Radio Receiver

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Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Course No. 4213

Course Name: Radio and TV Engineering

Prepared By- Course Teacher:

Gazi Rabeya Islam Sham Datto
Roll: 1804004 Assistant Professor
Year: 4th year (even) Dept of ETE, RUET
Dept of ETE, RUET
Presentation Topics 1

Chapter 6
Radio Receivers
Reference Book:
Electronic Communication Systems
written by
Gorge Kennedy and Bernard Devis
Review Question 2

8 Explain what double spotting is and how it arises. What is its

nuisance value?

❖ Double Spotting in a superheterodyne receiver

means that the unwanted station is tuned in at
two spots on the dial.
❖ This results in an undesired input frequency to
be demodulated by the superheterodyne
receivers along with the desired incoming
signal. This results in two stations being
received at the same time, thus producing
❖ This concept is understood with the help of the
following diagram:
Review Question 3

8 How Double spotting arises?

Double spotting is mainly because of poor front-end selectivity of the RF stage due to
insufficient adjacent channel rejection by the front-end RF stage.
Another reasons are:
1. Data Entry Errors: One common cause of double spotting is data entry errors. For
example, if a researcher or data collector accidentally assigns the same individual to
multiple categories when recording data, it can lead to double spotting.
2. Overlapping Definitions: Sometimes, the definitions or criteria for different categories or
groups in a study may overlap. When these definitions are not clearly defined or if there is
ambiguity, it can result in individuals meeting the criteria for multiple categories.
3. Data Integration: In some cases, researchers may combine data from multiple sources,
such as different surveys or databases. If there is no careful matching or deduplication
process, the same individuals may be included in the merged dataset multiple times.
Review Question 4

8 What is its nuisance value?

❖ In radio and TV engineering, the term "nuisance value" typically refers to

unwanted or undesirable interference, disturbances, or signals that can disrupt the
quality of a broadcast or transmission. These disturbances can be caused by
various factors, such as electromagnetic interference, signal noise, or other
external influences.

❖ The nuisance value of double spotting can be significant in various ways:

1. Biased Results.
2. Overestimation of Effects.
3. Wasted Resources.
4. Reduced Data Quality.
Review Question 5

9 Describe the general process of frequency changing in a

superheterodyne receiver. What are some of the devices that
can be used as frequency changes?

The superheterodyne receiver is a commonly used architecture in radio

communication systems for receiving and demodulating radio frequency
(RF) signals. It employs the concept of frequency conversion to shift the
incoming RF signal to a fixed intermediate frequency (IF) before
amplification and demodulation. This process of frequency changing is
essential for several reasons, including better selectivity, improved
sensitivity, and simplified filtering.
Review Question 6

Here's a general overview of the frequency changing process in a superheterodyne


Antenna and RF Amplification: The process begins with the antenna collecting RF
signals from the air. These RF signals are typically weak and cover a range of
frequencies. An RF amplifier is used to boost the strength of the received signal
while preserving its original frequency.
Mixer (Frequency Conversion): The RF signal, after amplification, is fed into a
device called a mixer. The mixer's primary function is to combine the incoming RF
signal with a locally generated signal known as the local oscillator (LO) signal. The
LO signal is typically generated by a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and can
be adjusted to a specific frequency.
Frequency Mixing: When the RF signal and LO signal are combined in the mixer,
they produce a range of sum and difference frequencies. The mixer's output contains
these sum and difference frequencies.
Review Question 7

IF Amplification: The IF signal, now at a fixed and lower frequency, is amplified

using IF amplifiers. These amplifiers help boost the signal's strength while reducing
noise and interference.

Filtering: After IF amplification, the signal passes through one or more bandpass
filters to select the desired frequency band and reject unwanted signals and noise.
This filtering improves the selectivity of the receiver.

Demodulation: The filtered IF signal, now containing the baseband information, is

demodulated to recover the original audio or data signal. The demodulation process
depends on the type of modulation used in the transmitted signal (e.g., amplitude
modulation, frequency modulation, etc.).

