dated lst day of October/ 2009

Date & Place of Registration

e. Status/Constitution of the firm: Society

f. PAN: ABSFS6060M

g. Phone/ Fax/Mobile No. : 9658667606

h. E-mail & Website: &


2. Duties & Responsibilities of the Agency:

a. MoU will be valid for a Period of One year i.e. dt: to

and may be extended on case to case basis depending on performance of the agency

b. Project Implementing Agency (PIAs) will work in the area allotted to them.

c. The agency should provide different services for identification1 welfare/ personality Development
of Transgender Persons, arrange for skill development and other activities as provided under
Sweekruti Scheme of the Department.

d' The selected PIA/AgencY shall submit Action Plan, Programme Calendar and Budget to OSSO for
approval before commencement of programme to the concerned DSSOs and shall work accordingly
OnIY after the budget approval, the agency can start working in specified area

e. Should keep records of all the beneficiaries and facilitate their rehabilitation process by
coordinating with DSSO/BSSO of concerned district.

c ;; ’& b F\
Sir u bar:ec '':: '
SSEPD Dep;’rtment
f. Should co-ordinate with DSSO/BSSO of concerned district for organization of Panchayat/Village
level programmes.

g. Submit Monthly Progress Report to concerned DSSOs/ SSEPD Department.

3. Responsibility of Department/ OSSO:

a. Funds will be released to the Agency through PFMS. All the DSSOs & PIAs will open and operate
Zero balance accounts which shall be mapped under PFMS with SNA account of the Department.

b. Ensure co-ordination & linkages with district and field level officials/functionaries such as
DSSO/BSSO etc. of the concerned district.

c. Monitor functioning of Agencies through DSSOs/BSSOs concerned.

d. Any other issues required to be addressed at Department/Government level.

4. Scope of work-

Shall follow the Sweekruti guidelines of SSEPD Department and other assignments and instructions
as may be issued from time to time.

5. Renewal of Agreement -

SSEPD Deptt. may consider the renewal of agreement basing on the performance evaluation report
of agencies, or may extend period of contract. As executive orders on same terms & conditions

6. Inspection of records-

The authorized representative of SSEPD Deptt. Can inspect the relevant records and visit the area of
implementation for monitoring at any time.

7. Review & Monitoring-

Quarterly review meeting will be organized at SSEPD Deptt. to have discussion with the operating
agencies, progress achieved along with all other issues associated with the programme.

8. Audit & Utilization-

Utilization Certificates for the programme/ project should be sent to the Director SSEPD by 31st
March of the ongoing financial year. Similarly the NGOs shall submit utilization certificate/ audited
statement and report cards along with such other documents as may be asked for and keep
accounts of the organization open for audit by the Department.

9. Progress Report-

The operating agencies shall submit monthly report on achievement of the agency in the specified
area to DSSOs with copy to the SSEPD Deptt.concerned as per prescribed format.

10. Change in the Provisions/cancellation of the MOU-

SSEPD Department
The provisions of this MOU can be changed at any time at the discretion of SSEPD Deptt. The SSEPD
Deptt. May cancel this MOU at any time on unsatisfactory performance.

11. Review of the Scheme-

SSEPD Deptt. May, at its discretion, undertake review of the scheme as and when required.

12. Jurisdiction-

The agreement is subject to the Jurisdiction of courts in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.

The Memorandum of Understanding is signed between Directors, SSEPD Deptt. And

In agreement to the terms and conditions stated above and functioning of Agency will commence

The above MOU is signed o

valid up to ...................................

(Signature) (Signature)
For & on beh gS B
For & on behalf of Name of Executing Agency

The (First Party) the (Second Party)

~]J ;h,46 LJ iInz $!

R:Lea. qj}A

a' nT8b”'e +'M '


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n P 124949


Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred as MoU) for PFoject

!nting Agencies to Impart Community Awareness Campaign Programme at

in Districts of Odisha

’ The MoU is signed on this_ _day of_ . 2022 at

of Persons with Disabilities
tF office of Social Security & Empowerment
Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar.

i gS S
Department of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
(6erelnafter as SS&EPD), Government of Odisha represented by Director, SS&EPD
which expression shall, where the context so admits include its successor in office as


B M/s. f)WE, ndc,#vhqt,q’&K:gkhm ,t %aLLL aor)

Plot No.

h r d hJIi
(tLIIb1r1L &7
Dist. IA 14q,da

rgpresented (which expression shall, where the context

so admits, includes its permitted assigns and amalgamated) as SECOND

hk g
Whereas, SS&PED has decided for Impart Comrnunity Awareness Campaign
Programme, Personality Development, skill up gradation training & self employment
linkage and Self Help Group (SHG) formation for Transgender during the financial
year 2022-23, and thereafter, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants
hereinafter contained, it is mutually agreed and declared by and between the parties
hereto as follows:

1. The ChpJ Lal lluT d hmJCE @hI,boltl£lr:!as e r\ CZJZFiba

implement various activities for Transgender Persons in consonants with

Sweekruti guideline & its amendments. The particular of the operating Project
Implementing Agencies is as here under: /al
a Name of Organization/Institution Cha,„„/ fLunJ &eD.:bt,a
(boa{d. QWllW\iD&fca
b. Name of Authorized Person :

y Gc/h''-“
With Designation & Mobile No.

