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Carlos Maximo Chavez Azamar Grupo: 1.

Mouse Motorcycle
Chapter 8 A Family Reunion
The mother of Ralph shaking him by the shoulder and said “Ralph, wake up”, the
room service has a feast, blueberry mufin and chocolate cookie, and, the family has
visit to house of Ralph, the uncles and aunts and cousins. Ralph was talk with the
family of the motorcycle and the acrobatics of this, and the family questions Ralph of
the Motorycle and the cosuins try the motorcycle, Ralph unknow was said, but the
Motorcycle is lost, Ralph, embarrased said “I lost the motorcycle”. The family not
think of Ralph has a motorcycle, and the faily acussed to liar to Ralph. Keith enter to
the room and talk with Ralph “Shhh, Ralph be quiet, the people listen you and your
family”. Keith give to Ralph a crash helmet, and Ralph confessed Keith of the
motorycle is lost, and Keith have a discussion with Ralph and not end good.
Chapter 9 Ralph takes command
Ralph is sad of the the discussin he has of Keith of the motorcycle lost, the night is
solitarie and sad to Ralph, Ralph sleep. To the moorning, Keith talk with Ralph of the
discussion and Ralph and Keith are friends now, and Keith is not angry with Ralph.
Ralph is happy with this and he walk to the house and the family is a disaster, and all
family is very scream, Ralpdasdasfdh ask what think is the scream, and the family
talk with Ralph of the sssPeople of the hotel speak with the manager of the mouses
in the hotel is a very seriously problem, and now, the employees now look for the
room mouses. Ralph think the motorcycle is not lost, and he has recover the
motorcycle of Keith. The family talk with Ralph of the warm of the plan, but Ralph
noy import this and he look for the Motorcycle in the Hotel.

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