Audio or Data Processing: The demodulated signal is further processed for audio
output or data recovery, depending on the application.
Review Question 8

Devices used in the frequency-changing process:

Mixer: The mixer is the key device responsible for frequency conversion. It
combines the RF signal with the LO signal to create the IF signal.

Local Oscillator (LO): The LO generates a signal that is typically tunable and
set to a frequency offset from the incoming RF signal. This offset
determines the IF frequency. The LO can be implemented using various
devices such as voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) or crystal oscillators.

IF Amplifiers: These amplifiers are used to amplify the IF signal at the

intermediate frequency.
Review Question 9

12 What are the functions fulfilled by the intermediate-

frequency amplifier in a radio receiver?
The intermediate-frequency (IF) amplifier in a radio receiver plays a crucial role in
the signal processing chain. Its primary functions include:
Amplification: The IF amplifier amplifies the weak radio frequency (RF) signal
that has been mixed with a local oscillator signal in the mixer stage. This
amplification boosts the signal's strength to a level that is easier to work with in
subsequent stages of the receiver.

Selectivity: The IF amplifier is often designed to have a specific bandwidth or

selectivity. This means it amplifies a narrow range of frequencies centered
around the intermediate frequency (IF). Selectivity helps in rejecting unwanted
signals and interference from other frequencies, thereby improving the receiver's
ability to tune in to a specific station while minimizing interference.
Review Question

Frequency Conversion: In many superheterodyne receivers, the IF amplifier plays

a role in the process of frequency conversion. It shifts the incoming RF down to
a fixed intermediate frequency, simplifying further signal processing. This
process is crucial for tuning and demodulating the desired radio station.

Gain Control: The IF amplifier may have gain control mechanisms to adjust the
amplification level as needed. This can help maintain a consistent signal strength
across different stations or in the presence of varying signal conditions.

Filtering: The IF amplifier often includes additional filtering to further refine the
signal's frequency response and selectivity. This can include bandpass filters to
isolate the desired frequency range and reject out-of-band signals.
Review Question 11

15 What is simple automatic gain control? What are its functions?

Simple Automatic Gain Control (AGC) is a feedback control system used in

electronics and communication systems to automatically adjust the gain
(amplification) of a signal to maintain a relatively constant output level, despite
variations in the input signal's amplitude. AGC is commonly employed in devices like
radio receivers, audio amplifiers, and communication systems to ensure that the
received signals are at a consistent and appropriate level for further processing or
playback. Here are its primary functions:

Signal Level Stabilization: The main function of AGC is to stabilize the output signal
level by continuously monitoring the input signal's amplitude and adjusting the
gain accordingly. This ensures that the output signal remains within a specified
range, preventing it from becoming too weak or too strong.
Introduction 12

Dynamic Range Compression: AGC can compress the dynamic range of the input
signal. This means that it reduces the amplitude variations in the signal, making
quieter parts louder and louder parts quieter. This is particularly useful in audio
applications to ensure that all parts of the signal are audible without distortion.

Noise Reduction: By automatically adjusting the gain to the optimal level, AGC
helps reduce the impact of noise and interference in the received signal. When
the signal strength is weak, AGC can increase the gain to make the signal more
audible, and when the signal strength is strong, it can reduce the gain to
minimize the impact of noise.
Preventing Clipping: In audio systems, excessive signal amplitude can cause
clipping, which results in distortion and poor audio quality. AGC helps prevent
clipping by controlling the gain to ensure that the signal does not exceed the
limits of the system.
Review Question 13

Improving Reception: In radio receivers, AGC is crucial for maintaining a

consistent signal strength, especially when tuning to different stations with
varying signal strengths. It ensures that weak signals are amplified enough for
reception without overwhelming strong signals.

Enhancing Transmitter Efficiency: In some communication systems, AGC can be

used in the transmitter to optimize the signal's power output, ensuring that it
remains within regulatory limits while maximizing transmission quality.

Minimizing Listener Fatigue: In audio applications, AGC can help maintain a

comfortable listening level, reducing the need for listeners to constantly adjust
the volume, which can be tiring.
Review Question 14

20 What are the functions of variable selectivity and sensitivity?

How is each achieved in practice?

