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Chapter 1: An apple

My English readers, if you wish to read the English version of the story just scroll down until you find this

"I'll give you an apple if you drink the holy water from the church," said my companion, pointing at the
church with his finger. Just when I was going to reject his offer in his hand, I managed to see the apple, it
was one of the most beautiful fruits I had ever seen. It was the largest, juiciest, and its reddish color
stood out in the sunlight that reflected from the window. Such a fruit is never seen in a military hospital.
"Okay" I shook my hand, "It’s a deal".

I continued with my routine in the infirmary, caring for soldiers who suffered from burns caused by an
explosion during their training. Every so often I anxiously checked my watch, I could only go during my
lunch schedule to fulfill my mission, it was my only chance.

My stomach began to burn with hunger just imagining that fruit. When it finally struck twelve, I
immediately washed my hands, put away my nursing kit, and nearly stumbled out of the hospital. Never
in my life had I run so fast except to a church, my heart was beating so hard that I felt like it would almost
explode from my chest. Arriving at my destination, I took a moment to catch my breath while gently
massaging my poor legs, I put my hand on the door but instead of opening it my conscience stopped me.
What if I get caught?

I shook my head, no, everything will be fine. Surely everyone went to eat, no one would suspect that
someone drank holy water. Also, if a soldier has seen me enter, he will surely think that I only came to
confess my sins. Don't waste it. I took one last look at the hospital, sure that the others were watching
me through the window.

I let out a shaky sigh but even, so it failed to calm the nerves of my heart, I very carefully opened the
door and stuck my head out, when I made sure that no one was there I got in. Very carefully without
making noise I went where the water was, I gathered the liquid in my hands and brought it closer to my
lips. Mission accomplished.

When I finished, I took a little look at the building. Everything was bright and calm at the same time, I felt
at peace. What caught my attraction were the windows, each one more beautiful than the other but one
has caught my eye.

"I imagine you are thirsty." A voice interrupted; from such a scare I ended up spitting out the water.
When I turned to see next to me, the Father was with a glass of water in his hand. Did he seriously think
he was thirsty? It is better that he thought of it that way, he would be very disappointed if he knew that
this was all because of a bet.

My face turned red with embarrassment; I lowered my head like a punished child avoiding eye contact
with the father. "Don't be scared, take it" he told me with a soft tone, timidly I grabbed the glass from his
hands and out of the corner of my eye I noticed a slight smile on his lips. I didn't want to drink its water,
it was like taking advantage of his kindness, but I had no choice but to drink it.
I gave him a little surbo while the priest kept me company, watching me. This gave advantage to my
conscience that did not stop punishing me, although his eyes were hidden by the thickness of his glasses,
I could still feel his gaze. My nerves increased and my hands did not stop sweating.

After drinking a bit, I handed the glass back to him "Hey um, thanks for the water. That was, um, that was
very nice of you" I smiled nervously. The Father looked at me confused, "Wait, you didn't even finish
your drink. Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asked.

"Oh no no no! Of course not! It's not that, it's just... um, I'm not used to others being so generous to

"Oh, I see, don't worry," he put his hand on my shoulder, a common and simple gesture but it managed
to calm my nerves that I tried so hard to control. "You know, I've never seen you wander around the
military zone, are you new here?" asked the Father, I felt a little relieved that he didn't bring up the topic
about the water.

"Oh! well yes, well something like that. I'm a nurse, a few weeks ago I started working at the military

"Oh then welcome to the camp" He gave me his hand to shake and I took it. What a nice guy.

I glanced at my watch and noticed that it was already twenty to one and I still hadn’t eaten yet.

"Um, excuse me Father, um, I have to go now..." I stammered, awkwardly pointing at my watch to let him
know it was time for me to go.

"Oh sure, it was nice to meet you. Next time when you're thirsty don't hesitate to ask, okay?"

I laugh nervously. "Oh, oh yes, of course. I won't hesitate to do it" God, this guy is going to kill me out of
embarrassment. I said goodbye to him and without further ado I ran out of the church.

Idiot, what kind of mess I got myself into.

Hello, this is Aquilla and welcome to the club! I hope you enjoy your stay, so this fanfic will be divided in
two sections; English and Spanish, that way everyone can easily read it!

For my Spanish fellas, hi family, just wanted to let you know that I’m not good in writing Spanish, yet I’m
determined in writing this fic in Spanish so in that way I could improve my writing!

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