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Morgan Le Fay

The Seven Sacred Weeks
The Seven Sacred Weeks is the time of the year where the Sacred Fire from the
Great Central Sun, through great Beings of Light, is poured upon the planet. This
period comprises of 49 days, always starting on Thanksgiving Day in America.
We have seven weeks of Light, each one carrying the vibration of a cosmic ray.
Each day we have the presence of an Ascended Master or Cosmic Being pouring
out his qualities with more intensity to bless the students and the entire planet.
At the beginning of this work, Master Jesus, dictated to me a daily work protocol
(see page 9), to help us in drawing and directing the Sacred Fire from the Great
Central Sun, as well as the raising of our frequency. This protocol is really a train-
ing for our Ascension. When we do it, we are building the path back to our home,
our I AM Presence.
This work is not a new dispensation, but something that has always happened in
the inner worlds and that was only brought to the students' consciousness in the
1930’s with the I AM activity.
The Master Presence of the Cosmic Christ who is represented by Lord Maitreya
in the inner worlds and by beloved Jesus for our outer consciousness, governs
and regulates the entire outpouring of the Sacred Fire in this period, as well as
directing it to bless all planetary causes, all kingdoms, humanity and all
Ambassadors of Light.
As we join in this work, we forget our little self and begin to serve the Cosmic
Christ and his mission to enlighten the collective human consciousness so that
the Golden Age becomes a visible and tangible reality.
No matter your religion or spiritual group, within the Seven Sacred Weeks, we are
just "ONE for all and all for ONE". This service of unconditional love creates a
great momentum of light that is always used by the Ascended Master to bless the
coming year.
Beloved Saint Germain and Jesus told me that we can immensely accelerate our
ascension process by doing this work annually. We can build a greater individual
momentum of light during these 49 days, than all of our individual efforts through
prayers, decrees, meditation and light service during the entire year.
So, let's join hands and combine our efforts during this period of the Seven Sacred
Weeks and together create the reality of Love, Peace, Light and Perfection that
we wish for ourselves and the Earth.
Lovingly in the Service of the Light,
Morgan Le Fay


Oceans of love and gratitude to the beloved I AM Presence and to all the Masters
who have given their radiations of Love, providing this information, working pro-
tocol and decrees for all of us.
Gratitude especially to beloved Jesus and Saint Germain, who constantly enfold
me in their mantel of Love and Light.
Thanks to all my friends who so lovingly cooperate with the Seven Sacred Weeks.
Nothing is more important in this life than our bonds of friendship formed and
sustained by the Light and Perfection of our beloved Mighty I AM Presence!

Morgan Le Fay

Table of Contents

3 Dedication
6 2023 Seven Sacred Weeks Chart
7 Opening Prayer for the Christmas Season
8 Call to be Transported to the Royal Teton Retreat During Sleep
9 Seven Sacred Weeks’ Daily Work Protocol
13 The Masters of the Days’ Decrees

14 Mighty I AM Presence Decree

15 Saint Germain’s Decree
16 Mighty Hercules’s Decree
17 Lord Maitreya’s Decree
18 Silent Watcher’s Decree
19 Great Divine Director’s Decree
20 Maha Chohan’s Decree

21 Mighty Virgo’s Decree

22 Mighty Neptune’s Decree
23 Mighty Aries’s Decree
24 Mighty Oromasis’ Decree
25 Goddess of Light’ Decree
26 Queen of Light’s Decree
27 Beloved Nada’s Decree

28 Beloved Mary’s Decree

29 Beloved Meta’s Decree
30 Beloved Quan Yin’s Decree
31 Beloved Polaris & Magnus’ Decree
32 Mighty Arcturus & Diana’s Decree
33 Beloved God Meru’s Decree
34 God Tabor’s Decree

35 God Himalaya’s Decree

36 God of the Swiss Alps’ Decree
37 Beloved Master El Morya’s Decree
38 Beloved Master Kuthumi’s Decree
39 Beloved Master Serapis Bey’s Decree
40 Beloved Elohim Cyclopea (Vista)’s Decree
41 Beloved God Harmony’s Decree
42 Beloved Master Paul the Venetian’s Decree
43 Beloved Elohim of Peace’s Decree
44 Beloved Master Hilarion’s Decree
45 Threefold Flame Activation | Pink Petal
46 The Secret Love Star’s Decree
47 Beloved Master Jesus’ Decree
48 Beloved Goddess of Liberty’s Decree
49 Beloved Goddess of Justice’s Decree
50 Violet Fire Cauldron’s Activity
51 Violet Fire Cauldron Meditation

55 The Ascended Light Body’s Decree

56 Beloved Master Lanto’s Decree
57 The Seven Mighty Archangels’ Decree
58 Threefold Flame Activation | Golden Petal
59 Beloved Cosmic Angel (Micah)’s Decree
60 Mighty Victory & His Legions of Victory Decree
61 The Seven Mighty Chohans’ Decree
62 Beloved Mighty Helios and Vesta’s Decree

63 Message from Morgan Le Fay

64 Beloved Archangel Michael’s Decree
65 Beloved Elohim Astrea’s Decree
66 Threefold Flame Activation | Blue Petal
67 Gods of Gold and Nature’s Decree
68 The Seven Mighty Elohim’s Decree
69 Beloved Sanat Kumara’s Decree
70 The Higher Mental Body of Mankind’s Decree
71 Beloved Lord Gautama’s Decree

72 Ascended Light Body Explanation

73 Threefold Flame Activation Explanation
74 Why Is There a Small Change in Sequence in The Masters of Days Every
Year in The Seven Sacred Weeks?
75 Legal Disclosure and Contact details
76 The Karmic Board Dispensation
78 Time Table and Agenda at the Royal Teton Retreat
80 A Simple Model of a Karmic Petition
81 How to Achieve the Best Results During Seven Sacred Weeks (SSW)

The Seven Sacred Weeks 2023
November 23, 2023 to January 10, 2024

Opening Prayer for the Christmas Season

We start the Christmas Season in the Name, Power and Authority of the Mighty I
AM Presence, in the Name of beloved Masters Jesus, Saint Germain and Mighty
We demand this Christmas Season be the mightiest Love, Victory, and Power of
the Cosmic Christ, bringing for mankind, the Earth and all Life within, the release
from all accumulated discord!
With joyful hearts, we send our Love and Gratitude to the beloved I AM Presence
and those Great Ones who are part of the 49 days of Light’s Outpouring from the
Great Central Sun to Earth.
We are grateful for all the blessings that we have received this year. We give
thanks to all life-streams who helped us on our path in this or past embodiments.
We are grateful to be part of this unconditional service and we ask the Cosmic
Christ to bless all students, lightworkers, mankind, the elemental and angelic life
on Earth!
We place our heart on the altar of the Lord of the World and offer this outer instru-
ment of flesh, for another year of unconditional service to life on Earth and
throughout the universe.
As one Mind, Heart and Purpose in these Seven Sacred Weeks with all Light-
workers in this force field, we offer our humble service during this Christmas Sea-
Beloved I AM Presence and Ascended Masters of Light, we are thankful!
Beloved I AM Presence and Ascended Masters of Light, give unto us and all Light-
workers in this force field a wonderful, luminous, powerful and graceful Seven
Sacred Weeks!
May we live an Eternal Thanksgiving! May our thoughts, feelings, words and
actions be an eternal expression of gratitude to Life!
Beloved I AM Presence, we love you! We bless you! We thank you forever!

Note: The opening prayer should be offered on Thanksgiving Day, before we begin the daily
work protocol.

Call to be Transported to the Royal Teton Retreat During Sleep

Beloved I AM Presence, beloved Saint Germain, Lanto, dear Brotherhood of Te-

ton and beloved Lords of Karma!
I humbly ask for the opportunity to participate in the events and Light activities of
this Sacred retreat during these Seven Sacred Weeks.
May I be transported there as soon as I fall asleep each night.
I also ask, if allowed, that I can vividly remember what I learnt and experienced
there, upon awakening in the morning, and thus consciously use what I received
for the blessings of humanity and all life on this planet.
What I ask for myself, I also ask for every student of Light who consciously wishes
to participate in these events at the Teton and engage in aiding the Ascended
Host’s Light Projects.
I rest in the full realization of this call. Thank you so much!

Note: The Royal Teton Retreat is the main focus where the Sacred Fire descends and spills
out onto the planet during Seven Sacred Weeks. There are many activities and events during
this period. Many are open to students. Those who wish to participate are advised to make this
call every day before going to bed.

Welcome to the Seven Sacred Weeks’ Daily Work Protocol

Before you start, please look at the chart of the Seven Sacred Weeks and note
the color of this week's Ray, the Master of the Day and his cosmic qualities.
Set aside about 30 minutes of your day to dedicate your work to beloved Jesus,
the Cosmic Christ. Whenever possible, do this work in the same place and at the
same time.
Let us begin…
Sit with your back straight……….
When you feel relaxed, focus your attention on your “Mighty I AM Presence,”
which lies straight above you, in line with your head…
Pour forth your deepest love and gratitude to your Presence…. and say:
"My beloved I AM Presence, I send you my deepest love and gratitude, be within
me and let me be in you forever!”

Let us now align our four lower bodies with our Source of Light - our be-
loved Mighty I AM Presence, our Electronic Body:

Visualize descending from your beloved “I AM Presence” a ray of Golden Liquid

Light, entering through the top of your head, flowing down into your heart, filling
and expanding it, to form a Golden Sphere of Light.

Feel the expansion of this Light in your heart…

Now… imagine your heart, pumping this Light up, through the same inner chan-
nel, into your brain. Visualize this golden liquid flooding all the cells of your brain…
until your brain structure expands… expands… and expands forming another
Golden Sphere of Light...
Feel the expansion of this Light in your brain…
And, when your heart and brain are completely purified and filled with this light,
unite the two Golden Spheres, in one activity, of Love, Wisdom and Power, so
that the heart and brain become only one, a Sun of dazzling Light……….
Now, feel this Sun expanding, expanding, and expanding, until it envelops your
entire body…. Visualize your body made of pure light substance, in the center of
this sun... blazing millions and millions and millions of light rays into all directions.
Then repeat with me: "I AM ready!