c. Registered Office/Head Office Address

d. Registration Number with :

: :EIII:i :r2::+ 1 :11? jf : q:

Date & Place of Registration

I''I!{= iS/ T:'V:
N\a ’ AcT XIV I oG &3qrz/IF
e. Status/Constitution of the firm : g -} c? F Ceo-IF'&
f. PAN : TAN/GST :

g. Phone/ Fax/Mobile No. :

cha„„ „M"u_ &&3 a
h. E.mail & Website :
G\v\cal,- <=ocn
2. Duties & RosponsibiHtles of the Agency:

a. MoU will be valid for a Period of One year i.e. dt: b

and may be extended on case to case basis depending on performance of the

b. Project Implementing Agency (PIAs) will work in the area allotted to them'

c. The agency should provide different services for identificaUonl welfare.

person-aIity Development of Transgender Persons, arrange for skill
development and other activities as provided under Sweet<ruM Scheme of
the Department.

d. The selected pIA/Agency shaH submit Action Plan, Programme Calendar

and Budget to DSSO for approval before commencement of programme tP e
the concerned DSSOs and shall work accordingIY. OnIY after the budget
approval, the agency can start working in specified area.
e. should keep records Qf all the beneficiaries and facilitate ,their
a giI e S itH:
rehabilitation process by coordinating with DSSO/BSSO of concerned

f. Should co-ordinate with DSSO/BSSO of concerned district fOF organlzaUon

of PanchayaWiHage level prograrnrnes. e
g. Submit Monthly Progress Report to concerned DSSOs/ SSEPD Department'

3. Responsibility of Department /DSSO:

a. Funds will be released to the Agency through PFMS. All the DSSOs &
PIAs will open and operate Zero balance accounts which shall be mapped
und8T PFMS with SNA account of the Department.
b. Ensure coordination & linkages with district and field level
officials/functionaries such as DSSO/BSSO etc' of the concerned dlstnct'
c. Monitor functioning of Agencies through DSSOs/BSSOs conceFned'
d. Any other issues required to be addressed at Department/Government
h) level
qi +
4. Scope of work.
e Shall follow the Sweekruti guidelines of SSEPD Department and other
assignments and instructions as may be issued from time to time.
5. Renewal of Agreement –

SSEPD Deptt. may consider the renewal of agreement basing on the

performance evaluation report of agencies, or may extend period of contract.
As executive orders on same terms & conditions.

6. Inspection of records-

The authorized representative of SSEPD Deptt. can inspect the relevant

records and visit the area of implementation for monitoring at any time,
7. Review & Monitoring-

Quarterly review meeting will be organized at SSEPD Deptt. to have

discussion with the operating agencies, progress achieved along with all other
issues associated with the programme.
8. Audit & Utilization-

UtITlzatlon CertifIcates for the programme/ project should be sent to the

Director SSEPD by 31 st March of the ongoing financial year. Similarly the
NGOs shall submit utilization certificate, audited statement and report cards
along with such other documents as may be asked for and keep accounts of
the organization open for audit by the Department.
9. Progress Report -

The operatfng agencies shall subrntt monthly report on achievement of The

agency in the specified area to DSSOs with copy to the SSEPD Deptt.
concerned as per prescribed format.
IO. Change in the Provisions/cancellation of the MOU.

The provisions of this MOU can be changed at-any tirne at the discretion of
SSEPD Deptt. The SSEPD Deptt. may cancel this MOU at any time on
O w\sa#6taotory performance. }.
11. Review of the Scheme-

SSEPD Deptt. may, at its discretion, undertake review of the scheme as and
when required.
12. Jurisdiction-
The agreement is subject to the Jurisdiction of courts in
he Memorandum of Understanding is signed between Director, SSEPD Deptt. and

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The above MOU is signed on and 3

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;E '8 cS

y (Signature)Dfrectbr
For 89PBa9P399?PpD D,pa.
(Second Party)
with seal (First Party)

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e6aPatftvn ODISHA R 163183
No. ySS Date.


h Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred as MoU) for Project

'Implementing Agencies to Impart Community Awareness Campaign Programme at
BSAMBALPUR in District of Odisha.

g The MoU is signed on this of..........................23 at the office

of Social Security & Empowerment of Person with Disabilities Department, Odisha,


g Department of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

(hereinafter as SS&EPD), Government of Odisha represented by Director,SS&EPD which
expression shall, where the context so admits include its successor in office as FIRST
M/s. SAKHI having its Registered office At-Langipalli, Ashok Nivas, Lane-6,
Berhampur, Dist- Ganjam represented by Sweety Sahu, President (which expression shall,
i where the context so admits, includes its successors, permitted assigns and amalgamated)
Whereas, SSEPD has decided for Impart Community Awareness Campaign
Programme, Personality Development, skill up gradation training &self-employment
B linkage and Self-Help Group (SHG) formation for Transgender during the financial year
2022-23, andthereafter, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants

