Quiz - Git Tutorial - Attempt Review

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11/5/23, 1:04 PM Quiz: Git Tutorial: Attempt review

Started on Sunday, 5 November 2023, 10:40 AM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 5 November 2023, 10:55 AM
Time taken 15 mins 45 secs
Marks 14.00/15.00
Grade 2.80 out of 3.00 (93.33%)

Question 1

Mark 3.00 out of 3.00

Git offers means to view the commit history and the changes in the different file versions. git log  displays detailed
information about the previous commits, including the commit hashes. It is possible to inspect the changes in the different files using
git diff  and the commit hashes, or abbreviations like HEAD, HEAD^, or HEAD~8.  .

git history

git commits git changes git compare HEAD, FIRST, or LAST


Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:

Git offers means to view the commit history and the changes in the different file versions. [git log] displays detailed information about the
previous commits, including the commit hashes. It is possible to inspect the changes in the different files using [git diff] and the commit
hashes, or abbreviations like [HEAD, HEAD^, or HEAD~8.].

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Question 2


Mark 3.00 out of 3.00

Specify the version control system type for the following version control systems.

PVCS Version Manager: Local version control system 

Git: Distributed version control system 

Mercurial: Distributed version control system 

Concurrent Versions System (CVS): Client-server based version control system 

PVCS Version Manager: Local version control system 

Apache Subversion (SVN): Client-server based version control system 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:

Specify the version control system type for the following version control systems.

PVCS Version Manager: [Local version control system]

Git: [Distributed version control system]
Mercurial: [Distributed version control system]
Concurrent Versions System (CVS): [Client‑server based version control system]
PVCS Version Manager: [Local version control system]
Apache Subversion (SVN): [Client‑server based version control system]

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Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Match the following types of version control systems to their corresponding properties.

- Stores versions only on the local machine

- Fast and easy to use
Local version control system
- No network connection needed

- Stores versions on a remote server and only synchronizes the most recent version(s) to
the local machine
- Provides a simple backup solution and supports collaboration Client-server based version control system
- Network connection needed 

- Stores complete version history locally and on remote machines

- Provides a simple backup solution and supports collaboration
- No network connection needed for generating now versions locally, but for Distributed version control system
synchronizing version with other machines 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:

- Stores versions only on the local machine
- Fast and easy to use
- No network connection needed

→ Local version control system,

- Stores versions on a remote server and only synchronizes the most recent version(s) to the local machine
- Provides a simple backup solution and supports collaboration
- Network connection needed

→ Client-server based version control system,

- Stores complete version history locally and on remote machines

- Provides a simple backup solution and supports collaboration
- No network connection needed for generating now versions locally, but for synchronizing version with other machines
→ Distributed version control system

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Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What are the benefits of version control systems?

a. If the system stores the data also remotely, the can server as a basic backup solution. 
b. Some can support collaboration between different programmers. 

c. They help to store and organize different version of the source code 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are:
They help to store and organize different version of the source code, If the system stores the data also remotely, the can server as a basic
backup solution.,

Some can support collaboration between different programmers.

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following statements about branching and merging in a git repository are correct?

a. Branches speed-up the consecutive development of features, but are not suitable for developing multiple features in parallel.

b. Merging files manually is time-consuming task that occurs frequently when using branches.

c. Merges are often done automatically in git. 

d. Merge conflicts always occur if two person modify the same file. 

e. Banches are only used in large-scale software projects.

f. Braches can be created using the git branch command. 

g. Braches help organizing code development, even in small projects 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are:

Braches help organizing code development, even in small projects,
Braches can be created using the git branch command.,

Merges are often done automatically in git.

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Question 6


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Which command is used to create a local git repository with a remote repository.

a. git create

b. git init

c. git start

d. git clone 

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is:
git init

Question 7

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which command is used to create a local git repository based on an existing remote repository.

a. git create

b. git init

c. git clone 

d. git start

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:

git clone

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Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What are the benefits of connecting to a git server via SSH instead of HTTPS.

a. The SSH private key can easily be shared with others working on the project.

b. There are no benefits.

c. An SSH key is much longer than most password and, therefore, much saver. 

d. The download speed via an SSH connection is much faster than via an HTTPS connection.

e. There is no longer a need for entering the password and the user name. 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: There is no longer a need for entering the password and the user name.,
An SSH key is much longer than most password and, therefore, much saver.

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Assume your name is "bob", your email address "bob@mail.com", and you want to used the editor nano for editing you git commit messages.
Which command(s) are needed for the initial setup of your local git installation?

a. nano git config --global name

nano git config --global email bob@mail.com

b. git config --global commit.message nano

git config --global name bob
git config --global email bob@mail.com

c. git config --core.editor nano --user.email bob@mail.com --user.name bob

d. git config --global core.editor nano 

git config --global user.email bob@mail.com
git config --global user.name bob

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:

git config --global core.editor nano
git config --global user.email bob@mail.com
git config --global user.name bob

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Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Adding content to a git repository and synchronizing the local changes with a remote repository need several steps. Arrange the commands
below in the correct order.

1.  git add .

2.  git commit

3.  git pull origin master

4.  git push origin master

Your answer is correct.

Question 11

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Is the following statement true or false?

We can use git config --list to display the current git configuration?

Select one:

True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

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