USHS Module 1 Q2 Earth Science 2023 2024

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Central Luzon State University

College of Education

Earth Science

Flexible Learning System
A.Y. 2023-2024

Faculty Member
Contact No.: 0965-049-4195
Email Addresses:
Earth Materials and Processes

1 1 Minerals and Energy Sources


After studying this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Describe how minerals are found, mined and processed for human
use and;
2. Cite ways to prevent or lessen the environmental impact that result
from exploitation, extraction and use of mineral

Learning Activities
A. The Life Cycle of a Mineral Deposit
Mineral deposits are the source of many important commodities, such as
copper and gold, used by our society, but it is important to realize that mineral
deposits are a nonrenewable resource. Once mined, they are exhausted, and
another source must be found. New mineral deposits are being continuously
created by the Earth but may take millions of years to form. Mineral deposits
differ from renewable resources, such as agricultural and timber products, which
may be replenished within a few months to several years.

Where and How do Mineral Deposits Occur?

Two cycles determine how mineral deposits are formed— the rock cycle
and the tectonic cycle.

The Rock Cycle

1. Heat from the Earth’s interior melts some of the rocks in the crust. Molten
rocks lower in density than the surrounding cooler material rise toward the

Earth Science Evelyn M. Ben

Quarter 2: Week 1-2 Contact No.: 0965-049-4195 /
Earth’s surface and eventually cool and harden near to or on the surface. These
are called igneous rocks and contain original or primary minerals.

2. When these rocks are subjected to chemical and physical processes, such as
freezing and thawing, they break apart into smaller fragments forming
sediments. These smaller particles that compose the sediments can be physically
transported and redeposited by gravity, water, and wind. If the redeposited
particles are bound together by compaction or cementation, sedimentary rocks
are formed.

3. In regions where the Earth’s interior temperature and pressure are high
enough to change the chemical composition and mineralogy of buried igneous or
sedimentary rocks, without completely melting them, metamorphic rocks are

Plate Tectonics

Plate tectonics refers to the process by which the Earth’s crust is formed
and moved. Earth’s outermost layer, the crust, is fragmented into a dozen or
more plates of various sizes that are moving relative to one another as they are
slowly transported on top of and by hotter, more mobile material. Scientists now
have a fairly good understanding of how the plates move and how earthquake
activity relates to such movement. Most movement occurs along narrow zones
between plates where the effects of tectonic forces are most evident.

The four types of plate boundaries:

• Divergent boundaries—where new crust is generated as the plates pull away

from each other.

• Convergent boundaries—where crust is destroyed as one plate dives under

another. This may result in continental collisions or subduction, both of which
can create powerful earthquakes.

• Transform boundaries—where crust is neither produced nor destroyed as the

plates slide horizontally past each other.

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• Plate boundary zones—broad belts in which boundaries are not well defined
and the effects of plate interaction are unclear.

How are Mineral Deposits Found?

Finding a mineral deposit is the first step in the mining life cycle.
Technologies used include, but are not limited to, exploration geology,
geophysics, geochemistry, and satellite imagery.


Geology is the study of the planet Earth—the materials of which our planet
is made, the processes that act on these materials, the products formed, and
the history of the planet and its life forms since its origin. Geologic investigations
include reviews of the geologic literature, field surveys, and geologic mapping to
determine areas favorable for mineral deposits.


Geophysical exploration involves searching for favorable mineral deposits

using the physical properties of rocks, such as magnetic intensity and electrical
conductivity. Geophysical investigations may include aeromagnetic or gravity
surveys, ground-penetrating radar studies, or the use of seismic waves to show
contrasting rock types. The selected rock units of interest might then be mapped
and sampled to identify areas favorable for mineral deposits, and adjoining areas
may also be investigated for the presence of mineral deposits.


