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Module 2 VA Published by IMS Learning Resources Pvt. Ltd. in the Year 2020 Registered Office: 6th Floor, NCL Building, ‘E” Block, Near Bandra Family Court, Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC), Sandra (E), Mumbai - 200052 Tel: +91 22 66170000 Toll Free: 1800-1234-467 CIN : Uso220MHa999PTCI121823 E-mall : — Website: Copyright © IMS Learning Resources Pvt. Ltd. All copyrights to this material vests with IMS Learning Resources Pvt. Lid. No part of this material either in part or as a whole shall be copied, reprinted, reproduced, sold, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without the permission of IMS Learning Resources Pvt. Ltd., and any such violation would entail initiation of suitable legal proceedings. ‘The views of and opinions expressed in this book are not necessarily those of the publishers. While every effort has been made to ensure thet all facts are stated correctty, the publishers regret their inability to accept responsibility for any inadvertent errors or inaccuracies. Readers are advised in ‘heir own interest to reconfirm facts before acting upon them. The publishers shall endeavour, wherever possible to remedy all errors of commission and omission which are brought to thelr attention In subsequent editions. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, but way of trader or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being Imposed on the subsequent purchaser and without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above. Verbal Ability chapter |VA SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT, PRONOUNS, MODIFIERS 2.1 VA-2.1 | SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT, PRONOUNS, MODIFIERS EBB ciass EXERCISE Directions: Underline the pronoun in each sentence and state is type. 1. Thurt myself 2 Geeta lost her pen and she could not find it 3. ‘They asked themselves where they had gone wrong Directions: State whether the correct prowoun has been used in each sentence. If not, them use ar appro priate pronoun in its place 4 Sourabh and Sachin work in a hank. He works in the accounts department 5. Comparing our products with them is like comparing chalk with cheese. 6 It seems that no one but he would like to do the job. 7. looked at the actor that was coming out of the theatre afer the premier. 8. The person which hit his brother was arrested by the police. 9. Afler the trek through the forest, where we plucked many fruits, my friend and myself divided the fruits between ourselves, 10, The athletes gave compliments to each other after the race VERBAL ABILITY Directions: State whether the verb in each sentence agrees with the subject. If it does not, then use an appropriate verb in its place. M1, Neither the minister nor the secretary were available for comment. 12, ‘The guidance as well as the love of parent are required. 13, Every worker who was part of the rescue team were overjoyed. 14, The police are searching for the criminals. 15, The family is the most precious unit of the Indian society Directions: Each of the given sentences is divided into certain parts and the parts are underlined. Mark the part that has an error To those for who travel isan unpleasent complusion just remember wherever you travel D a 3 you still nced to cat, sleep and certainly exercise. a 17, anybody wants to succeed in sports they would have to he wil min steered insports they wool hae tobe wing, to put in long hours of practice. d 18. A worker should have adiscusion with ones supervisor before starting any new tsk 1) 2) 3 4) 19, _Theteam won the tournament that was the first team from ts region to do so. v we) Ai henson SECT aS PN 1 rn with the company's management a 2 2 23. 2 25. Chapter |VA SUBJECT VERE AGREEMENT, PRONOUNS, MODIFIERS 2.1 ‘The paranoia, secrecy and all round villainy ofthe generals who runs D a ‘Myanmar provide fertile ground for conspiracy theorists. ~~ y Although itwas a much publicized royal affir, surprisingly the reporters 4S. not invited —y 2 ED fortheactual wedding day. = Anyone who preparescientifically and conscientiously for the entrance test can succeed, 1 2 3) a Alerhe reorered from a serious heart attack, the American composer becomes econied, 10 1 the fact tat his ideas, copeclly the weof dissonance and special elects, were just ton dierent Eva excepthe have been Invited to the Valentines bash. Se Sage tafe Inge ‘The customs and traditions that make this culture unique dates hack over T — way two thousand years a Alarge and growing concentration of low income citizens D 2) are responsible for the increase in the cost of social services 3) q People with depression has higher rk of developing the most common form of diabetes 0 2 3 than other normal people. ay VERBAL ABILITY When we focuson another person's story, we overcome our, 1” 2 internal distractions, wich includes negative self— talk, OB judgementalism, bias and getting to our agenda : pene 29. 30, Mostof the people do not realises their truc talent throughout ther life an ee 2) 3) a Directions: For each sentence below, four ways of phrasing it are indicated. Choose the best alternative, 31, 1) L will obey whomever you sugges. 2) I will obey whomever you suggest for 3) I will obey whoever you suggest me to. 4) I will obey whoever you suggest 32.1) Before one can appreciate art, above and beyond merely enjoying or critiquing it, it must be understood, and it must be seen as something that you are entitled to engage in. 2) Before you can appreciate art, above and beyond merely enjoying or critiquing it, it must be understood, and it must be seen as something that mo person is entitled to engage in 3) Before one can appreciate art, above and beyond merely enjoying or critiquing it, it must be understood, and it must be seen as something that one is entitled to engage in. 4) Before one can appreciate art, above and beyond merely enjoying or critiquing it, it must be understood, and it must be seen as something that we are entitled to engage in, 33,1) The teacher must have left some instructions for Juhi and I on how to decorate the aucltoriu 2) The teacher mast have left some instructions for Juhi and I about how to decorate the audito- 3) The teacher must have left some instructions for Juhi and me for how to decorate the audito- 4) The teacher must have left some instructions for Juhi and me on how to decorate the audito- 34. 1) The CEO, together with his sons, are being sent to prison for insider trading. 2) The CEO, as well his sons, are being sent to prison for insider trading 3) The CEO also his sons is being sent to prison for insider trading. 4) The CEO, together with his sons, is being sent to prison for insider trading. chapter |VA SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT, PRONOUNS, MODIFIERS 2.1 Directions: In each of the following sentences, a part of the sentence or the entire sentence is underlined Beneath each sentence, four different ways of phrasing the highlighted part are indicated. Choose the best alternative from among the four. 35. ‘The precise nutritional value of buttermilk: depends on how much yoghurt is used to. make them, 1) depends over how much yoghurt is used to make it. 2) depends on how much yoghurt is used to make it 3) depends on how much yoghurt are used to make them. 4) depends on how many yoghurt are used to make them 36. Everybody nesds a. mentor to look up to, at their workplace, so that they can be shown the right path 1) Everybody needs a mentor to look up to, at his workplace, so that the person 2) Everybody needs a mentor to look up to, at his workplace, so that he 3) Everybody needs a mentor to look up to, at their workplace, so that the person 4) No error 37. ‘The girl claimed that she and the man had decided to kill themselves who refused to acknowledge their relationship duc to the objection raised by their families 1) them due to the objection raised by theie families, who refused to acknowledge their relationship. 