Now visualize, starting from your heart, a Golden Ray of Pure Divine Love, as-
cending through the same inner channel, reaching the heart of your beloved
Higher Mental Body, your Christ Self…
Flood your Higher Mental Body with your deepest love and gratitude, filling and
enveloping it, until another radiant sun forms, similar to the lower sun.
Now repeat: "My beloved Higher Mental Body, I bow before you, in perfect obedi-
ence and adoration! Show me the way to the Father. Let me see the Father face
to face!"
Visualize now, another Golden Ray of Pure Divine Love expanding from your
heart, ascending through the same inner channel... transcending your Higher
Mental Body... and reaching the heart of your "Beloved I AM Presence."
Feel your love flooding your I AM Presence, until another radiant sun forms…
Then repeat: "My Beloved I AM Presence, descend your light into my human
heart, and let me be your Master Presence on Earth.
I AM Ready! I AM Willing!
In this moment of absolute surrender, the lower sun that you are in this human
octave, begins to rise and is absorbed into the heart of the intermediary sun, which
becomes even more radiant and also rises, being absorbed into the heart of the
upper sun... and in this perfect marriage of the Three Suns, a great explosion of
Light occurs, and what was three, becomes only one:
Your own Ascended Master Presence!
Feel this Ascended Master Presence that you really are, feel this complete unity
with your source of life, light and love. Then visualize from the hands, heart and
third eye of the Ascended Presence that you are, rays of Love emanating towards
the Earth, bathing the planet, its atmosphere and all life within, with the Pure Di-
vine Love of your Ascended Heart…
Then, visualize these rays taking the color of the respective week of the Seven
Sacred Weeks and again envelop the Earth and its atmosphere with these rays…
charging all life on this planet with the divine qualities and virtues of the Chohan
of this ray... Visualize the planet being enlightened and blessed with this ray. Vis-
ualize the virtues of this ray being anchored in the heart of every human, angel
and elemental that belongs to this evolution.
And then, when you feel the planet saturated with these blessings, slowly descend
back into your physical body, but now, in perfect alignment and unity with your
Source of Light, your I AM Presence, and hold this feeling…

Pour out now your deepest love and gratitude to the beloved Masters Jesus, Saint
Germain, Victory, and to the Master of this Day. Pour forth your love also for all
Ascended Masters, Archangels, Elohim and Cosmic Beings of Light…
Then repeat: "We love you! We bless you! We are eternally grateful!"

Now let us make this decree, calling for the Cosmic Christ Consciousness
to bless the Earth.
Repeat with me, mentally or in a soft voice, each sentence:

Cosmic Christ Consciousness descend with oceans and oceans and oceans of
the Sacred Fire of Love upon the Earth…
Make this planet bright! Make the love here great!

Cosmic Christ Consciousness descend with oceans and oceans and oceans of
your love into the hearts and minds of the human race…
Make the human mind bright! Make the human heart great!

Cosmic Christ Consciousness descend with oceans and oceans and oceans of
blessings for all students, lightworkers and life-streams who are serving the pur-
poses of the Ascended Masters on Earth!...
Make their path bright! Make their service great!

Beloved I AM Presence, make it a permanent blessing for the Earth and all life-
streams within, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever.
I AM grateful…

In this moment, feel the Cosmic Christ consciousness being charged in all man-
kind and may only the Christ govern here, there and everywhere.

Contemplate now for at least 30 seconds the Master of this day and if you
wish, pause this video (*only for YouTube version) and give the decree of
this Master…

At this moment, surround the planet with the Luminous Presence of the Master of
this Day and just visualize his or her gifts of light descending upon the Earth and
blessing all life within.
Visualize the Luminous Presence of the Master of this Day, embracing the
planet... Then enhance this Presence with the overshadowing Luminous Pres-
ence of beloved Master Jesus the Christ.…
Feel the Christ Consciousness and the divine virtues of the Master of this day
being perfectly anchored in the heart of every human, angel and elemental on
Visualize the expansion of light on this planet... and Earth becoming, forever... a
bright, radiant star in this solar system...

With this glorious vision on your mental screen, let's seal this work now...
Repeat with me:

"Beloved I AM Presence, beloved Masters Jesus, St Germain, Victory, Mother

Mary, the Elohim of Peace and the Master of this Day.
I AM grateful to be part of this great service of Light and to call the blessings of
the Cosmic Christ for myself and the Earth. I ask that this work be sustained and
expanded, until Earth becomes a radiant sun and mankind, ascended."
Remember, after closing this protocol: Remain seated for at least three to five
minutes in perfect stillness, seeing and feeling, only the Luminous Presence of
beloved Jesus enfolding you.
At this moment, he will raise your effort into the Cosmic Christ’s Consciousness,
which assimilates, multiplies and directs the liberated energy into the subjects you
have requested, and soon after, it returns 60% of this Light substance into your
own Causal Body, sealing it in your momentum of Light, for your blessing.
Hold your Peace and make every effort to not disturb this momentum of Light,
with discordant feelings.
Have A Luminous Day!
May Beloved Jesus Bless Your Way!

*Note: For anyone who would like to follow the Audio-Video of Seven Sacred Weeks’ Daily Work Protocol,
please follow it on the YouTube Channel:

Mighty I AM Presence Decree


We call your Supreme Power, Authority and Perfection of Life to govern the Earth, its
atmosphere and all Life within, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!
Please, pour your Cosmic Christ Light of a Thousand Suns upon the heart of the planet,
and from there, direct this Crystalline Light into the heart of every human being, angel
and elemental, that belong to this sphere of evolution, compelling their Divine Blueprint
to come forth and be a visible and tangible reality in this Cosmic Hour.
Beloved Presence within us, we bow before you in deep adoration and gratitude! For
we recognize your Supremacy over all that exists and that you alone are the source,
creator and owner of all good things on Earth and throughout the Universe!
Almighty Presence, we humbly offer our vehicles at your service during these Seven
Sacred Weeks! Help us do what you want us to do! We are ready! We are willing! We
love you! We thank you! And bless you forever!
Our Beloved I AM! (3)


Mighty I AM Presence, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
throughout these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season an unforgettable
blessing for all of us! Pour out your Blessings on us and the whole planet! Seal us in
your Heart's Flame! And sustain us in your Love forever! We are so grateful!

Saint Germain’s Decree


We call the beloved Master Saint Germain to release his Cosmic Victory and
Freedom upon the Earth during these Seven Sacred Weeks and forever, setting
free all particles of the four Elements here, from all human discordant thoughts
and feelings, replacing it by the Cosmic Christ's Love which beloved Jesus is, to
this planet!

Beloved Saint Germain, enfold us with Your Violet Flame! Annihilate all wrong
patterns and substances in our mental and feeling world! Replace everything by
the Perfection of the Golden Age! Set us free! Set us free! Set us free! Stop all
wrongs and human creation on Earth! Force the purification of mankind! And raise
us up in your Cosmic Victory and Freedom!

By the Power of Thousand Suns! By the Light of God that Never Fails!
It is done! It is sustained!


Saint Germain dear, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a blessing for
all of us! Pour your freedom over us and the whole planet! And, Seal and sustain
us in your freedom forever! Thank you!

Mighty Hercules’s Decree


We call Mighty Hercules to envelop the Earth and its atmosphere with his Cosmic
Victory and Power of Light during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever, consum-
ing all discordant thought forms created by mankind, releasing all countries from
entities - carnate or discarnate!

Beloved Hercules, come forth with your Cosmic Blue Lightning and enfold every
lifestream on Earth! Enfold mankind! Enfold the Forces of Nature! Enfold the
Animal and Elemental Kingdom! Release your Almighty Power and cut them free
from all that is not God’s Perfection!

Annihilate all the causes and cores of war and all conflicts among mankind! Stop-
ping all selfishness to manifest here again! Replacing everything by the Purity,
Love and Perfection of the Cosmic Christ!

By the Power of Thousand Suns! By the Light of God that Never Fails!
It is done! It is sustained! I am immensely grateful!


Beloved Elohim Hercules, take command, hold dominion and produce your per-
fection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a bless-
ing in our lives! Pour your Will into us and the whole planet! Seal us in your
Strength! And sustain us in your Perfection forever! We are so grateful!

Lord Maitreya’s Decree


We call beloved Lord Maitreya to come forth with his Cosmic Christ’s Flame and
Victory, and sweep his Heart’s Flame into the Earth, its atmosphere, mankind, the
Beings of the Elements, the Forces of Nature and the Animal Kingdom, during the
Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Lord Maitreya, pour your Heart’s Love from the Great Central Sun in, through and
around us all! Bind, shatter and consume all selfishness from Earth forever! Keep
inactive all the darkness that has been woven into human beings, keeping their
eyes closed to the Truth of the "I AM Presence."

With the Speed of Lightning! By the Light of the Great Central Sun!
Make it real. Make it done! I am forever Grateful!


Beloved Lord Maitreya, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a blessing
for us and all mankind! Pour your Christ Consciousness into us and the whole
planet! Seal us in your Light! And sustain us in your Perfection forever! We are so

Silent Watcher’s Decree


We call forth the Silent Watcher’s Cosmic Victory of Divine Plan to descend in,
through and around the Earth, filling its atmosphere and all Life within, during the
Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Silent Watcher, come forth! Enfold us! Enfold the Children of the Light!
Enfold all the countries on Earth! Protect us from all that is not God’s Purity!

Beloved Silent Watcher, hold us in your Light! Keep us in your Immortal Christ
Silence which is the Revealing Power of our Divine Plan! And help us to know it,
to feel it, to hold it firmly in our minds and to fulfill it!

In God’s Way! In Ascended Masters’ Way, I command!

With the Speed of Lightning! By the Power of Thousand Suns!

It is done! And it is forever sustained!


Beloved Silent Watcher, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a great
blessing for us all! Pour your Christ Silence into us and the whole planet! Seal us
in your Silence! And sustain us in your Peace forever! We are so grateful!

Great Divine Director’s Decree


We call the Great Divine Director’s Cosmic Authority and Victory in, through and
around the Earth, filling its atmosphere and all life-streams within, during the
Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Great Divine Director, descend with your Heart’s Flame and charge mankind with
your Perfect Patterns of the Golden Age!

Great Master, enfold us in your Love! Transmute all the causes and cores of all
discord on Earth! Dissolve all selfishness! Annihilate all human creation! Cut us
free from all entities! And raise us in your Perfection!

Hold us in your Eternal Embrace! And keep us in your Immortal Harmony so that
our Higher Mental Body can illumine our hearts and minds, shaping our bodies
and worlds in the Beauty, Purity and Perfection of the Cosmic Christ!

With the Speed of Lightning! By the Light of the Great Central Sun!
Make it real! Make it done!


Beloved Great Divine Director, take command, hold dominion and produce your
perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a
luminous gift for us all! Pour your Perfect Thoughts and Feelings into us and the
whole planet! Seal us in your Perfection! And sustain us in your Light forever! We
are so grateful!

Maha Chohan’s Decree


We call the Beloved Maha Chohan’s Cosmic Victory and Nature Authority to de-
scend upon the Earth, filling its atmosphere, the hearts and minds of mankind,
blessing all Elemental and Animal Life here, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and

Our dear Maha Chohan, Lord of the Seven Rays, clothe us and mankind in your
Golden Ray of Love and compel us to walk towards our Divine Plan, so may we
live, feel, think and act in God’s Perfection always.

Lord of the Seven Rays, release your Love to free the elementals and angels
imprisoned by human discord. Release one mighty stroke of the Seven Rays to-
gether into all human activities and raise the human life on Earth in the perfect
patterns of the Golden Age. Then, descend with boundless blessings of supply,
wealth, health and happiness upon all Children of Light and whoever lives to the
Greater Good on this planet.

By the Power of Thousand Suns. By the Light of God that Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!
Beloved Maha Chohan, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a great
blessing for us all! Pour your Luminous Mind into us and the whole planet! Seal
us in your Feeling of Joy! And sustain us in your Love forever! We are so grateful!

