1.4-GRE Code

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Problems on the GRE are often cloaked in difficult language. However,

the same phraseology is often repeated from question to question, and
GRE “code” can be learned. Here are some examples from class:

Original Phrasing Translation

ab < 0 and bc > 0 a & b have different signs

b & c have the same sign
Therefore, a & c have different signs

Sn = Sn-1 + Sn-2 – 3 To get any number in S, add up the two

previous numbers and subtract 3

What is the greatest integer value How many 2’s go in…

of n such that 2n is a factor…

greatest integer less than 70 69

least integer greater than 70 71

an integer x has no factor m x is prime

such that 1 < m < x

Decode these ones on your own (answers will be distributed in Class 2):

1. Sn = Sn-1 + 2

2. An = ½ (An-1 + An-2 )

3. Sn = 2(Sn-1 ) – ½(Sn-2)

4. The least integer greater than 2.5

5. The greatest integer less than 4.5

6. The least integer greater than -5.3

7. k is such that its factors consist only of 1 and k

8. mn > 0 and np < 0

9. abc < 0

10. abc > 0

11. xy = 0

12. xy  0

13. xy < 0

14. xy > 0

15. x/y = 1

16. x/y = -1

17. x – y = 0

18. x + y = 0

19. x = -y

20. |x| = x

21. x = -x

22. x < x

23. x  x

24. x3 < x

25. x3  x

26. x4 < x

27. x3 > x

Bonus Questions:

If x = y + 2, is x always bigger than y?

If x = 2y, is x always bigger than y?

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