2) herself who refused to acknowledge their relationship duc to the objection raised by thei families. 3) themselves due to the objection raised by their families, who refused to acknowledge their relationship. 4) himself due to the objection raised by the families, who refused to acknowledge the relationship. 38. Long ago, I watched a film. At that time ssho saw the film could connect with them immediately. 1) who saw the film could connect with them 2) whoever saw the film could connect with them 3) whoever saw the film could connect with it 4) whomever saw the film could connect with it 39. Neither of the men completed the task that had been given to them 1) Neither of the man completed his task that had been given to him. 2) Neither of the men completed the task that had been given to him 3) Neither of the men completed none of the tasks that had been given to him. 4) No error VERBAL ABILITY Directions: There are four sentences given, cach labelled A, B,C and D. There may be an error in any two of the given five parts. Mark the combination of parts with error as your answer. If all the five parts are correct, mark ‘No error’ as your answer. 40, A. Arriving home exhausted, a hot cup of coffce was the only thing on her mind. B. Looking toward the east, the mountains appeared beyond the buildings. C. Watching movies on their phone has become the hobby of teenagers. D. Having litle money to pay the fees, he had to leave college. 1) Band C 2) Aand B 3) Cand D 4) Only B 5) Only D 41, A. Aller having a drink, I felt better B. The hockey stick must be held properly to play a shot. CA ghost appeared in her dreams that sang like an angel D. Once inside the train, tea was provided to the passengers. D Only © 2) Only B 2) Only D 4) Aand 5) C and D 42. A. No one expressed any concern when the boys’ results were poorer than the girls B. When twelve years old, my father sent me for Karate classes. C. While walking on the road, a passing taxi narrowly missed her. D. Gar process to isolate patients was a disaster from the very start 1) Band C 2) Cand D 3) Only C 4) Only A 5) A, Band D 43. A. Coming out of the office, the rain drenched me. B. Ransacking the house, the young child at last discovered the rubber ball. By regularly sending it for service, the car was kept in excellent condition. D. When 1 looked out of the window, I saw that the storm had passed. D Band 2) Cand D 3) Aand C 4) Aand D 5) Only D 44, A. We passed the evening happily, reading and listening to music B. ‘The store sold sports childrens toys C. When travelling, my phone is in my shirt pocket. D. She left the brass figurine so that it could be sold at the auction with the antique dealer. DA and B 2B Cand D 3) Cand D 4) A,B,C and D 5) A and D 45. A. Five occupants of the burning building were reported burnt to death by the police. B. She bought a book from a store with a lot of pages. . She put the hat that she bought from Nepal on her head. D.A child running across the road was hit by a cyclist D Aand B 2) Band C 3) C and D 4) Aand D 5) A, Cand D Chapter |VA PARALLELISM, PREPOSITIONS, CONNECTORS 2.2 VA-2.2 PARALLELISM, PREPOSITIONS, CONNECTORS BB ciass EXERCISE Directions: Read the following sentences and identify the mistakes in them. 1. To declare that Vancouver is the best city of Canada is doing great injustice to the other cities 2. The measures discussed by the Municipal Committee for Sanitation included the education of the people, the timely cleaning of the area, and needing garbage bins at regular intervals. 3. Whenever I sce you, 1 will burst into laughter. 4. Rehana wae studying for her exams, was working at a restaurant, and alco helping her mother in the housework. 5, Safarnama is a book neither for the masses nor is it for the classes. Suzanne was neither fair or beautiful, but she still managed to look attractive. Spread over three decades, the political carcer of Sankaran was more dynamic than his opponent Sivaraman 8. Both Rajnikant as well as Umakant are contenders for the best actor award in the Regional Film category. 9. RB. Singh wanted to raise funds for his mega project, improve the condition of his villagers, and to get an employment cell funded by the government started. 10. In his autobiography, Suraj Singh talks about his carly years, his desire to become an actor, and making his debut as'a hero in mainstream cinema. Directions: In each of the following sentences, a part of the sentence is underined. Beneath cach sentence, fur an we of eig th ghd pe ne del. Cone the bs ahr fo neg the four 11, The new government 1) alo provides 100 crores to finance infrastructure projects and for development work. 2). also provides 100 crores to finance infrastructure projects and to carry out development work 3) also provides 100 crores in order to finance infrastructure projects and for development work. 4) abo provides 100 crores for financing infrastructure projects and to carry out development work. 12, The course in Finance required students to submit a project at the end of the term, but the Accounts 1D) the Accounts course did not require this 2) the course in Accounts docs not require them to do so. 3) the course in Accounts did not require them to do so. 4) the Accounts course did not requite them to do so. VERBAL ABILITY 13, Shyamlal slipped from the edge, roll the sh landed right next to th. the ducks were swimming. 1) rolling down the slope, and landed right next to the pond 2) to roll down the slope, and landed right next to the pond 3) rolling down the slope, and landing right nest to the pond 44) rolled down the slope, and landed right next to the pond 14. Gither the fecs are waived, or the defaulting students are sent back when the accounts of SAVE College are audited at the end of each term. 1) Either the fees are waived, or the defaulting students are sent back 2) ‘The fees may be waived, or the defaulting students are sent back 3) The fees are either waived, or the defaulting students are sent back 4) Either the waiver of fecs, or the defaulting students are sent back 15, It is always better to be an actor than to be a professional: in fact the process of getting ready for 1) the process of getting ready for a presentation is worse than a stage performance. 2) the process of getting ready for a presentation is worse than the process of a stage performance 5) getting ready for a presentation is worse than a stage performance. 4) the process of gelting ready for a presentation is worse than the process of getting ready for a stage performance. Directions: Each question consists of a set of four sentences. Choose the option that meaningfully combines ail the four sentences into one grammatically correct sentence. 