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WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol. 7 No. November 2, 2022, Pg. 60-69

Analysis of Factors Affecting Healing of Acute Pharyngitis Viral Patients

in Puskesmas I, Klungkung-Bali
Ida Ayu Manik Partha
Sutema1 , Made Sudiari2 , I Gede Palguna Reganata3

1,2,3Bali International University

Email1 :

Antibiotic resistance is closely related to the inappropriate use of antibiotics, namely the indication, dose,
frequency, and duration of use. Permenkes No. 5 of 2014 states that acute pharyngitis is given antibiotic therapy if it meets
the diagnostic criteria using the center criteria, but this criterion is difficult to apply because doctors take longer to
diagnose. Previous research at the Klungkung I Primary Health Center used diagnosis utilizing a swab test. It was found
that 100% of bacterial pharyngitis patients were negative. The strategy of delaying antibiotics for 3 days can prevent
antibiotic resistance, but in therapy, without antibiotics, it is im-portant to increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is deemed
necessary by the researchers to conduct a study to analyze the factors that affect the recovery of patients with acute
pharyngitis, which are mainly caused by vi-ruses. Analyzing the factors that affect the recovery of viral pharyngitis patients.
The design of the cross-sectional study was through observation of the medical record data of patients who came to the
Klungkung Primary Health Center I for 3 months and got diagnostic facilities using the swab test. Patients who got a nega-
tive swab test were analyzed
for the factors that influenced their recovery. Anti-inflammatory variables, rest, and paracetamol significantly affected the
recovery of acute pharyngitis patients (p <0.05), and the importance index in CART analysis found that paracetamol was
the most influential, followed by rest, administration of vitamins, and anti-inflammatory. Antibiotics, anti-allergies, and
cough medicines do not affect the recovery of patients with acute pharyngitis viral. Paracetamol has the most effect on
patient recovery, followed by rest and administration of vitamins, anti- inflammatory has very little effect on the recovery
in patients of acute pharyn-gitis viral.

Keywords: acute pharyngitis, cure, CART.

junctivitis. It is not recommended that anti-biotics be
Pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharyngeal
given as therapy for viral pharyn-gitis, but in fact,
wall which can be caused by viruses (40-60%), bacteria
pharyngitis accompanied by cough (a characteristic
(5-40%), aller-gies, trauma, toxins, and others. Viruses
feature of viral pharyngitis) is treated
and bacteria invade the pharynx and cause a local
with antibiotics, that empirical diagnosis is no longer
inflammatory reaction. Group A he-molytic
visible to use considering that history by looking at
streptococcal bacterial infection can cause severe tissue
signs and symptoms is very difficult to use for
damage because these
distinguishing viral pharyngitis and bac-teria (Sutema,
bacteria release extracellular toxins that can cause
2018). For medical manage-ment, in addition to self-
rheumatism, heart valve damage, acute
management by patients who can help reduce or treat
glomerulonephritis due to impaired glomerular
phar-yngitis symptoms, therapy is also needed to
function due to the formation of antigen-antibody
eradicate the main cause, one
of which is the administration of antibiotics. Antibiot-
(1) ics are only given in cases of proven phar-yngitis due to
bacterial infection, for exam-ple in Group A

Viral pharyngitis gives symptoms of cough, Streptococcus fi-haemolyticus (GAS) infection.

runny nose, conjunctivitis, fatigue, body feeling unwell, Giving anti-biotics aims to kill bacteria to prevent
and moderate-grade fever, whereas bacterial infection is com-
not ac-companied by cough, runny
nose, and con-

WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol.7, No.2, November 2022, p-ISSN 2527-4627
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WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol. 7 No. 2, November 2022, Pg. 61

plications such as rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart

tient's recovery, so further research is need-ed to
disease. The definite antibi-otics of choice
find out what factors affect the recov-ery of
are amoxicillin, penicillin v, and benzathine penicillin.
patients suffering from pharyngitis. an acute virus
In patients with a history of penicillin allergy, the
without giving antibiotics, and can be a reference for
choice of antibiotics is cephalexin, cefadroxil,
pharyngitis ther-apy in health centers, most
clindamycin, clarithromycin, and azithro-mycin.
of which are
Administration of paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-
caused by viruses using the binary logistic regression
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be considered for
method. The hypothesis in this study was the factors
the man-agement of cases
studied as independ-ent variables (vitamins, anti-
of pharyngitis Treatment of viral pharyngitis does
(2) inflammatory, and rest) affected the recovery of viral
not require antibiotics, but the fact .

