Housekeeping NC2 Reviewer

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1.Q: How can you establish rapport with the guest?

A: One way to establish rapport to guest is to show that you’re interested in their well- being. Know
and appreciate guest’s needs. See what you can do to help them to meet those needs. Little things
like finding information for them tend to make a big difference.

2. Q: What does it TAKE to become a well-groomed as a butler/ valet? Why?

A: Proper grooming includes not only the proper way of dressing, but our personal sanitation and
hygiene, and the way we communicate. Being clean in and out will give us confidence and proper
communication will build good impression about us.

3. Q: How will you pack/ unpack, and store guest luggage?

A: Packing and unpacking of guest luggage is done with the presence of guest. Putting them
properly on top of table and wait for further guest instructions. Clothes should be hanged properly
in the closet

4. Q: What is the proper procedure of cleaning at least three types of shoes with the following
materials leather, lace/ gamosa and rubber?
A: Prepare all needed shoe cleaning materials. Use the soft brush for the “gamosa” and lace
materials, making sure not to destroy any part of the shoes. For the leather shoes, shoe polish,
brush and piece of rug is used.

5. Q: How can you assist the guest for the repair of buttons on her/ his clothes?
A: look for the most appropriate thread or buttons to be used, and then ask guest approval before
starting the repair.

6. Q: How can you assure guest of confidentially of his transaction?

A: I will arrange a private area for my guest meeting, and then tell him/her to just give me a call just
incase he/ she needs my assistance.

7.Q: How do you handle guest request for safekeeping of valuables?

A: Explain to guest safekeeping procedures for valuables; assist him to list down the details of
his/her valuables before forwarding it the lost and found section. Also remind guest to have a copy
of his/her receipt.

8.Q: What is the importance of effective communication skill to a butler service?

A: The importance of effective communication skill to a butler is that: he/she will have confident to
face all guest from different walk of life. Thus, making guest feel comfortable and happy knowing
he/she was understood, likewise hotel will get good impression from the guest.

9. Q: What is the generic term for ethanol?

A: Alcohol
10.Q: What are some symptoms/ sign of alcohol intoxication?
A: a. distorted speech
b. smell of alcohol
c. drowsy eyes
d. uncontrolled body movement
e. unpleasant statements


1.Q: Explain how food is presented to guest in room service from the setting up to bidding
A:I will set the table according to the standard table set up, observing the proper positioning of
cup’s handle and the ¾-1 inch distances of the table appointments. Then I will tell the guest that
the hot food and coffee are ready, at te same time, I will ask him to sign the bill. After which, I will
ask him as to the time he wants me to bus out the dishes.

2.Q: The guest requested for the arrangement of his flights to their tourist spots of the country,
whom should you refer him, and how?
A: Yes sir, I can connect you now to our concierge. He can do it well for you.

3.Q: How will you perform “making up room” when there is guest inside?
A:I will do the bed making first so that they could comfortably rest, while I will be doing the
bathroom cleaning and such other areas needing attention.

4.Q: Between a check out room and request for “Make up room”, which one will you do first?
A: I will do first the request for “make up” room to satisfy the need of the guest, because the guest
might be waiting in the room

5.Q: What is alcohol intoxication? Elaborate or give example.

A: Alcohol intoxication is defined as when the quantity of alcohol the person consumes procedures
behavioral or physical abnormalities. A person who is intoxication with alcohol they may have
euphoria, poor coordination and movement, poor judgment, memory loss, slurred speech,
confusion, and even coma and death if the person consumed enough alcohol

6.Q: What are you going to do as housekeeper if your guest showing signs of alcohol intoxication?
A: Offer another drink such as non-alcoholic beverages. Stop alcohol service to intoxicated guest.
Inform the managers/ supervisor about the situation. Ask the help of co-worker ofr manager to
watch or help as you refuse to serve alcohol to a guest

7.Q: Discuss the proper loading of housekeeper’s trolley and explain why.
A: I will see to it that the trolley is free from dirt and dust before I will file the materials and linens
accordingly; I group the cleaning detergents according to its use. I see to it that the supplies I have
are enough for the assigned rooms for the day.

8.Q: Discuss thoroughly the difference between the “bed making” and the “make up bed”
A: Bed making is the task of changing the linens of the bed of a check out room, while the make up
is the fixing of the bed of an occupied room using the same liners.