Mighty Virgo’s Decree
We call Mighty Virgo’s Earth Element Authority and Victory to descend upon the
Earth, mankind, the Elemental and Angelic Kingdom and the Forces of Nature,
bringing the perfect balance, happiness and God’s Perfection here, there and
everywhere, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!
Mighty Virgo, pour your Limitless Love in, through and around all children of Light,
Messengers of God and through every constructive person on this planet and give
us Wisdom, Health, Wealth, Perfect Bodies and the Happiness of the Cosmic
Beloved Virgo, inspire us, how to use your Limitless Love to fulfill our Divine Plan
in God’s Way! Pour your Happiness into all the hearts and minds of mankind and
help them to accept and acknowledge the “Mighty I AM Presence”, giving It their
obedience and service, so that the Blessings of the Great Central Sun can de-
scend into everyone and this planet, bringing Joy, Peace and Opulence into our
By the Light of the Great Central Sun! By the Love of Helios’ Heart! Make it real!
Make it forever sustained!
Beloved Virgo, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a gift of Light
for us all! Pour your Blessings into us and the whole planet! Purify the Earth Ele-
ment within us! And raise us in your Beauty forever! We are so grateful!

Mighty Neptune’s Decree


We call Mighty Neptune’s Water Authority and Victory to envelop the Earth, man-
kind and everything within, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Mighty Neptune, enfold us in your Cosmic Blue Lightning of Cosmic Purity and
purify our emotional bodies from all negative crystallization.

Cut us free from all discord! Cut us free from all human creation! Cut us free from
all that is not God’s Perfection! Help us to hold perfect balance in our feelings, in
order that we may find the inner peace, and hold our world in permanent harmony!

By the Power of the Seven Mighty Elohim! By the Light of God that Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Neptune, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a Victory of
Light for us all! Pour your Purity into us and the whole planet! Purify the Water
Element within us! And hold us in your Perfect Balance forever!
We are so grateful!

Mighty Aries’s Decree


We call Mighty Aries’s Air Element Authority and Victory to descend into our midst
and charge our minds with her Brilliant Ideas and Inspirations of the Higher
Spheres of Manifestation, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Aries, envelop us with your Sacred Fire of Love, raising our thoughts into
the Ascended Masters’ Octave of Perfection. Hold our feelings in the ease and
happiness of the Air Element.

Mighty Aries, help us to bring the Beauty, Purity and Wonders of the Ascended
Masters here in this octave, so that we can breathe, live and act in that Immortal
Perfection of the Seven Mighty Elohim, fulfilling our Divine Plan in God’s way.

By the Power of the Seven Mighty Elohim! By the Light of God that Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Aries, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a luminous experience
for all of us! Pour your Clarity upon us and throughout the planet! Purify the Air
Element within us! And lift us into your World of Perfect Ideas forever!
We are so grateful!

Mighty Oromasis’ Decree


We call the Authority and Victory of the Fire Element of beloved Oromasis to en-
velop the Earth, its atmosphere, mankind, the Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms,
during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Oromasis, sweep our atomic structure with your Golden Rays and trans-
mute all undesirable substance in our lower bodies that obstruct the perfect flow
of the Sacred Fire of Love from our I AM Presence through all our cells and tis-
sues. Sweep, sweep and sweep our brains with your Golden Fire and open our
inner vision and hearing so that we can clearly see and hear God's Will for us.

Beloved Oromasis, descend with your Love over the Elemental Kingdom and
calm, bless and sustain in perfect balance all the forces of nature on this planet.

At the speed of Lightning and by the Light of the Great Central Sun, I command!
I demand! and I know, it is done!


Beloved Prince Oromasis, take command, hold dominion and produce your per-
fection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas an Uplifting Mo-
ment for all of us! Pour your Golden Fire in, through and around us and mankind!
Purify the Fire Element within us! And hold us in your Flaming Love forever!
We are so grateful!

Goddess of Light’s Decree


We call beloved Goddess of Light’s Cosmic Victory, Substance and Power of

Light to descend upon the Earth, filling its atmosphere, all the hearts and minds
of mankind, the Forces of Nature, the Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms, during
the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Goddess of Light, envelop us with your Globe of Pure Light Substance
from the Great Central Sun and hold us there! Flood our hearts and minds with
your Luminous Radiance! Flood our homes and worlds with your Luminous Love!
Expand, expand and expand your Substance of Light in, through and around us,
until only Light can exist in our lives and realities!

Beloved Goddess of Light, raise us into the perfection of our True Being! Form us
into a Crystal Cup, enabling us to receive God’s Boundless Blessings, and then
directing these Blessings to the whole planet!

By the Light of the Great Central Sun! By the Invincible Power of Jesus Christ’s
Name! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Goddess of Light, take command, hold dominion and produce your per-
fection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Gift of Light
for all of us! Pour your Light in, through and around us all! Purify our Thoughts
and Feelings! And keep us in your Love forever! We are so grateful!

Queen of Light’s Decree


We call the beloved Queen of Light to descend with her Crystal Christ Mind and
Victory upon the Earth, its atmosphere, mankind, the Forces of Nature and the
Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Queen of Light, raise up your Crystal Sword of Pure Light in, through and
around us all, and cut us free from all entities - carnate and discarnate!
Expand your Crystal Rays over our nation and purify the atmosphere around us,
keeping it in the Purity and the Immortal Peace of the Cosmic Christ!

By the Power of the Seven Mighty Elohim! By the Light of God that Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Queen of Light, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Purifying Action
for all of us! Pour your Love in, through and around us all! Illumine our Auras! And
keep us in your Alertness forever! We are so grateful!

Beloved Nada’s Decree


We call the beloved Master Nada to flood the Earth, its atmosphere, mankind, the
Forces of Nature and the Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms with her Cosmic
Peace and Victory, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Nada, come forth in your Visible and Tangible Body and expand your
Peace and Healing Rays in, through and around us all! Dissolve all wrong sub-
stances in our minds, hearts and bodies, that obstruct the Light of our Higher
Mental Body, from descending upon our physical bodies to cleanse the energetic
lines within us, allowing this Liquid Light to flow freely, activating all the points of
light in our cells, raising us into the Perfection of the Christ!

Precious Nada, charge our feeling worlds with your Invincible Peace and enfold
us in your Mantle of Pure Divine Love from Venus!

By the Power of the Seven Mighty Elohim! By the Light of God that Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Lady Nada, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Season of Peace and
Love for all of us! Touch our hearts with your Rose of Light! Seal us in your Peace!
And keep us in your Simplicity and Humility forever! We are so grateful!

Beloved Mary’s Decree


We call the beloved Mother Mary to envelop the Earth, its atmosphere, mankind,
the Forces of Nature, and the Elemental Kingdom with her Cosmic Victory, Love
and Healing by Light during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Mary, charge us with your Love and teach us to speak the language of
the Heart. Direct your Healing Rays into our minds and hearts, and purify our
thoughts and feelings from all human creation, raising them into the Perfection of
the Cosmic Christ! And hold us in this Perfection forever!

Mary dear, charge mankind with the Ascended Master Feeling, fill all human ac-
tivities with Ascended Master Perfection, and seal the Children of Light in As-
cended Master Protection.

By the Power of the Seven Mighty Archangels! By the Light of God that Never
Fails! I command! I demand! and It is done!
Beloved Mother Mary, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a gift of love
for us all! Pour your Grace into us all! Purify our Human Garments! And raise us
in your Love forever! We are so grateful!

Beloved Meta’s Decree


We call the beloved Meta to pour into the hearts, minds and bodies of all mankind,
especially the children of Light, her Cosmic Victory, Love and Healing Rays, rais-
ing us all into the Christ Consciousness, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and

Beloved Meta, envelop the Earth and its atmosphere with your Healing Power!
Release the Elementals and Forces of Nature from all human discord! And re-
lease all Animal Life from all human selfishness!

Teach mankind to respect and work with Nature in perfect harmony. Give your
Protection to the children and the youth, keeping their attention only in the Per-
fection of the Ascended Masters.

By the Power of the Seven Mighty Elohim! By the Light of God that Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Meta, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Healing Season for
us all! Pour your Love into us all! Purify our Hearts and Minds! And raise us into
the Perfection and Beauty of Venus forever! We are so grateful!

Beloved Quan Yin’s Decree


We call beloved Quan Yin and her Cosmic Victory, Forgiveness and Compassion
by Light to descend into the hearts and minds of every human being here, there
and everywhere, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Quan Yin, come forth into our midst in your Visible and Tangible Body!
Pour your Love into all the Elementals and the Forces of Nature, releasing them
from mankind’s discordant feelings. Envelop the Earth with your Cosmic Love and
Forgiveness, and force the purification of mankind!

Stop the causes and cores of all wars and human conflicts! Annihilate all forms of
hatred within human hearts! Raise mankind once more into the Perfection of the

Oh, Quan Yin, have mercy! (3x) on us, humanity and on all life on Earth!
Transmute our wrongs right now, and lift us up into the Victory of Ascension!

By the Power of the Seven Mighty Elohim! By the Light of God That Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Quan Yin, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Forgiveness Season
for us all! Pour your Mercy into us all! Purify our lifestreams! And make us a Sun
of Dazzling Light wherever we move in this human octave! We are so grateful!
Beloved Polaris & Magnus’s Decree


We call our beloved Polaris and Magnus to pour upon the Earth, its atmosphere
and all life-streams within, their Cosmic Victory and Healing Currents, bringing life
on Earth again, into the perfect balance and alignment with the Great Central Sun,
during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!
Beloved Polaris and Magnus, adjust the Harp Strings of our Soul, so that the
Golden Liquid Light of our Electronic Body, can again flow back through all the
cells and energetic lines of our physical body, restoring the beauty, health and
perfection of our garments of flesh.

Beloved Polaris and Magnus, pour oceans of love upon the Earth and bring the
axis of this planet into its correct position again!

Beloved Polaris and Magnus! Listen to our calls and bless us with your Luminous
Presences, and inspire us to do whatever is necessary for our Freedom and Vic-
tory in the Light!

In the Name, Power and Authority of the Almighty God and by the Light of the
Great Central Sun! I command! I accept this as true! And so, it is done!
Beloved Polaris and Magnus, take command, hold dominion and produce your
perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a luminous
Season for us all! Pour your Perfect Balance into us all! Adjust the Harp Strings
of our Soul! And align us again with the Great Central Sun’s heart!
We are so grateful!

Mighty Arcturus & Diana’s Decree


We call upon the Mighty Arcturus and Diana to descend with the Cosmic Violet
Flame of a Thousand Suns, in, through and around the Earth, its atmosphere and
all life-streams within, illuminating everything on this planet, during the Seven Sa-
cred Weeks and forever.

Beloved Arcturus and Diana, envelop us and all humanity with your Cosmic Flame
of Love and Freedom, through which nothing can pass but the Perfection of the
Ascended Masters. Dissolve, dissolve and dissolve all of our selfishness! Trans-
mute, transmute and transmute our human feeling of knowing everything better
than God and the Ascended Masters! Consume, annihilate and end the need for
competition among the Children of Light! Replace it all, with the humility, obedi-
ence, and unconditional service of the Ascended Masters of Light.

Arcturus & Diana! Come and set us free! (3x)

By the Power of the Seven Mighty Elohim! By the Light of God That Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Arcturus and Diana, take command, hold dominion and produce your
perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Gift from
your Violet Hearts for us all! Pour your Violet Flame into us all! Release us from
all negative accumulations! And raise us in God’s Victory and Perfection!
We are so grateful!

