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unit 6 and 7 recap - Copy.

docxAssignment Title: Analysing Personal Contributions to the Surrealism


UAL PAPA Unit 6 and 7 CU

Assignment Overview:

In this assignment, you will critically reflect on your own contributions and engagement with the
Surrealism unit. You will analyse the knowledge, skills, and understanding you have gained
throughout the unit and evaluate how they have influenced your creative practice. This assignment
will provide an opportunity for self-assessment and reflection, allowing you to identify areas of
growth and areas for further development.

Assignment Tasks

1. Reflect on Learning: Begin by reflecting on your journey through the Surrealism unit.
Consider the key concepts, techniques, and historical context you have encountered. Think
about how your understanding of Surrealism has evolved and how it has impacted your
artistic practice. Please include annotated photographs or video evidence to support your
When I first begun this unit, I had no clue what surrealism was, so everything I was shown or
taught was helpful to allow me to deepen and grown my knowledge on surrealism. I have
enjoyed bringing surrealism into my practical workshops, this was seen in chair duets in
which me and a partner had to create a 15-step movement and make it a smooth sequence. I
enjoyed this as I thought it was interesting how you could show so much through no words.
One challenge I found was when we first started as I was not aware of the meaning and
definition of surrealism. I overcame this by doing research into the topic and educating
myself on the meaning one way I did this was doing research on two different surrealism
based theatre companies including ; frantic assembly and GECKO .

Leading Question: Are you knew to this style? What have been your challenges and how have
you overcome them? Which elements of your research have you enjoyed applying in practical

2. Analyse Personal Contributions: Identify and analyse the specific contributions you have
made during the unit. This could include participation in discussions, completion of practical
exercises, research conducted, or any other form of engagement. Reflect on the quality and
depth of your contributions and their impact on your learning experience. Please include
annotated photographs or video evidence to support your work.

I have made different suggestions to different performances for example in our chair duets
me and my partner Maddie had to discuss different movement ideas that might and might
not work . I came up with 5 different movements too add to the performance. I additionally
made research on different surrealism based theatre companies (Frantic Assembly and
GECKO) , as I have had previous training in physical theatre I am very aware of the different
ways they work and perform in there companies however I was not aware of how surrealism
is incorporated into the movement of there performances . I am proud of my ideas as
particularly in the chair duets the ideas I suggested helped the performance too progress.
Leading Question: Have you developed leadership and directing skills? If so, which part of the unit
did you lead, describe in detail how you directed others. If you haven’t directed yet, how have you
been a strong ensemble member and which skills have you utilised during group work?

3. Evaluate Growth: Assess your personal growth in relation to Surrealism. Analyse how your skills,
techniques, and creative thinking have developed throughout the unit. Consider any challenges you
faced and how you overcame them. Evaluate the effectiveness of the learning strategies you
employed. Please include annotated photographs or video evidence to support your work.

Since starting the unit, I have developed a deeper understanding of what surrealism is in the arts
world and how amazing it is when you combine I with performing. The first challenge I was faced
with was combining it with my acting when I was not too sure what it is. I overcame this by
researching into the topic and finding YouTube clips of theatre companies like frantic assembly using
surrealism within their performances. One thing I found effective was starting each workshop with a
surrealism based warm up. For example, a frantic assembly game called favourite, when you have
different things each member of the ensemble must do like clear or swap. Creating different
surrealist movements. We then put this into a performance combining surrealism with identity a
topic we focused on earlier in another workshop.

4. Connection to Artistic Practice: Explore how your engagement with Surrealism has influenced your
own artistic practice. Analyse the ways in which Surrealist concepts, techniques, or themes have
been incorporated into your work. Reflect on the impact of Surrealism on your creative process and
the outcomes you have achieved. Please include annotated photographs or video evidence to
support your work.

Surrealism has influenced me in my own artistic practice as it has deepened and opened my
exploration to make performances more powerful through small or large movements rather than lots
of words which can be much more impactful as well as storytelling. I have incorporated surrealism
into many areas of my work for example in one workshop we were given a quote (“ Your identity is
like a shadow, not always visible but always present”) Then we had to create a performance based
around this quote in my group of 4 we decided to create a scene based in a school of two characters
( school pupils ) meeting but there inner thoughts being shown as character s . This was good as in
the performance you could visually see the thoughts and overthinking doubts someone might
experience but might not say . We also used frantic assembly ele
ments within in that performance such as picking
ooze and favourite giving that performance even more of a surrealism feel. The understanding of
surrealism really helped with that performance as we could add a deeper aspect to the actual
meaning of the performance. Outcoming in a attention seeking performance.

5. Future Development: Identify areas for further development and improvement. Reflect on any
limitations or gaps in your understanding of Surrealism and consider how you can continue to
deepen your knowledge and skills in this area. Outline a plan for future learning and growth and set
yourself targets for next week.

I would like too in the future additionally continue my research and understanding off surrealism and
different ways you can incorporate it within performances. Next week I would like to add more
physical aspects to my performances to show different stories or meanings through different

Assignment Submission:

Prepare a written report that addresses the tasks outlined above. The report should be well-
structured, coherent, and demonstrate critical reflection. Include relevant examples from your own
work and clearly articulate your thoughts and insights.

Grading Criteria:

- Depth of reflection and analysis

- Connection between personal contributions and learning outcomes

- Evaluation of personal growth and development

- Integration of Surrealist concepts into artistic practice

- Identification of areas for future development

Please complete this task by 4pm on 05/10/23

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