T1 B1 Ela 7D

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2023-24 T1 B1 G7

All My Students
9/10/23 or later

75% Average of 62 students

92% L4 Vocabulary
86% L1 Possessive Pronouns
72% R.L 3 Theme, Characterization, Plot Line
87% R.L 1-8 Mirror Image
78% R.L 1-8 Thank You M'am.
86% R.L 1-8 Novel: Wonder
84% L2 Punctuation
83% L2 Punctuation/Capitalization
52% R.I 1-7 Comprehension

87% 1. Match the words with the sentences that deliver similar meaning.
57 disquieting = Some viewers may find the following images disturbing.
56 mesmerized = He was captivated by her beauty.
56 barren = As the leaves of autumn wither and fall, so has my own life become fruitless.
52 prickly = Some dinosaurs had big scales and spiky bits on their backs.
52 latch = Players must enter the stations, one at a time, closing the gate behind them.
51 embarrass = She wouldn't humiliate either of them by making a scene

98% 2. Use the given vocabulary in a sentence.

61 2 pt
1 Blank

97% 3. Use the given vocabulary in a sentence.

59 2 pt
2 1 pt
1 Ungraded

92% 4. Complete the given sentence with the correct word.

There was mutual _______ between the two men.

57 mistrust
3 barren
1 mesmerized
1 prickly

98% 5. Complete the given sentence with the correct word.

He _______ onto her arm and wouldn't let go.

61 latched
1 mesmerized
0 mistrusted
0 embarrassed

82% 6. Complete the given sentence with the correct word.

The letter gave ________ news of the war.

51 disquieting
9 adaptable
2 prickly
0 latch

90% 7. Type the possessive form of the given noun.

(Type the whole phrase to receive the full credit.)

56 2 pt
5 0 pt
1 Ungraded

82% 8. Type the possessive form of the given noun.

(Type the whole phrase to receive the full credit.)

51 2 pt
10 0 pt
1 Ungraded

60% 9. Read the passage and determine if it is direct characterization or indirect characterization:

" She wore a ten carat diamond necklace everywhere she went."
37 Indirect characterization
25 Direct characterization

79% 10. Read the passage and determine if it is direct characterization or indirect characterization:

"When she heard her baby crying last night, she just gritted her teeth and turned up her iPod."
49 Indirect characterization
13 Direct characterization

66% 11. What part of the story represents the climax?

Lucy had always been an inquisitive and adventurous child, and one summer, she discovered an ancient-looking map in
her grandparents' attic. The map seemed to lead to hidden treasure, and Lucy was determined to follow it. With her trusty
bicycle, she embarked on a journey through dense woods and overgrown paths, following the cryptic symbols on the map.

As she reached the final location, her heart raced. There, beneath the roots of an enormous oak tree, she uncovered a
chest buried in the ground. Trembling with anticipation, she carefully opened it to reveal a trove of glittering jewels and
ancient artifacts. Just as she was about to celebrate her find, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, demanding
that Lucy hand over the treasure.

As the mysterious figure confronted Lucy, she hesitated for a moment. But instead of complying with the demand, she
explained how this treasure had historical significance and should be shared with the world. The mysterious figure, upon
hearing her sincere words, softened. They turned out to be an archaeologist who had been searching for this very
treasure for years. Together, they decided to work on documenting and preserving the artifacts they had found, ensuring
they would be accessible to everyone. Their collaboration not only led to a valuable discovery but also to a lasting
friendship based on their shared passion for history and adventure.
41 The mysterious figure demanding that Lucy hand over the treasure.
10 Lucy unearthing the chest of glittering jewels and ancient artifacts.
6 Lucy discovering the ancient-looking map in her grandparents' attic.
4 Lucy following the cryptic symbols on the map to the final location.
1 Blank
5% 12. In the story of Jason's skateboarding competition, which part of the narrative represents the rising action?

Jason had always dreamed of participating in the annual skateboarding competition at the local skate park. The day of the
event had finally arrived, and he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The rising action began when he arrived at the
park, greeted by the sight of competitors from all around the city, including some of the best skaters he had ever seen.

