S1-Domino Pizza Case

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Domino’s Pizza Masters Data One Pizza at a Time

Domino’s Pizza is the world’s largest pizza delivery chain, with nearly 15,000 outlets in 70
countries serving millions of pizzas each year. Over 50 percent of Domino’s Pizza’s retail sales
come from digital channels. You can order a Domino’s pizza using Twitter, Facebook, smart
watches, TV’s car entertainment systems such a Ford’s Synch, Amazon Echo, text messaging, and
Domino’s Pizza website as well as by telephone or by visiting a Domino’s Pizza store.

Domino’s Pizza was awash in 17 terabytes of structured and unstructured customer data from
85,000 different internal and external sources. All these valuable data presented a potential
competitive advantage, but the company was unable to easily analyze the data for detailed
understanding of its customers and their buying patterns. There were multiple tools and
processes for capturing data, creating data quality problems. Domino’s Pizza had more than
11,000 business users along with marketing agencies that wanted to build and use their own data
repositories. These data management problems also prevented the company from quickly
responding to leads from its website.

Domino’s Pizza selected a solution based on Talend, which provides software tools and services
for data integration, data management, enterprise application integration, data quality, cloud
storage, and handling Big Data so that organizations can manage all their enterprise data within
a single environment. Talend can cleanse data from different data sources to make the data more
accurate and consistent for use by multiple groups across the enterprise. Data from all of
Dominos’ Pizza physical store point-of –sale systems, supply chain centers, and sales channels
are fed into an Enterprise Management Framework, where ther are enriched with data from
third-party sources such as the U.S. postal service and competitor data. Using Talend with master
data management (MDM) software and Apache Hadoop for managing large sets of structured
and unstructured data, Domino’s Pizza can easily identify unique customers from millions of
order transactions.

With its new data management platform, Domino’s Pizza now has a single, Consistent source of
data to use to improve business performance in fiancé and logistics and to create one-to-one
buying experiences across multiple points of interaction with customer’s .The company can now
assess the busing patterns of each customer as an individual and also look at multiple customers
residing within a household ,determining which member is the dominant buyer ,which reacts
best to Domino’s Pizza’s coupons, and how each reacts to the channels employed to connect with
Domino’s Pizza .The company can present individual customers or households with different
coupons and product offers based on statistical modelling of customers fitting their profile.

The data also help Domino’s Pizza assess the performance of individual stores and franchise
groups to drive their growth. Domino’s Pizza can tailor coupons and special deals that are more
likely to work with a specific store’s customer’s base, and also tell them what is and is not working
for them, considering their market, comparison with other markets and the company’s
competitive landscape. All of this information gives Domino’s Pizza management more certainty
that the company is getting the best product to customers as fast as it can. Domino’s Pizza has
become a much more data-driven company.

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