pharyngitis patients at Klungkung I Prima-ry Health

is that in Klungkung I Primary Health Center,
in par-ticular, almost all diseases diagnosed as acute
pharyngitis are treated with antibiot-ics. In addition,
empirical diagnosis is no longer visible to use, METHODS
considering that the history of signs and symptoms is
The study design used an observa- tional
difficult to distinguish between viral and bacterial
method with a cross-sectional study approach.
pharyngitis. A large amount of use of anti-biotics and
The data used in this study is secondary data in the
their misuse is thought to be the main cause of the high
form of medical rec-ords
number of patho-gens and resistant commensal
taken in October 2016 - January 2017 where the medical
bacteria worldwide. Reducing the number of inap- records describe the di-agnosis of acute
propriate antibiotic use is the best way to control the
pharyngitis diagnosed us-ing laboratory tests through
occurrence of bacterial re-sistance.
a swab test us-ing RADT (Rapid Antigen
Diagnostic Test). The sampling technique used in
this study was carried out through non- probability
sampling with the type of con-secutive sampling, in
which patients aged 12-45 years with a diagnosis of
Patient recovery factors can be clas- sified
acute phar-yngitis caused by viruses and recorded in
into 2, namely, dependent factors such as education,
the medical record will
work, income, medica-tion (drug consumption), and
be selected as sam-ples. Then the sample was divided
food con-sumption (nutrition), etc. as well as inde- into two large groups, namely patients
pendent factors such as age, gender, rest status, etc. In
with acute pharyngitis caused by a virus where treat-
Nurmaida (2014), it was found that a significant factor
ment was cured and failed. The two groups collected
in influenc-ing the recovery of ARI patients who were
patient data which contains the independent variables
diagnosed empirically (the cause was not yet certain for
viruses or bacteria) was the administration of
antibiotics (p = 0.041), while other factors were gender
(p = 0.184). ), age (p = 0.700), education (p = 0.384),
The population of this study was all patients
occupation (p = 0.178), marital sta- tus (p = 0.700),
in the age group 12-45 years who came to the
income (p = 1,000), num-ber of hours of sleep/day (p =
Klungkung I Primary Health Center with symptoms
0.634), habits consuming vitamins (p = 0.625), and
of acute pharyngitis.
food consumption patterns (p = 0.584) were not
In this study, there were 5 independent var-iables
significant in healing ARI. In acute pharyn-gitis
(giving antibiotics, giving paraceta-mol, giving anti-
patients who are included in ARI, es-pecially those
inflammatory, vitamins, and rest), and one variable
caused by viruses, antibiotics in theory cannot be given
was equal to 10 patients, so the overall
so they are not included in the factors that affect sample size was 60 patients Statistical analysis
the pa-
to see .

the influ-encing factors with the CART method

which can describe the relationship be- tween the
response variable (dependent variable) and one or more
predictor varia-

WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol.7, No.2, November 2022, p-ISSN 2527-4627
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WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol. 7 No. 2, November 2022, Pg. 63

bles (independent variables).

with Ladipa's research (2018) that men have a higher
risk of respiratory tract infec-tions than women because
there are envi-ronmental and behavioral
The demographics of the study sub-jects differences be-tween men and women, for example,
were determined by age and gender in table 1.
such as self-awareness in terms of maintaining daily
health (4)

Table 1. Distribution of Patients by Gender and Age

The male sex is more susceptible to respiratory
tract infections because the ma-jority of men are smokers
Characteristics ÿ %
and often drive vehicles and are exposed to air pollution
Age from the outside. In addition, men are more active in
activities so they are exposed
Adolescent (12- 14 23.33 to more air than more dominant women. stay-ing at
18 years)
Adult (19-45 home, as a result, is easy to get tired and tend to have a
46 76.67
years) weakened immune sys-tem, compared to
women The factors that influence the pa-tient's
Gender recovery can be identified from .

40 66.66
Male the bivariate analysis. The method used for
bivariate analysis is the chi-square method.
Female 20 34.34

Patients in this study can be seen from the

Each factor is identified based on a prelim-inary
characteristics of their age and gender. As many as
theory, which is then examined for
23.3 percent of pa-tients in this study were patients from
the significance of its effect on recovery.
the adolescent group while 76.67 were patients from the
The results of the effect independent varia-ble on the
adult group. Based on gender, in-formation was obtained
dependent variable, namely the cure for viral pharyngitis
that 66.66 percent were male patients, while the
patients can be seen in table 2.
remaining 34.34 percent were female patients.

