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17’-18’ 1st Committee


1.Which of the statements about the unconditional response is wrong ?

A.) It’s an innate reaction
B.) Develops quickly and automatically
C.) Actuated by external stimuli
D.) ‘Salivation in reply to food’ is an example
E.) Unconditional response provides learning

2.Which of the following is unconditioned stimulus in Pavlov’s experiment ?

A.) Bell
B.) Rabbit
C.) Food
D.) Dog
E.) Salivation

3.Which statement about learning theory is wrong ?

4.Which of the following is true according to the multiple intelligence theory?

A.) Intelligence capacity can not be change
B.) Intelligence unique for everyone
C.) Intelligence not affected by life condition
D.) Intelligence quantitively measurable
E.) Intelligence not affected by culture

5.Which of the following is not a function related with cognitive control ?

A.) Planning
B.) Judging
C.) Decision making
D.) Automatic thought
E.) Cognitive flexibility

6.Which is the cannot be a step in rationalist problem solving ?

A.) Observation
B.) Defining the problem
C.) Investigation the reason of problem
D.) Planning alternative way of solutions
E.) Taking lessons from the problem

7.Which the choice is below central nervous system’s main inhibitor ?

A.) Seratonin
B.) Gaba
C.) Acetylcolin
D.) Glutamate
E.) Dopamin

9.During which step brain activity is similar to awake pattern ?
A.) REM sleep
B.) Non-REM sleep 1
C.) Non-REM sleep 2
D.) Non-REM sleep 3
E.) Non-REM sleep 4

10.Which one is not true for lateralization ?

A.) One hemisphere of the brain is more dominant for some skills
B.) Each hemisphere control the opposite side of brain
C.) Left hemisphere is dominant for speech and comprehension of speech
D.) Right hemisphere is dominant for visual-spatial skills
E.) Lateralization do refers to any change of the synaptic connections between neurons

11.Which of the brain region response for short term formation ?

A.) Thalamus
B.) Hypothalamus
C.) Cerebellum
D.) Amygdala
E.) Hippocampus

12.Which of the substance below can not produce major distortion of perception hallucination ?
B.) Mescaline
C.) Psilocybin
E.) Dimethyltryptamine

13.Which one of the following factor is not reasonable for edema formation ?
A.) Heart deficiency
B.) Obstruction of lympathic vessels
C.) Increased capillary permeability
D.) Increased venous pressure
E.) Increased plasma protein concentration

14.) Which of the following is example of positive feed-back?

A) Osmoreceptors notify the increased osmotic pressure, this causes ADH to increase.
B) Baroreceptors notify the increased blood pressure, this causes blood vessels to dilate so
blood pressure will decrease.
C) Amount of glucose in blood decreased, this causes secreted insulin from pancreas to decreas.
D) Elevated body temperature causes person to sweat so getting away the excess heat with loss
of water will occur.
E) Neuron stimulus causes memrane channels to open and Na+ passes through the channels
from external fluid to internal fluid, this causes more channel to open and more Na+ passes
to internal fluid.
15.Which condition does not cause extracellular edema ?
A.) Failure of venous pump
B.) Excessively decreased histamine action
C.) Prolonged …
D.) Acute or chronic kidney failure
E.) Serious protein or caloric malnutrition (?)

16. Which components diffusion is slower than the others ?

A.) CO2
B.) Glucose
C.) Cholesterol
D.) O2
E.) Alcohol

17. Which one is incorrect about water distribution ?

18. Which one of the following factors will not be in favor of allowing the filtration of the plasma
fluid out of the capillaries into the interstitial compartment?
A) İncreased number of the pors in each capillary
B) Decreased size of the pores in each capillary
C) İncreased capillary pressure
D) Decreased capillary plasma colloid osmotic pressure
E) Decreased interstitial plasma colloid osmotic pressure

19. Which one of the following treatment has priority in extensive burning cases?
A) Antibiotic treatment
B) Covering the wound
C) Replace fluid loss
D) Antiallergic drug
E) Avoiding physical contact with others

20. Which of the following is true the target cells in paracrine signal ?
A.) TG close to the cell from which ic was secreted
B.) Share direct contact
C.) İs the same cell
D.) Far away from the site of synthesis
E.) It’s in the brain

