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The Top Ten Global Issues and how they can be addressed

1. Climate Change- The global temperature are rising, and are estimated to increase from 2.6
degrees Celsius to 4.8 degrees Celsius by 2100. This would cause more severe weather, crises
with food and resources and the spread of diseases. Lobbying governments and discussing
policies to reduce carbon emissions and encouraging reforestation is an effective way of making
progress with climate change.
2. Pollution - pollution include ocean litter, pesticides and fertilizer, air, light and noise pollution.
Clean water is essential for humans and animals, but more than one billion people don’t have
access to clean water due to pollution from toxic substances, sewage or industrial water.
3. Violence – violence can be found in the social, cultural and economic aspects of the world.
Whether it is conflict that has broken out in a city, hatred targeted at a certain group of people
or sexual harassment occurring on the street, violence is preventable problem.
Various forms of violence

Physical violence Sexual violence Emotional violence

Occurs when someone uses a Occurs when a person is Occurs when someone says or
part of their body or an object forced to unwillingly take part does something make a
to control a person’s actions. in sexual activity. person feel stupid or

Psychological violence Spiritual violence Cultural violence

(Or religious) occurs when Occurs when an individual is
Occurs when someone uses someone uses an individual’s harmed as a result of
threats and causes fear in an spiritual beliefs to manipulate, practices that are part of her
individual to gain control. dominate or control that or his culture, religion or
person. tradition.

4. Security and Well-Being- the U. N is a perfect example of what should be done to prevent the
lack of security and well-being a serious global issue. Through its effort with regional
organizations and representatives that are skilled in security, the U. N is working toward
increasing the well-being of people throughout the world.
5. Lack of Education – more than 72 million children throughout the globe that are of the age to be
in primary education are not enrolled in school. This can be attributed to inequality and
marginalization as well as poverty.
6. Unemployment – without the necessary education and skills for employment many people,
particularly 15 to 24 years old, struggle to find jobs and create a proper living for themselves and
their families.
7. Government Corruptions – corruption is a major cause of poverty considering how it affects the
poor the most, eroding political and economic development, democracy and more.
8. Malnourishment and Hunger- long-term success to ending world hunger starts with ending
poverty. By fighting poverty through proper training for employment education and the
teaching of cooking and gardening skills, people who are suffering will be more likely to get jobs,
earn enough money to buy food and even learn how to make their own food to save money.
9. Terrorism – terrorism is an issue throughout the world that causes fear and insecurity, violence
and death. Across the globe, terrorists attack innocent people, often without warning.
10. The 17 SDGs – UN secretary –general, Ban Ki-moon, said: “ the seventeen sustainable
development goals are our shared vision of humanity and a social contract between the word’s
leaders and the people. They are to-do list for people and planet and a blueprint for success.

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