Beloved God Meru’s Decree


We call the Mighty God Meru to come forth with his Mighty Electronic Forces of
Love, Wealth and Illumination and enfold the Earth, mankind, Nature and all the
Elementals, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved God Meru, pour out your mighty light and the feminine Ray of Purity and
Love, of the great Cosmic Mother, into the minds and hearts of all human beings
and set them free from all ignorance! Charge the eyes and ears of the Children of
Light with your Cosmic Illuminating Power and help them to hear and see the
Mighty I AM Presence face to face!

Beloved God Meru, bless all sincere students of Light with the riches of the As-
cended Masters and raise them into the Perfection of God!

Beloved God Meru! Come and bless us! (3x) We love you! We are eternally grate-

By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Cosmic Power! By the Light of God That Never
Fails! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved God Meru, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Gift of Light for us
all! Pour your Feminine Ray into us all! Keep us in the Cosmic Mother’s Tender
Embrace! And give us your Boundless Blessings! We are so grateful!

God Tabor’s Decree


We call the Mighty God Tabor to pour his Everlasting Beauty and Youth in,
through and around all life-streams on Earth, during the Seven Sacred Weeks
and forever!

Dear God Tabor, descend upon us and pour out your Blessings and Gifts, enlight-
ening our minds and hearts to the truth and reality of the beloved “I AM Presence.”

Carry us with your Mighty Electronic Forces and help us to live in perfect harmony
with Nature and all the Elemental Beings, especially with our brothers and sisters
on this planet. Raise our consciousness into the Perfect Patterns and Beauty of
the Ascended Master’s Octave and help us to stay there forever.

By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Cosmic Power! By the Light of the Great Central
Sun! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved God Tabor, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Gift of Light for us
all! Pour your Everlasting Beauty into us all! Keep us in the Ascended Master’s
Perfect Feeling! And give us your Boundless Supply of every good thing! We are
so grateful!

God Himalaya’s Decree


We call the Mighty God Himalaya to descend with his Mighty Electronic Forces of
Love and Illumination in, through and around the Earth, its atmosphere, bathing
all life-streams within, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever.

Dear God Himalaya, pour your Golden Snow upon us, the Earth and all mankind,
raising us into the Cosmic Christ’s Love, Wisdom and Power and hold us in this
Perfect Activity of the Ascended Masters’ Octave forever!

By the Power of the Great Central Sun! By the Light of God That Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved God Himalaya, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Source of Wis-
dom for us all! Pour your Everlasting illumination into us all! Keep us in the As-
cended Master’s Perfect Balance! And give us your Boundless Blessings of every
good thing! We are so grateful!

God of the Swiss Alps Decree


We call the Beloved God of the Swiss Alps to come forth with his Mighty Electronic
Forces of Love and Purification Power and enfold the Earth, its atmosphere and
all life-streams within, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever.

Beloved God of the Swiss Alps, envelop Europe and the Earth with your Cosmic
Law of the Power of the Mountains and uplift mankind and all human activities
into the Perfection of the Ascended Masters!

Release the forces of nature, Angels and Elementals from mankind’s discordant
thoughts and feelings! Release mankind from all shadows and set all human be-
ings forever free in the Victory of the Ascension!

By the Cosmic Law of the Power of the Mountains! By the Light of the Great Cen-
tral Sun! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved God of the Swiss Alps, take command, hold dominion and produce your
perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Magnet
that attracts all Good Things in our lives! Pour your Boundless Opulence on us
all! Keep us in the Ascended Master’s Perfect Obedience! And give us your Wis-
dom in the use of God’s Blessings, Substance and Energy that is daily given to
us! We are so grateful!

Beloved Master El Morya’s Decree


We call beloved Master El Morya to descend with his Cosmic Victory and Power
of Will in, through and around the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-streams within,
during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever.

Beloved El Morya, envelop us, mankind, and especially all the children of Light
with your Fiery Mantle of Blue Flame, charging us with your Fiery Will to do what
is right and to say “NO” to all that is of human creation forever! Give us the
Strength and Courage to walk boldly towards our Ascension! Grasping our Divine
Scepter of Dominion and Power, holding it in our hands forever!

By the Invincible Power of the Seven Mighty Chohans! By the Victory of the As-
cended Jesus Christ’s Name! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Master El Morya, take command, hold dominion and produce your per-
fection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a Gift
for us all! Pour your God’s Will upon us all! Keep us in God’ Way! And give us
your Determination to walk boldly towards the Victory of Ascension!
We are so grateful!

Beloved Master Kuthumi’s Decree


We call beloved Master Kuthumi to enfold the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-
streams within, with his Cosmic Victory and Wisdom, during the Seven Sacred
Weeks and forever!

Beloved Master Kuthumi, descend with your Golden Rays in, through and around
our minds and hearts! Charge us with your Love and Wisdom, with your Kindness
and Peace, with your Humbleness and Obedience to the Light!

Illumine our eyes to see the Truth! Open our Ears to hear the Music of the
Spheres! Purify our brains from all wrong substances! And lift us up in the Eternal
Victory of our Ascension!

By the Light of God That Never Fails! By the Seven Chohans’ Cosmic Power!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Master Kuthumi, take command, hold dominion and produce your per-
fection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a
Source of Illumination for us all! Pour your Humility upon us all! Keep us sealed
by your Mantle of Silence! And give us your Wisdom to see behind the human
appearances and make the right decisions in our lives! We are so grateful!

Beloved Master Serapis Bey’s Decree


We call beloved Master Serapis Bey to pour his Cosmic Victory and Christ Purity
upon the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-streams within, during the Seven Sa-
cred Weeks and forever.

Beloved Master Serapis Bey, envelop us, mankind and especially all children of
the Light, with your Cosmic Purity and Discipline and help us to do the necessary
efforts to fulfill our Divine Plan and gain the Victory of Ascension! Give us your
indifference to everything that is human and hold us in the Ascended Masters’

I AM the Victory of the Ascension of this planet and all lifestreams that evolve
here! (3x)

By the Light of God That Never Fails! By the Seven Chohans’ Cosmic Power!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Master Serapis Bey, take command, hold dominion and produce your
perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a time of
learning and renewal for all of us! Pour your Purity upon us all! Keep us in your
Ascension Flame! And give us your Discipline to fulfill our daily tasks in the Per-
fection of God always! We are so grateful!

Beloved Elohim Cyclopea (Vista)’s Decree


We call beloved Cyclopea to descend with his Cosmic Victory and Power of Con-
centration in, through and around the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-streams
within, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Mighty Cyclopea, envelop us, mankind and all children of the Light with your Ra-
diant Green Rays and raise our consciousness in the Ascended Masters’ Perfec-

Charge our feeling world with Ascended Masters’ Feelings. Charge our thoughts
with Ascended Masters’ Brilliant Ideas. Charge our lives with Ascended Masters’
Beauty, Purity, Opulence and Perfect Realizations. Keep us in your Fire Presence
of Love and Protection and place again, your Sacred Jewel of Light upon our

By the Light of God That Never Fails! By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Invincible
Power! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Elohim Cyclopea, take command, hold dominion and produce your per-
fection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a moment of
great absorption of Cosmic Light! Pour your Flame of Concentration on us all!
Keep us motivated! And give us your Determination to accomplish all our con-
structive desires! We are so grateful!

Beloved God Harmony’s Decree


We call the beloved God Harmony to descend with his Cosmic Victory and Har-
mony in, through and around the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-streams within,
during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved God Harmony, embrace us, mankind and the children of Light in your
Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Harmony and help us to always maintain perfect bal-

Dissolve all hatred and discordant feelings in our hearts, along with their causes,
cores, records, effects and memories in time and space, replacing everything with
the Love and Perfection of the Ascended Masters. Pour your Love upon the Ele-
mentals and Forces of Nature, upon the Flora and Fauna of the planet and keep
everything in your Immortal Harmony and Happiness!

Beloved Harmony, keep us in your Perfect Balance! (3x)

By the Light of God That Never Fails! By the Power of the Great Central Sun!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved God Harmony, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a moment of se-
renity! Pour your Harmony on us all! Keep us in your Perfect Balance! And give
us Strength to hold your Peace always! We are so grateful!

Beloved Master Paul the Venetian’s Decree


We now call the beloved Paul the Venetian with his Cosmic Love to descend upon
the Earth, and flood its atmosphere and all life-streams that evolve on this planet,
during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!
Beloved Master Paul the Venetian, pour your love into all particles of the four
elements that make up life on Earth.
Transmute all the wrong substances and patterns with your Love! Illuminate us
with your Grace! And make your Fiery Presence shine upon all that is here! Pour
your talents and gifts to all Children of Light! Pour your blessings on all kingdoms
and life forms! Force the purification of all human hearts! Warm them with your
Luminous Presence until only Christ's Love and Perfection can be expressed
within them!
At the Speed of Lightning! And by the Light of the Great Central Sun! I AM God,
the Almighty, making it real now, and I know, it is done!

Beloved Master Paul, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a gift of Love for us all!
Pour your Blessings upon us! Expand the Beauty of our Hearts! And teach us to
unconditionally serve the Light of God on Earth! We are so grateful!

Beloved Elohim of Peace’s Decree


I call the Elohim of Peace to come forth and fill the Earth, its atmosphere and all
life-streams within, with his Cosmic Victory and Peace of Light, during the Seven
Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Elohim of Peace, envelop us, our homes and environments with your
Golden Rays of Love, fill our hearts with your Eternal Peace, fill our worlds with
your Immortal Harmony. And hold us in the Perfect Balance and Serenity of the
Ascended Masters.

Tranquility dear, come and abide within our hearts! (3)

By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Cosmic Power! By the Light of God That Never
Fails! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Elohim of Peace, take command, hold dominion and produce your per-
fection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Source of
Peace for us all! Pour your Tranquility upon us! Keep us serene and humble! And
teach us to be tolerant and patient in our daily experiences! We are so grateful!

Beloved Master Hilarion’s Decree


We call the beloved Master Hilarion to come forth and enfold the Earth, its atmos-
phere and all life-streams here, with his Cosmic Victory and Truth of Light, during
the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever.

Beloved Hilarion, descend with your Fire Healing Presence in, through and
around us all. Heal us now by your Light! Heal us now by your Love! Charge our
mental and feeling worlds with God’s Eternal Truth and help us to know, see and
dwell in God’s Perfection forever!

By the Light of God That Never Fails! By the Seven Chohans’ Healing Power!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Master Hilarion, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Source of Heal-
ing for us all! Pour your Emerald Green Rays upon us! Keep us healthy and mo-
tivated! And expand our faith and trust in the Power and Intelligence of the Mighty
I AM Presence! We are so grateful!

