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CSC510 Lecture Slides 6/11/2017

 An arbitrary collection of things (referred to as
elements) – in practice, the elements are
Set and Set Operations homogeneous individuals, i.e., have common
 No multiplicity of elements (exception: multi-set
or bag)
 Elements of a set are not ordered (exception:
Muthukkaruppan Annamalai sequence or tuple) – on the paper or in computer memory, the elements of set are listed
in some order
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Basic Set Operators Privileged Set

 Membership operator, , which states  Empty set, { } or ø, which contains no elements
whether a particular element is in a set;  Universal set, E or U, which contains every
Also  element that is being considered.
 Subset,  ; Also   Some predetermined universal sets in
mathematical discussions are Z (set of all
integers), R (set of all real numbers) and N (set
of all natural numbers)
 N  Z+

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CSC510 Lecture Slides 6/11/2017

Set Description More Set Operators

 Definition by extension: Enumerate  Union,   Superset, 
exhaustively a finite set using Roster  Intersection,   Powerset,  or P
 Complement, ~  Cartesian / Cross
 Definition by intension: A specification that
states a property that must be true of each  Difference, – Product, X or *
set element. This set builder notation  Proper Subset,   Size / Cardinality,
also allows the description of infinite set | .. |
 Graphical description using Venn diagram

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Comparing Sets Comparing Two Sets

 Equivalent sets
 Disjoint sets
 Subset
 Proper subset
 Superset

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CSC510 Lecture Slides 6/11/2017

Creating New Sets from Basic Set (Laws) Identities

(A  B)  C = A  (B  C)
New sets may be created by combining Associative
(A  B)  C = A  (B  C)
A  (B  C) = (A  B)  (A  C)
elements from the universe using set Distributive
A  (B  C) = (A  B)  (A  C)
A  (A  B) = A
operators such as union, intersection, Absorption
A  (A  B) = A
A =A
complement, difference, powerset and Identity
cross product Domination
A =
Complementation A  ~A = E
Exclusion A  ~A = 
Double-complementation ~(~A) = A
~(A  B) = ~A  ~B
~(A  B) = ~A  ~B

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 Using Venn diagrams show that validity of absorption laws
 Show the truth of the absorption laws by manipulating the set
expressions with the aid of other identities
 Show that
(A  B)  (A  ~B) = (A  B)  (A  ~B) = A
 Simplify
~((~A  ~C)  B)  ~(A  ~(C  ~B)  C)
 If A={1, 2} and B={Red, Blue, Green}, what are A x B,
B x A, A2 and B2? (Note: A x A is also written as A2)
 Construct the powerset of B={Red, Blue, Green}

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