2017 Strategies For Active Listening - Student

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Strategies for Active Listening:

Read the dialogue in the table below. Scene 2 Dialogue Strategy

In the spaces on the right, state the verbal active listening strategies used by
1 Beng: Boss always gets the praise for all the work ---
Ah Ma, Boon, Phua Chu Kang (PCK) and Beng.
done. But he doesn’t do anything. I’m the
a. Ask a question to paraphrase content to demonstrate understanding one who does all the hard work.
b. Ask a question to show interest Boon: So it seems as though he is the one who a) Ask question
to paraphrase
c. Ask a question to seek clarification puts in a lot of effort, but in reality you content to
d. Ask a question to explore speaker’s feelings are the one who should be given the demonstrate
e. Ask a question to express understanding of speaker’s feelings credit for the job well done? understanding
f. Paraphrase factual content (restate what was said, in a different way)
2 Beng: Boss, I can’t finish the work by tomorrow if I ---
g. Repeat key words
h. Build on what has been said (e.g. give suggestion to solve a problem) do it alone.
i. Summarise content PCK: Why can’t you complete the work by
j. Give short verbal acknowledgements tomorrow?
Scene 1 Dialogue Strategy ---
3 Beng: I think this job is too much for me. I’m not
1 Rosie: I saw Chu Kang with a girl and followed --- qualified to do it.
them to a hotel!!
PCK: You think you lack the necessary skills.
Ah Ma: And then what happened?
b f
2 Rosie: Kang Kang and the girl hugged outside --- ---
4 PCK: You know, you are always distracted by
the hotel! your dao huay break. You continue doing
your own thing as I am talking. You look
Ah Ma: How did you feel about that?
d around when I am giving you instructions.
You do not clarify matters you do not
3 Rosie: Then he introduced the pretty girl to ---
understand. That’s why you make so many
Frankie Foo. Ha! Ha! Ha! mistakes.
You didn’t feel annoyed at all but
Ah Ma:
instead felt relieved? e Beng: So, in summary, you would like me to
listen to you attentively and ask
questions when in doubt so that I would
4 Rosie: I’m going to cosmetic surgery. ---
not make any errors carrying out your
instructions. i
Ah Ma: I see …
j 5 Beng: I think this job is too much for me. I’m not
qualified to do it.

5 Rosie: I want to look like Taylor Swift! --- PCK: Perhaps you should consider going for
more training in the area of work before
Ah Ma: Taylor Swift!
g you decide to quit. h

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