In line with the research Rasmala Dewi obtained, Table 2. Results of the effect of independent varia-bles on Pharyngitis.

research results that based on age, adults or

the elderly will be more quickly exposed to bacteria

and viruses that cause respiratory tract infections (4) No

Factor Giving
Reco Not
. Square
very covery
Therefore, elderly people are more suscep-tible or
susceptible to various kinds of in-fectious diseases. This Anti- Yes 22 7
1. 0,261
vulnerability occurs because of reduced production of biotic
No 27 4

immuno-globulins that act as antibodies and de-creased Anti- Yes 2 2

response of the body's protective system, co-morbidities 2. inflammation 0,090

No 47 9
that arise after a decline in the
Yes 37 6
structure and function of the body's organs, functional 3. Vitamin 0,163
disorders of the body, errors in nutrition and poor No 12 5

environ-mental conditions (4) 4. Rest

Yes 14 14
No 46 35
Paracetamol Yes 43 5
. 5. 0,002
No 6 6
Then based on gender. According to the Yes 37 9
6. Cough
results of the study, from 85 patients, the male sex No 12
Drug 2

was more dominant, namely 49 people 57.64%, while the Yes 24 6

female sex was 36 patients 42.36%. This is in line 7.
histism No 25 5

WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol.7, No.2, November 2022, p-ISSN 2527-4627

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Based on the results of the analysis, it Comparatively, the administration of

was found that the anti-inflammatory variables, antibiotics in bivariate analysis and the use of
rest, and paracetamol significant- ly affected the CART did not affect the cure of
recovery of acute pharyngi- pharyngitis. The visual picture of CART
tis patients. This can be seen from the sig- analysis can be seen in the following fig- ure:
nificant value of each of these variables
which is less than 0.05. Based on the re-
sults of the analysis, it is also known that the
use of antibiotics, vitamins, anti- inflammatory,
allergy, and cough medi- cines in acute
pharyngitis has no significant effect on the cure
of acute pharyngitis.

Analysis results using the CART

(Classification And Regression Trees)
Simultaneously, the influence of each
factor can be identified using CART analysis.
This analysis is used to see the effect of each
variable along with the level of importance
(most influential) on recov- ery. The results of
the CART analysis can be seen in Table 3 and
Figure 1. CART
Figure 1.
Visualization of CART in this study is
Table 3. Results of CART Analysis.
an optimal tree analysis, where the algo-
rithmically insignificant variables have been
trimmed. Based on these results, it is clear
No Variable Score portance that paracetamol is the most im-portant
differentiating factor in this study.
1. PARACETAMOL 100.00 |||||||||||||||||||||
This means that paracetamol gives a very
significant impact and is likely to provide
2. REST 52.32 ||||||||||||||||||||| healing for pharyngitis patients. The sec- ond
node as a differentiator is indicated by
43.52 ||||||||||||||||||
the rest variable, then the third node is
indi-cated by the variable of vitamin
administra-tion (5)
4. 27.38 |||||||||||

INFLAMMATION In giving paracetamol it is known

that out of 60 patients, 81.7% recovered
and 18.3% did not recover, and in patients
who did rest, 89.6% recovered and 10.4%
did not recover, but on the contrary, in pa-
tients without rest obtained. results 10.4% did
7. COUGH DRUG 0.00
not recover and 89.6% recovered. As
well as giving vitamins, the results were
Based on the analysis results ob- tained 85.7% cured, and 14.3% did not recover.
in table 3. regarding the importance index of
each variable. Paracetamol as one DISCUSSION
of the drugs given to patients gives the best Factors Affecting the Healing of Viral
results in providing healing. The next varia-
Pharyngitis Patients
ble that had the greatest effect on recovery
was the rest factor, followed by The symptoms that arise in acute
vitamins and anti-inflammatory, respectively. pharyngitis depend on the accompanying

WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol.7, No.2, November 2022, p-ISSN 2527-4627
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WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol. 7 No. 2, November 2022, Pg. 65

microorganism. Acute pharyngitis is caused by had a significant effect on the recovery of viral
bacteria severe headache, fever or, ma-laise, painful pharyngitis patients were giving para-cetamol,
swallowing, vomiting, and possibly coughing but rest, and vitamins. Paracetamol, which is a
rarely occurs. Phar-yngitis due symptomatic drug, is very likely to give CART, it
to bacterial infection group A streptococci can be does not represent the op-portunity for rest
estimated by using the Centor criteria, namely fever, to improve recovery, but in theory and research, rest
anterior cer-vical lymphadenopathy, tonsillar can increase the immune system through stimulation
exudate, and no cough. Pharyngitis caused by virus- of pro-inflammatory hormones wherein this con-
es usually has symptoms of a sore throat severe and dition the adaptive immune
may be accompanied by cough-ing, hoarseness, and response is stimulated and increases so that the
substernal pain. Fever, chills, malaise, myalgia, and inflam-matory response as a marker
headache may also occur. Then, symptoms of increases. So the researchers can conclude that the
fungal phar-yngitis are sore pro-cess of viral eradication is increased, and more
throat and swallowing pain. foreign bodies are attacked and para-lyzed in the
On examination, white plaque appears hy- peremic first immunity
oropharynx and another pharynge-al (initial) which correlates with an increase in the
inflam-matory response in the beginning. The
mucosa (6)
pro-vision of vitamins provides a great oppor- tunity
Pharyngitis in this study has been for recovery where the specific vita-mins
confirmed through a swab test, namely RADT that are given here are vitamins C and B complex,
(Rapid Antigen Detection Test) that the cause is a which can act as a modulating agent for cellular
virus, almost all patients get negative results for immunity, especially those related to CD8 cells and
bacteria, so it can be said to be positive due to NK cells.
viruses. In diseas-es caused by viruses, it is not
rational to be treated with antibiotics, where the Anti-inflammatory administration provides
virus that causes acute pharyngitis can heal by a chance of cure but is very small, and is not
itself (self-limiting disease) for approximately illustrated in the CART tree, where in theory anti-
one week. inflammatory can function to treat pain and
swelling (swelling and redness) and relieve fever.
Classification and Regression Trees Anti-inflammatory is a series of immuno- regulatory
(CART) is a method or algorithm of the decision molecules that control the proin-
tree technique. CART is a nonpar-ametric flammatory response of the immune pro-cess. This
statistical method that can describe stimulation causes the release of
the relationship between the response varia- ble inflammatory mediators such as histamine,
(dependent variable) and one or more predictor serotonin, bradykinin, and prostaglandins which
variables (independent variables). According to cause an inflammatory reaction such as heat, pain,
Breiman et al (1993), when the response variable redness, and swelling, and are accompanied by
has continuously shaped the method used is a impaired function (8). The patient's recovery is
regression tree (regression strongly associated with the disappearance of signs
trees), whereas if the response variable has a and symp-toms, from the doctor's history, the ob-
categorical scale the method used is the classification served symptoms of inflammation can be reduced by
tree method (7) administering anti-inflammatory, but it is not certain
(classification trees) .
that the causative factor, namely the virus has been
The response variable in this study has cleared maximally, because
a categorical scale, so the method to be used is the anti-inflammatory has something to do with
tree classification method. Bina-ry Trees controlling the pro-inflammatory response.
provide an interesting and often enlightening way to
view data in a classifi-cation or This resulted in a relatively low correlation
regression problem. They should not be used to between anti-inflammatory administration and the
override other methods. recovery of viral pharyngitis pa-
Through the CART method applied in this
study, it obtained data that the things that

WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol.7, No.2, November 2022, p-ISSN 2527-4627
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WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol. 7 No. 2, November 2022, Pg. 66

tients on the CART method test results and

was statistically insignificant using Chi- square. ty for patient recovery.

