1c DVW Motion Estimation

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ICSP'O4 Proceedings

A Digital Video Watermarking Method by associating with

the Motion Estimation

Yoshito Ueno
Graduate School of Engineering, SOKA University
1-236 Tangi Hchioj i Tokyo, 192-8577
Abstracts: Th~spaper proposes a new digital method adopting the half-pixel change of motion
video watermarking method by associating with vectors themselves may decrease the quality of
~.. motion vectors of P-frame and inserting flag bits picture after embedding watermarks.
of watemrks into the macm block of the The watermarking method using wavelet
referred I-frame. According to the experimental transform has also poor quality of digital video.
results, the proposed methods are efficient in This paper describes a new cllgital video
t e m of irxcmse of watermark bits by 3 times watermarking method utilizing the duection of
more than that' of the method changing motion motion vectors without changing themsehies, but
vector itsetf by half pixel. And also the quality with inserting flag bits into the macro block of
of watermarked picture is very high with more I-frame by referring to the direction of motion
than 3Ydb in SNR and the extracted watennatk vectors of P-frame.
bits hith no error. Therefore, these watermarking
techniques are useful in digital video 2. The composition of digital video
watermarking. especially. for MPEG encoder. watermarking by referring to motion
1. Introduction The block diagram of a digital video
Recently. the Digital Watermarking technique is watermarlung by referring to motion vectors can
a powerful technology capable of solving
important practical security problems like
be realized as shown in Fig.! by partially
modifying the composition of the MPEG encoder.
Wakm&uJ Bit
authentication for copyright protection mfam
Today a wide variety of watemlarking -.
techniques for videos has already been proposed, (IPj7-f-
but they have some impairment of video quality
. and little tamper-proof characteristics.
Many digital video-watermarking methods have
been investigated by a large number of
researchers. [l]. [2], [3]
The ordinary digital video watermarking Concerning about this proposed method,

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watennarking bits are directly embedded into the 3. Watermarking method using
niacro blocks of Y or Cb (Cr) component of Chain Cord
I-fmine b!, referring to {lie niotion vector n-lien Fonii the point of view about real-time
P - h “ has a inotion vector. processing by software. 8 directions of motion
This watennarking method is performed by the vectors is represented into tlie octal fonn with
following inanner. simpiicity.
1) When the watermark bit is ‘. l’.. the Y pixel The originally referred macro block of I-fmme is
value of macro block of I-frame that is referring divided into 8 regions on the basis of the direction
to a motion vector is cllanged into an even of motion vectors o f the macro blocks of F-frame

, ,
number. Watermark bits can be embedded into the
2) When the watennark bit is “0”. the Y pixel original inacro block of I-frame by referring to
value of imcro block of I-frame that is refemng motion vectors of P-frame as shown in Fig.2.
N frame N+3 frame
to a niotion vector is changed into an odd number. (Ifmme) ~ (Pfm;~ ~

Direaim of Flas
And also we can embed the waternurk bits into
0 PI bll
7 Directicri ofa

llie D.C coiuponent of qwmtiized value after the

Otipuial mncm block
M \‘ccior
DCT transfonnatian is pcrformed as shown in
doted line of Fig. 1.
Therefore. the inacro block of tlie following Pael of oinhdding B flag bit
Fig. 2 Embedding E Hag bit 5 by referring to the direction of
component can be adopted as embedding motion vectors using Chain code

positions of watennark bits into the I ~ C I T )block The algorithm of embedding watermark bits by
of I-frame by referring to a motion vector. C h i n Code is described in the following steps
I . Y component (1) Divide the referred macro block A of
2. Cb or Cr component I-frame into 8 regions having 16x16 pixels 011

3. D.C component of the quantized value of Y tlie basis of the direction of niotion vector of
coinponenl after DCT transfonnation the macro block 33 of P-frame.
4. D.Ccomponent uf the quantizcd value of Cb or (2) Embed the 3 bits wateninrks into one of the 8
Cr component after DCT transfonnation regions of inacro block of I-frame and also embed
These embedded I-frames are replaced by the a flag bit to disctiiizinate the embedding position
original I-frames in tlie IBBP buffer and then the of watermark bits in 8 regions very easily.
watermarked out put stream are derived after (3) One of 8 directions for embedding a flag bit is

Variable Lengtll Coder (VLC) is applied to the selected to be a position among (0---7) directions
embedded I-fraiiie. clockwise by the direction of motion vectors.
These iiietliods can be realized in real-time (4)Let the walcnnark bits be W (i) = { O l O l l - - - j
processing using software very easily. As the octal Chain Code for embedding is
represented to be Wzin = { 101}, the watermark bit
is embedded into the “5” region of the original