Geochemistry is the study of the distribution and amounts of elements in

minerals, ores, rocks, soil, water, and the atmosphere and the study of the
circulation of the elements in nature on the basis of the properties of their atoms
and ions. Geochemical investigations commonly include soil sampling, stream
sediment sampling, and rock sampling; even plants are also sampled in some
studies. Various techniques are used to examine and measure the abundance, or
concentration, of elements contained in the sample. The results may be used to
define favorable areas for mineralization.
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Satellite Imagery

The use of satellite imagery has become a valuable tool for exploration
geologists. Geologists are now able to perform large-scale surveys of remote
unexplored regions for the presence of geologic structures and key minerals that
may indicate areas favorable for mineral deposits. Ground-based surveys are
expensive, and one can often experience difficulty in mapping large-scale
structures. However, large geological structures are often readily visible on
satellite imagery.

Mineral Deposits in Earth's Crust

The Earth’s crust contains more than 100 naturally occurring elements. The
crust, which ranges from 6 to 30 miles (10 to 50 km) thick, can be subdivided
into two distinctly different parts— the oceanic crust and the continental crust—
which differ in composition. Some of the common elements that make up the
crust are in order of abundance: oxygen (O), silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), iron
(Fe), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg)

Mineral Deposit Models

To better understand and predict how and where mineral deposits might
occur, scientists develop mineral deposit models. These models are based on
existing knowledge of regional geology and the characteristics of known mineral

Similar mineral deposit types can be grouped together under a particular

deposit model. Mineral deposit models can aid in identifying areas favorable for
finding valuable deposits. There are hundreds of deposit models, and new
models are being constructed as new types of deposits are identified. The U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS) has produced a number of publications describing
various mineral deposit types.

Sources of Energy

Energy is the capacity of a physical system to perform work. Energy exists in

several forms such as heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy,
Earth Science Evelyn M. Ben
Quarter 2: Week 1-2 Contact No.: 0965-049-4195 /
electrical, or other forms. Energy is the ability to do work. Energy sources could
be classified as Renewable and Non-renewable.
Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is derived from natural processes that are replenished

constantly such as solar, wind, ocean, hydropower, biomass, geothermal
resources, and biofuels and hydrogen.

A. Solar Energy

Sun is the primary source of energy. Sunlight is a clean, renewable source of

energy. It is a sustainable resource, meaning it doesn't run out, but can be
maintained because the sun shines almost every day. Coal or gas are not
sustainable or renewable: once they are gone, there is none left. More
and more people are wanting to use clean, renewable energy such as solar,
wind, geothermal steam and others. It is called 'Green Power'. It lights our
houses by day, dries our clothes and agricultural produce, keeps us warm and
lots more. Its potential is however much larger


➢ It is a perennial, natural source and free

➢ It is available in plenty
➢ It is non-polluting
➢ It does not emit any greenhouse gases.
➢ Solar energy offers decentralization in most (sunny) locations, meaning
self-reliant societies.
➢ One of the biggest advantages of solar energy is the ability to avoid the
politics and price volatility that is increasingly characterizing fossil fuel
markets. It doesn’t result in the destruction of forests and eco-systems
that occurs with most fossil fuel operations.


➢ Dependent on change in seasons / weather – hence they may not be

used always

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➢ Requires high initial investments for productive use
➢ Solar systems don’t work at night directly but the battery bank, which
stores energy during day-time can be used during night.
➢ Solar electricity storage technology has not reached its potential yet.
➢ Solar panels are bulky. This is particularly true of the higher-efficiency,
traditional silicon crystalline wafer solar modules.

Technologies for productive use of solar energy

Solar energy can be used to generate electricity. Through Solar Photovoltaic

(SPV) cells, solar radiation gets converted into DC electricity directly. The
generated electricity can either be used as it is or can be stored in the battery.
The stored electrical energy can be used when solar energy is not available. SPV
is nowadays successfully used for home and street lighting and water pumping
in villages. In hilly areas, solar water heating is also being used.

B. Wind Energy

Wind is the natural movement of air across the land or sea. The wind when used
to turn the blades of a wind mill turns the shaft to which they are attached. This
movement of shaft through a pump or generator produces electricity. The
Potential for wind power generation for grid interaction has been estimated at
about 1,02,788 MW taking sites having wind power density greater than 200
W/sq. m at 80 m hub-height with 2% land availability in potential areas for
setting up wind farms @ 9 MW/sq. km. India now has the 4th largest wind
power installed capacity in the world which has reached 37756.35
MWp (as on May, 2020). Private agencies own 95 % of the wind farms
in India.