a) Effect of Paracetamol on the recovery of b) Effect of Rest on the Healing of

patients with Acute Pharyngitis Viral Acute Pharyngitis Patients
In this study, the results showed that Rest had an effect on the patient's
paracetamol has the largest contribution and recovery where the results were that pa- tients
who did rest were 89.6% healed and
contributor to the opportunity to cure viral
pharyngitis patients. Symptoms ac- companying 10.4% did not recover, but on the contrary,
10.4% did not recover and 89.6% recov-
viral pharyngitis patients in this study ranged
from fever 80%, dizziness 36.67%, cough 60%, ered. Rest in this case sleep supports the
runny nose 50%, and sore throat 36.67%. Giving initiation of an adaptive immune response. The
paracetamol as symptomatic therapy, namely attack antigen is picked up and pro- cessed by
relieving symptoms of fever, because antigen-presenting cells (APCs) which present
paracetamol acts as an antipyretic. Paracetamol is the antigen fragments to helper T (Th) cells,
the first choice in treating symptoms of fever, with the two types of cells forming
one of the most popular analgesics and most 'immunological synapses'.
commonly used antipyretic drugs worldwide, The release of interleukin (IL) -12 together with
available without a prescrip-tion, both in mono APC induces a Th1 response that sup- ports
and multi-component antigen-specific cytotoxic T cell function and
preparations, and the drug of choice in pa- tients initiates antibody production by B cells. This
who cannot be treated with anti- non- response ultimately results in long-lasting
steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as immunological memory for the antigen. Sleep,
people with bronchial asthma, pep-tic ulcer particularly slow wave sleep (SWS), and the
disease, hemophilia, people who are sensitive to circadian system play a role
salicylates, children under 12 years, pregnant or in producing a pro-inflammatory hormonal
environment with increased growth hormone
breastfeeding women.
It is recommended as a first-line treatment and prolactin release and decreased levels of
of pain associated with osteoarthritis. The the anti-inflammatory stress hormone cortisol.
mechanism of action includes peripheral effects Hormonal changes support the
(inhibition of COX), and central neuronal initial steps in producing an adaptive immune
pathways (COX, serotonergic de- scent, L- response in the lymph nodes. It can be analogized
arginine on the cannabinoid sys- tem pathway. that the stimu-lation of B lymphocytes and T
Paracetamol is a drug with good tolerance and lympho-cytes forms a memory, which supports the
side effects occur in the gastrointestinal tract. In consolidation stage in the same attack by the
connection with this, the administration of same antigen (second infection).
Measurement of the immune re-
paracetamol, in this case, is as a fever therapy
(antipyretic), where inflammation is a natural sponse in adult female subjects who were
response, as a marker of the body's defense exposed to bed rest for a long time showed that
process which manifestations of symptoms in the adult female volunteers (25-40 years) (n = 24)
form of tumor, rubor, heat, and dolor. The patient were maintained in a quiet sleep position (6
is declared cured, which is the loss of signs and degrees tilt) head-down bed-rest (HDBR) for 60
symptoms, due to heat (heat) being the main days: 8 with HDBR only, 8 with HDBR and
symptom that can be felt and measured fever regular muscle training, and 8 with HDBR and
(heat) is a manifesta-tion dietary protein sup- plements. The primary
of the body's defense response that me- diates antibody production rates of the HDBR plus
inflammation. So this can lead to an- exercise group in- creased more rapidly (P = .01)
tipyretic administration in this case parace- tamol and to a higher level than the HDBR-only group
contributes to the greatest opportuni- (P =
.03) and the HDBR plus diet group (trend P
= .08). The levels of secondary antibody
production between the 3 groups were sim-

WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol.7, No.2, November 2022, p-ISSN 2527-4627
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WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol. 7 No. 2, November 2022, Pg. 67

ilar, but the antibody levels in the HDBR plus amin C accumulates in phagocytic cells, such as
exercise group remained higher than in the HDBR neutrophils, and can increase chemotaxis,
group (P = .03). The HDBR (P = .001) phagocytosis, the formation of reactive oxygen
and HDBR plus diet (P = .02) groups had time- species, and ultimately kill microbes. It is also
related progressive in-creases in TNF- alpha, but necessary for apoptosis and clearance of
the HDBR plus exercise group remained at neutrophils that are ex- pelled from the site of
baseline. The HDBR plus exercise group had an infection by macro- phages, thereby reducing
acute increase in IL-1 receptor antagonist levels potential tissue damage. The role of vitamin C in
compared to the HDBR (P = .02) and HDBR lympho-
plus diet (P = cytes is less clear, but it has been shown to
.02) groups. increase B and T cell differentiation and
Sleep rest during the day and nor- mal proliferation, possibly due to its gene- regulatory
sleep at night can boost the immune system effects. Vitamin C deficiency leads to
through the initiation of an adaptive immune compromised immunity and a higher susceptibility
response, where sleep rest can in- to infections. In turn, infection
crease growth hormone and prolactin re- lease significantly impacts vitamin C levels due to
and decrease levels of the anti- increased inflammation and metabolic
inflammatory stress hormone cortisol sup- porting requirements. Furthermore, sup-plementation with
the initial steps in producing an adaptive immune vitamin C appears to be able to prevent and treat
response in the lymph gland. systemic infec-tions. Vitamin C prophylaxis is
required to prevent infection which provides
c) Effect of Vitamins C and B on the Cure of insuffi-cient, if unsaturated
Viral Acute Pharyngitis Pa-tients (ie 100-200 mg/day) plasma levels, which
optimizes cell and tissue levels. Conversely,
Vitamin C is known as an antioxi-
good infection treatment requires a higher
dant that helps neutralize free radicals. Vit- amin vitamin dose (gram) to compensate for the
C is an antioxidant because of its abil-
increased in-flammatory response and metabolic
ity to reduce several chemical reactions, one of de-mand (9)
which is vitamin C can reduce reac-tive .

