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Practical Research 2

What is Research?  Use quantitative research if you

want to confirm or test,
 Research is defined as the  if you want to understand
creation of new knowledge and/or something (concepts, thoughts,
the use of existing knowledge in a experiences)
new and creative way so as to  Focuses on exploring ideas and
generate new concepts, formulating a theory or
methodologies understandings. hypothesis
 is the pursuit of the comparison  Analyzed by summarizing,
truth with the help of study, and categorizing and interpreting
the search for observation,
 Mainly expressed in words
experiment knowledge through
 Requires few respondents
objective method of finding
solutions to a problem?  Open-ended questions
Key terms: understanding, context,
Characteristic of Research
complexity, subjectivity
 Empirical -Research is based on
direct experience or observation
by the researcher. Quantitative Research
 Logical -Research is based on
valid procedures and principles.  Use quantitative research if you
 Cyclical -Research is a cyclical want to confirm or test something
process because it starts with a (a theory or hypothesis)
problem and ends with a problem.  Focuses on testing theories and
 Analytical -Research utilizes Hypotheses
proven analytical procedures in  Analyzed through math and
gathering the data, whether statistical analysis
historical, descriptive,  Mainly expressed in numbers,
experimental and case study. graphs and tables
 Critical -Research exhibits  Requires many respondents
careful and precise judgment.  Closed (multiple choice)
 Methodical -Research is questions
conducted in a methodical
manner without bias using
systematic method and Key terms: testing, measurement,
procedures. objectivity, replicability
 Replicability -The research
design and procedures are Research is:
replicated or repeated to enable  Systematic Process or
the researcher to arrive at valid Investigation
and conclusive results.
 Discovery of Something New
Qualitative Research  Application of Previous
 something (a theory or  Falsification of Previous facts
 Instrument/Tool
 2 Theories of the Concept
The Research Problem
 Source for the Indicators if
A research problem is about an area indicators are present
of concern, a condition to be
improved, a difficulty to be 2 or More Variables (Correlational)
eliminated, or a troubling question
 Instrument/Tool for each
that exists in scholarly literature, in
theory, or in practice that points to the
of the Variable stating
need for meaningful understanding between
and deliberate investigation.  Theory • Studies
relationship Variables
The Characteristics of a Research  Source for the Indicators if
Problem indicators are present
 It should address a gap in Background of the study
 It should be significant  The introductory of a research
enough to contribute to the study
existing body of research
 It should lead to further SHORT INTRODUCTION
 The problem should render
itself to investigation through ASEAN
collection of data
Criteria of a Good Research Problem
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Relevant
T - Time Bounded
Creating the research title
To create your title, you need the
 Your Variables
 The Type (correlational, of
Study, Cause and effect, etc)
 The Respondents
 The Locale
Important reminders
1 Variable Only (Descriptive)

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