➢ It is environment friendly
➢ Its freely and abundantly available


➢ High investment requirement

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➢ Wind speed is not uniform all the time which affects power generated

C. Biomass and Biofuels

What is biomass?

The plants fix solar energy through the process of photosynthesis to produce
biomass. This biomass passes through various cycles producing different forms
of energy sources. For example, fodder for animals that in turn produce dung,
agricultural waste for cooking, etc. The current availability of biomass in India is
estimated at about 500 million MT per annum, with an estimated surplus
biomass availability of about 120 – 150 million metric tons per annum covering
agricultural and forestry residues. This corresponds to a potential of about
18,000 MW. An additional 9200.50 MWp power was generated through bagasse
based cogeneration in the country’s Sugar mills.


Biomass is an important source of energy accounting for about one third of the
total fuel used in our country and in about 40% of the rural households. The
widespread use of biomass is for household cooking and heating. The types of
biomasses used are agricultural waste, wood, charcoal or dried dung.


➢ Available locally and to some extent abundantly

➢ It is a relatively clean fuel when compared to fossil fuels. In a way
biomass also cleans our environment by trapping carbon- di-oxide


➢ Drudgery involved in collection of fuel

➢ During indoor cooking and in the absence of sufficient ventilation fuels
such as dung cause air pollution which is a serious health hazard
➢ Unsustainable and inefficient use of biomass often leads to destruction of
vegetation and hence environmental degradation.

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Technologies for productive use of biomass

Technologies that enable efficient use of biomass are becoming prevalent in

rural areas. The efficiency of fuel usage is increased by:

Biofuels are predominantly produced from biomass feed stocks or as a by-

product from the industrial processing of agricultural or food products, or from
the recovery and reprocessing of products such as cooking and vegetable oil.
Biofuel contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petroleum
fuel to create a biofuel blend. It can be used in conventional healing equipment
or diesel engine with no major modification. Biofuel is simple to use,
biodegradable, non-toxic and essentially free of Sulphur and aroma.

D. Water and geothermal


The flowing water and the tides in the sea are sources of energy. India is
endowed with large hydropower potential of 1,45,320 MW. Heavy investments
are made on large projects. In recent years, hydel energy (through mini and
small hydel power plants) is also used to reach power to remote villages which
are unelectrified. The estimated potential of Small Hydro Power is about 15,000
MW in the country. As on May 2020, the installed capacity of Small hydro
projects (up to 3MW) amounts to 4683.16 MWp.

Advantages of Small Hydro Power as an energy source

➢ Reliable, eco-friendly, mature and proven technology.

➢ More suited for the sensitive mountain ecology.
➢ Can be exploited wherever sufficient water flows -along small streams,
medium to small rivers and also harness abundant sun-shine, wind-
energy and other bio-energy sources.
➢ Does not involve setting up of large dams or problems of deforestation,
submergence or rehabilitation.
➢ Non-polluting, entails no waste or production of toxic gases, environment
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➢ Small capital investment and short gestation period.
➢ Minimal transmission losses.

With careful planning and adoption of simplified and standardized designs, SHP
installations are becoming increasingly competitive with thermal, diesel or gas-
based power generation.

Ocean energy

Oceans cover 70 percent of the earth’s surface and represent an enormous

amount of energy. Although currently under-utilized, Ocean energy is mostly
exploited by just a few technologies: Wave, Tidal, Current Energy and Ocean
Thermal Energy.

1. Tidal Energy: The tidal cycle occurs every 12 hours due to the gravitational
force of the moon. The difference in water height from low tide and high tide is
potential energy. Similar to traditional hydropower generated from dams, tidal
water can be captured in a barrage across an estuary during high tide and
forced through a hydro-turbine during low tide. The capital cost for tidal energy
power plants is very high due to high civil construction and high power purchase
tariff. To capture sufficient power from the tidal energy potential, the height of
high tide must be at least five meters (16 feet) greater than low tide. Total
identified potential of Tidal Energy is about 12455 MW, with potential locations
identified at Khambat & Kutch regions, and large backwaters, where barrage
technology could be used.