Variable Selectivity: Variable selectivity refers to the ability to adjust the

bandwidth of a receiver to select a specific range of frequencies or channels
while rejecting unwanted signals outside that range. This function is
important for tuning in to a particular station or channel without being
affected by signals from adjacent frequencies.
Review Question 15

20 What are the functions of variable selectivity and sensitivity?

How is each achieved in practice?

Functions of Variable selectivity:

•Channel or Frequency Selection: Variable selectivity allows you to choose and

isolate a specific radio frequency (RF) channel or TV channel from the multitude of
available frequencies. This is essential for tuning to a particular station or channel
•Rejecting Interference: Variable selectivity helps in rejecting unwanted signals
that might overlap or interfere with the desired signal. It allows you to narrow the
reception to the frequency band of interest and reduce interference from adjacent
Review Question 16

20 What are the functions of variable selectivity and sensitivity?

How is each achieved in practice?

Functions of Variable selectivity:

•Enhancing Signal Quality: By selecting a specific frequency range, variable

selectivity improves the signal-to-noise ratio and minimizes the impact of external noise
and interference, resulting in better signal quality.
•Adaptation to Channel Conditions: In varying RF environments or when receiving
signals from different transmitters, adjustable selectivity allows you to adapt to
changing channel conditions by narrowing or widening the filter bandwidth as needed.
Review Question 17

20 What are the functions of variable selectivity and sensitivity?

How is each achieved in practice?

Variable sensitivity, also known as sensitivity control or gain control,

refers to the ability to adjust the amplification of weak signals. This
function is essential for maintaining signal quality and preventing
distortion when receiving signals of varying strengths.
Review Question 18

20 What are the functions of variable selectivity and sensitivity?

How is each achieved in practice?

Functions of Variable sensitivity

•Signal Amplification: Variable sensitivity, also known as gain control, enables

you to adjust the amplification or gain applied to the received signal. It is used to
boost weak signals to a level that can be processed effectively.

•Preventing Overload: In situations where the incoming signal is very strong,

variable sensitivity helps prevent distortion and overload of the receiver's
components by reducing the gain. This is important for maintaining signal integrity
and preventing damage to the equipment.
Review Question 19

20 What are the functions of variable selectivity and sensitivity?

How is each achieved in practice?

Functions of Variable sensitivity

•Improving Reception Range: By adjusting sensitivity, you can extend the

reception range of the receiver, making it possible to receive signals from distant or
weakly transmitting stations.

•Minimizing Noise: Variable sensitivity can be used to optimize the signal-to-noise

ratio by amplifying the desired signal while minimizing the amplification of
background noise.
Review Question 20

20 The way they are achieved in practice:

Achieving variable selectivity in radio and TV engineering is typically done using

filters. The following methods are commonly used:
a. Bandpass Filters: Variable selectivity is achieved by adjusting the bandwidth of the
filter, which can be done manually or automatically based on the selected channel.
b. Tuned Circuits: Tuned circuits, such as LC (inductor-capacitor) circuits, are used to
resonate at a specific frequency. By adjusting the values of the components, you can
vary the selectivity of the circuit, allowing it to capture signals within a certain
frequency range.
c. Digital Signal Processing (DSP): Modern radio and TV receivers often employ DSP
techniques to implement variable selectivity. DSP algorithms can be used to filter out
unwanted frequencies in the digital domain, allowing for precise control over
Review Question 21

20 The way they are achieved in practice:

Achieving variable sensitivity in radio and TV engineering is typically done using the
following methods:
a. Gain Control Amplifiers: Receivers often include amplifiers with adjustable gain
settings. These amplifiers can be controlled manually or automatically based on the
received signal's strength. Increasing gain amplifies weak signals, while reducing gain
prevents overload for strong signals.
b. Automatic Gain Control (AGC): AGC is a common technique used to
automatically adjust the receiver's gain based on the incoming signal strength. When the
signal is weak, the AGC circuit increases the gain, and when it's strong, the gain is
reduced to avoid distortion.
c. Attenuators: In some cases, attenuators can be added to the signal path to reduce the
signal's strength before it reaches the receiver. This can be useful when dealing with
exceptionally strong signals that might overload the receiver.
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