16, Berg was born in Stockholm in 1967 and raised in the suburb of Tensta. He was a founding member of the Stockholm Surrealist Group. This group was established in 1986. Loosely afiliated ‘writers produced literary journals for this group through the late 1590s 1) Born in Stockholm in 1967 and raised in the suburb of Tensta, Berg was a founding member of the Stockholm Surrealist Group, established in 1986, in which loosely affliated writers pro- duced literary journals through the late 1990s, 2) Berg was born in Stockholm in 1967 and raised in Tensta where he founded the Stockholm Surrealist Group in 1986 which allowed loosely afliated writers to produced literary journals which continued till the late 90s, 3) ‘Though Berg was born in 1967 in Stockholm, he was raised in the suburb of Tensta where he allowed loosely afliiated writers to produce literary journals in the Stockholm Surrealist Group which was established in 1986, 4) Berg was born and brought in a suburb of Stockholm named Tensta and he became the found- ing member of the Stockholm Surrealist Group in 1986 which allowed looscly afiiated vwriters produced literary journals through the late 1990s 5) Established in 1986, Berg, the founding member of the Stockholm Surrealist Group which allowed loosely afiliated writers to produced literary journals, was born in Stockholm in 1967 and raised in the suburb of Tensta, Chapter |VA PARALLELISM, PREPOSITIONS, CONNECTORS 2.2 Appendix is not necessary for life. However, itis not completely useless as well. It holds immune cells that may help coordinate the gut’ response to pathogens. It also contains bacteria that may hhelp maintain a healthy balance of gut microbes. 1) Since its is not necessary for life, appendix may be completely uscless although it holds immune cells and bacteria, which are necessary for maintaining a healthy balance of gut microbes 2) Although appendix is not necessary for life, itis a necessity for maintaining a healthy balance (of gut microbes and for removing pathogens. 3) Though it’s not necessary for life, appendix may not be completely useless; the organ holds immune cells that may help coordinate the guts response to pathogens, and bacteria that may hhelp maintain a healthy balance of gut microbes. 4) Appendix. cannot be called as a completely useless organ as it is necessary to coordinate the guts response to pathogens and maintain a healthy balance of gut microbes. 5) Appendix is not necessary for life but it is not completely useless as it helps to balance the {guts response to pathogens and gut microbes. Mike Hulme was a professor of climate change at the University of East Anglia. Five years 2g0, he suggested that a consensus isnot really needed for disagreements. Even if we acknowledge minority views, it makes the disagreements more explicit. Thus, itis a type of decision by dissensus. 1) Mike Hulme was a professor of climate change at the University of East Anglia when he proved that decision by dissensus’ helps a disagreement as it acknowledges the views of the minority 2) Eive years ago, Mike Hulme, a professor of climate change at the University of East Anglia, suggested that we may not actually need consensus and that we might be better off acknow!- cedging minority views in onder to make disagreements explicit, a kind of ‘cision by dissensus 3) Mike Hulme was a professor of climate change at the University of East Anglia when he put aweay the theory of decision by dissensus, according to which acknowledging the views of the ‘minority is more effective in foregrounding a disagreement. 4) Five years ago, Mike Hulme, a professor of climate change at the University of East Anglia suggested that ‘cision by dissensus) is more than acceptable because making disagreements more explicit would encourage people to acknowledge the views of the minority. 5) When Mike Hulme became a professor of climate change at the University of East Anglia five years ago, he put forth the suggestion called the decision by dissensus.which says that even if ‘we do not find a consensus for disagreements, itis more than enough to acknowledge minority VERBAL ABILITY 19. Just two years ago, amid global fanfare, the Paris climate accords were signed. This seemed to initiate the beginning of a planet-saving movement. But it established the international goal of limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius. This goal seemed to be dramatically inadequate to those countries which were the most vulnerable. 1) Just two years ago, amid global fanfare, the Paris climate accords were signed — initiating what seemed like the beginning of a planct-saving movement. though it turned out that the international goal of limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius that it established was dramatically inadequate to many of the worlds most vulncrable countries. 2) Just two years after the Paris climate accord was signed amid global fanfare, it established the international goal of limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius as a planet saving move- ‘ment, which seemed dramatically inadequate to many of the worlds most vulnerable countries. 3) The international goal of the Paris climate accord, which was initiated as a planct-saving ‘movement, was decided two years ago and established it as limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius which seemed dramatically inadequate to many of the world’s most vulnerable countries. 4) To most of the world’s most vulnerable countries, the Paris climate accord had seemed like « planet saving movement though two years ago, when the international goal of limiting global ‘warming to two degrees Gelsis was established by the same, they realized that it was a dra- matically inadequate measure. 5) Two years ago, the international goal of the Paris climate accord, which was signed amid global fanfare, was established to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius, which seemed, Gramatically inadequate to many of the worlds most vulnerable counties. Directions: Read the sentence given below carefully. Parts of the sentence have been underlined as {1}, (2), [3] and [4]. If there is an error in the sentence as a result of any of these paris, mark the relevant part If there are na errors then mark [5] 24 Deforestation plagues mountains across the Phillippines, destroys orchid habitats and equally — ee shrubs, fungi and algse. No error a aye ‘The song of female blue binlsis likely to indicate the presence of a predator | a 2 research that said the birds may besinging on theirown defence No error sgt rsearch that sad the birds may besinging oa therowa.deence | Noeror Alot of new thinking about Neanderthals comes from revisiting material by 2 and reexamine it with new technology or simply with open minds No error 3) a 3) chapter |VA PARALLELISM, PREPOSITIONS, CONNECTORS 2.2 Because a oe the Earth's movement is slowing down No error ey Nor Directions: In the following questions, two sentences are given, which cam be combined to form a grammatically correct, coherent sentence. Choose the most appropriate conjunction from those listed to combine the two sentences. 24 i Blocks, herds and shoals are constantly crisserossing the globe. 1H. Despite the intense surveillance of our planet, we often have no idea what paths they take. D Bat 2) Since 3) When 4) Where 5) Besides 25. i. A group of policemen in a Danish town were sitting around in the office. ii, Am unusual call came in, D Since 2) When 3) Where 4) However 5) But 26. i. Tam greatly intrigued. ii, Thave been observing gravitational waves for a while. D. However 2 When 3) Whereas 4) Before 8) Since 27. i. Medieval societies had their own ideas about the causes of diseases. ii. Their treatment of these diseases also differed. 