Threefold Flame Activation | Pink Petal

On December 24th and 25th we have a special activation of the Pink Flame in our
hearts. This dispensation has been given for the benefit of all who are sincerely
fulfilling the Seven Sacred Weeks protocol. A flow of love descends through the
upper triangle formed by the beloved Elohim of Peace, Mother Mary, and the Cos-
mic Christ.
The Cosmic Christ absorbs this energy and pours it into the permanent atom that
is located in the center of your heart, and in proportion to your individual effort,
the Rose Petal of your Threefold Flame, which carries the quality of love, is ex-
Silence your outer self for a few minutes during these two days, and quietly, feel
this current of light coming down from the Great Central Sun to bless your heart.
Focus on your heart, especially on the Pink Petal, which is located on the right
side of your body. Feel this Petal pulsing and expanding Radiant Pink waves,
charged with Divine Love, flooding every cell of your four lower bodies. Harmonize
your breathing rhythm and repeat the mantra 9 times mentally or in a low voice:
"I AM a Being of Love. I expand and attract only Love into my life and experience!"
Beloved Jesus stated that each year that we are doing this work during the Seven
Sacred Weeks, more and more blessings are coming down to our Causal body.
We are creating a great positive momentum and in the measure of the effort of
each one, the Masters can help more and more directly in the alignment of our
bodies and activation of the Christ Presence within our hearts.
I wish a beautiful activation of the Pink Flame in your hearts! The Flame of Love,
Beauty, Youth and all artistic gifts!
See page 73 for further explanation

The Secret Love Star’s Decree


We call the Beloved Secret Love Star to descend upon the Earth and fill its at-
mosphere and all life-streams within, with Its Cosmic Victory of Love and Peace
during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Secret Love Star, envelop us and mankind in your Perfect Activity of
Love, Wisdom and Power, fill our hearts and minds with your Light and keep us
in Perfect Balance, so that we can walk towards our Ascension, and may this path
be Joyful, Harmonious, and our Victory, triumphant!

I AM the Love Star raising mankind into the Victory of Ascension! (3x)

By the Light of God That Never Fails! By the Seven Mighty Kumaras’ Cosmic
Love! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Love Star, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a moment of illumina-
tion for us all! Pour your Threefold Activity within our auras! Hold us in your feeling
of Immortal Love! And give us the Wisdom to act always in the Intelligence of our
own Christ Presence in every thought, feeling and spoken word in this human
octave! We are grateful!

Beloved Master Jesus’ Decree


We call the Beloved Jesus to come forth and fill the earth, its atmosphere and all
life-streams within, with his Cosmic Sacred Fire of Immortal Love of the Cosmic
Christ during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Jesus, flood us and mankind with your Light, touch our hearts and ex-
pand our Pink Flame of Love, illumine our minds and help us to see the Truth of
the “I AM” Presence. Lead us on this Path of Ascension, let us know the right thing
to do and give us the courage to fulfill it day by day. We thank you! We bless you!
We love you forever!

Fill the feeling world of mankind with your Flaming Presence! (3)
Come forth in your Visible and Tangible Body! (3)
Show us the Way, the Light and the Truth! (3)
We are ready! We are willing to give the necessary obedience! (3)

By the Power of the Great Central Sun! By the Light of God That Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Master Jesus, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a moment of Ex-
pansion of the Christ Presence within our hearts! Pour your Immortal Peace on
us! Expand the Light within our hearts! And keep us in your Luminous Presence
forever! We are so grateful!

Beloved Goddess of Liberty’s Decree


We call the Goddess of Liberty to descend upon the Earth and fill its atmosphere
and all life-streams within, with her Cosmic Freedom, during the Seven Sacred
Weeks and forever!

Beloved Goddess of Liberty, come forth in your Visible and Tangible Body and
show us the way to Victory! Envelop us with your Cosmic Flame of Eternal Free-
dom and hold us firm against all human creation, keeping us humble to our be-
loved "Mighty I AM Presence," our Source of Life. Carry the minds and hearts of
all human beings with your Love, Perfect Balance and your Obedience to the
Cosmic Light!

By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Cosmic Power! By the Light of the Great Central
Sun! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Goddess of Liberty, take command, hold dominion and produce your
perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Source of
Freedom for us all! Surround us with your Luminous Presence! Keep us in your
Liberating Embrace until we are all ascended and free! We are so grateful!

Beloved Goddess of Justice’s Decree


We call the Goddess of Justice to descend upon the Earth and fill its atmosphere
and all life-streams within, with her Cosmic Justice and Opportunities, during the
Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Goddess of Justice, pour your Sacred Fire of Cosmic Justice into the
hearts and minds of all human beings and their activities! Compel Divine Justice
to come forth! Command Divine Order to manifest now! Charge our feelings with
your Love! And hold us in the Purity, Happiness and Perfection of the Ascended

Beloved Goddess of Justice, bring to us all the necessary opportunities and the
understanding of how to act in Life according to our Divine plan!

I AM the Law of Divine Justice creating perfect order and happiness in my world!

By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Cosmic Power! By the Light of the Great Central
Sun! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Goddess of Justice, take command, hold dominion and produce your
perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a moment
of improvement for us all! Teach us to be just and merciful to all Life. Light up
our path until we are all ascended and free! We are so grateful!

Violet Fire Cauldron’s Activity
December 28th – 31st

The Cosmic Law has provided this activity of the Violet Fire Cauldron as a means
of relief for each person’s karma, accumulated during the last twelve months of
the year, provided such karma was not a result of willful intent.

The Elohim and their assistants build this great sea of pure liquid Violet Fire about
a thousand feet in diameter, circular in shape, near the retreat of the Royal Teton.

During the last four days of the year, each human being, especially the students
of the Ascended Masters, aware of this activity, are bathed in these purifying wa-
ters of the Violet Flame.

This activity is a great blessing that cannot be describe in words! It brings great
relief, makes us lighter and refreshed to begin a New Year!

Below is a meditation, given to me, with very clear details of what we experience
during this moment. We can practice it, as often as we wish, between the 28th
and 31st of December.

The students of the Ascended Masters, can bathe in this Lake of Violet Fire as
many times as they desire during this period, and naturally, the more they do, the
greater the blessings they will receive.

With the blessings of Saint Germain, the Elohim and the Brotherhood of the Teton,

Morgan Le Fay

Violet Fire Cauldron Meditation

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and relax your body and face muscles.
Then, place your attention on the Royal Teton retreat, and say:
Beloved I AM Presence, beloved Saint Germain, Lanto, dear Brotherhood of Te-
ton and beloved Lords of Karma!
I humbly ask for the opportunity to participate in the events and Light activities of
this Sacred retreat these Seven Sacred Weeks.
May I be transported there as soon as I fall asleep each night.
I also ask, if allowed, that I can vividly remember what I learnt and experienced
there, upon awakening in the morning, and thus consciously use what I received
for the blessings of humanity and all life on this planet.
What I ask for myself, I also ask for every student of Light who consciously wishes
to participate in these events at the Teton and engage in aiding the Ascended
Host’s Light Projects.
I greatly appreciate the grace of the complete transmutation of all our unintended
mistakes and all the unwanted burdens we have accumulated over the past
twelve months and I pledge to keep a watchful eye on my feelings, thoughts and
actions for the next twelve months, and thus less pollute my world and the atmos-
phere of this planet.
My beloved I AM Presence and my beloved Higher Mental Body, I thank you for
this blessing and I send, in my name and in the name of every lifestream on this
planet, my sincerest love and gratitude to all the Masters, Angels and Devas who
render this great service of Light to mankind.
I rest in the full realization of this call. Thank you so much!
Afterwards, send a mental message to the Protection Angels who will accompany
you to the Royal Teton and tell them that you are ready.
Close your eyes or keep them half-open, focus on your I AM Presence above your
head and then upon the focus of this Presence in your heart. Calm your Mental
and Emotional activity. When you are very relaxed, imagine that the Protective
Angels softly materialize in front of you, one of them touches your heart and then
your finer body moves away from your physical body.
The Angels hold you by the hands and you begin to float, and when you realize,
you are already flying through the planet's atmosphere towards the Teton retreat.
Although you move quickly, you still perceive the cities and regions below on the
Earth's surface. In a few minutes you descend into the middle of the valley, on a
very beautiful platform. Exotic and beautiful flowers adorn the surroundings.
Now, with your feet on the ground and strolling slowly, the Angels lead you to the
You look at the Portal and are surprised by its majesty. Flowers and emblems
with symbols adorn it, all made of Pure Light Substance, with light and radiant
colors. The Portal appears to be made of white marble, but more radiant! The
Portal expands great light, and from a distance, it looks more like a big star!
There are people walking slowly in the surroundings, as peaceful and magnificent
music sounds in the ethers. Everyone is dressed in light, simple clothes, but at
the same time, extremely elegant. Their faces are perfect and everyone seems to
smile and expand a great happiness.
As you walk a few meters, a Master of Light comes to meet you, greeting you with
a friendly gesture. You recognize him immediately. You talk, then move to the
area where the kiosks are placed. The kiosks, have the purpose of measuring the
internal light of each person, before they bathe in the Flaming Lake.
This large circular lake of Violet Fire, built by the Elohim, is placed in the center
of this platform. Its waters are sparkling and along its edge, there are thousands
of Angels of Mercy. They are majestic, dressed in white, and on the sleeves of
their robes they have bands made of pure condensed Violet Light. Although they
are all dressed in white, their robes are distinctive, they are all beautiful, their
faces have beautiful features and their hair ranges in colour from very light blonde
to light golden brown. They all have deep set eyes ranging in all colours including
green, blue, violet and honey. Overall, some have feminine expressions while
others are more masculine. All have tall statures between 1.70 to 2.10 meters.
All are perfect expressions of Divinity.
The view from the Cauldron is magnificent! The Lake of Violet Fire is in the center
of the platform, with the kiosks a few meters from the edge of the lake, and a few
meters from these kiosks, we see a Divine Orchestra. Behind this orchestra, but
floating in the ethers, we can see formations of wonderful beings, singing with
deep, soft voices. They are part of the Choir of the Great Central Sun. A few
meters behind this Celestial Choir, we see the edge of the Cauldron capped with
balustrades, and from it, we can observe all the beauty of this Sacred Valley.