2. Wave Energy: Wave energy is generated by the movement of a device

either floating on the surface of the ocean or moored to the ocean floor. Many
different techniques for converting wave energy to electric power have been
studied. Wave conversion devices that float on the surface have joints hinged
together that bend with the waves. This kinetic energy pumps fluid through
turbines and creates electric power. Stationary wave energy conversion devices
use pressure fluctuations produced in long tubes from the waves swelling up
and down. This bobbing motion drives a turbine when critical pressure is
reached. Other stationary platforms capture water from waves on their
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platforms. This water is allowed to runoff through narrow pipes that flow
through a typical hydraulic turbine. The total theoretical potential of wave
energy in India along the country’s coast is estimated to be about 40,000 MW –
these are preliminary estimates. This energy is however less intensive than what
is available in more northern and southern latitudes.

3. Current Energy: Marine current is ocean water moving in one direction. This
ocean current is known as the Gulf Stream. Tides also create currents that flow
in two directions. Kinetic energy can be captured from the Gulf Stream and other
tidal currents with submerged turbines that are very similar in appearance to
miniature wind turbines. Similar to wind turbines, the movement of the marine
current moves the rotor blades to generate electric power.

4. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): Ocean thermal energy

conversion, or OTEC, uses ocean temperature differences from the surface to
depths lower than 1,000 meters, to extract energy. A temperature difference of
only 20°C can yield usable energy. Research focuses on two types of OTEC
technologies to extract thermal energy and convert it to electric power: closed
cycle and open cycle. In the closed cycle method, a working fluid, such as
ammonia, is pumped through a heat exchanger and vaporized. This vaporized
steam runs a turbine. The cold water found at the depths of the ocean
condenses the vapor back to a fluid where it returns to the heat exchanger. In
the open cycle system, the warm surface water is pressurized in a vacuum
chamber and converted to steam to run the turbine. The steam is then
condensed using cold ocean water from lower depths. OTEC has a theoretical
potential of 180,000 MW in India subject to suitable technological evolution.

Geothermal energy

Geothermal Energy is heat stored in earth crust and being used for electric
generation and also for direct heat application. Geothermal literally means heat
generated by earth. Various resource assessment carried out by agencies
established the potential 10600 MWth /1000MWe spread over 340 hot springs
across seven Geothermal provinces/11 states.
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The availability of geothermal power is most environment-friendly power, round
the year 24x7 basis, not affected by the severity of climate during 6 to 7 winter
months like hydro and like dependence on sun in solar PV.

Non-Renewable energy

Coal, Oil and Natural gas are the non-renewable sources of energy. They are
also called fossil fuels as they are products of plants that lived thousands of
years ago. Fossil fuels are the predominantly used energy sources today. India is
the third largest producer of coal in the world, with estimated reserves of around
3,19,020.33 million tons of Geological Resources of Coal (as of 1.4.2018). Coal
supplies more than 70.87% of the country's total production of energy by
commercial sources. India consumes about 245 MT of crude oil annually, and
more than 70% of it is imported. Burning fossil fuels cause great amount of
environmental pollution.

Levin, Harold. (2013) The Earth Through Time. 10th edition. Wiley Edition
Dep Ed K to 12 Curriculum Guide Earth Science (Grade 11)

Suggested Readings

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2 2 Human Activity and the Environment

Human activities have an impact to the environment. Some of them gave a
useful effect but most of them have a disastrous result to the surroundings. In
this module you will be aware on the different human activities that contribute
to the degradation of our environment, and as an individual you will be able to
help your community in maintaining and preserving the environment.
After studying this lesson, you are expected to:
1. aware on the different human activities that gave a disastrous effect
to the environment.
2. mention some precautionary measures on how to control or minimize
the bad effect of those human activities to the environment.

