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Dear friends,

I am sorry for not posting for the weekends. The reason why i wasn’t posting is that i went to a
school show where different clubs preformed. The event took place at our school and it started early
morning and ended late afternoon during which multiple clubbs preformed. For example the film
club gave a presentation about their movie list whitch they are going to watch in the next month and
the fighting cub practised for half an hour. However there are lots of clubs at our school an every one
of them gave a little presentation about what they do during their classes.

My friend John is the leader of the photography club and he had to attend this show. He showed a lot
of beatuiful photos of wild animas and incredible mountain views. I think everyone liked his
presentation and I have a slight feeling that the photography club is going to be one of the most
popular clubs this semester.

I really enyoyed all of the shows because I think they are all interesting and useful in their own ways
but my favourite one was the photography club and I think I’m going to give it a try. And I have a
slight feeling that lots of other people will feel this way. Because who doesn’t want to be able to take
beautiful photos of nature.

However not all of the presentations were great some of them were bouring or they didn’t look fun
or I just didn’t want to try them out. And I think the main problem was that less popular clubs had
more time to work with than more popular ones. The place and time was great the school cafeteria
was open all day for hungry visitors and the shows took place in the PE-room whitch is really
spacious. I think the biggest problem was that we, the audience couldn’t interact with the shows or
couldn’t try it out. I hope next semester they’ll prepare some activitiesto try out,

But untill then I’ll be practising photographing.


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