The orchestra is made up of Angels, Devas and Masters. They carry musical
instruments, some known to the outside world and others that have not yet come
to our attention.
Exactly in the center of the lake, but a few meters above it, floats the Majestic
Elohim of Music, who conducts the orchestra and all concerts during the activity
of the Violet Fire Cauldron.
The Master draws your attention to one of the kiosks and then you walk there. In
every kiosk there is an assistant of the Lords of Karma. All are very kind, with
beautiful and radiant clothes.
As the assistant talks to you, you become very relaxed in his Presence. He gently
places a measuring instrument close to your heart and at the same time, it cap-
tures the light emitted by your Threefold Flame at that moment. It looks a lot like
the modern cell phone and has a very bright screen. Numbers appear on this
screen and a record of your Threefold Flame. This is immediately transferred to
the central system and then, the assistant types in a few numbers and in front of
him appears a very beautiful book, full of Light, the book of your own life. He
records there, your evolution in the last twelve-month period.
If your Light has expanded in the last period, there is hardly any comment. But, in
a few cases, where a person's Light has decreased significantly, the assistant
asks the person what has happened. Had he suffered any trauma or lost his faith
in the Creator. Then together with the Master, in very sweet words, without any
criticism, they would offer advice on how he could recover his vibratory pattern
The Protective Angels now lead you to the edge of the blazing lake, and deliver
you to the Angels of Mercy. They hold your arms and together with you enter into
purifying waters of Violet Fire. A few meters from the shore, they put their hands
on your back and head, and you feel very happy. Then, they immerse you very
gently, in the essence of the pure Violet Flame three times. Each time you emerge
from the lake, you feel lighter and by the third time, great happiness floods your
They then hold your arms gently as you leave the lake. The light in your aura
expands considerably and you notice sparkling sparks emanating from your body
in all directions. The Protective Angels receive you, and soon after, the Master
comes to meet you again, and without words, he just touches the region of you
third eye with his right thumb. Energetic currents resonate throughout your body
three times from head to toe. And a Love blessing is etched into your mental and
emotional world.
This blessing remains with you throughout the year and you can call it at any time
you wish.
Without noticing, the Master disappears and you find yourself walking alongside
the Angels to the Gateway. A wonderful fragrance of roses flows over the entire
Once again as you look upon this sacred place, with a heart full of gratitude for
the blessings you received and for the assistance from all the Divine Beings, you
exclaim verses of gratitude to God - your beloved I AM Presence and all Beings
of Light!
Arriving at the platform, the Angels hold your arms, you begin to float again, and
in a few minutes, you pass through the atmosphere and descend in front of your
physical body. You give thanks for the love and assistance of the Protective An-
gels and promptly enter into your flesh body.
Your consciousness returns to your normal environment, your eyes open and you
feel refreshed, thankful and extremely happy.
A Ray of Love expands from you to all these beings and before you get up and
go about your daily activities, say:
“Beloved I AM Presence and my Higher Mental Body, thank you for the blessing
of transmuting all this unwanted charge. Help me to remember the words of the
Master and to be able to call the blessing engraved on my most subtle bodies
whenever I need it in this human octave. I am immensely grateful.”
Have a wonderful day and remember, during the period of this Violet Fire Caul-
dron activity at the end of the year, you can return to the valley next to the Teton
retreat and bathe in these flaming waters of Violet Fire as many times as you
wish. This activity is extremely purifying and all the weight of undesirable charges,
mistakes made or things that you have allowed to enter your world, uncon-
sciously, with no intention of harming anyone and without malice, can be com-
pletely dissolved in this sea of Violet Flame. Just be careful, that during the next
year, you do not unconsciously call back these wrongs again and so carry yourself
with the weight that was taken away and consumed during this activity.

A Happy New Year!

Saint Germain, Elohim &

Brotherhood of the Royal Teton

The Ascended Light Body’s Decree


We call the Ascended Light Body of this planet, to envelop the Earth and fill its
atmosphere and all life-streams within, with Its Cosmic Victory of Ascension, dur-
ing the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Great Host of the Ascended Masters, beloved Master Jesus, all Messengers and
Students of the Light now Ascended, my beloved master(s) _____________,
come forth in your Visible and Tangible Bodies before the eyes of all human be-
ings and show mankind the irrefutable proof of the Victory of the Ascension!

By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Cosmic Power! By the Light of the Great Central
Sun! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Ascended Light Body, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a moment of Inner
Growth for all of us! Pour forth your Boundless Blessings on us all! Keep us hum-
ble and kind! And lift us up in your Victory of Ascension! We are so grateful!

See page 72 for further explanation

Beloved Master Lanto’s Decree


We call beloved Master Lanto to descend with his Cosmic Victory and Power of
Precipitation and envelop the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-streams within,
during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Master Lanto, come forth! Pour your Golden Rays of Wisdom into our
hearts and minds and lift us up into the Perfection of the Christ! Illumine our brains
and dissolve all the wrong patterns and substances that block the pure and radiant
ideas and feelings of the Ascended Masters from manifesting physically in our
minds. Hold us in Balance! Hold us in Harmony! So that we may receive the grace
of the precipitation of all that we desire of good and perfection, in our lives.

By the Light of God That Never Fails! By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Precipitation
Power! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Master Lanto, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a moment of Illu-
mination for all of us! Pour your reverence for life into us! Teach us to love and
serve God and the greater good impersonally! And lift us above all human discord
and limitation! We are so grateful!

The Seven Mighty Archangels’ Decree


We call the Seven Mighty Archangels to fill the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-
streams within, with their Cosmic Sacred Fire from the Great Central Sun and all
God’s Virtues, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Seven Mighty Archangels descend with the Sacred Fire of Love and
Peace from your hearts, into our feeling world and set us free from all discord and
wrong patterns. Enfold each country on Earth with your Flaming Presences and
protect us and all humanity against all human creation! Keep all human activities
in Angelic perfection. Keep all the Children of Light under your protective wings!

By the Seven Mighty Archangels’ Invincible Power! By the Light of Great Central
Sun! I command now! and It is done!


Beloved Seven Mighty Archangels, take command, hold dominion and produce
your perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Gift
of the Sacred Fire of Love for all of us! Pour your Perfect Feelings into us! Teach
us to produce and use the Sacred Fire of the Angelic Host perfectly! And keep us
in your Luminous Presences forever! We are so grateful!

Threefold Flame Activation | Golden Petal

On December 31 and January 1, we have a special activation of the Golden Flame

in our hearts. This dispensation has been given for the benefit of all who are sin-
cerely doing the protocol of the Seven Sacred Weeks. In these two days, there is
an outpouring of the Cosmic Golden Flame in the Heart of the Great Central Sun,
through the upper triangle that acts in the Christmas period, formed by the be-
loved Elohim of Peace, Mother Mary and the Cosmic Christ, directly into the
hearts of all students who are serving the Cosmic Christ in this period, putting
themselves as catalysts of the Sacred Fire and directing it to bless the Earth and
This activation is done for all in proportion with each one's commitment, but as
always, when we consciously help this process, this comes to our external activity
of consciousness, in a clearer, faster and more intense way. So, take a few
minutes between these two days, and in a quiet place, in a comfortable position,
relax and visualize these rays coming down from the Great Central Sun to bless
your heart. Focus your attention on your heartbeat, feeling as much as you can
the activation of the Golden Flame within it. Feel this Flame pulsating and expand-
ing Radiant Golden waves, loaded with Divine Intelligence and Wisdom, feel this
Golden Light filling all the cells of your four lower bodies. During the visualization,
try to harmonize your respiratory rhythm and mentally or in a low voice repeat 9
times the mantra:
"I AM the Christ Intelligence operating in all that I am, do, feel, and speak. I AM
the Master Presence in full stature acting through me always!"
Always remember, the Divine Law tells us: “First you need to call for what you
wish, and then, to the extent of your effort and worthiness, you will receive it in
your life!”

Beloved Cosmic Angel (Micah)’s Decree


We call the Beloved Cosmic Angel upon whose crown blazes the word “Union” to
come forth with his Cosmic Victory, Love and Communion by Light and bless the
Earth and all life-streams within, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Micah, blaze your Flame of Love and Union upon our foreheads! De-
scend with the Light of a Thousand Suns into the Earth and consume all human
selfishness! Blaze in, through and around us your Sacred Fire of Love and Purity
and annihilate all obstruction in us and in the atmosphere around us that keeps
us from seeing the “Mighty I AM Presence”, the Ascended Masters and the An-
gelic Host face to face!

By the Seven Mighty Archangels’ Cosmic Love! By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s
Cosmic Power! By the Seven Mighty Chohans’ Cosmic Wisdom!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Cosmic Angel, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a moment of Illu-
mination for us all! Pour your Peace into our world of feelings! Keep us in your
feeling of Communion with God and with Life in all forms! Lifting us up over all
kinds of feelings of separation forever! We are so grateful!

Mighty Victory’ and His Legions of Victory Decree


We call Mighty Victory to pour his Cosmic Victory and Love from Venus in, through
and around the Earth during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever.

Beloved Victory, fill the Earth with your Love, its atmosphere and all life within,
releasing mankind, the Beings of the Elements, and the Forces of Nature from all
accumulated discord.

Mighty Victory, dissolve and consume all human creation on Earth by the roots,
transmuting its causes, cores, records, effects and memories in time and space,
replacing everything by the Cosmic Christ Victory of beloved Jesus and of all As-
cended Masters and make this Victory forever sustained!

By the Power of Thousand Suns! By the Light of God that Never Fails!
It is done! I am eternally grateful!

Mighty Victory, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this year a blessing for all of us! Pour
your victory over us and the whole planet! Seal us in your victory! And sustain us
in your victory forever! Thank you!

The Seven Mighty Chohans’ Decree


We call the Seven Mighty Chohans to fill the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-
streams within, with their Cosmic Victory and God’ Actions, during the Seven Sa-
cred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Seven Mighty Chohans, come forth in your visible and tangible bodies
and govern all human activities on Earth! Charge our feeling world with your Flam-
ing Presences and raise us up into the Ascended Masters’ Love, Wisdom, Sub-
stance, Consciousness, Control and Perfection of the Light!

By the Seven Mighty Chohans’ Cosmic Victory!

I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Seven Mighty Chohans, take command, hold dominion and produce your
perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a Gift of
Light for all of us! Pour your Ascended Master Perfection into us! Show us how to
maintain and expand the Light in our world and environment! And keep us in your
Ascended Master Feelings always! We are so grateful!

Beloved Mighty Helios and Vesta’s Decree


We call Mighty Helios and Vesta’s Solar Authority and Victory to envelop the
Earth, its atmosphere, mankind, the Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms, during the
Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Helios and Vesta, seal each one of us within a Blazing Solar Globe of
your Flames, the Flame of Love from your Luminous Hearts! And raise us, right
now, in your Immortal Perfection, so that we may became a Sun Presence on
Earth, compelling your Cosmic Healing and Peace wherever we move, and in,
whatever we do! In God’s Way! In Ascended Masters’ Way I command!

By the Power of the Seven Mighty Elohim! By the Light of God that Never Fails!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Helios and Vesta, take command, hold dominion and produce your per-
fection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this moment a Source of Love,
Wisdom and Power for all of us! Keep us in your Loving Embrace until we are all
Ascended and Free! We are so grateful!

Dear friends,

On January 6th we also have the day of the Three Wise Men, which bring great
blessings in the supply of all good things for us throughout the year - material and

Remember that in this final week we seal all the work completed in the previous
weeks with Mighty Radiations from Great Cosmic Beings of Light.

The Seven Mighty Elohim seal our work with their Sevenfold Flame. Archangel
Michael and the beloved Astrea offer us great protection throughout the year.

Sanat Kumara amplifies and sustains the blessings we generate through our ef-

The Higher Mental Body of Humanity, which is the collective divine part of human
consciousness, is ready, if we uphold our calls, to help humanity move in the right
direction of the Divine plan.

And finally, the Lord of the World, the highest hierarchy on this planet, seals all
blessings, multiplies, sustains and ensures that they are used for the greatest
good ever.

So, let us not allow this energy to fade! Let us commit ourselves in the best way
we can this week to close this work for the Cosmic Christ with a golden key and
He, in his infinite love and mercy, will take care to make these blessings perma-
nent for all of us!


Morgan Le Fay

Beloved Archangel Michael’s Decree


We call beloved Archangel Michael to come forth and fill the Earth, its atmosphere
and all life-streams within, with his Cosmic Sacred Fire of Love and Eternal Pro-
tection, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Archangel Michael, descend upon the Earth with your Limitless Legions
of Angels, and sweep, sweep, sweep the atmosphere of this planet and every
human being, with your Blue Lightning! Purify, purify and purify us all, to the point
where the Light flows freely, inspiring and governing all human activities!

