Letter No 5141

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Registrar (Protocol) ,
High Court of Uttarakhand,
Shri Ravindra S. Bisht,
Chanakya Law College,
Rudrapur, Uttarakhand.

No. a/I// UHC/Admin.B/Misc./2006 Dated: /ty Sep., 2023

Subject: - E:f=£rt¥]=g Permission To Visit High Court of Uttarakhan±

With reference to your letter dated OJ.09.2023 on the subject
noted above, I am directed to inform you that the permission to visit Honble
High Court on ±£±QL9Li2Q23, as per your request is accorded, subject to the
following conditions: -
1. Batches of not more than 30 students will be formed.
2. Each Batch will be accompanied by one g.uide (Teacher).
3. Half of the total students in one group may watch the Court
proceedings in pre-lunch session and rest in post-lunch
4. Students will be in formal clothes and carry their college ID
5. They have to maintain silence within the Court hall.

2. You are, ;therefore informed accordingly.


Registrar (Protocol)

No.5/fyi UHC/Admin.B/Misc./2006 Dated: /4 Sep., 2023

Copu _foru)arded _for ir.fiorrra±ion cnd necessc.:ra action to:-

1. Management Officer, High Court of Uttarakhand, Nainital.
2. Seourity Ofricer, High Court of Uttarakhand, Nainital.


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