Jason's nerves started to get the better of him as he watched the other skaters effortlessly perform incredible tricks. The
tension continued to build as he practiced his own moves, struggling to nail the complex maneuvers he had been
practicing for weeks. The judges announced the first round, and Jason was among the competitors. His heart raced as he
rolled down the ramp, attempting a challenging flip trick. The rising action intensified as the crowd watched with bated
breath to see if he would successfully land the trick or falter under the pressure.
38 Jason's arrival at the skate park.
11 The nervousness he felt on the day of the competition.
9 Jason's attempt at a challenging flip trick during the competition's first round.
3 The practice session where he struggled with his tricks.
1 Blank

69% 13. Choose the incorrect information.

43 We expect the conflict to be resolved in the climax.
7 Internal conflict takes place within a character; it refers to the struggles with strong emotions.
6 The setting, the situation, and the characters are introduced in the exposition section.
5 The problem that occurs in the short story is called conflict.
1 Blank

77% 14. Read the passage and then answer the question below:

"She reached out her hand to help the injured bird, cradling it gently. 'You're going to be okay,' she whispered soothingly
as she examined its injured wing. The bird blinked at her, its beady eyes filled with fear. 'Don't worry,' she continued, 'I'll
take care of you.' Which detail from the passage best shows us that the girl is compassionate and caring?"

Which detail from the passage best shows us that Dorothy is caring and kind?
48 The girl reached out her hand to help the injured bird.
6 The girl whispered soothingly to the bird.
5 The girl examined the bird's injured wing.
2 The bird blinked at her with fear.
1 Blank

90% 15. Read a short description of an event. Identify a character trait that is revealed by each action. Explain your

During a heated argument between two classmates, Ethan noticed that Sophie was upset and struggling to hold back
tears. He stepped in, diffusing the situation by calmly suggesting that they take a break and talk things over later. Sophie
looked at him with gratitude and nodded.

What character trait does Ethan demonstrate?

55 3 pt
2 1 pt
4 0 pt
1 Blank

81% 16. Read the passage and look for clues that reveal the setting. Then explain your answer. Remember the setting
is the time and place that a story happens.

The sun beat down on the group of hikers as they trekked through the vast, arid landscape. The air was dry, and there
wasn't a single cloud in the sky. They could see towering sand dunes in the distance and a few cacti scattered around.
Each step they took kicked up tiny clouds of dust. Their water bottles were nearly empty, and they knew they had to find
shade soon.

What is the setting of this story?

43 3 pt
8 2 pt
2 1.5 pt
3 1 pt
5 0 pt
1 Blank

95% 17. Identify the type of conflict in the given passage.

In the middle of a heated argument, Sarah and her best friend Emily disagreed about how to spend their summer
vacation. Sarah wanted to go on a thrilling adventure, while Emily preferred a relaxing beach getaway. The argument
escalated as they both passionately defended their choices.
59 character vs character
1 character vs nature
1 character vs society
0 character vs self
1 Blank

87% 18. What is the reason for Alice to go through an internal conflict?
51 3 pt
2 2 pt
1 1.5 pt
4 1 pt
3 0 pt
1 Blank

85% 19. Based on the last paragraph of the passage, what can the reader infer about Alice?

'Alice gripped the umbrella as she watched Mr. Jarred hurry around the corner. She stepped up to the curb and pressed
her waist to the wooden barrier that protected the sidewalk. Then she folded the umbrella and secured the strap. In a
small corner of the sidewalk she wrote her initials, ACS, with the tip of the umbrella. Alice was here, she thought. And then
she walked towards home.'
53 She has accepted herself.
8 She wishes she had her old body back.
0 She liked meeting Mr. Jarred.
0 She doesn’t enjoy living in Toronto.
1 Blank

89% 20. Read the excerpt from the story. What does the word grimace suggest about Alice?

“She put a large bite into her mouth. Bitter. Alice tried hard to swallow, tried hard not to let her face show any reaction to
the cake, but the taste of the mocha forced her mouth into a grimace.” (paragraph 54)
50 3 pt
6 2 pt
3 1 pt
2 0 pt
1 Blank

37% 21. Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face? (Choose TWO.)
53 His face was very dirty.
32 She wanted him to presentable.
28 He was not taken care of.
11 He didn't know he had dirt on his face.
1 Blank

90% 22. Why didn't the woman watch the boy while preparing a dish?
55 3 pt
2 1 pt
4 0 pt
1 Blank

79% 23. What would be the theme of this short story?

45 3 pt
3 2 pt
1 1.5 pt
4 1 pt
8 0 pt
1 Blank

81% 24. What is the main conflict in Wonder?