Michael dear, with your Blazing Sword of Blue Lightning, protect every person and
constructive project, that works for the expansion of the Light and Good on Earth!

By the Light of God that Never Fails! By the Seven Mighty Archangels’ Cosmic
Victory! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Archangel Michael, take command, hold dominion and produce your per-
fection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Free us this year from all physical
and psychic obstacles! Protect us with your Sword and Legions of Angels of the
Blue Flame! We are so grateful!

Beloved Elohim Astrea’s Decree


We call the Mighty Astrea to bless the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-streams
within, with her Cosmic Christ’s Blue Lightning during the Seven Sacred Weeks
and forever!

Beloved Elohim of Purity, descend with your Blazing Cosmic Circle of Blue Flame
around all people and nations of this planet, and annihilate, annihilate and anni-
hilate, all astral entities and human creations, dissolving their causes, cores, rec-
ords, effects and memories in the time and space! Consume, consume, and con-
sume all thoughtforms of war that create conflict between men and replace eve-
rything with Christ Purity.

Beloved Astrea, seal our auras with your Blue Lightning! Seal our homes with
your Blue Lightning! Seal all religious and public places with your Blue Lightning!
And sustain from now and forever the Purity of the Ascended Masters in our lives
and experiences.

By the Light of God That Never Fails! By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Cosmic
Power! I command! I demand! and It is done!

Beloved Astrea, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Seal this year with your Cosmic Circle and
Sword of Blue Flame! And keep it in God’s Purity and Perfection! Prevent all
wrongs during this year and protect us with your Cosmic Blue Lightning! We are
so grateful!

Threefold Flame Activation | Blue Petal

On January 6 and 7 we have a special activation of the Blue Flame in our hearts.
This dispensation was given to benefit all who are sincerely doing the protocol of
the Seven Sacred Weeks. In these two days, there is an outpouring of the Cosmic
Blue Flame in the heart of the Great Central Sun, through the Cosmic Christ, di-
rectly into the hearts of those students who are serving Him in this period, putting
themselves as catalysts of the Sacred Fire and directing it to bless mankind and
the planet.

This activation is done for all in the proportion of each one's commitment, but as
always, when we consciously help this process, this comes to our external activity
of consciousness, in a clearer, faster and more intense way. So, take a few
minutes throughout these two days, in a quiet place, and in a comfortable position,
relax and visualize these rays coming down from the Great Central Sun to bless
your heart. Focus your attention on your heartbeat, feeling as much as possible
the activation of the Blue Flame located on the left side of your heart. Feel this
Flame pulsating and expanding radiant blue waves, loaded with the Will of God,
His Courage, Faith and Protection, feel this blue light filling all the cells of your
four lower bodies. During the visualization, harmonize your respiratory rhythm and
mentally or in a low voice repeat 9 times the mantra:

"I AM the Will of God operating in all my outer activities! I AM God in Action here,
there and everywhere!"

God of Gold and God of Nature’s Decree


We call the God of Gold and God of Nature to come forth and fill the Earth, its
atmosphere and all life-streams within with their Limitless Supply and Health, dur-
ing the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Gods of Gold and Nature, expand your Cosmic Flame of Love and fill the
Crystal Cup of every sincere “I AM” Student and Lightworker around the world
until they overflow with your blessings! Give us limitless supply of every good thing
our heart desires! Inspire us to use your blessings in the service to the Light of
God That Never Fails! And to fulfill our Divine Plan. We are grateful!

By the Power of Thousand Suns! By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Cosmic Power!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Gods of Gold and Nature, take command, hold dominion and produce
your perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas a
Source of Blessings for all of us! Pour your Ascended Master's Health and Supply
into us! Show us what to do daily to maintain the health of our bodies and our
finances! Help us to manifest God's opulence in our hands and use! We are so

The Seven Mighty Elohim’s Decree


We call the Seven Mighty Elohim to fill the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-
streams here with their Mighty Electronic Forces from the Great Central Sun and
their God Ideas, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Beloved Seven Mighty Elohim, come down with the Cosmic Flame of Inspiration
and Perfect Control of the Sacred Fire in all that we do in the outer world! Expand
the Threefold Flame in our hearts! Expand the Sevenfold Flame on our foreheads!
Protect our minds and feelings against every imperfect human creation and teach
us to serve the Light gladly, fulfilling our Divine Plan every day, in the Will of God
and the Ascended Masters!

“I AM” Elohim, Elohim, Elohim, Elohim, Elohim, Elohim, Elohim! Seven times
seven, “I AM” E-lo-him!

By the Cosmic Power and Powers of the Seven Mighty Elohim! By the Light of
God that never fails! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Seven Mighty Elohim, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection
through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Make this Christmas Season a time of great
expansion of our consciousness! Pour out your Boundless Blessings on us all!
Keep our minds pure and obedient! And let your brilliant ideas and divine talents
shine through us! We are so grateful!

Beloved Sanat Kumara’s Decree


We call beloved Sanat Kumara to come forth and fill the Earth, its atmosphere
and all life-streams within with his Cosmic Victory, Love and Authority of Light,
during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Sanat Kumara dear, touch our hearts and expand our Threefold Flame! Envelop
us with your Blazing Presence, raising our consciousness into the Ascended Mas-
ters’ Victory and Perfection! Protect our feeling world against all human discord
and hold us in Perfect Balance forever!

Sanat Kumara, we love you! (3)

By the Light of God that Never Fails! By the Seven Mighty Kumaras’ Cosmic Vic-
tory! I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Sanat Kumara, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfec-
tion through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Keep this momentum of Light released
during this period ever increasing and sustained, for our blessing and the blessing
of all mankind and life on Earth! We are so grateful!

The Higher Mental Body of Mankind’s Decree


We call the Higher Mental Body of all mankind to descend upon every human
being, enfolding him or her in Its Cosmic Victory and Fiery Christ Discrimination
during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!

Higher Mental Body of all mankind, descend! descend! descend!

Higher Mental Body of all mankind, command! command! command!
Higher Mental Body of all mankind, expand! expand! expand!
Higher Mental Body of all mankind, I AM! I AM! I AM!

I AM only the Christ Presence in action here, there and everywhere!

By the Light of God that Never Fails! With the Power of Thousand Suns!
I command! I demand! and It is done!


Beloved Higher Mental Body of all Mankind, take command, hold dominion and
produce your perfection through these Seven Sacred Weeks! Keep this momen-
tum of Light released during this period ever increasing and sustained, for our
blessing and the blessing of all life on Earth! Please, always move us in God’s
Way! We are so grateful!

Beloved Lord Gautama’s Decree


We call beloved Lord Gautama to seal the Earth, its atmosphere and all life-
streams within with his Cosmic Victory, Power, Illumination and Perfect Balance,
during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!
Beloved Lord Gautama, we are grateful for all that we have attained and received
during this great outpouring of Sacred Fire, carry us with your Love, enlighten our
minds and hearts and show us the way by which we can become more perfect in
our service to the Light and more deeply attuned to our Mighty I AM Presence.
Guide us to the ultimate Truth!
Guide us to the heart of Father-Mother God!
Guide us to the heart of Love!
Lord Gautama, we love and bless you forever! (3x)
Beloved Lord of the World, make all the Good, that was released during the Seven
Sacred Weeks a Permanent Victory for us, mankind and all life here!
By the Light of God that Never Fails! By the Power of the Great Central Sun!
I command! I demand! and It is done!
Beloved Gautama, take command, hold dominion and produce your perfection on
the energy released during these Seven Sacred Weeks! Keep this momentum of
Light ever increasing and sustained, for our blessing and the blessing of all life on
Earth! Make it a permanent Victory for us all! We are so grateful!

The Ascended Light Body Explanation

When Master Jesus asked me to expand this activity of the Seven Sacred Weeks,
he came with clear information about how He would like it to be conducted.

He inspired me to put together the Master of Days sequence and He kept refining
it every year until we attained the list we have today.

Master Jesus told me, that there are many dispensations, many spiritual groups,
and that it would be good to have a day where each student could raise their
thoughts and worship to a special master of their heart who does not belong on
the SSW Chart.

Therefore, this day of the “Ascended Light Body” was born, for the purpose of
expanding the full and complete radiance of all Ascended Masters who belong to
the Ascended Master's Octave, and further, to bring the opportunity to each stu-
dent to give expression of their feeling, calling on this day, the radiance and quality
of their Heart Master, into human consciousness.

Lovingly in the Service of Light,

Morgan Le Fay

Threefold Flame Activation Explanation

Within the Seven Sacred Weeks we have three special moments, in which we
have an activation of a petal or quality of the Threefold Flame within our hearts.
This dispensation was given to us for the purpose of helping us to balance and
strengthen our heart flames, thus expanding our Inner Christ Presence. The
stronger and more balanced our Threefold Flame is, the greater amounts of Light
from our I AM Presence descends into our outer activity. The more Light we have,
the more, that Light governs and organizes all the fields of our lives in its perfect
order and harmony. These three special moments are:

1) The Pink Petal Activation which takes place on December 24th and 25th are
governed by the Love Star and Master Jesus. The Love Star is now radiating the
triple activity of the Godhead: Love, Wisdom and Power. Each of these qualities
is associated with a petal of the Threefold Flame in our hearts. At this moment,
the Love Star, which is associated with Sanat Kumara, prepares our heart to re-
ceive an expansion of our Threefold Flame. Then together with beloved Jesus,
they boost the Pink Petal, expanding the quality of love;

2) The Golden Petal Activation which takes place on December 31st and Jan-
uary 1st, are governed by the Cosmic Angel and the Legions of Victory. These
great Cosmic Beings of Light descend with great currents of Light activating the
Golden Petal in our heart, expanding our ability to see things clearly, know what
to do in each moment and always make wise decisions that favor the perfect de-
velopment of our Divine Plan. This helps us to do in the next year, according to
our commitment and acceptance of this blessing, what is best for us and for the

3) The Blue Petal Activation which takes place on January 6th and 7th, are
governed by the Gods of Gold and Nature, and the Seven Mighty Elohim. They
descend with great currents of light that activate our Blue Petal, bringing a great
flow of vitality and expansion of God’s opulence in all the fields of our lives. It
expands prosperity and Divine ideas into our outer consciousness.

Why Is There A Small Change in Sequence in The Masters of Days Every
Year in The Seven Sacred Weeks?

Precisely for these 3 fixed special moments.