1) Whereas 2) Because 3) And 9 Ye 5) Since 28 i. The slow pace of financial experiments frustrated the people and their finances went awry ii. The state initiated a regular system of economic reforms only in 1991 1) Since 2) While 3) As 4) Because 5) When 29. i. Now, over 200 million Americans have easy access to that herb, ii, We in China have ctiminalized its possession. 1) When 2) However 3) AS 4) Whereas 5) Both [3] and [4] 30. i. In the middle of the prayer session, she began to chuckle like a crazy person, ii. She had lapsed into her former crazy state 1) Even though 2) As well as 3) As if 4) Whilst 5) Provided 31. i Obama’ visit to Hiroshima in May 2016 was meant to evoke the horrors of nuclear wat fi President ‘Trump threatens to be lar more cavalier about the proliferation of atomic weapons. 1) Moreover 2) Accordingly 3) However 4) Despite 5) While 32. Twas really hungry. li: L wouldsit eat that food, D Bat 2 As 3) However 4) Moreover 5) Unless ery VERBAL ABILITY 3B. 35, i: The entire crew fell into the river. iis Many saved themselves by clinging on to the hull of the boat. 1) And 2) When 3) For 4) Despite 5) If i: Solar panels have become cheaper and more efficient in recent years. lit “They are far from being a universal solution, even in sunny regions 1) Although 2) But 3) Because 4) Since 5) Yet i Stepwells are largely to be found in the arid north and west of India, “They are not D) Although 2) Because 3) Since 4) While 5) Either [1] or [4] ique to those regions, Directions: The two statements given in cach question can be combined into one by using an appropriate starting word or phrase. Choose the most appropriate starter from the options. 36, 37. 39, Si: I woke up in the morning. S2 T wasnit sure where T was. 1) Besides 2) However 3) When. 4) Because 5) Though Siz Tt may be easier for the government to focus on urban areas. 2 Tt shold not lose track of rural India, where much of the production takes place. 1) While 2) However 3) Whether 4) Accordingly 5) Moreover Siz The ceasefire agreement hetween India and Pakistan had been under strain since 2008. ‘S2: Both sides managed to keep temperatures down. 1) Despite 2) Since 3) Because 4) Though 5) However ‘St: Language is the hallmark of humanity as it allows us to form deep relationships and complex societies. 2 It shapes even our silent relationships with ourselves. D) In order that 2) Not only ... but also 3) As much as 4) As soon as 5) As though SI: Mahesh slept on the sofa in front of the television $2 Tommy, the family dog, gnawed on the leg of the coffee table. aE 3) Unless 4) While 5) Because Chapter | VA TENSES, MOODS, REPORTED SPEECH, FIGURES OF SPEECH |2.3 VA-2.3 TENSES, MOODS, REPORTED SPEECH, FIGURES OF SPEECH Ei cxass EXERCISE Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of tense, as required by the context. 1, Raj and Seema to hear their examination results just now. » 2) are waiting 3) waiting 4) is waiting 2 Farhan _ all the biscuits in the tin 1) eaten 2) has eaten 23) eating 4) eat 3 Here the Rajdhani express! 1) comes 2) coming 3) come 4) came 4 Swareop this email yesterday. 1) receive 2) receiving 3) received 4) receives 5 It Christmas in a few weeks time. 1) had been 2) was 3) will be dis Directions: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms ~ gerunds,infinitives and present participles. 6. A: Would you like (come) to a lecture on Hindustani music? B: No, thanks. I like (listen) to music but I dont like (listen) to people (talk) about it 7. ‘They don't allow (smoke) in the auditorium: they don't want (risk) (set) it on fire, but you can (smoke) in the foyer during the interval, 8. What about (buy) double quantities of everything today? hatll save (shop) again later this week. Directions: Put the verbs in the brackets into present continuous or simple future tense forms. Also, rowrite the sentences wherever required. 9. Chetan: Where you (go) for your next holiday? (Where have you arranged to go?) Ketan: I dosit know yet, but we probably (go) to Nainital. 10. I (see) my bank manager tomorrow. (I have arranged this). 1 am going to ask him for a loan but I think he (refuse) M1. Dost make a sound or you (wake) the baby; and then he (not get) to sleep again, VERBAL ABILITY 12, Surinder just phoned to say that he (catch) (has arranged to catch) the 8.10 a.m. train and (be) here by 9 am 13, Husband : 1 (be) promoted next week. Mr. Khanna (leave) and I (lake) over the department, (These arrangements have already been made). Wife = At this rate you soon (be) a direstos, and then you (spend) two hours a day on business lunches and (lose) your figure. Directions: Put the verbs in the brackets into simple past, past perfect past continuous or past perfect continuous tense forms as the context demands. Also, rewrite the sentences wherever required. 14. He (give) back the book to me, (thank) me for lending it to him and (say) that he (enjoy) it very much; but I (know) that he (not read) it Because most of the pages (be) still uncut. 15. When the old lady (return) to her flat she (see) at once that burglars (break) in during her absence, because the front door (be) open and everything in the fst (be) upside down, 16, The burglars themselves (be) no longer there, but they probably only just (leave) because a cigarette ‘was still burning on an ornamental table 17. Probably they (heat) the lift coming, up and (run) down the fire escape 18. They (help) themselves to her soft drinks too but there (be) some left, so she (pour) herself out a drink. Directions: Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or past continuous tense forms as the context demands. Also, rewrite the sentences wherever required. 19, 1 (walk) along Flora Fountain when I (realise) that a man with a small beard, whom I had seen three times already that afternoon, (follow) me. 20. To make quite sure, 1 (walk) on quickly, (turn) right, then left and (stopped), suddenly at a shop window: 21 Whenever I (stop), and whenever I (look) round he (be) still there. He (look) a very respectable type of person and (wear) very conventional clothes and I (wonder) if he was a policeman or a private detective. Directions: Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense forms, as required by the context 22. Mohan (a student of a residential college): Couldnt I leave the hostel and get a room on rent, father? Father: No, you couldrit. I know very well what (happen) if you (have) a room. You (play) com- pater games all night and (miss) your classes in the morning and then you (fil) your exams and (have) to repeat the year. And you (not feed) yourself properly and (get) run down. And then you (catch) some infection and (die) of it, and we (have) leave this town as the neighbours (keep) saying that we (cause) your death by letting you have your own way Chapter | VA TENSES, MOODS, REPORTED SPEECH, FIGURES OF SPEECH |2.3 23. My unmarried friends are always telling me how to bring up my children. I sometimes think that if they (have) children they (make) just as many mistake as I do. 24. His friends still say that if he (go) into the grocery business when he left school he (be) comfort- ably settled now instead of being poor. 25, He looked so small and weak that nobody asked him to do anything, If he (look) strong he (be) expected to dig all day like everyone else. 26. We came in last actually: but only because we got lost. If we (not got) lost we (come) in some- where in the middle. We certainly (not be) last Directions: Correct the verbs that appoar in wrong tense in each sentence. Also, rewrite the sentences, wherever required. 