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Impact Of Powdered Plastic

To The Durability Of

Hollow Blocks

A Senior High School Thesis Presented to the Faculty at

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao – Senior High School


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand


Cabigas, Precious Alona H.

Dizon, Alejah F.

Hamo, Justin Joy B.

Montuya, James A.

Zulieta, Jodelle M.

Senior High School Department Page #



The incorporation of powdered plastic into the production of hollow blocks has

emerged as a groundbreaking practice within the construction materials industry.

Derived from recycled plastic waste, powdered plastic offers a sustainable and cost-

effective solution for enhancing the properties of hollow blocks. This quantitative

research study aims to systematically explore the methods, outcomes, and

implications of adding powdered plastic to hollow block production, providing a

detailed examination of this innovative material modification.

Issues such as plastic pollution are one of the most prioritized environmental

problems in today's world. According to the Ocean Conservancy and McKinsey

(2015), the Philippines is the third-ranking country that contributes to worldwide

plastic pollution. They produce plastic waste that weighs at least 2.7 million metric

tons every year. According to the World Wildlife Fund [WWF] (2018), estimately 74%

of the plastics that leak towards the ocean were once collected but, through

circumstances, go away to the open waterways that make their journey to the

ocean. Our response to this issue is that the concept of "eco-bricks" came to the

surface and became an environment-friendly approach in order to prevent waste

from coming into the ocean and instead land in eco-brick-making facilities that will

offer affordable and eco-friendly building materials that will address the cost-efficient

and environment-friendly alternatives to the standard foundations of Philippine

houses, which are hollow blocks.

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The origin of these eco-bricks will be a non-biodegradable plastic that is

shredded, grated, and turned into a powder-like consistency that will be mixed into a

cement-like binder that will harden with the powdered plastic, resulting in a block

that has a percentage of plastic containing it as an alternative to hollow blocks. Eco-

bricks hit two birds with one stone by recycling plastic waste that would otherwise be

put into landfills and oceans, contributing to the wreckage of the environment, and

serving as an alternative construction material to hollow blocks that has significantly

lower negative environmental effects on our surroundings. This research dives into

and explores the possible eco-brick prototypes and their composition, methods of

production, the integrity and durability of their structure, the prototype's users'

inquiries and reviews, and the possible applications for sustainable and eco-friendly

construction practices.

The primary aim of this quantitative research is to systematically analyze and

quantify the impact of incorporating powdered plastic into the production of hollow

blocks. By employing scientific methodologies and experiments, this study intends to

provide empirical evidence on how the addition of powdered plastic influences key

structural and durability characteristics of these construction components. Through a

deductive approach, the study will transition from a general understanding of the

potential benefits of powdered plastic to specific findings and conclusions, ultimately

validating its suitability for enhancing the construction industry's sustainability and

durability objectives.
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Background of the Study

In response to the exponential rise in plastic manufacturing and the resulting

increase in plastic waste, scientists and researchers have been looking for new and

sustainable ways to reuse and recycle plastic waste in order to limit its detrimental

influence on the environment. Recent studies explored the idea of incorporating

recycled plastics into construction materials in order to improve various qualities and

lessen the environmental impact of plastic trash. One potential application is the

incorporation of powdered plastic waste into hollow blocks, with the goal of

increasing the durability of the blocks while also helping to reduce waste. The use of

plastic waste to modify construction materials serves two purposes. It decreases the

quantity of plastic trash that ends up in landfills or as litter, and it also reduces the

usage of mined construction materials, thus minimizing the negative environmental

impact of the construction sector.

With the exponential population growth, countries across the globe are faced

with continual growth of different kinds of waste. Developed countries like Australia

generated around 67 million tons of waste in 2016/17 and only 37 million tons

(55%) were recycled. On the contrary, it is reported that one of the biggest cities in

China, Beijing, is mixing 25,000 tons of rubbish a day. These waste materials are

mainly sourced from household waste, commercial and industrial waste, and building

and demolition waste. Despite the possibility of reusing these waste materials, the

majority are sent out to landfill, which not only negatively impacts the environment,

but also causes social and economic implications (Sandanayake et al., 2020).
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In Oman, the escalating use of plastic water bottles poses challenges with

overflowing landfills and environmental impacts. However, repurposing these bottles

in construction presents notable advantages, including thermal insulation, cost-

effectiveness, and ease of handling due to their lighter weight. In addition, they can

be used in different places, such as the interior walls, exterior wall bearings, and

columns, the compound walls, and retaining walls, etc. According to Safinia & Al-

Kalbani (2016), there is a 57% difference in the strength of using plastic bottles

compared to normal concrete blocks. This proves the necessity for further research

to be conducted to confirm the validity regarding concrete mix design, amount of

cement, and properties of local concrete blocks as well as other technical and non-

technical aspects to determine the appropriate mix design and feasibility in the

production industry.

The main objective of this research is to assess the benefits of employing

powdered plastics in the manufacture of hollow blocks in terms of durability and

sustainability, by lowering the industry's carbon footprint and assisting with plastic

waste management. Additionally, it serves as a starting point for students that can

contribute in seeking solutions to problems in their community, regions, and the

entire country.
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Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Powdered Durability of Hollow
Plastics Blocks

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm

Figure 1 presents the conceptual paradigm of the study. It consists of two

variables, powdered plastics (IV) and durability of hollow blocks (DV).

