Candito Beginner Programs Template

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Candito Beginner Linear Programs

Progression: Start easy (75-80% of 1RM/ 70% for pause variations). Aim to add 0-5kg/week
(normally 2.5kg) for the main lifts and variations of them. Add 0-5kg per 3 weeks for Supplementary exercises are
shoulder/vertical pull exercises. one for at least

Strength/Control Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Suggested exercises for acces

Monday - Heavy Lower Day Upper back #1 (horzontal pul
Squat - 3x6 Dumbbell row
Deadlift - 2x6 Barbell row
Lower Body Optional - 3x8-12 Any machine upper back mov
Lower Body Optional - 3x8-12
Shoulder Exercises:
Tuesday - Heavy Upper Day Seated Dumbbell Press
Bench Press - 3x6 Standing dumbbell Press
Upper Back 1 (horizontal pull) - 3x6 Military Press
Shoulder Exercise - 1x6 Seated Barbell Press
Upper back 2 (vertical pull) - 1x6 Any machine shoulder movem
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12 Upper back #1 (vertical pull)
Weighted pull up
Thursday - Control Lower Day Weighted chin up
Pause Squat - 6x4 Pulldown
Pause Deadlifts - 3x4
Lower Body Optional - 3x8-12
Lower Body Optional - 3x8-12

Friday - Control Upper Day

Spoto Press - 6x4
Upper Back 1 Paused - 6x4
Shoulder Exercise - 1x10
Upper back 2 - 1x10
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12

Strength/Power Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4:

Monday - Heavy Lower Day Weighted Explosive Exercises
Squat - 3x6 1. Barbell Jump squat
Deadlift - 2x6 2. Box jump
Lower Body Optional - 3x8-12 3. Power clean
Lower Body Optional - 3x8-12 4. Speed deadlifts (deadlifts w
of max performed explosively
Tuesday - Heavy Upper Day 5. Speed squats
Bench Press - 3x6 6. Trap bar jump
Upper Back 1 (horizontal pull) - 3x6 7. Dumbbell jump squat
Shoulder Exercise - 1x6 8. Dumbbell lunge jump
Upper back 2 (vertical pull) - 1x6 9. Any machine which allows f
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12 Unweighted Explosive Exercis
1. Squat jump (jumping using
Thursday - Power Lower Day 2. Box jump
Weighted Explosive 1 - 6x4 3. Broad jump
Weighted Explosive 2 - 6x4 4. One legged box jump
Optional Explosive - 5x4 5. One legged broad jump
Optional Explosive - 5x4 6. Any other jump variation

Friday - Control Upper Day

Spoto Press - 6x4
Upper Back 1 Paused - 6x4 There's no Power upper bod
Shoulder Exercise - 1x10 many upper body moveme
explosive movements, b
Upper back 2 - 1x10 bands/chains then you cou
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12 power d
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12

Strength/Hypertrophy Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4:

Monday - Heavy Lower Day For Deadlift variations, these
Squat - 3x6 Stiff Legged Deadlift
Deadlift - 2x6 Deficit Deadlift
Lower Body Optional - 3x8-12 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
Lower Body Optional - 3x8-12
For Chest pressing, prioritising
Tuesday - Heavy Upper Day
Bench Press - 3x6
Upper Back 1 (horizontal pull) - 3x6
Shoulder Exercise - 1x6
Upper back 2 (vertical pull) - 1x6
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12

Thursday - Hypertrophy Lower Day

Back or Front Squat - 5x8
Deadlift variation - 3x8
Hamstring curl - 3x12
Calf Raise - 5x15
Lower Body Optional - 4x8-12
Lower Body Optional - 4x8-12

Friday - Hypertrophy Upper Day

Chest Press (flat or decline) - 4x8
Incline Chest Press - 4x8
Upper Back 1 - 4x8
Upper back 2 - 4x8
Shoulder Exercise - 3x10
Bicep Exercise - 3x10
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12
Upper Body Optional - 3x8-12
Once you hit failure/miss a weight - drop the weight
on that exercise and its variations by 7.5kg and reset.
Supplementary exercises are left optional - stick with Once you reset 3 times on a lift, start progressing Sets do not include
one for at least 4 weeks every 2 weeks instead warm ups

Suggested exercises for accessory lifts: Suggested exercises for optional lifts:
Upper back #1 (horzontal pull): (can change from one workout to the next)
Dumbbell row Upper body:
Barbell row Rear delt fly
Any machine upper back movement Tricep pushdown
Close grip bench
Shoulder Exercises: Strict Dumbbell Curl
Seated Dumbbell Press Include cable fly
Standing dumbbell Press Incline dumbbell press
Military Press Lateral raises
Seated Barbell Press Face pulls
Any machine shoulder movement Loose form Dumbbell Curl
Barbell Bicep curls
Upper back #1 (vertical pull)
Weighted pull up Lower body:
Weighted chin up Leg press
Hamstring curls
Front Squats
Stiff Legged Deadlift
Single legged leg press
Overhead Squats
Snatch Grip Deadlift

Weighted Explosive Exercises

1. Barbell Jump squat
2. Box jump
3. Power clean
4. Speed deadlifts (deadlifts with 5070%
of max performed explosively)
5. Speed squats
6. Trap bar jump
7. Dumbbell jump squat
8. Dumbbell lunge jump
9. Any machine which allows for an explosive concentric portion of lift.

Unweighted Explosive Exercises

1. Squat jump (jumping using squat stance width/depth)
2. Box jump
3. Broad jump
4. One legged box jump
5. One legged broad jump
6. Any other jump variation

There's no Power upper body day as there are not

many upper body movements that are effective
explosive movements, but if your gym has
bands/chains then you could include and upper
power day

For Deadlift variations, these are recommended:

Stiff Legged Deadlift
Deficit Deadlift
Snatch Grip Deadlifts

For Chest pressing, prioritising dumbbells is recommended.

Sets do not include
warm ups

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