9.Q: Explain the safety measures in making up or bed making

A: The bed making calls for enough strength and proper techniques in order to do it properly. I
should bend my knees when mitering and lifting mattresses rather than bending my back to protect
my spine. When blood stain is seen I should place it inside a plastic bag, label it properly and
segregate it.

10.Q: Will you identify the materials used for the flooring and the walls. Discuss the proper cleaning
and the appropriate cleaning material to be used.
A: The candidate should identify the material and show the appropriate detergent to be used.

11.Q: How do you maintain the housekeeping equipment like a vacuum cleaner?
A: I have to empty the dust bag, wipe the body. Handle of the vacuum cleaner and the wiring. Then
I fold the wiring properly and neatly before I store it.

12.Q: Discuss the task for turn down service

A: The turn down service is usually done between 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 in the evening to prepare the
room for guest’s sleep. I empty the wastes basket, wash the used glasses and remove other mesh
in the room. I will clean the CR; close the curtains, then prepare the bed with the turn down folding
of the linens at the side where the phone is placed. I will spray with room deodorizer and give a last


1.Q:What is PPE and why is it necessary during the cleaning of public area?
PPE means personal protective equipment that will include hand gloves, mask, apron, etc. the PPE
is very important for the safety and protection of housekeepers against possible bacterial
contamination and from being hurt with sharp objects.

2.Q: Discuss the complete procedure of using a floor polisher and carpet shampoo.
A: The candidate must show the proper uses of the equipment
3.Q: identify the cleaning equipment and chemicals and its uses.
A: The candidate should identify the equipment and show at least 6 different chemicals and tell
their uses.

4.Q: How can you reduce risk/ prevent accident for your colleagues and guest.
A: I will put warning signs and barricade the area to be cleaned: and as much as possible, I will do
the cleaning early or late in the evening when lesser guests will be moving around.

5.Q: Discuss the proper care of equipment and cleaning chemicals. why?
A: The equipment like vacuum cleaner dust bag must be emptied before storing, otherwise, the
same dust will just be spread when used. The cleaning chemicals might be mistaken for another
use and will cause accidents, thus it must be properly stored.

6.Q: During cleaning, you noticed a strong smell of gas leakage and the water leakage, which one
will you prioritize.
A: Both leakages can cause damage to the hotel, but I will immediately report the gas br

7.Q: How do you manage the hotel waste and garbage?

A: The hotel practices waste management so we segregate the waste according to biodegradable,
degradable and recyclable. We do clean the containers after the disposal to avoid odor causing
bacteria. For leftover food, we have clients that collect them regularly.
8.Q: how will you handle the situation when an intoxicated guest held your arm and pulled you
toward the room?
A: When the guest is intoxicated, he has no more control of his speech and actions. In such case, I
will politely excuse myself

9.Q: How will you handle a guest who arrived to the hotel with signs of intoxication?
A: I will assist him with the necessary assistance like securing his things inside the room. I will see
to it that his door is properly closed before leaving hi. And will do follow up of his condition


2.mop squeezer
4. broom
5. bucket
6. dustpan
7. garbage receptacles
8.step ladder
9. squeegee
10. water hose
11. lint free cleaning clothes
12. scrubbing foam
13. spray bottles
14.anti static duster
15. gloves
16. mask
17.caution sign
18. toilet caddy
19. toilet disinfectant
21. vacuum cleaner (wet and dry)
22. floor polisher
24.Stain removing agent
25. housekeeping trolley

1.bed pad
2.flat sheet
4.duvet cover
5. Pillow w/pillowcase
1. Bed pad
2. Fitted sheet
3. Flat sheet (wrong side)
4. Blanket (must be placed six inches from the headboard)
5. Flat sheet (right side)
6. Bed cover
7. Pillow w/ pillowcase


Top shelf – guestroom amenities

Second shelf – bed sheets and towels
Lower shelf- chemicals
Sides- trash canvass, trash bag, vacuum cleaner, soft broom, dust pan


FIRST- check –out rooms

SECOND- rooms with make-up request of guest
THIRD- occupied rooms without request
FOURTH-vacant rooms that needs follow up cleaning

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