27. By the time the new wheat crop was ready, the silos are almost empty. 28 When the Indian team lost, Shailesh felt that life is no longer worth living. 23. When the plumbers laid the pipelines on the surface, they forgot that water became solid below freezing temperatures. 30. Mr. Wilson, the well known Shakespearcan critic, belicves that the principal cffect of Hamlet was catharsis. 31. Unfortunately, I had not had time to have delivered the entire speech T wrote out. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of tense as required by the sentence. 21 the washing before Raj arrived. 1) will complete 2) had completed 3) was completing 4) completed 33. Vikas watering the garden since 4 p.m. 1) have been 2) has been 3) will have been 4) will be 34. When Lara joined school in 1998, her brother Lal already. stodying there for 4 years. 1) was, been 2) has, been 3) will, be 4) had, been 35. Sheena writing poetry since she was ten. 1) will be 2) has been 3) was 4) have been 36. The teacher the students a break before the tes. 1) will be giving 2) give 3) was giving 4) have given as VERBAL ABILITY Directions: Change the following sentences from indirect speech to direct speech. Col. Darey commanded the troops to start marching to Mount Sherwood. 1) “Start marching to Mount Sherwood! commanded Cal. Darcy 2) “Start marching to Mount Sherwood.” said Col. Darcy. 3) Col, Darcy asked, “Start marching to Mount Sherwood” 4) “Start marching to Mount Sherwood” requested Col. Darcy 38. Prabhat requested his superior to have a seat 1) “Have a seat” said Prabhat 2) “Please have a seat” Prabhat sad to his superior 3) “Why dont you sit down?” said Prabhat. 4) “Do sit down” said Prabhat to his supe 39. Lavanya exclaimed that it was a beautiful day 1) “When is the beautitul day?” said Lavanya, 2) “Ws a beautiful day!” said Lavanya 3) “ont it a beautiful day?” asked Lavanya, 4) “is only a beautiful day!” said Lavanya. 40, Bela told Swati to keep quiet. 1) Bela said, “Swati, keep quiet” 2) Bela asked, “Swati, will you keep quiet?” 3) Bela said, “Swati, please keep quict” 4) Bela sald to Swati, “To keep quiet!” 41, Chandar replied that his sister’ flight would arrive by 3 p.m. 1) “Her fight will arive by 3 pm? Chandar replied. 2) Chander replied, “My sister will arrive by 3 pm? 3) Chander replied, “My sister’ fight will arrive by 3 p.m” 4) Chander said, “My sister will arrive by flight at 3pm” 42. Mita remarked that the restaurant at ‘The Ritz. was excellent. 1) “The Ritz has an excellent resiaurant” Mitali thought. 2) “he restaurant at ‘The Rite is excellent” Mita remarked. 3) Mitali said, “I think the restaurant at The Ritz is excellent” 4) Mitali exclaimed, “Oh! What an excellent restaurant they have at The Ritz!” Chapter | VA TENSES, MOODS, REPORTED SPEECH, FIGURES OF SPEECH |2.3 Directions: Choase the option which correctly converts the given sentence into indirect speech. 43. “You are 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the US.A. than in Australia per capita” Fischer told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 1) Fischer said to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that they are 15 times more likely to shoot you dead in the USA that in Australia per capita 2) Fischer commented to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that I am more likely to shoot you dead in the USA than in Australia per capita. 3) Fischer wanted the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to know that they are 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the USA than in. Australia per capita. 4) Fischer told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that one is 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the USA than in Australia per capita. 5) Fischer asserted that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation was 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the US.A. than in Australia per capita. 44. Mom asked, “Sheela, did you schedule the dentist's appointment tomorrow?” 1) Mom wanted to know when Sheela had scheduled the dentict’s appointment tomorrow: 2) Mom asked Sheela when the dentists appointment was scheduled for the next day. 3) Mom asked Sheela if she had scheduled the dentists appointment for the next day 4) Mom asked Sheela if she had scheduled the dentists appointment for tomorrow. 5) Mom enquired if Sheela had scheduled the appointment with the dentist tomorrow. 45. Seema said, ‘Alas! I could not hear the recital yesterday” 1) Seema sighed sadly and said that she could not hear yesterday’ recital. 2) Seema sadly exclaimed that she was unable to hear the recital yesterday 3) Seema said that she was unable to hear the recital the previous day. 4) Seema sadly sald that she could not hear the recital the previous dy 3) Seema was sad that I could not hear the rectal yesterday. Directions: Identify the figures of speech in the following sentences: (SNAP) 46. Youll never put a better bit of butter on your knife. 1) Alteration 2) Climax 3) Inversion 4) Onomatopocia 47. Getting a 100 percentile in the CET is no mean feat 1) Irony 2) uph 3) Litotes 4) Hyperbole 48, Youtre easy on the eyes, hard on the heart 1) Antithesis 2) Metaphor 3) Simile 4) Irony 49. Your father is so low he has to look up to tie his shoes. 1) Metaphor 2) Anti-climax 3) Hyperbole 4) Oxymoron 50. He was conspicuous by his absence 1) Metaphor 2) Climax 3) Oxymoron 4) Hyperbole wv @® | vero. seu VA-2.4 | GRAMMAR REVIEW EA ciass EXERCISE-1 Directions In the following question, there are two colunms with three semtence parts each. Parts from the frst column may or may not be joined together with parts from the second column to create a coherent ‘and grammatically correct sentence. Choose the option that identifies all posible coherent and grammatically correct pairs. 1 Column T ‘Colume 1 ‘Az Rapid reduction in the price of solar and wind energy have also Dé led to substantial increases in renewable energy capaci BB: Even though agriculture is sil largest source of emissions overall TE: any new permits for offshore exploration for coil and gas deposits. ‘G: The New Zealand government announced that it will not issue F: energy and transport are close behind in emitting greenhouse gases. 2) BE 5) BE and CE y AD 4) AD and CE CE Column T ‘Column 1 ‘Ar The answer as to how sedimentary rocks were formed lie beneath the waves, 1D; some governments are introducing legislation to control the problem, B: Our goals are to understand how the earths surfice moves Errecordedin sediment layersthathaveaceurnilated ‘on millions of years. ‘G: Whenever the Impact of fake news on elec tion outcomes, F: and how that movement impacts the effects of greenhouse gases on the climate systems, 2) BE 5) AE and BF DAE 4) AE and CD 3 cD Chapter |VA GRAMMAR REVIEW 2.4 Column T Column I ‘A: Increases in the frequency of forest fires dus by human activity Dr providing more nutrients per farmed acre than any other staple. 