Learning Activities
A. Environmental Problems
The Philippines is prone to natural disasters, particularly typhoons, floods,
landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis, lying as it does
astride the typhoon belt, in the active volcanic region known as the “Pacific Ring
of Fire,” and in the geologically unstable region between the Pacific and Eurasian
tectonic plates. The Philippines also suffers major human-caused environmental
degradation aggravated by a high annual population growth rate, including loss
of agricultural lands, deforestation, soil erosion, air and water pollution,
improper disposal of solid and toxic wastes, loss of coral reefs, mismanagement
and abuse of coastal resources, and overfishing.

Climate Change and the Philippines

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Recent scientific studies reveal that human activities have contributed
significantly to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that causes
climate change.

The Philippines is a hotspot for climate change disasters particularly the risk for
agriculture and food security due to extreme El Nino and severe tropical
cyclones. The spread of infectious diseases are influenced by fluctuations in
climate variables, temperature, relative humidity and rainfall. Several super
typhoons like Reming that pummeled the Bicol region in 2006 destroyed at least
$90- million worth of agricultural products and infrastructure.

Diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, cholera have increased throughout the
years. Climate change impacts on coastal zones and marine ecosystems caused
massive coral bleaching especially in 1998 due to elevated sea temperature and
fish kills and red tides like the one that occurred in 1992 which was an El Nino
period. Scientists warned the Philippines could experience famine by 2020, as
the adverse impact of global warming takes its toll on natural resources.
Thousands will be displaced from their homes especially in low-lying coastal

Decline of Natural Resources and Biodiversity

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The Philippines is suffering from degradation of the natural environment. It has
fifty major rivers now polluted due to abuse and neglect. Approximately two-
thirds of the country's original mangroves have been lost. A hundred years ago,
the Philippines had close to 22 million hectares of old growth forest. At the start
of 2000, we had less than 600,000 hectares of old-growth forest left. In one
century, we had cut down close to 97 percent of our original forest. A study by
the Environmental Scientists for Social Change (ESSC) reveals that
we have systematically cut this forest down and that we have not stopped its
destruction and that of its core biodiversity.

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) estimates that it takes over
4,000 liters of water to produce one kilo of rice. Because of the loss of forests,
we have less water since most of our freshwater comes from watersheds found
in forests. Therefore, loss of forests means loss of food.

More than 400 plant and animal species found in the Philippines are currently
threatened with extinction, including the Philippine eagle, the tamaraw, and the
dugong. In 2001, 49 of the nation's mammal species, 86 bird species, and 320
plant species were threatened with extinction. Endangered species in the
Philippines include the monkey-eating eagle, Philippine tarsier, tamaraw, four
species of turtle (green sea, hawksbill, olive ridley, and leatherback),

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Philippines’s crocodile, sinarapan, and two species of butterflies. The Cebu warty
pig, Panay flying fox, and Chapman's fruit bat have become extinct.
Alarming Waste Problem in the Philippine

The Philippines is looming with garbage problems despite the passage of the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act or the Republic Act (RA) 9003. 2007
first quarter data from the National Solid Waste Management Commission shows
that there are 677 open dumpsites, 343 controlled dumps, and 21 landfills in the
country. An additional 307 dump sites are subject for closure or rehabilitation
plans but without definite schedules for enforcement. About 215 additional
landfills are being proposed to be set up nationwide.

Environmentalists stress that Republic Act 9003 calls for the adoption of the best
environmental practices in ecological waste management and explicitly excludes
waste incineration as an ecological option. These polluting disposal facilities are
major sources of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere which adds to
global warming. Landfills and open dumps, according to studies, account for 34
percent of human- related methane emissions to the atmosphere, a global
warming gas that has 23 times more heat-trapping power than carbon dioxide.
These landfills and open dumps are illegal under RA 9003.

Incinerators, on the other hand, have significantly higher levels of greenhouse

gas emissions (per kilowatt) than a coal-fired power plant when all of the carbon
coming out of an incinerator stack is measured. Such emissions are banned by
the country’s Clean Air Act.
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Inaction on garbage contributes to the death of at least two persons every
minute due to complications from environmental problems, which could be
prevented if the country only developed a more efficient environmental
management program.