oxygen species (Reactive Oxygen Spe- cies / Vitamin B6 is very important in the
SOR). The role of vitamin C in the immune biosynthesis of nucleic acids and proteins,
system is closely related to the role of vitamin C therefore the effect on immune function is
as an antioxidant. Therefore, vitamin C enhances logical because antibodies and cytokines are
immune function by stimulating the production formed from amino acids and require
of interferon (a protein that protects cells from vitamin B6 as a coenzyme in metabolism.
viral at- tacks). Vitamin C is an essential Human studies show that vitamin B6 defi-
micronu- trient for humans, with pleiotropic ciency impairs lymphocyte maturity and
function related to its ability to donate electrons. growth, antibody production, and T cell activity.
It is a powerful antioxidant and cofactor for the The mitogenic response of lym- phocytes is
family of synthesizing enzymes and genes. impaired by decreased dietary vitamin B6 in
Vitamin C contributes to the body's im-mune elderly subjects and is re- versed by the
defense by supporting various cellu-lar functions administration of vitamin B6. Deficiency effects
of the innate and adaptive im- mune systems. were seen in decreased DTH antibody
Vitamin C supports the function of the epithelial receptors, IL-1-b, IL-2, IL-2 receptors, NK cell
barrier against pathogens and promotes the activity, and 62-64 lym- phocyte proliferation.
oxidative ac- tivity of the skin, thus potentially Marginal vitamin B6 deficiency alters the
protecting against environmental oxidative percentage of T-helper cells and slightly
stress. Vit- decreases immunoglobu- lin D65. Marginal
vitamin B6 deficiency in the elderly is
associated with a decreased

WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol.7, No.2, November 2022, p-ISSN 2527-4627
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WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol. 7 No. 2, November 2022, Pg. 68

number and circulating T-lymphocyte func-tion which can be

maintain an adequate immune response, especially in elderly
corrected by short-term (6 weeks) supplementation with 50 mg of
people who have a high percentage (up to 15%) of low serum
vitamin B6 / day 66. Decreased IL-2 pro-duction, T lymphocyte
B12 concentrations.
count, and T prolif-eration Lymphocytes were observed in sub-
jects experiencing vitamin B6 depletion, which suggests that
vitamin B6 deficiency suppresses Th1 and increases Th2
d) Effect of Anti-inflammatory on the Cure of
Viral Acute Pharyngitis Pa-tients.