In figure 1, it depicts powdered plastics as independent variables, each

representing a different proportion of powdered plastics used in the manufacture of

hollow blocks. This IV plays an important role in our study, as we seek to understand

its impact on the dependent variable, the durability of the hollow blocks, which

reflects their ability to withstand a range of stressors. The figure visualizes the

relationship between these variables, paving the way for a structured examination of

the effects of powdered plastics on the blocks’ sustainability and durability.

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Statement of the Problem

The study sought to determine and provide evidence-based insights regarding

the impact of using powdered plastic waste in producing hollow blocks, among

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao grade 12 STEM students. By conducting this research, we

aim to help the construction industry become more ecologically responsible and


Moreover, researchers sought to answer the following questions:

1. Does concrete powdered plastic have the resilience and durability required for

structural applications?

2. Is the use of powdered plastic in concrete a cost-effective and labor efficient

construction method?

3. What mechanisms enable powdered plastic to enhance the durability of hollow


4. What are the potential benefits and impacts of integrating powdered plastics into

the construction industry, based on collected data?

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Assessing the statement of the problem, the formulated null hypotheses are

given below:

1. There is no significant difference between the durability of powdered plastics and

Hollow Blocks.

2. There is no significant difference in the longevity of materials used in powdered

plastics compared to materials used in Hollow Blocks.

3. There is no significant difference between the perceptions of workers and buyers

regarding the use of powdered plastics to the Hollow Blocks

Scope and Delimitations

This research will take place at the University of Cabuyao, where a dedicated

testing site or laboratory will be established on the campus to carry out experiments

and collect data specifically related to the durability of certain blocks. The controlled

environment of the university provides an ideal setting for this research. Moreover,

the research will actively engage the local community by collaborating with Senior

High School students from the STEM strand at the University of Cabuyao in Cabuyao,


The primary focus of this study is Grade 12 students who are pursuing the

STEM strand at University of Cabuyao. The study will involve a total of 30

respondents during the school year 2023-2024, all of whom are Grade 12 STEM

students at University of Cabuyao.

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Significance of the Study

This study aims to find a better alternative to traditional hollow blocks, its

expected outcome will benefit everyone who uses, produces, and handles hollow

blocks if they switch to eco-bricks. The following are the beneficiaries of this study:

Hollow Block Manufacturers: In having a more variety of products to produce,

more materials to work from and profit with, and a healthier alternative to working

against carbon dust and smoke,

Carpenters: more sturdy, stable, and eco-friendly building blocks that are easier

and safer to work with. It is also more flexible to work with and promotes creativity

by involving plastic in its components.

Home Owners: Eco-brick applied to homes and living spaces can be a cleaner and

pollution-less alternative wall that does last longer than normal hollow blocks,

making it very low maintenance and making other inhabitants, such as insects, very


Public places: Same effects in households. It is more people-friendly in terms of

safety since it doesn't disintegrate as fast as a normal block. It will reduce the most

frequent accidents and make public places that are frequently visited by people last

and stay intact for a much longer time. Can also promote cleanliness in most visited

places since the plastic waste that is supposed to be trashed will be recyclable and

will be used to build the very places we frequently use.

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Community: With the cooperation of the very community that we are in, eco-bricks

will be made possible and be applied to structures that the community inhabits, as

well as lessening the waste that is poured into landfills, prolonging their lives, and

preventing the formation of pollution in the community. Resulting in more eco-

friendly, more durable, and safer structures that last longer.

Current and Future Studies: Being viewed as an alternative construction material,

this can contribute to ongoing and future research by determining possible

construction alternatives in certain parts of the world as well as an additional option

on reducing and recycling plastic waste that helps the entire population lessen

pollution and contribute to a much healthier environment.

Definition of Terms

Carbon dust - an artistic technique in which carbon dust is applied to a surface via

dry brushes

Cleanliness - the quality or state of being clean

Durable - able to exist for a long time without significant deterioration in quality or


Eco-bricks - building block made entirely from unrecyclable plastic

Eco-friendly - not environmentally harmful

Environment - the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded

Experiment - to carry out experiments: try out a new procedure, idea, or activity

Hollow blocks - a block made of concrete that has hollow spaces between its walls
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Inhabitants - one that occupies a particular place regularly, routinely, or for a

period of time

Laboratory - a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and


Paradigm - A typical example or pattern of something; a model

Plastic waste - the accumulation of plastic objects (e.g.: plastic bottles and much

more) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and


Pollution - the action of making an environment unsuitable or unsafe for use by

introducing man-made waste

Powdered plastic - a form of plastic raw material used in operations where a fine

particle size is critical for processing

Recyclable - to pass again through a series of changes or treatments: to process

(something, such as liquid body waste, glass, or cans) in order to regain material for

human use

Sustainable - capable of being sustained

Thermal insulation - the many ways we attempt to inhibit the transfer of heat from

one object to another

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Senior High School Department Page #

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Senior High School Department Page #

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