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fore he

5) What final instruction does Portia give fo Morocco hefore he is

is led
led to
the choice?
H e has to take a chance
He could also decline to take this chance; choose a casket
Butif he decided to choose, and chose incorrectly, he would never talk ahoue
marrnage to any woman

Annotation 1
Well, my conscience says. Isthe devil himself. (Pg 48 - Lines 18-27)

1) Who is Launcelot Gobbo? What inner struggle is going on in his conscience?

Wiy does iäuicci wäit to run äwäy frvim te lew
a clown
works for Shylock
he wishes to leave his erstwhile master, Shylock: here his conscience advises
him not to go, the fiend/devil tells him to run away
considers the Jew as devil himself

2 Wii edees inis siruggie sinw sioui ie cwnieyoreaty Cuisiu piiee?

The prejudice against the Jews
Jews wee not consIdered nice people and the sociely by and arge haied

3 I.auncelot's speech provides some comic reliefin the pBay. Why was such a
relief needed in the context of the play? [Hint: What was happening in the

The previous scene was quite serious and philosophical
a. related to the predicament of the Prince of Morocco with regards to
choosing the correct casket to win Portia's hands
b. Portia is also extremely unhappy about the manner in which her father
has put her in a tix
e By the manner in which this seene starts, it does provide some comic relief
to the audience who must have gotten a little sad at the state of affairs in
Belmont when the Prince arrived.

4) Fnumerate the reasons iven hy Iauncelot's conscience to stay on with the


That he was
a a good boy
b. son of an honest man

S F i a i y , i o m does LaunCeot obey - the devl or his onscince' How is tite

theme of racial discrimination brought out in Launcelot's decision to run away?

h e devl
H c prle, ir work lor a Christtan even though he may not be fînanctally

IStrade IN I nglish 11 The Merc hantof I enice Puge 20 of 33 C4MAA/2019-20

He would not want to stay on with this master who is
a Jew
How is ihe inerne oi coniiici beiween iiie gooi anu the evii shuwn in this
The good tries to keep the person on the right path even though it may bea
difficult one to endure
The evil dissuades as much as it
that is easy and to the
can to quit that path; and this is the path
liking of the person at least for that point in time
this conflict has been
portrayed as a dialogue between Launcelot his
conscience (the good one) on one hand and
the fiend/devil (the evil) on the

Annotation 2
[Aside] O heavens, this is my true-begotten father! . .

. . to the Jew's house. (Pg 49-Lines 37-46)
1 Where are Launcelot. and old Gobbo? What is meant by
Why cannot old Gobbo recognize his son? 'true-begotten father"
A street in Venice
Written to amuse factually it is the
who begets the son
. . .

other way round... it is the father

H e is blind

2 Why is old Gobbo looking for the way to Master Iew's house? How does
Launcelot confuse the old man while giving directions to him to reach the
H e is looking for his son who works for the Jew
By giving him a series of directions of turning right and left, which only
Served to confuse the old man

3 Launcelot plays a comic role in this scene. Give two examnles of comedy
provided by him.
Teases his father in many ways - by giving difficult and confusing

directions to reach Shylock's house

pretends not to be the son that his father was looking for
plays with words ('indirectly' 'notify-frutify' "the short and the long-long
and short' or 'it is a wise father that knows his own child'), to make people
laugh, in the entire conversation with his father

Ergo, Master Launcelot...
SIdel Do I look.. Do you know me, father? (Pg 50-Lines 62 -73)

n y does Launcelot use high-sounding words in his conversation with Gobbo?

hat does Shakespeare want to convey to the audience in this context about the
nabit of some people in his time?

Grade IK/English HThe Merchant of Venice/ Puge 21 of33 CAM/UA2019-20

To tease and confuse his father
probably some pcople had little understanding ofthe fact that in
communication we need to consider the audience
that some people would not be happy using plain simple speech so they uge
high sounding words and phrases to the discomfort of others

2) Give the meaning of. According to Fates äiid Destinies, and süch odd sayings.
the Sisters Three and such hranches of
Fates and Destinies -written with capital letters
Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos were called the Fates and Destinies
uses these high and mighty expression to mean but only "destiny
3) How does Launcelot show dramatically that he is Gobbo's son?
After harassing his father by
engaging in ieedless conversation and giving
incorrect information about his son's death, all of a sudden he
surprise that his father doesn't really recognize him
tells him that even if he had
eyes he wouldn'i have been abie to recognize
his son as it takes wisdom to do that
seeks his father's blessings nuch to his
discormfort, for Gobbo still doesn't
know that he has been
speaking with his own son
then he demands blessings, instead of
seeking and suddenly reveals that he is