22.Which of the following steps of signalling, amplification usually takes place ?
A.) Ligand
B.) Second messenger
C.) Response
D.) Transducer
E.) Receptor
23. Which one can not be regarded as a reason for extracellular edema?
A.) Increased capillary permeability
B.) Decreased plasma proteins
C.) Acute or chronic kidney failure
D. increase venous dilation
E ).blockage of lymph return

24. Which one does not affect hematocrit value ?

A.) Anemia
B.) Excessive sweat
C.) Excessive diarrhea
D.) Increased heart rate
E.) Living in high attitudes

25. Which one of the statements relating with action potential and membrane potential
generation is not corrrect ?

26. Which one of the statements relating with action potential and membrane potential is not
A.) Action potentials are all or none events
B.) Threshold voltage usually is 15 Mv positive to resting potential
C.) Action potential can be induced in nerve and muscle by extrinst stimulate
D.) Fibers with large diameter conuct faster than small fiber
E.) During the down stroke at action potential k prebiability will not change

______________GENERAL CHEMISTRY_____________
27.This image speacialize demonstrate one example of how
........... beneficial to living cells?
A) Adhesion
B) Capillary action
C) Surface Tension
D) Specific heat
E) Both capillary action and adhesion

28. What type of bond interconnects the molecules shown in

this picture ?
A.) Ionic
B.) Covalent
C.) Hydrogen
D.) Van der walls
E.) Hypophobic interaction
29. Which feature of water is shown in the picture ?

30. 0.5 Ml HCl ile 0.75 M kaç Ml NaOH ile nötralize edilir ? 362

31.Which element exists in nucleic acids ?

A) Calcium

B) Phosphorus

C) Manganese

D) Sulfur

E) Iron

32. The two strands of a DNA double helix are held together by …

A) hydrogen bonds

B) ionic bonds

C) nonpolar covalent bonds

D) polar covalent bonds

E) hydrophobic interactions

33. What is the difference between ionic bonds and covalent bonds ?

A ) Ionic bonds involve the electrical attraction , covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons .


35. Which of the following statements are concern with water ?




4-Low specific heat





Above the protein structure chemical bonds are present . According to the structure which
statement is right ?

A) Hydrophobic interactions are clustering the hydrophobic group away from the water .

B) There is no Van der waals interaction .

C) Only peptide bonds stabilize the structure .

D) Atoms gain or lose electrons and held together by electrical attractions in H bonds .

E) Ionic bond interactions are present between cations .


Which isomer in this structure ?

A) Structural
B) Cis / Trans Isomers
C) Diastereomers
D) Enantiomers
E) Chiral

39. For preparation of 500 mL 2M HCl solution from 38% concentrated HCl (Molecular Weight :
36.46 ) with a density of 1.19 ?


40. Which one is wrong about fatty acid ?

A) Saturated fatty acids when the carbon chains are filled with hydrogen atoms .

B) Unsaturated fatty acids are solid in room temperature.

C) The most abundant fatty acids are palmitic and stearic .

D) Monounsaturated fatty acids are unsaturated and have double bond .


41. 20% w/w means :

A) 20 g in 100 mL solution

B) 20 g in 100 g solution

C) 20 mL in 100 mL solution

D) 20 g in 10 mL solution

E) 20 mL in 100 g solution

____________HISTOLOGY AND EMBRIOLOGY_____________



44. Which of the given information is true about staining step ?

A) The aim of staining tissues is to decrease contrast and make them more visible under light .

B) Basic components of a cell compound with the base chromagen of dye and this event is named as
basophils .

C) Most commonly used acidic dye for routine staining in histology lab is ‘ eosin ‘ .

D) Staining the same tissues with the same dye at different temperatures and getting dissimilar
colours is called metachromatic for example ‘ toluidin blue ‘ .

E) You should cover the glasses with a coverslip immediately after staining ( the procedure of
hematoxylene &eosin step ) to protect it from environmental harms .

45. (1)............... is the most commonly used second fixative in electron microscopy. There are two
types of electron microscopes. At (2)............... electron microscopy, electrons pass through cell and
we get a detailed image from inside of the cell and the structural elements of the cell. At (3)...............
electron microscopy, electrons are reflected from the surface of the material we are investigating,
so we get a 3D image of the surface.

1 2 3
A) Gluteraldehyde reflecting polirizing

B) Gluteraldehyde reflecting phase-contrast

C) Formaldehyde scanning transmission
D) Osmium-tetroxide transmission scanning
E) Eosin light confocal
46. Which of the following is wrong about light microscope ?