/ >QetJVXuL~~1

SSEPD Department bItbMW, adele

'q + t
a g
f+ ++ pr\
% &q +8

O fI S
easy fy (’){!! Ger
SF+ci 81 Tr+8Stjry

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&- ,C..tb+t: - .# ##

hereinafter contained, it is mutually agreed and declared by and between the parties
hereto as follows:

1. The SAKHI, At-Langipalli, Ashok Nivas, Lane-6, Berhampur, Dist- Ganjamwill implement
various activities for Transgender Persons in consonants with Sweekruti guideline & its
amendments. The particular of the operating Project Implementing Agencies is as here

a. Name of Organization/ institution: SAKHI

b. Name of Authorized Person: SWEETY SAHU (President), 9078945355

With Designation & Mobile No. MANOJ KU. TARAI (Secretary), 7978614818

c. Registered Office/Head Office Address: At-Langipalli, Ashok Nivas, Lane-6,

Berhampur, Dist- Ganjam

d . Registration Number with

Date & Place of Registration : 344/11202100044 of 2021-2022,
Date.10.08.2021 at Registrar of Society
Odisha, Cuttack.
e. Status/Constitution of the firm: Active

f. PAN, AALAS7859K TAN/GST:88303912816755

g. Phone/ Fax/Mobile No: 9078945355

h. E-mail & Website:

2. Duties & Responsibilities of the Agency:

a. MOU will be valid for a Period of One year i.e. date.17-03-2023 to 31.03.2024
and may be extended on case to case basis depending on performance of the

b. Project Implementing Agency (PIAs) will work in the area allotted to them.

c. The agencY should provide different services for identification, welfare,

personality Development of Transgender Persons/ arrange for skill development
and other activities as provided under Sweekruti Scheme of the Department.

d'The selected PIA/AgencY shall submit Action Plan, Programme Calendar and
Budget to DSSO for approval before commencement of programme to the
concerned DSSO and shall work accordingly. Only after the budget approval the
agency can start working in specified area.

p L+L)

P SSEPD Deprtmen' IPl& OdBha

e. Should keep records of all the beneficiaries and facilitate their rehabilitation
process by coordinating with DSSO/BSSO of concerned district.

f. Should co-ordinate with DSSO/BSSO of concerned district for organization of

Panchayat village level programmes.

g. Submit Monthly Progress Report to concerned DSSOs/ SSEPD Department.

3. Responsibility of Department / DSSO:

a. Funds will be released to the Agency through PFMS. All the DSSOs & PIAs will
open and operate Zero balance accounts which shall be mapped under PFMS with
SNA account of the Department.
b. Ensure co-ordination & linkages with district and field level officials/functionaries
such as DSSO/BSSO etc. of the concerned district.
c. Monitor functioning of Agencies through DSSOs/BSSOs concerned.
d . Any other issues required to be addressed at Department/Government level.

4. Scope of work-

Shall follow the Sweekruti guidelines of SSEPD Department and other assignments
and instructions as may be issued from time to time.

5. Renewal of Agreement –

SSEPD Deptt. may consider the renewal of agreement basing on the performance
evaluation report of agencies, or may extend period of contract. As executive orders
on same terms & conditions.

6. Inspection of records-

The authorized representative of SSEPD Deptt. can inspect the relevant records and
visit the area of implementation for monitoring at any time.

7. Review & Monitoring-

Quarterly review meeting will be organized at SSEPD Deptt. to have discussion with
the operating agencies, progress achieved along with all other issues associated with
the programme.

8. Audit & Utilization-

Utilization Certificates for the programme/ project should be sent to theDirector

SSEPD by 31st March of the ongoing financial year. Similarly the NGOs shall submit
utilization certificate, audited statement and report cards along with such other
documents as may be asked for and keep accounts of the organization open for audit
by the Department.


Dll Bell CHaIn

9. Progress Report –

The operating agencies shall submit monthly report on achievement of the

agency in the specified area to DSSOs with copy to the SSEPD Deptt. concerned
as per prescribed format.

10. Change in the Provisions/cancellation of the MOU-

The provisions of this MOU can be changed at any time at the discretion of SSEPD
Dept. The SSEPD Dept. may cancel this MOU at any time on unsatisfactory

11. Review of the Scheme-

SSEPD Deptt. may, at its discretion, undertake review of the scheme as and when

12. Jurisdiction-

The agreement is subject to the Jurisdiction of court in BHUBANESWAR AND


The Memorandum of Understanding is signed between Director, SSEPD Department and

SAKHI At-Langipalli, Ashok Nivas, Lane-6, Berhampur, Dist- Ganjam.

In agreement to the terms and conditions stated above and functioning of Agency
will commence from...........................

The above MOU is signed on Date............................ and valid up to Date. .............................

/( Si g n a t u r e
)A Hi!;at:Ie).
For & osSanD &}MdP#08ptt. For & on behalf 'of Name of
with seal (First Party) the Executing Agency with seal
(Second Party)
SAKHI (Galjam)
Witness Witness B8fhampX’ a&B
k. wR 1. tIc''\DJ WYn &v TCW c'

2' kaLi'fI) BF)free P.A~.

bSD .

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