Mismanagement of waste has serious environmental consequences: ground and

surface water contamination, local flooding, air pollution, exposure to toxins, and
spread of disease. Many of the disposal sites contain infectious material, thus
threatening sanitation workers and waste-pickers.

Annual waste generation in the Philippines is expected to grow 40 percent by

2010. Improvements in recycling, collection, and disposal will become even more
critical as garbage production continues to increase with population growth and
economic development.

Past efforts to promote waste segregation at source have minimal impact

despite the presence of Republic Act 9003. Most of these were barangay, city,
and municipal ordinances providing for sanctions and penalties for non-
compliance. Campaigns, seminars, trainings and other different community
activities were implemented with the help of various private groups or NGO’s to
pursue the objective of solving the garbage problem.

RA 9003 further calls for the establishment of materials recovery facilities, or

ecology centers, in every barangay or cluster of a barangay. To date, only 1,923
ecology centers exist, serving 2,133 barangays of a total 41,975 nationwide. In
Quezon City alone, only 52 barangays have established Materials Recovery
Facilities out of a total of 142.

People’s Behavior towards Waste

Behavior is a key cultural aspect that is embedded in people’s way of life.

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Studying a community’s behavior and introducing new ones requires intensive,
long- term, and creative social marketing. This can be done by studying the
demographic and cultural fiber of the community through immersions and
capacity building activities.

The Resources, Environment and Economics Center for Studies, Inc.’s (REECS)
2002 study on household waste management systems and the attitudes and
behavior showed that:
1. Waste management is still perceived by many as the responsibility of
2. Public participation in waste management, especially in segregation at
source, remains limited.
3. More extensive awareness- raising activities and training on ecological
waste management are needed, together with stricter enforcement of the Law
and local ordinances must be observed.
4. There is lack of community empowerment and political will to resolve the
Recognizing the importance of the environment’s immediate recovery and
effects of improper waste management to the Philippines, there is a need for
understanding and reformation of attitudes and concern towards the protection
of environment. The impending garbage crisis can be prevented if we only
practice waste segregation at source, recycling, and composting as what the law
requires. An intensive social marketing program has to be established on a long-
term scale within a barangay – the smallest unit of the local government.

B. Economic Problems

• high population growth

• unequal distribution of wealth

• poor performance of the agriculture sector of the economy.

C. Social Problems

• Corruption
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• Poverty

• Overpopulation

• Child labor (a form of child abuse)

• Lack of adequate health care services

• Terrorism

• Prostitution

• Unemployment


1. Participatory Communication for Development

• Social Capital/ Community Empowerment

• Developing Community Leaders
• Engaging multi-sectoral participation (youth, schools, businesses, church, etc.)
in community design and planning

2. Community Immersion
• Immersion and Research on Community’s sociographic and psychographic
• Community Interaction with women, youth, and local community officials
• Environmental Education Workshops and Demos
• Environmental Education lessons to be familiar with a variety of ways in
understanding the environment and the ecological crisis
• Exploration of local Biodiversity
• Evaluation of Stakeholders’ Available Skills and Resources
• Evaluation of community’s existing level of environmental awareness

3. Community IEC Campaigns

• Development of local environmental campaigns
• Distribution and Exhibit of created IEC materials
• Flyers and Posters

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4. Environmental Management Capacity Building Workshops for Community
• Hands-on Household Ecological Solid Waste Management Trainings
• Training on Creating Ordinances for local community officials
• Establishment of Materials Recovery Facilities in Local Schools and
Community Center/s
• Appointment of stakeholder representatives – women sector, youth sector,

5. Environmental Management Capacity Building Workshops for local School

• Environmental Education Facilitator’s Training for Teachers – Project Learning
Tree, Water Education for Teachers, Watershed Box and Ecological Solid Waste
• Developing Creative and Environmentally relevant modules and classroom

The Philippines’ Response to the Problem of Climate Change

As a manifestation of the country’s commitment to engage in multilateral

efforts aiming to address the global problem of climate change and achieve
sustainable development, the Philippines has participated in the discussions and
negotiations leading to the ratification of various international agreements.
These international agreements are geared towards the mitigation of the effects
of climate change and the strategic adaptation to the conditions. The most
important outcomes of these negotiations include the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ratified on August 2, 1994 and the
Kyoto Protocol, which was ratified on November 20, 2003. At the national level,
the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan of 2004-2010 (MTDP)
underscored the need to manage the environment more effectively in order for
the country to address the problem of poverty particularly in the rural areas.