The magnification power is the summing of the objective and ocular lens magnification power .
47. Which type of microscope is used for scanning the surface of the tissue?

A) Conventional -SEM

B) Dark Field Microscope - Ultraviolet Mic.

C) Polarizing- Differential interference


E) Fluoresence – Confocal

48. Which of the following can not be considered under enzyme regulation?

A) Stimulation or inhibition

B) Allosteric regulation

C) Covalent modification

D) Lowering activation energy

E) Proteolysis regulation

49. Which reaction&compartment pair is wrong ?

A) Fatty acid synthesis & cytoplasm

B) Glycolysis & Mitochondria

C) Citric acid cycle & Mitochondria

D) Glycogenesis & Cytoplasm


50. Which of the following elements is found in trace amount in human body ?

A) Carbon B ) Potassium C) Calcium D) Magnesium E ) Copper

51. Which of the followings are true for allosteric enzymes?

I.They are always analyzed using Michael-Menten equation .

II.Positive effectors inhance substrate binding.

III.They are not usually controlled by feedback inhibition.

IV.Catalytic side is distinct from regulatory side.

52. Which of the followings is a property of an enzyme ?

A) They increase rapidity by increasing activation energy .

B) They are specific for substrate .

C) They are specific for reaction .

D) They are large polypeptides that have encess molecular weight above 5000

E) Most of the enzymes are active in near neutral pH .

53 . A purely competitive inhibitor of an enzyme has which one of the following kinetics ?

A) Increases Km without effecting Vmax .

B) Decreases Km without effecting Vmax .
C) Increases Vmax without effecting Km .
D) Decreases Vmax without effecting Km .
E) Decreases both Km and Vmax .


What is the Km value according to the given Lineweaver Burk Plot ?

A) 20
B) 25
C) 10
D) 0.02
E) 0.04

55 . According to EC enzyme classification which one the following ‘glycogen phosphorylase’

belongs to?

A) Oxidoreductases
B) Transferases
C) Lysaes
D) Isomerases
E) Hydrolases
56. Which of the followings are necessary to measure the molecular weight ?

I.Temperature of reaction

II .Limiting amount of substrate

III .Time period of reaction

57) 5 milimeter equals ….. micrometers .

A) 5x10^3
B) 5x10^4
C) 5x10^5
D) 5x10^6
E) 5x10^9

58. Which one is the most sensitive in volumetric measurements ?

A ) volumetric cylinder

B) erlenmeyer

C) beaker

D) flat bottom flask

E) Pipette


Find the right order of hazard signs given above ?

A) Explosive Corrosive Oxidizing

B) Flammable Explosive Toxic
C) Corrosive Explosive Flammable
D) Explosive Corrosive Flammable
E) Corrosive Explosive Toxic
60 . What are the names of the laboratory tools below ?

A) Flask , Beaker , Volumetric cyclinder

B) Round bottom flask , beaker , graduated cyclinder
C) Graduated cyclinder , beaker , flask
D) Round bottom flask , erlenmeyer , graduated cyclinder
E) Round bottom flask , graduated cyclinder , erlenmeyer

___________MEDICAL BIOLOGY___________
61) What is the correct about both prokaryotes and mitochondria?

A) They both have membrane bound organelle

B) They both have multiple chromosomes
C) They both have 80S ribosomes
D) They both do not have histone proteins
E) They both have nucleus

62) What is the wrong statement for all living organisms?

A) They are surrounded by plasma membrane

B) They have cytoplasm
C) They have chromosomes
D) They have ribosomes
E) They have mitochondria

63) Cardiolipin lipid is rich in which organelle?

A) Peroxisome
B) Mitochondria
C) Golgi
D) Lysosome
E) Ribosome
64) What is the wrong about nuclear lamina?

A) Meshwork of actin filaments

B) It is just underneath of nuclear membrane
C) Maintain nuclear shape
D) Regulation of transcription and DNA replication
E) Spatial organization of nuclear pores

65) Which organelle sorted by the free ribosomes?

66) Which organelle does not use signalling sequences for protein sorting?

B) Ribosome
C) Peroxisome
D) Nucleus
E) Mitochondria

67) Which organelle and function pairing is not right?

A) Lysosomes – digestive systems

B) Golgi – protein sorting
C) Peroxisomes – cell respiration
D) Nucleoulus-
E) SER- lipid synthesis

68) Which one is not right for plasma membrane?

