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ABBREVIATIONS • ad- - adjacent

TOPIC • dys- - dysfunction
• peri- - on top
• ecto- - outside
Medical Terminologies • endo- - inside
• iso- - same
• Medical terms are derived from Greek and
Latin words. • micro- - small
• Medical terms have three basic parts: root • macro- - large
word, prefix, and suffix. • intra- - inside/within
• pseudo- - false
Root Word • mono- - one
Root word is the main part of the medical terms • nano- - billionth
that denotes the meaning of the word • anaero- -without oxygen
• homo- - same, like
• cryo- - cold
• colo – colon • neo- - new
• phlebo – vein
• hemat – blood
• aero – air Suffix is found at the terminal portion or at the end
• cardio – heart of the term.
• myo – muscle
• arterio – artery
• cyto – cell • -megaly – abnormal enlargement
• arthro – joint • -uria – urine
• heap/hepato – liver • -emia – blood condition
• pyo – pus • -ostomy – to make an opening or mouth
• cranio – skull • -itis – inflammation
• thrombo – clot • -ectomy – surgical removal
• pyro – fever • -penia – abnormally low, deficiency
• nephron – kidney • -philia – abnormally high
• osteo - bone • -blast – young
• -cidal – killing of
• -poiesis -formation
Prefix is found at the beginning of the term, and it • -meter – measure
shows how meaning is assigned to the word. • -pathy – disease
Example/s: • -oma – tumour, growth
• -tome - cutting instrument
• a-/an- - without, absence
• hyper- - meaning increased/above
• hypo- - decreased/below
• poly- - many, multiple
• pre- - before, prior
• auto- - self; automatic to self
• para- - nearby
Combining terms CBC - Complete Blood Count (Hematology)
• If a suffix starts with a consonant, a AFB - Acid Fast Bacilli (Microbiology |
combining vowel needs to be used (usually Bacteriology)
the letter O).
STAT - Short turn around time (Hematology)
NRL - National Reference Laboratory
Hemat + logy = hematology (study of blood)
Dx - Diagnosis
Phlebo + tomy = phlebotomy (the process of
FA - Fecalysis (Clinical Microscopy)
cutting into the vein using a needle)
PC - Platelet count (Hematology)
C/S - Culture and Sensitivity (Microbiology |
DOH – Department of Health
CHED – Commission on Higher Education
NPD - non per orem (fasting)
VDRL – Venereal Disease Research Laboratories
HACT - HIV / AIDS Core Team
AIDS – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Q1 - every I hour
AIDs – Autoimmune Disorders/Diseases
cc - milliliters 1ml = 1000 microliters / µL
AMI – Acute Myocardial Infarction
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
BUN – Blood Urea Nitrogen
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
2PPBS – 2 Hours Postprandial Blood Sugar
RBS - Random Blood sugar
AFS – Acid Fast Stain
S/S - signs and symptoms
PCQACL – Philippine Council for Quality
QNS - Quantity not sufficient
Assurance in the Clinical Laboratories
R/O - Rule out (for diagnosis)
FBS- Fasting Blood Sugar
Tx - Treatment
IV – Intravenous
RN – Reaction
HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Commonly used Abbreviations and Acronym
IU – International Unit
• Depends on the section in the laboratory.
ICU – Intensive Care Unit
• These abbreviations and acronyms are the
K – Potassium given discussed in each course/ subject/
section in the laboratory.
Na – Sodium
• Familiarity with the acronyms and
NPO – Nothing Per Orem abbreviations will be achieved especially
when applied/practiced in the laboratory.
BAP – Blood Agar Plate (Bacteriology |
• In the clinical setting, a training manual in
each section is readily available for the
RPR - Rapid Plasma Reagin (Immuno Serology medical technologists to read and consult.
UA - Urinalysis (Clinical Microscopy Department)

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