Authorized licensed use limited to: Moradabad Institute of Technology. Downloaded on December 17, 2008 at 02:58 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
macro block of I-frame. The traditional motion estimation method with
(5) The embedding position of ma
co block uses
r tlie optimal block-based motion estimation is
the pisel of the inacro block that is on a constant adopted.[4] In this block based motion estiniation
distance From the center of inacro block and method. the searching area of block matching IS
nearly lies on the line of the "5" direction on the esecuted within f 15 macro blocks.
basis of thi: direction of the motion vector. The watermarking method using Cliain Code
(6) After [he value of tlie specific pisel for the algorithm is evaluated by using AVI video
embedding position is initialized into an even (MPEG-1 format) that has 30 frames/sec.
nuniber. an odd number of a flag bit is embedded 32Ox240pixels, 24 bits color and 192 frames in
when tlie watermark bit has an even number. length. The sparse motion estimation method
Then. the extraction algorithm of the enlbedded adopts one macro block apart in order to avoid the
nag bit having an odd value is described in the superposition of motion vectors.
following steps. The experimental results are shown in Table I.
(1) Find ciut the embedding position of the flag
FWllKM 1 AvmgcSNR AvmgtSNR EwmedPIImFalr
b e f m d s l d m g j Mlwtmbdddng/ d v l l a & i b * l l

bits among 8 directions from the reproduced Enkddddng in0 Y

cq4r(U 402Ldb 39.9Mb
opmx 3% 1
mra.iiis iM cb
macro blcick A of I-frame that are on a constant Carp" 46.611b 41Jldb qpmr. 2W.

distance froin the center of macro block and QvruialiUlPrvmptdY

u l a d d y hD 0 C M21& 39.3sdb U*
nearly lit: 011 the basis of the direction of Q u n l m i a P . n m k a r oCQ
E & & q inro 0 . C Mbl& 445m (ch
motion vcctors of P-frame.
(2) Search the flag bit having an odd value after
all flag bits are emacted from the 8 regions of the
macro blwk A.
(3) Dislinguish the embedded direction of this
flag bit 011 the basis of tlie direction of the motion
vector. such as 3" region
(4) Extiact the watermark bits, such as
Wem=: 1011 from this detected flag bit.
And also for the MPEG encoder we can easily
embed the watermark bits into the D.C
component of quantized ilalue of the mnacro block
of I-frame after DCT transformation by referring
to the motion vectors of P-frame as sanie as the
above nw:ntioned algorithm similarly.

4. Experimental results of chain

code watermarking method


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I-frame after DCT transfonnation. After all. the techniques for MPEG video by partly changing
error mate of eh3racted watermark bits became 0%. the construction of the ordinarv MPEG encoder
The actual embedded video fraiiie (AVI fonnat) and decoder by means of software.
is shown in Fig.3 wliich picture qualily is better Final goal is to integrate the watermarking
rilan MF’EGI fonnal tecl~niquesin the distributed video production and
distribution environments as the enabling
technologies for electronic commerce and for
digital market places to ensure copyrights for
imbhm h e o f l k mb4hdwarnnini;sihl ? L h m oFlh mibrddedvinermprlu

Fig. 5 The embedded watermark by refeming to motionvcctors

(AV1 Format. 192 Frames) Reference:
. The esperiniental’ rssults show tlmt the error [I] EaKoch,J.Zhao: Towards Robust and Hidden
rate of extracted watermark bits becomes 0% due Image Copyright Labeling. Proc. of IEEE
to the accurate estraction of flag bits when the Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image
flag bit is embedded into the D.C component of Processing. June. 1995
quantized values of Y or Cb component in tie 121 J.Dittman. et al.: Robust MPEG Video
macro block of I-fmme by referring to motion Watermarking technologies. Proc. of International
vectors of P-frame. Conf. of Multimedia Sept. 1998
[3] CBush, et al.: “Digital Watermarking: Froin
5. Conclusion Concepts to Real-Time Video Applications” IEEE
Recendy. CPTWG (Copyright Protection Computer Graphics & Applications. JadFeb..
Technical Working Group) has taken account of 1999, p~ 25-35
standardization of DVD video concerning about [4]J.Veigh, et al.: ”A Software-based Red-Time
copyright protection inethod for video by MPEG-2 Video Encoder” IEEE Trans..Circuit
ciyptographs instead of watermarking methods. and Systems for Video Technology. Vol.lO, N0.7. ,

For digital watennarking methods by referring to Oct,, 2000, pp. 1178-1184

the direction of motion vectors. two kinds of
methods by einbeddizig watenimrk bits into the
macro blocks of I-frame using Chain Code and
Binav Tree algorithms (the description o f this
subsection is omitted are proposed,
For adopting the chain code watermarking
method. rhe good quality of watennarked video
having 0% of the extracted error rate of
watennarked bits was derived.
These methods are effective to the watennarking


Authorized licensed use limited to: Moradabad Institute of Technology. Downloaded on December 17, 2008 at 02:58 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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