The Love Star shines on Christmas Eve (December 24th) and prepares our hearts
to receive the Presence of Christ.
Beloved Jesus was not born on December 25th, but he represents for the majority
of humanity the figure of Christ. And Christ is Light. The winter solstice represents
the strengthening of Light in the northern hemisphere. This solstice is linked to
the moment when Light overcomes darkness and begins to expand again, illumi-
nating and blessing mankind.
This solstice takes place around December 21st every year, but the Master Jesus
asked me, to fix Him on December 25th, because on this day, thousands of people,
linked to the Christian faith, are with their thoughts turned toward him. Thus, by
the power of humanity's attention upon him on this day, he is able to descend with
greater currents of blessing upon us.
The great Cosmic Angel expands great Rays of Light over the entire planet on
New Year's Eve (December 31st). He charges human minds and hearts with the
qualities of Unity, Peace and Co-operation that we so desperately need to collec-
tively overcome the challenges of this planet.
Mighty Victory and His Legions of Victory open the first day of the New Year (Jan-
uary 1st), charging us with Wisdom, Energy and Determination to overcome ob-
stacles and gain victory over our limitations.
The Gods of Gold and Nature on January 6th activate in us the capacity to attract
great currents of material and spiritual blessings.
The Seven Mighty Elohim on January 7th enlighten our minds, charging us with
brilliant ideas and with the ability to create wonderful things for the blessing of all
The Seven Sacred Weeks always start on the Thanksgiving Day, although it is
always the fourth Thursday of November, this day varies from year to year. So,
for this reason, there is always a small variation of the Master of the Day.
So regardless of which day we begin this great outpouring of light, Beloved Jesus
has asked us to place him on Christmas Day and these other Cosmic Beings at
those special moments.

Legal Disclosure

All rights to the texts and pictures in this book are reserved by Morgan Le Fay.

These pictures were created by our own working group.

This work was written for the sole purpose of giving students all the necessary
information, so that they can serve the Cosmic Christ during the Seven Sacred

We ask everyone's understanding and respect to use this work only for private
application during this great outpouring of Sacred Fire during the Christmas Sea-

Of course, we are grateful if you choose to share the file with others who also
wish to join us, in this unconditional service to the Cosmic Christ.

Lovingly in Light Service,

Morgan Le Fay

Contact Details:

To receive an updated chart and more information of the Seven Sacred Weeks,
please, follow our Facebook page and group “The Seven Sacred Weeks” or con-
tact us via email: .

The Karmic Board Dispensation

Twice a year, in June and December, we also have the meetings of the Lords of
Karma at the Royal Teton retreat. At these times, they gather together with the
Ascended Masters and the entire Hierarchy of Light on this planet to assess the
karmic condition of the planet and each human being.

Every human being, conscious or not, passes through these gates every six
months. The denser groups of human beings, generally pass in larger groups, the
more refined beings enter in smaller groups, until we get to the students and am-
bassadors of Light, who receive individual attention.

When we are aware of this dispensation, we can consciously place a karmic pe-
tition for evaluation in this period. In it, we can ask for help for something we want
to achieve in the next six months, be it material or something of spiritual develop-

We can immensely compensate our karmic accumulations through this work,

when we put ourselves, not only for individual purposes, but we also propose to
work on causes that help the collective Enlightenment process of humanity.

The current Lords of Karma are:

Elohim Cyclopea, the Great Divine Director, Lady Quan Yin, Lady Nada, Lady
Portia, Goddess of Liberty and Goddess Pallas Athena.

The petition for the Karmic Board, should be made in a respectful but simple man-
ner, as if you were writing to a good friend. Generally, we should first offer our
thanks for the blessings and achievements of the previous six months, send our
love to the Karmic Board, the Ascended Masters and Their helpers, who tenderly
care for our semi-annual petitions. Then we must ask for what we want for the
next six months, either for ourselves, for friends or for the collective causes of the

In our solicitations, we must be clear, putting only what is really our priority and in
what, we will be predisposed, to make efforts in the physical and tangible world,
in the form of various decrees or actions, to deserve the graces we desire.

Without the student's personal effort, petitions, even if accepted, never become
physically manifest.

The meetings at the end of the year, which take place at this time of great out-
pouring of Light on the planet, are the Seven Sacred Weeks.
This immense outpouring has great splendor and the subjects for the next year
are studied in greater depth.

December 15th is the last day for you to submit your petition to the Keeper of the
Scrolls. Then, several meetings occur, the petitions are studied and are grouped
if it is possible. Unascended sponsors among the students are chosen to lead
some activities that should come to the fore as a blessing to mankind. Generally,
by January 4th the results are presented.
Please, follow the Facebook page “The Seven Sacred Weeks” to receive more
details and join forces in the period.

After we write our petition, we should every day, before going to sleep, read it and
direct it to the Lords of Karma until the day we burn it. In this period of the Seven
Sacred Weeks, there are many events and meetings in the Royal Teton Retreat,
to participate more consciously and receive more blessings, we must before bed,
every day, direct our thoughts to the retreat and ask that we be transported there
during our sleep.

Timetable and Agenda of The Half-Yearly Meetings
At the Royal Teton’s Retreat

December 15th - January 14th

June 15th - July 14th
Karmic Board Activities at the Royal Teton Retreat.
At the end of the year, activities at this Retreat begin on Thanksgiving, due to the
many meetings and events that take place during the Seven Sacred Weeks.

December 15th
June 15th
Last day for students to send their petitions.
These petitions are received by the Keeper of the Scrolls, who then places them
on giant bulletin board.

December 16th
June 16th
The Masters analyze the petitions, and where possible, align them in specific
working groups, to give a greater effect that can benefit humanity and the planet.
After that, there are several internal meetings, until the final approval by the Lords
of Karma themselves.
Many of these gatherings are open to chelas and advanced students of the As-
cended Masters.

December 28th
1st day of the Violet Flame Cauldron. This activity continues until December
31st. (For more information see pages 50 - 54)

December 31st
July 1st
Time to burn the karmic petitions. After you burnt it, send the energy released,
via a mental thought-form to the Lords of Karma.

January 1st
The Planetary Silent Watcher presents the thought form of the year to the Lord of
the World.
It is presented, in the form of a symbol, like the outline of Dove, a Laurel Wreath,
a Golden Sheaf of Wheat, etc.
It contains the Divine Plan for the Earth, for the upcoming New Year.
On the same day, there is a beautiful meeting with all Ascended Masters and
Cosmic Beings in the Royal Teton Retreat and at this meeting, two sponsors are
selected for the New Year.

January 4th
July 4th
The approved petitions are announced.
Normally it is not revealed to the students. Students only know if their petitions
have been approved, through their own feelings and the events that follow in the
next 6 months.
Even if a petition is approved, if there is no conscious effort by the student, through
decrees, visualizations and actions in the desired direction, they usually do not
manifest themselves. Conscious effort is essential.

January 7th
July 7th
As the meetings now come to an end, the Lord of the World returns to Shamballa.
However, in January, there are secondary activities until the last day of the Seven
Sacred Weeks.
With the information received from the Lord of the World and the Planetary Silent
Watcher, retreats are selected and the Hierarchs of these retreats, begin to con-
template how their retreat can best promote the Divine plan for the New Year.

A Simple Model of a Karmic Petition

Dear Keeper of the Scrolls

And Lords of Karma

I humbly present to you, my requests to be evaluated for the next 6 months. I am grateful
for the support I received in my last petition and I am committed to making the conscious
efforts necessary so that my current proposals are also accepted and materialized, for my
blessing and the benefit of the whole planet.

In personal terms, I want help in overcoming this challenge .... For this friendly person,
who is in need at the moment, I would like to request assistance in this regard ....

For the planet in general I wish the help of Ascended Masters Friends in two causes:
first, in solutions that restore the balance of the world economy, so that all human beings
can have the basic supply of all their basic needs; and second, in solutions and the amount
of Sacred Fire necessary to help our beloved America to return to the perfect axis of her
divine plan and that all the conflicting conditions there be appeased and that the general
atmosphere of this land and people return to perfect balance and harmony.

Please allow me to join, during my sleep, in the internal meetings at the Royal Teton, in
the sessions of healing and helping of students of light in general. If allowed, give me the
perfect memory, when waking up every morning, of the experiences I had in this retreat
during the night.

My love and eternal gratitude to all the Masters, Angels and Elohim and Cosmic Beings
who engage in this work every six months.

In the name, power and authority of my own Presence I AM, I send boundless blessings
to all those Great Ones.


Morgan Le Fay
December 9 2020

How to Achieve the Best Results During Seven Sacred Weeks (SSW)

Daily work suggestion

The Christmas period which symbolizes the awakening of the Light within us, is a
sacred time, like Ramadan for Muslims, it is a time of deep spiritual recollection,
meditation and contemplation of the Christ Presence within our hearts, our source
of Light – the beloved I AM Presence and our spiritual teachers and older broth-
ers, who already performed the ascension – the Ascended Masters.
During these 49 days we must strive to keep ourselves in Peace and in Harmony,
expanding only Love, Light and Mercy to everything and everyone on this planet.
It is a moment of Forgiveness, of great individual and collective purification of the
In order to obtain greater blessings for ourselves, as well as for all of humanity
and life on the planet, we need to endeavor to rise above human discord. Of
course, this is something that we should practice throughout the year, but espe-
cially during this period, because, in these Seven Sacred Weeks, we have the
opportunity to dissolve a greater amount of individual and collective karma. Be
mindful that if you open yourself up to discord, you may neutralize your efforts, by
misqualifying that pure energy. Sometimes, in a moment of inattentiveness, one
could lose the energy of weeks of constructive efforts.
With our application in these 49 days, we can build a momentum of Light that we
could never achieve during all the other months of the year, even with greater
efforts. Logically, we need to trust, and unite our efforts every day during this Light
outpouring, to become a pure channel through which the Cosmic Christ can ex-
pand his Grace, Mercy and Love to the planet.
If you don't have time to carry out the SSW Protocol in the morning, you can start
the day with the Invocation of the day and repeat it throughout the day. Create a
peaceful moment during the day to perform the protocol, as it cleanses your bod-
ies and thus, Light flows freely and without distortion.
You can also read a discourse by the Master of the Day, even if only a few lines,
and reflect on the words of this Master.
If you have many activities in the day, make the time for a few minutes, to go to a
quiet place and visualize the Luminous Presence of this Master or the Cosmic
Christ flooding and sealing the planet.

You can choose an affirmation related to the qualities of the Master and among
your daily activities, decree something good for yourself and for the planet.
You can take a picture of the Master or something that represents him to you, in
your cellphones, computers, laptops, and simply look at Him for a few minutes
here and there.
At the end of the day, you are requested to give the decree asking to be trans-
ported to the Royal Teton retreat, when you fall asleep, so that you may partici-
pate in the wonderful activities that take place at the inner levels, during these
Seven Sacred Weeks.
Another way to stay connected with this energy is to follow the posts on “The
Seven Sacred Weeks” page and group on Facebook. We create a large magnetic
field of Light around the planet and being in Mental, Emotional and Physical con-
tact immensely strengthens the Light and stability of this field.
There are many things you can do to increase the blessings of the period, but
carrying out the Master's decree and invocation, the working protocol dictated by
beloved Jesus to all of us, and the call to be transported during sleep to the retreat,
are things that every Lightworker who is willing to participate shall make every
effort to carry out with Discipline, Joy and Devotion.
Remember to stay focused on constructive and uplifting things, listen to Christmas
music, connect with the Christmas Spirit. This spirit is a real Cosmic Being of great
Light, an individualized consciousness similar to us.
When we put our attention on Christmas music and symbols, we receive great
blessings from this Being and it becomes easier for us to stay in perfect tune with
the true meaning of Christmas. Distribute gifts, especially gifts in the form of pray-
ers, calls, blessings and positive thoughts to the entire human race. Get out of
yourself and become like the Christ, a Light and Blessing to everything and eve-
ryone in your world.
God bless you,
Have a wonderful Seven Sacred Weeks!
Morgan Le Fay


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