'B: Suspension refers to when a student ls seat home from schoo! E: have led to the decline or extinction of more than 100 species. G: The sweet potato is one of the most valuable ‘crops in the world, : affer a serious incident while a decision is being made about how to respond 2 BE 5) AE and C-D DAE 4) BF and CD 3cD Column ‘Column 1 ‘Ar At the museum we have one of the great portraits by Bronzino, D: who cannot be detected in the existing se- curity checks at airports B: The most efficient way to deal with plastic pollution is E: to control the production and distribution of plastics = who was olficial court painter for the Medici in Florence in the mid-6th century. DAF 2) AF and BE 9 cD 5) BE and CD 3) BE Column T Column I ‘Az As natural forests and other habitat shrink, wild animals Dé is well established by medical studies B: The association between excess salt intake and raised blood pressure Er secks food over & wider area, inchuding vil ages and cities. (C: Haiti ics in a seismically active zone F: among the North American and Caribbean tectonic plates. 2 BD 5) BD and C4 DAE 4) AE and BD CF F 19 VERBAL ABILITY Directions: Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech. 6 Kunal said to me, “You must report for duty at once” 1) Kunal told me you must report for duty at once 2) Kunal ordered that I report for duty at once. 3) Kunal asked me if | could report for duty at once. 4) Kunal ordered us to report for duty. 7. “Twill take care of the decorations” Chandini promised. 1) Chandini promised that she will take care of the decorations. 2) Chandini promised 1 will take care of the decorations. 3) Chandini promised that she would take care of the decorations. 44) Chandini promised that she would be taking care of the decorations R—Hetal said “W's heen a month since T have seen Maya” 1) Hetal replied that it has been a month since she has seen Maya. 2) Hetal asked whether it had been a month since she had seen Maya. 3) Hetal ssid that it had been a month since she had seen Maya. 4) Hetal cried out that it had been a month since she had seen Maya Jojo announced, “I dug up the whole garden” 1) Jojo proclaimed that he had dug up the garden. 2) Jojo complained that he had to dig up the whole garden 3) Tojo announced that he had dug up the whole garden. 4) Jojo exclaimed that the whole garden has been dug up by him. 10, “Ask not what your country can do for your ask what you can do for your country said John I Kennedy. 1) John E Kennedy said that a person shouldvit ask what his country could do for him, but should ask what he could do for his country. 2) John F Kennedy said that we should not ask what our country has done for us, but ask instead what we have done for our country. 3) John F Kennedy was of the opinion that we should ask what we could de for our country, and rnot what our country can do for us. 4) John E Kennedy was telling the people of his country that they should not ask what their country can do for them, but should ask what they can do for their country. Chapter |VA GRAMMAR REVIEW |2.4 Directions: The following question consists of three groups (I. I, IID) of two sentences each (A and B). Sentence A in eich group is grammatically incorect, and ils corresponding sentence B may or may not be a suitable correction of it. Choose the option that identifies the group's in which sentence B corrects the errors im sentence A M 1 A. It is much important to study the potential harm of robots deliberately designed to bill in warfare than to study self-driving car accidents. B. It is more important to study the potential harm of robots dcliberatly designed to killin warfare than to study self-driving car accidents. u. A. To call someone lucky is usually denied the relevance of their hard work or talent. B. To call somcone lucky is usually to deny the relevance of their hard work or talent mh, ‘A. Editors often start on as writers, and in many cases their role invelves substantial writing B. Editors often start out as writers, and in many cases their role involves substantial writing. D Only 2) Land Il 3)Tand it 4) Wand 5) 1, Wand II 12 L ‘A. The Defence Minister announced that he will provide the army of new fighter planes B. The Defence Minister announced that he will provide the army by new fighter planes. 0. ‘A. UIDAL will use facial recognition in combination with existing options of biometric authenti- cation, such of fingerprint or iris scan, B. UIDAT will use facial recognition in combination with existing options of biometric authenti- cation, such as fingerprint or iris scan, m. A. Light bounces of objects surrounding us and hits the surface ofthe retina to generate a three-di- mensional image. B. Light bounces off objects surrounding us and hits the surface of the retina to generate a three-dimensional image. D Only 1 2 Land It 3) Land 4) Wand M5) 1, Mand IT 13. L A. With the GST on place, direct tax collections have increased over the past few years B. With the GST in place, direct tax collections have increased over the past few years. 1. A. In the FIFA World Cup, the Nethedands is only team to have won all its matches, that too in regulation time. B. In the FIFA World Cup, Netherlands is only team to have won all its matches, that too in regulation time. mm, ‘A. The Rolf Nevalninna Prize and the Gauss Prize has honoured improved error-correcting codes in communications, which have applications in space science. B. The Rolf Nevalninna Prize and the Gauss Prize has honoured improved error-correcting codes in communications that have applications in space science. D. Only ttt 2) Only 1 3) Only IL 4) Land 5) I, Wand 1 aa VERBAL ABILITY iia ml. I. u, ‘A. Deforestation not only depletes birds of their habitats, and also harms the natural biodiversity of any given arca, B. Deforestation not only depleted birds of their habitats, but also harmed the natural bi of any given area, versity A. Our solitude provides a space when we can be free from any external pressure and control. B. Our solitude provides a space where we can be free from any external pressure and control A. Its impossible for liberty to he lost under a democratic form of government B. ts impossible for liberty to be lost under the democratic forms of government 1) Only 1 2) Only IL 3)Tand 4) Wand Il 5) Only It A. We ofien hear that world politics are divided between open versus closed societies. B. We often hear that world politics are divided between open versus closed societies. A. I moved to Turkey with my mother while my dad was diagnosed with cancer. B. I moved to Turkey with my mother when my dad was diagnosed with cancer. ‘A. Cats probably just liked to sleep on beds, next to people, because itS warmer and comfortable than on the floor. B. Cats probably jut liked to sleep on beds, next to people, because it was warmer and comfortable than on the floor. 1) Tand I 2) Wand 3) Land M4) Only T 3) Only IE Directions: Choose the correct preposition for each Blank. 16, 18. 20. He insisted taking the test paper home. 1) from 2 on 3) with 4) for ‘This gil is crazy playing tennis. 1) with 2) at 3) for 4) about He is sorry behaving the way he did. 1) with 2) at 3) for 4) on Joe is keen joining the dancing classes Don 2) at 3) in dof He went on arguing the tople of debate 1) at 2) with 3) against 4) about Chapter |VA GRAMMAR REVIEW |2.4 Directions: Identify the figures of speech in the following sentences. 21. Christianity shone like a beoeon in the black night of paganism. What figure of speech is Christianity shone like a beacon? 