A) All phospholipids have a backbone of glycerol.

B) The double bond in the fatty acid help packing.
C) Oleik and palmitik acid are the most abundant fatty acid molecules.
D) Sfingomyelin contains a sfinghosine alcohol.
E) Lipid and protein component of plasma membrane show flip-flop movements.

69) What statement is not right about cell cycle?

A) Cell cycle is irreversible.

B) Cdk has permanent concentration, cyclin concentration changes.
C) Fungi has single Cdk, vertabrates have many.
D) Cdc25 inhabits the Cdk and M-Cdk
E) Wee 1 supresses Cdc25

70) Which is not external signal for cell cycle and growth?

A) EGF B) FGF C) IGF-1 D) PDGF E) Cyclin

71) Which statement is wrong with cell cycle?

A) Polo like kinases are related to cell cycle.

B) Knesin and dynein are related to cell cycle.
C) Microfilaments have a function in cell division.
D) Aurora A and Aurora B have a function on cell cycle.
E) Securin protein is related to cell cycle.

72) Which is wrong statement for junctions?

A) Hemidesmosomes connect epithelial cells to each other.

B) Hemidesmosomes connect epithelial cells to basal lamina.
C) Hemidesmosomes are cell matrix junctions mediated by integrins.
D) Focal adhesions are cell matrix junctions mediated by integrins.
E) Focal adhesions bind cells on the extracellular matrix through integrin linked actin.

73) Which one is not in the extracellular matrix?

B) Proteoglycan
C) Lamin
D) Hyaluronic acid
E) Fibronectin

74) Which one is not made up of actin?

A) Filopodia
B) Flagella
C) Pseudopodia
D) Phagocytosis
E) Lamellipodia

75) VE, P, N cadherins involved in the establishment of ____ and _____ ?

A) Desmosome-hemidesmosome
B) Hemidesmosome- focal adhesions
C) Focal adhesions- gap junctions
D) Adherens- desmosome
E) Gap junctions- hemidesmosome

________________MEDICINE HISTORY_________________
76) Which statement best describes the medicine?

C) Medicine is the science of art and healing. It encompasses a variety of health care practices
evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.
77) Which of the following is a way of practice that was incorporated in prehistoric medicine?

A) Surgery
B) Physical examination and diagnosis
C) Use of plants, animal parts and minerals
D) Deontology
E) Modern scientific practice

78) Which one was not included ‘’ Four Humours ’’?

A) Fire
B) Plant
C) Earth
D) Water
E) Air

79) Who is the writer of The Canon of Medicine?


80) During which period İbn-i Sina write The Canon of Medicine?

The period of production and writing.

81) What is the name of the medical center established in Anatolian Seljuk Empire?

A)Necmeddin İlgazi Maristanı

B) Gevher Nesibe Külliyesi
C) İzzeddin Keykavus Darüşşifası
D) Turan Melek Darüşşifası
E) Anber bin Abdullah Darüşşifası

82) Which of the following is false about first Ottoman Medical School 14th March 1827?

A) It was an army school.

B) It was established during II. Mahmut.
C) Its name was Tıphane-i Amire.
D) Hekimbaşı Mustafa Behçet Efendi play a key role during its establishment.
E) The language of education was Turkish.

83) Which is the most important development of Turkish Republic?

C) Atatürk’s university reform

D) 7 women were doctors.
E) Establishment of Ankara Medicine Faculty in 1945.

84) Who is the first female medicine professor in Turkey?

Kamile Şevki MUTLU

____________COMMUNICATION SKILLS__________
86) Response to coming stimuli from the source?

A) Message
B) Medium
C) Feedback

87) Which of the following is expressed in I language?

A) You are wrong to do that.

B) Only if you have finished the report before.
C) How could you dare presenting the project like this?
D) I am very worried about the consequences of not following your diet.
E) It is not possible the…?

88) Which one is not related with positive conflict?

A) Anger management
B) Creating a positive atmosphere
C) Discuss the behavior
D) Brain storming
E) Identity the problem by discussion

89) Which one is wrong about empathy?

It’s ok to use empathy in every circumstances.

90) Which is not considered non-verbal communication?

A) Smile
B) Don’t show when you don’t understand
C) Sit approachably, lean forward, get close
D) Touch
E) Keep eye contact

Prepared by
Müberra ÇOBAN
and Özcan ÖNCEL

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