Per Dev Act 2.7 2.9

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Name: _Ang, Mary Gabrielle L.

_________ Grade & Section: __12 Piety ________

Activity 2. 7: Exploring Emotions

Emotions are what you feel on the inside when things happen. Emotions are
also known as feelings.

1.Afraid: feeling fear and worry

2.Angry: feeling mad with a person, act, or idea
3.Ashamed: feeling bad after doing wrong
4.Confident: feeling able to do something
5.Confused: feeling unable to think clearly
6.Depressed: feeling sad, blue, discouraged, and unhappy
7.Embarrassed: feeling worried about what others may think
8.Energetic: feeling full of energy
9.Excited: feeling happy and aroused
10.Glad: feeling joy and pleasure
11.Jealous: feeling upset when someone has something that you would like to have
or they get to do something you wanted
12.Lonely: feeling alone and that nobody cares
13.Proud: feeling pleased for doing well
14.Relaxed: feeling at ease and without worry, calm
15.Stressed: feeling tense, tired, uneasy, and overwhelmed

Emotions What was happening when you felt this emotion?

1. Afraid
2. Angry
3. Ashamed
4. Confident
5. Confused
6. Depressed
7. Embarrassed
8. Energetic
9. Excited
10. Glad
11. Jealous
12. Lonely
13. Proud
14. Relaxed
15. Stressed

What are the top three feelings that you do not like the most and why?

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Activity 2.8: Am I assertive?
Assertivenessisthe abilitytoexpressyourwishesandbeliefsina positiveway. Too little
assertiveness can make you a doormat. Too much, and you can be bossy and

A. Think of a time when you were a doormat (Weakling, wimp).

1.What happened?

2.What did you do?


3.How did you feel?


Now think of a better way to handle that situation in the future. Write a better response
and practice it.

B. Think of a time when you were too bossy.

1.What happened?

2.What did you do?


3.How did you feel?


Now think of a better way to handle that situation in the future. Write a better response
and practice it.

Now think of a better way to handle that situation in the future. Write a better response
and practice it. Sometimes people use anger to get their way. Being assertive doesn’t
mean gettingyour way; it meansthatyoucanexpressyourwishesandbeliefsin a non-
destructive way. Someexamplesof how people deal with anger are listed below.
Brainstorm some ways that are used to deal with anger. Include both good and bad
methods. When you have finished with a list, decide on the methods that are healthy
ways to deal with anger.

Example: Throw things

1. ______________________________ 6. ______________________________
2. ______________________________ 7. ______________________________
3. ______________________________ 8. ______________________________
4. ______________________________ 9. ______________________________
5. ______________________________ 10. _____________________________

Activity 2.9: Responsible Action Sheet

I am the boss of my feelings!

1.When I get angry, it helps me better if I ___________________________________

2.When I am sad, it helps me better if I _____________________________________

3.When I feel sad, it helps me feel better if I__________________________________

4.When I feel anxious or nervous, it helps me feel better if


5.When I feel grumpy, it helps me if I _______________________________________

6.When I feel lonely, it helps me if I ________________________________________

7.When I feel embarrassed, it helps if I _____________________________________.

8.When I feel sick, it helps me feel better if I _________________________________

9.When I feel silly, I like to ______________________________________________.

10.When I feel disappointed, it helps me if I _________________________________.

11.When I am honest, I feel _____________________________________________.

12.When I feel _______________, it helps me feel better if I ____________________.

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