1) Metaphor 2) Simile 3) Euphony 4) Hyperbole 8B Blind justice was not on his side. 1) Metaphor 2) Personifcation 3) Hyperbole 4) Cacophony 23. Folks who have no vices have very few virtues. 1) Antiesis 2) Metaphor 3) Synecdoche 4) Irony 24. The dap of thunder went bang and scared my poor dog. 1) Onomatopocia 2) Euphemism 3) Litotes 4) Hyperbole 25. Unfortunately, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong day. 1) Metaphor 2) Anti-climax 3) Anaphora 4) Oxymoron Directions: Each of the given sentences is divided into certain parts and the parts are underlined. Mark the part of the sentence that has an error. a different kind 4) tis tricky to diagnosis dementia because it manifests itself in many ways yO and the early signs are often dificult to recognise nn: iin Dv. Consumer technology is receiving the same kinds of scrutiny once reserved = wv ~~ s.* — for banks and brands will have to respond convincingly to increasing regulatory oversight 3) 4 23 @® | vero. seu Directions: In each of the following sentences, a part of the sentence is underlined. Beneath cach sentence, four different ways of phrasing the underlined part are indicated. Choose the best alternative from among the four options. 29. Set in Darjecling and with an ensemble cast, the story of Kanchenjungha involves an i Bengali family and focusing on different groups of characters rather than one oF two protagonist 1) involves an aristocratic Bengali family and focuses on different groups of characters rather than one or two protagonists 2) involved an aristocratic Bengali family and focuses on different group of characters rather than fone oF two protagonists 3) involves an aristocratic Bengali family and focuses on diferent groups of characters rather than fone oF two protagonist 4) involving an aristocrat Bengali family and focuses on different groups of characters rather than fone oF two protagonists 30, “There are many questions still to be addressed, but some of the mos! fascinating is whether its possible to rally he in love with somconc you've never met 1) but of the most fascinating is one whether its possible to really be in love with someone 2) but quite the fascinating is whether its possible to really be in love with someone 3) ut one of the most fascinating is whether its possible to really be in love with someone 4) but definitely of the most fascinating is whether its possible to really be in love with somcone FEV CLASS EXERCISE-2 Directions: The given sentence is in direct speech, convert it into indirect speech and choose the correct option. 1. Walt Disney 1) Walt Disney said that "he has been up against tough competition all his life” 2) Walt Disney will have said that he has been up against tough competition all his life 3) Walt Disney said also he has been up against tough competition all his lie 4) Walt Disney said that he was up against tough competition all his life. “I have been up against tough competition all my life” 5) Walt Disney said that he has been up against tough competition all his life “This pesta is too bland” Akenksha complained. 1) Akanksha regretted the pasta being bland 2) Akanksha argued that the pasta was bland. 3) Akansha thought aloud the pasta was too bland. 4) Akanksha complained that the pasta was too bland. Chapter |VA GRAMMAR REVIEW |2.4 3. “Tean resist everything except temptation’ remarked Oscar Wilde 1) Oscar Wilde confirmed that temptation was the only thing that he could not resist. 2) Oscar Wilde remarked that he could resist everything except temptation. 3) Oscar Wilde thought that there was nothing other than temptation that he could not resist. 4) Oscar Wilde remarked that he had a temptation to resist everything. Directions: The given sentence is in indirect speech, convert it into divect speech and choose the correct option. He vowed that he would not tell anyone my findings. 1) He said, “I will vow to keep your findings” 2) He said, “You will not tell anyone my findings” 3) “I will not tell anyone your findings” he said. 4) “He vowed to keep my findings” 1 sald. 5) “Twill not tell anyone our findings” he sai. Directions: Each of the given sentences is divided into certain parts and the parts are underlined. Mark the part of the sentence that his ar error Many people find itdiflcultto__stick on ther fitness regime _ecause of frequent travel ~—) * 2 3) 4 ‘Many man has fallen in love with a girl in light so dim he would not have chosen a suit by it & y 2) 3) 4) Different school are responding differently to clause on 25 percent reservation % D 2 that ismandated by the Right to Education — RTE Act. ay o As you slowly descent to Patalaganga, let your mind _losc itself in tranquility D a 3 > endless mountains and a seamless river 4 i 9, didnot know that when she was coming to meet me > 2 d- a 28 VERBAL ABILITY Directions: Identify the figures of speech in the following sentences. 10. What is the figure of speech in: definitely possible 1) Trony 2) Anti-climax 3) Oxymoron 4) Hyperbole 11, Uncertain rustling of each purple curtain 1) Metaphor 2) Anti-climax 3) Anaphora 4) Assonance 12, She's a night owl 1) Antithesis 2). Metaphor 3) Simile 4) Irony 13. ‘The thunder grumbled 1). Metaphor 2) Personification _—_3) Hyperbole 4) Cacophony 14, Willie was washing window with water. 1) Antithesis 2) Metaphor 3) Simile 4) Alteration 15. With malice toward none; with charity for all with Grmness in the right 1) Anaphora 2) Anastrophe 3) Chiasmas 4) Apostrophe Directions: Each question is followed by 5 options. Select the correct option after reading the question carefully, 16. Which of the following is a grammatically correct sentence? 1) Much still need to be done to extend property rights to more people, especially the poor 2) Many still needs to be done to extend property rights to more people, especially the poor, 3) Much stil needs done to extend property rights to more people, especially the poor. 4) Much still needs to be done to extend property rights to more people, especially the poor 5) Much still needs to be done extend proper rights to more people, especially the poor. 17. Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect? 1) This happened in the mid-1950s, not for cultural, but for entirely political reasons. 2) This, however, suggests the initiative’ limited scope. 3) The gorernment should fully back our scientific community in spite the failure of Chandraayan| 4) It would be wrong to belittle the importance of what has happened. 