4 How does Gobbe siiow by woris ad aciions tihar he is fond of is

Ans: son?
Gobbo touches the back of Launcelot's head
imagines it to be his chin and remarks thai i.aurncelot had more hair on his
chin than Gobbo's horse had on its tail

Annotation 4
ior, now ari theu changed
Well, weli : but, the Jew any longer. (Pg 52- Lines 106 - 120)

1) Give the meaning of

i. víy asier s
vety jew
ii. Give him a halter:
1 A true Jew- has ali the
characteristics of a lew
ii. Give him a rope to hang himse!f

2) How can you conclude from the

extract that
jew' s service? Launcelot has been suffering in the
indicates that his master is a true Jew tnticates negaiivity
He says he has been
Wishes death for him

u ú e ingiisi iii ne iier Yuri creue

fug 22 f K Ri 26i-2
What do you find strange in the expression; vou may tell every finger have
with my ribs?
.Wordshave been misplaced to amuse
.He means to say that anyone could count his ribs
with their fingers
4) What special privilege would Launcelot have if he serves Bassanio? What
woild happen if Lariiot wcr tó scrvc thé Jew
'aiy longcr"'
.He would get special new uniforms /
new liveries
He would himself become a Jew; meaning to say that he would become as
bad as his master

s What kind of att:tude against the !ews is shown in this scene?



Annotation 5

Father, e. Jew in the twinkling of an eye. (Pg 54 Lines!65 !77)

1) How has Launcelot shown that he could speak for himself to be employed
thy Bassania?
By showing a deep appreciation ofwhat Bassanio possessed as compared to
Being a Christian, Bassanio had the grace of God which is enough to be
Shylock being, as wealthy as he was, had "enough' material wealth but not

2) What does Launcelot predict about his wives and his escape from dangers to
iis ife?
H e would get many wives -a count of fifteen (wives) is nothing he says
H e would have many more women in his life and this being just the statrt
He predicts that he would drown three times andhis life will be in danger
when he would be caught with another man's wife!
H e shows some little lines in his palm, which he says, indicate escape routes
that he could take to get out of those situations

What inctructions did Bassanio g:ve to the Gobbos and to his servants after
employing Launcelot?
Tells Gobbo to go with his son to his (Bassanio's) house; take leave of his
old master, Shylock
tells his servants to give Launcelot new liveries that's betterthan others

4) Before this exiract Launceiot referred to a proverb, wiich is applicabie both

To Shylock and to Bassanio. What was the proverb and how is it applicable
to both of them?
U r a d e IXEnglish WThe Merchant of bVenice/ Puge 23 of 33 CAM /UA/2019-20
The proverb is. The grace of God is enough
Bassanio has the grace of God wlhich is ali that one needs for one s saivar.
Shylock has "enough" in the sense of material prosperity and nothing more

Why, ùieü yoü niusi. ... And iose my hopes. {Pg 56-Lines i90 -200)

Give the conteni in wiiich daisäici siiëärs tiiesë wous.

Gratiano requests Bassanio to allow him to travel with him to Belmont

2) Give the meaning of:

o aiay wiin some coid
1. Thy skipping spirit
drops of odesty
To tone down (one's
behaviour) with some element of decency
Wild or
unruly spirnt/ disposition
3Briefly summarise the advice given hy Bassanio to Gratiano in the extract
Why does Bassanio ask Gratiano to behave properly in Belmonte?
Gratiano tends to get a somewhat wild (in behaviour) so Bassanio
him to be little low
key in unknovn
surroundings s that he would o t he
Gratiano's voice is a bit loud and rude and
mind or misconstrue
people who know him do not
So at Beimont, when he
accompanies Bassanio, he needed to act a fitie
serious, so the people in Belmoni do not gel a wrung
Bassanio. impression aboii
Ifhe did not foilow Bassanio's advice, it could spoil Bassanio's chances of
Winning Portia's hand.

4) What assurance does Gratiano give to Bassanio about the latter"'s advice?
Ans Gratiano tells Bassanio not to worTy as he would
ralk. respectfully and swear sparingly
carry prayer books in his pocket and look endearing
say amen" while grace is being said
observe g0od manners as
if he were trying to please his grandma grandam
but if he didn't do all that he
promised, Bassanio must never trust him again
5) What exception to Gratiano's behaviour is
accepted for the particular night?
he 1s
encouraged to put on a
party dress and conduct in an anner
5 the purpose amusing
tonight is to have fun and make
merTy with all the fiends

Annotation 1
am sorry thou See me in talk with thee (Pg 58 Lines T-9)
CSLArude I\ English 11 The Mercsunt of rniee Pag 24 of * / 2019-20

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