As one of the first countries to sign the United Nations Framework

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Convention on Climate Change in 1992, the Philippines expressed adherence to
the principles of sustainable development and environmental preservation based
on the notion of equity and the unique capabilities of the participating countries.
More specifically, Article 3 of the UNFCC states that countries who have aligned
themselves with the mandates set forth by the Convention “should protect the
climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind,
on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated
responsibilities and respective capabilities.”

Under the Kyoto Protocol, developing countries such as the Philippines are
called to pass and implement national measures that shall advance the
international community’s agenda pertaining to environmental preservation
through the reduction of greenhouse emissions (GHGs) in the atmosphere.
Pursuant to the provisions in this treaty, the Philippines passed national
legislations to uphold the agreements embedded in the Kyoto Protocol. The
Clean Air Act of 1999, otherwise known as Republic Act 8749, was enacted in
order to arrive at an effective air quality management program that will mitigate
the worsening problem of air pollution in the country. Reinforcing the country’s
drive towards a healthier environment was the enactment of the Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000 (RA 9003) that aimed at providing a comprehensive
solution to the country’s garbage problem.

At the institutional level, the Philippines was one of the earliest countries to
recognize the importance of a systematic institutional response to the problem
of climate change. Prior to the signing and ratification of the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change, the creation of the Inter-Agency Committee on
Climate Change (IACC) in May 8, 1991 under the Environmental Management
Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) was a
concrete manifestation of the Philippines’ attempt to promptly address the issue
of climate change. Composed of representatives from government agencies as
well as NGO representatives, IACC was created by virtue of Presidential Order

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No. 220 with the secretary of the DENR sitting as chair and the secretary of the
DOST as co-chair. The ultimate aim of the committee is to harness and
synergize the various activities being undertaken by the national government
and civil society in response to the crisis posed by growing problem on climate

The essential mandate of the IACC is to perform various coordinative,

development and monitoring functions with respect to activities related to
climate change in the county. As an organization that is at the forefront in
advancing the government’s climate change agenda, the IACC likewise
formulates policy actions and

recommendations while at the same time assumes a very significant role in

terms of shaping the Philippines’ national positions in the various international
negotiations that aim to mitigate the effects of global climate change and
prevent the worse possible consequences of this. The IACC therefore ensures
the Philippines’ faithful compliance to the mandates and principles contained in
the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol and sees to it that adequate public
awareness campaign and initiatives are held to bring the issue to all the sectors
of the country.


This bill seeks to create a National Framework Program on Climate Change
Mitigation, Adaptation and Communication and establish mechanisms to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from energy, power, transport and manufacturing
sectors to usher in a low-carbon revolution in the Philippines and institutionalize
the country's commitments to international efforts to address the problem on
climate change.
The Philippines’ Upland Development Program: cushioning the
impacts of global financial crisis and climate change through green

Earth Science Evelyn M. Ben

Quarter 2: Week 1-2 Contact No.: 0965-049-4195 /
The program will create thousands of jobs in restoring forests and watersheds,
helping to mitigate hunger and poverty.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources in the Philippines has

created the Upland Development Program in support of the government’s
Economic Resiliency Plan, launched in February 2009 to cushion the impact of
the global financial crisis on the Filipino people. The program aims to improve
incomes in upland areas and mitigate hunger, while also enhancing the country’s
capacity to adapt to climate change.

Forestry has a major place in meeting both challenges, since upland populations
are highly dependent on forest resources for subsistence and livelihood, and
forests serve as a natural carbon sink.