5) It has often been said that a one-party state suits the country. Chapter |VA GRAMMAR REVIEW 2.4 Which of the following sentence/s isfare grammatically correct? A. If she wins, she will have cdlebrated her victory with champagne. B ‘The government as well as the conservatives worry about a possible lef-wing take over. . Except for his voting rights litle power or standing the common man has in our democracy. . Vijay Mallyas team scored 4 historic win. E. Bach of the 999 ragas has the potential of a particular kind of healing, not founded in any other raga. D Aand B 2 A, Band C 3) Band D 4) None of these 5) All of these Directions: In these questions, Column I (A, B, C) contains the first half of « sentence. The concluding part of these sentences may be found in Column 1 (D, E, and F). Choose the option that shows the correctly matched sentences Column I Column Th ‘Ar Trump secured the presidency in November| Dz were having great difficully getting it to 2016 combine with other elements. B: Nitrogen molecules are so stable and unre- | E: despite winning three million few votes than active that chemists Hillary Clinton. (G: When we consider the future that techno- | F: itis tempting to envision a world taken over logical change will bring about, by robots, DCF 2) BD AE 4) CF and AE 5) BD and CF Column 1 Column Th ‘A: Ceuta and Melilla are gateways to Europe, | D: by opening schools, laying drains and provide and for that reason clean water. B: The government fas decided to improve the | E:and even practise a lifestyle where compassion rural areas towards the environment was essential. ‘G: Mahatma Gandhi wrote extensively on the [Fr itis surrounded by tall fences and kept under covironment surveillance 2) GE and BD 3) BD 5) AF a @® | vero. seu 24 Column 1 ‘Column TT ‘Ar Climate justice is about safeguarding the | D:to become a driver fora ride sharing company. rights of the poor and marginalised people, B: Justice Verma was a man of great crudition| E: which are offen the biggest sufferers from the and his knowledge and wisdom ‘menace of climate change. GA relatively unskilled youth can be Wained [F: were tempered with high ethical and oral values DAE 2) BE 2)eD 4) AB and BE 5) BE and CD Directions: The following question consists of three groups (I, I, III) of two sentences each (A and B). Sentence A in each group is grammatically incorrect, sentence B may or may not be a correct revision of it, Choose the option that identifies the group/s in which sentence B corrects the errors in sentence A. 2. L ‘A. The scientifically inclined Weisskopf came to age at the right time, when quantum mechanics was being developed in Europe. B. ‘he scientifically inclined Weisskopf came of age at the right time, when quantum mechanics seas being developed in Enrape. 0. A.A statistic technique called factor analysis is applied to identify groups of words that are related, B. A statistic technique called factor analysis has becn applied to identify groups of words that are related m. [A In recent years, a debate has raged in India on what is the level of poverty in the country and whether they have changed. B. In recent years, a debate las raged in India on what the levels of poverty in the country are and sehether they have changed, 1) 1, Mand 2) Vand I 3) Only Il 4) Only It 5) Only I Chapter |VA GRAMMAR REVIEW |2.4 Directions: The following paragraph consists of four sentences. Choose the option that meaningfully combines all four sentences into one grammatically correct sentence. 23, No fish ladders were built on or around the dams. Thus the dams blacked access of the salons to 90 percent of their historic spawning grounds. It halted the flow of marine-derived mulrients into the ecosystem. It dramatically reduced their population. 1) Without fish ladders, the dams blocked access by the salmons to 90 percent of their historic spawning grounds, which halted the flow of marine-derived nutrients into the ecosystem, dre- matically reducing their population. 2) Since fish ladders were not built, 90 percent salmons could not access their historic spay grounds, which halted the flow of marine-derived nutrients into the ecosystem, and dramatically reduced their population, 3) Without fish ladders, they blocked access of the salmons to 90 percent of their historic spawn- ing grounds, halted the flow of marine-derived nutrients into the ecosystem, and dramatically reduced salmon population. 4) Due to the absence of fish ladders, the historic spawning grounds of salmons were blocked by the dams which reduced salmon population by halting the flow of marine-derived nutrients into the ecosystem, 5) Without fish ladders, the dams blocked salons’ access to 90 percent of their historic spawn- ing grounds, halted the flow of marine-derived nutrients into the ecosystem, and dramatically seduced their population, 24. We designed a massive research project during 2013 and 2014. It involved conducting focus groups and interviews with people worldwide. We also interviewed eminent rescarchers. These researchers have dedicated their carcers to studying modern technology. 1) During 2013 and 2014, we conducted focus groups and interviews with people worldwide and also interviewed eminent researchers who have dedicated their careers to studying modern technology. 2) During 2013 and 2014, we designed a massive rescarch project after conducting focus groups and imerviews with people worldwide, and also interviewing eminent researchers sho have dedicated their careers to studying modern technology. 3) After conducting focus groups and interviews with people worldwide, and also interviewing em- inent researchers who have dedicated their careers to studying modern technology, we designed 1 massive research project during 2013 and 2014 4) We designed a massive research project during 2013 and 2014, which involved conducting focus groups and interviews with people worldwide, and also interviewing eminent researchers who hhave dedicated their careets to studying modern technology. 5) We designed a massive research project during 2013 and 2014, involving focus groups and interviewing people worldwide and researchers, dedicating our careers to studying modern technology: 29 VERBAL ABILITY Directions: For cach statement, there are four diferent sentences given below it Pick out the one that appropriately conveys the meaning of the statement. The number of that sentence is the answer. If none of them conveys the meaning of the statement, the answer is (5), ie. ‘None 25. Despite any kind of hurdles, I shall come 1) T shall come if there are different kinds of hurdles. 2) I shall not be able to come if there are diferent kinds of hurdles. 3) Bven though I come, there could be different kinds of hurdles. 4) Whether or not there are any kind of hurdles, I shall come. 26, The Speaker remarked that not all the politicians were really unkind 1) ‘The Speaker remarked that some of the politicians were kind while others were not 2) The Speaker remarked that all the politicians were not kind. 3) ‘The Spealicr remerlied that all those who are politicians cannot be necezarily kind. 4) ‘The Speaker remarked that all those who are politicians may include really a group of kind people. Directions: In each of the following sentences, a part of the sentence is underlined. Beneath each sentence, four different ways of phrasing the underlined part are indicated. Choose the best alternative from among the four options. 27, There are-muuch mangoss inthe basket. 1) are many mangoes 2) te many mangoes 3) was many mangoes 4) have more mangoes 28. He could not avail of my help. 1) He could not avail himself of my help. 2) He could not avail with my help. 3) He could not only avail of my help 4) He could only avail of not my help. 29. ‘They got up. withdrew quietly into the shadows. and made at the doors. 1) made for the doors 2) made on the doors 3) made out the doors 4) made off the doors 30. It seemed unfair that anyone should possess apparently perpetual youth as well as incredibly wealthy, 1) apparently perpetual youth as well as incredible wealthy 2) apparently perpetual youth as well as incredible wealth 3) apparently perpetual youth as well as incredibly wealth 4) apparently perpetually youth as well as incredibly wealthy

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