Infection is the invasion or coloni-

-mediated activity B . zation of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. The
vitamins are essential nutrients, including thiamine, disease occurs when an in-fection causes various changes in the
riboflavin, niacin, vita-min B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, biotin, and state of health. The presence of several types of microorganisms
tamarind pantothenate. Vitamin B12 is in-volved in in a part of the body that is not a proper place for these
carbon-1 metabolism and there are interactions with folate microorgan-isms can also be referred to as
metabolism. In the vitamin B12-containing state, the irre-
infection and can cause disease. The period of SBHGA
versible reaction to form 5-methyl tetrahy-drofolate (THF) infection occurs in the season cold and early spring in
produces an inactive form of folate if it is not declined with temperate climates, in tropical climates like Indonesia, the
methio-nine synthase. THF 5-methyl can cause fo-late highest incidence occurs in the rainy season, so patients
deficiency secondary to decreased thy-midine and purine with pharyngitis can warm them-selves in winter and avoid
synthesis and then DNA and RNA synthesis, leading to
consuming cold water (ice water).
changes in immunoglobulin secretion. A human study of vitamin
B12 deficient patients evaluated changes in immunological
indicators after vitamin B12 administration. In these pa-tients,
significant decreases were found in the number of lymphocytes
and CD8 cells and the number of CD4 cells. In addition, the Inflammation is a condition in re-sponse to tissue
findings indicated a very high CD4 / CD8 ratio and suppressed injury or infection, which can occur in the oral cavity.
NK cell activity. Inflammation that occurs will go through the body's de-fense
mechanism caused by a response to the influence of local tissue
damage, the influence of tissue damage can occur in the presence
of bacteria. In particular, I think it is important to properly define
the terms 'inflammation' and 'infection'.
Just by read-ing the definition of inflammation on Wik-ipedia, we
learn that 'inflammation is part of the complex biological
Supplementation with vitamin B12 reverses this effect response of vas-cular tissue to noxious stimuli, such as
suggesting that it can act as a modulating agent for cellular pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants (11)
immunity, especially concerning CD8þ and NK 73 cells. In
elderly subjects (aged 70 years) who received more than 4
months in addi-tion to a regular diet, formula Specific nu- trients,
including nutrients, vitamin E, 8 mg of vitamin B12, .

and 400 mg of folic acid, showed increased NK cell cytotoxic This Result of two randomized con-
activi-ty in research subjects Vitamins support immune function trol trials has shown that corticosteroid use can reduce the
so that they can increase innate immunity in the elderly. A incidence of treatment fail-ure and shorten the time to
defenseless adult (aged 65 years) with low clinical stability in patients with community-acquired pneu-
serum vitamin B12 concen- .
monia. This does not apply to patients with severe influenza
trations has an antibody response to the virus infection. Our results revealed that steroid treatment
pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. prolonged the duration of MV and ICU stay. The ef-fect of
steroid use on oxygenation could not be subjected to meta-
analysis, owing to the diversity of data. Several studies report-ed
that systemic corticosteroid treatment

Some of these studies demonstrate the im-portance of

sufficient vitamin B12 status to

WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol.7, No.2, November 2022, p-ISSN 2527-4627
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had no discernible influence on the im-

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provement of blood oxygen saturation of 2020;3(2):14–23.
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CONCLUSION Indonesian Epidemiology; 2019.
The factors are can affect the recov-
ery of viral pharyngitis patients are giving 4. Dewi R. Rationality of Antibiotic Use in
paracetamol, rest, giving vitamins, and anti- Patients with Respiratory Tract
inflammatories. Paracetamol gives the greatest Infections at the Kampung Laut Inpatient
chance of recovery, after that rest and finally giving Health Center, 2019.
vitamins. Medicine and health-Faculty of Medicine,
Islamic University of North Sumatra.
SUGGESTION 2022;21(1):1–9.
Based on the research that has been 5. Hartati A, Zain I, Ulama B. CART
done, some suggestions can be considered for (Classification And Regression Trees)
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1) In pharyngitis caused by viruses, anti- 2012 Sep 11;1.
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recovery, so it can be said that there is no That Influence the Recovery of Bird Flu
benefit, therefore antibiotics for viral Patients Yuciana Wilandari and Diah Safitri
pharyngitis are not recommend-ed, and for Teaching Staff of the
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days considering 90% of causes of Stat. 2009;2(1):11–8.
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2) The time used to assess the patient's recovery can gression Trees. 1993.
be extended for 5 or 7 days considering that 8. Rane MA, Foster JG, Wood SK, Hebert PR,
viral infections are self- limiting diseases if Hennekens CH. Benefits and Risks of
they are not accompanied by high fever. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs:
3) Paracetamol is very important and the earliest Methodologic Limitations Lead to Clinical
therapy in the treatment of viral Uncer-tainties. Ther Innov
pharyngitis accompanied by fe-ver Regul Sci. 2019;53(4):502–5.
symptoms. Viral pharyngitis pa-tients are
strongly advised to take rest and take 9. Marcos A. Editorial: A review of
vitamins to promote recov-ery. micronutrients and the immune sys-tem
—Working in harmony to reduce the
4) Avoiding cold weather or areas and risk of infection. Nutrients. 2021;13(11).
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prevent bacterial infection that causes 10. Setiyani MS. Co-variance Structure
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WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal), Vol.7, No.2, November 2022, p-ISSN 2527-4627

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