44 3 pt
6 2 pt
1 1.5 pt
5 1 pt
5 0 pt
1 Blank

93% 25. Do you think Auggie ultimately sees himself as ordinary or extraordinary? Do other people in his life think about this
55 3 pt
3 2 pt
2 1 pt
1 0 pt
1 Blank

85% 26. In the car, when his parents think August is asleep, his dad says sending him off to school is "like a lamb to the
slaughter." Why does he use that idiom and what does it mean?
49 3 pt
3 2 pt
6 1 pt
3 0 pt
1 Blank

81% 27. Revise the sentence, adding quotation marks and other punctuation as needed.

mary asked her friend what time should we meet at the park tomorrow?
43 2 pt
1 1.5 pt
12 1 pt
1 0.5 pt
4 0 pt
1 Blank

90% 28. Revise the sentence, adding quotation marks and other punctuation as needed.

Did you know that the city of Santa Barbara sponsors the Old Spanish Days Fiesta in August? asked Mario.

Lisa turned to John and said, could you please pass the salt
52 2 pt
1 1.5 pt
6 1 pt
2 0 pt
1 Blank
82% 29. Which of the following is capitalized correctly?
51 Mount Everest is the highest peak in Asia, while Mount Kilimanjaro stands proudly in Africa.
10 Mount Everest is the highest Peak in Asia, while Mount Kilimanjaro stands proudly in Africa.
0 Mount Everest is the highest peak in Asia, while Mount Kilimanjaro stands proudly in africa.
1 Blank

85% 30. Which of the following is capitalized correctly?

53 Last Sunday, I discussed the latest news with Jessica while we read The New York Times.
7 Last Sunday, I discussed the latest news with Jessica while we read The New York times."
1 Last Sunday, I discussed the latest news with jessica while we read The New York Times."
1 Blank

77% 31. Rewrite each of the following sentences and correct the capitalization.

the eiffel tower is located in france.

48 The Eiffel Tower is located in France.
5 The Eiffel tower is located in France.
8 Other
1 Blank

40% 32. Rewrite each of the following sentences and correct the capitalization.

the declaration of independence was signed on july 4th, 1776.

25 The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776.
12 The declaration of independence was signed on July 4th, 1776.
24 Other
1 Blank

76% 33. Select the text that has correct capitalization.

47 the Empire State Building
14 a Building in New York City
1 Blank

48% 34. Which statement would the author of this text most likely disagree with?
30 Google succeeded by following examples of others in their field.
15 Google wasn't the first search engine, but it was the best.
13 Google's success may not have been possible without Larry Page.
3 Part of Google's success is due to the design of their homepage.
1 Blank

24% 35. Which best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph?
25 Google created a better way to organize search results.
15 Older search engines used unreliable methods to order results.
11 Many smart people have worked on search engines over the years.
10 There are lots and lots of websites connected to the internet.
1 Blank

66% 36. What is the author's main purpose in writing this article?
41 To explain how Google overtook its rivals
9 To persuade readers to use Google for internet searches
8 To discuss how companies can influence language over time
3 To compare and contrast Google and Xerox
1 Blank

16% 37. Which best explains why the author discusses Xerox in this text?
34 He is discussing big companies that came before Google.
12 He is comparing and contrasting Google and Xerox.
10 He is showing how companies can affect our language.
5 He is explaining how companies must change with the times.
1 Blank

42% 38. How did Google improve search quality in 1998?

26 They studied the relationships of links.
15 They linked to more pages.
12 They counted how many times queries appeared on each page.
8 They looked more closely at the words in search queries.
1 Blank

58% 39. Which was cited as a reason why Google became so popular?
36 Google's homepage was clean.
16 Google provided useful stock quotes on their homepage.
8 Google provided catchy news stories on their homepage.
1 Google homepage loaded quickly.
1 Blank

61% 40. Which title best expresses the author's main purpose in writing this text?
38 A Better Way: How Google Rose to the Top
17 Search Engines: How They Work and Why They're Important
5 Search Engines: A Short History of Important Tools
1 Xerox Vs. Google: Battle of the Titans
1 Blank

88% 41. What can readers learn about Google's approach to doing business based on reading this article? Use information
from the text to support your response.
52 4 pt
1 3 pt
4 2 pt
1 0 pt
4 Blank

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