An interesting feature of the program is its strong support to the government’s

hunger mitigation and poverty alleviation programs – for example, by helping to
meet the raw material requirements of industries involved in the Trade and
Industry Department’s “One Town One Product” scheme, which encourages
towns to specialize in a single product according to local comparative advantage
in resources and skills.

The scheme’s intent is to ramp up production while promoting entrepreneurship

and creating income opportunities, especially for micro, small and medium-sized
enterprises. The Upland Development Program’s linkage to this scheme ensures
Earth Science Evelyn M. Ben
Quarter 2: Week 1-2 Contact No.: 0965-049-4195 /
ready markets for the products generated under the programme, further
enhancing livelihoods of people’s organization members.

Two (2) ILO green jobs programs are currently being implemented in the
Philippines: (a) Greener Business Asia (GBA) with support from the Japan
Government, and (b) Green Jobs Promotion with support from the Australian
Government. The GBA Project aims to develop and promote enterprise-level
approaches that improve productivity and contribute to “greening” the economy.
This is done by enhancing worker-management relations to include
environmental performance as among the key objectives for the enterprise, and
jointly work on activities that best demonstrates this. The GBA aims to
encourage social partnerships and dialogue to promote environment friendly
activities of enterprises. At the sector level, these enterprises will be supported
to collaborate on common environmental performance indicators, fostering the
move to become a more sustainable production chain. Implementation of the
GBA and Green Jobs projects include the participation of the tripartite

Trade Union’s Recommendations in Promoting Environmentally

Sustainable Development

• Workers can be an asset for environmental protection. They can undergo

training on environmental legislation, the environmental commitments of the
company, and general environmental standards.
• Workers should be recognized in future environmental impact assessments as
• Workers should bargain for the right to stop work on the basis of unsound
environmental conditions.
• Workers can set up a structure such as .safety circles, where workers can
speak freely on the environmental impacts of mining operations.
• Workers should bargain for an .economic displacement fund. or.
environmental guarantee fund to be provided for in case of a similar event in the
Earth Science Evelyn M. Ben
Quarter 2: Week 1-2 Contact No.: 0965-049-4195 /
• Workers should be aware of environmental management tools and work for
their adoption. These tools include multi-partite monitoring teams and
environmental audits, among others.

Trade unions are engaged in environment policy discussions, particularly and

mostly with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). The TUCP is
member of the Philippine Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD), a
government council that development and monitors sustainable development
programs. Environment policy is a tripartite issue. The Tripartite Industrial Peace
Council (TIPC) discusses issues and policies related to green jobs and
sustainable development programs at the workplace. Some TUCP unions have
signified interest in negotiating for green provisions in their collective bargaining

Trade unions are engaged in discussions and preparations of the ILO's Decent
Work Country Program. However, union programs and priorities are stymied by
lack of dedicated funds for union activities. Trade union priorities do not fit-in in
approved projects. Capacity-building programs for trade unions are wanting.

The TUCP has a policy titled: "Towards Decent Work, Green Jobs and
Sustainable Development." It highlights TUCP's resolve to take actions that
promote green jobs, build trade union leadership, commitment to make
enterprises greener, and monitor progress/developments. The TUCP has
implemented several green jobs and decent work capacity-building initiatives,
including national and regional workshops. Furthermore, the TUCP has an action
checklist titled: "Action Checklist on Decent Work, Green Jobs and Sustainable
Workplaces." It is a tool that trade unions can use to assess current conditions
and a way to identify low-cost, easy-to-implement, and high impact improves to
make jobs in enterprises decent, greener and sustainable (safe and healthy).


Earth Science Evelyn M. Ben

Quarter 2: Week 1-2 Contact No.: 0965-049-4195 /
Levin, Harold. (2013) The Earth Through Time. 10th edition. Wiley Edition
Dep Ed K to 12 Curriculum Guide Earth Science (Grade 11)

Earth Science Evelyn M. Ben

Quarter 2: Week 1-2 Contact No.: 0965-049-4195 /

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