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01 Introduction to Writing
a Movie Review
04 INTRO: Attention
Getter / Hook

02 Structure of a Movie
Review 05 INTRO : Movie Facts

Steps of Writing a
Movie Review
06 INTRO: Thesis Statement
What is a movie review?
A movie review is a detailed analysis of the movie made by one person
expressing his/her personal interpretation on the movie in a structured way.
It is where an experience meets ideas.

Why is movie review writing important?

Helps the viewers to express an honest opinion.
Enhances viewers’ objective analysis skills and the capability to report
an event.
Improves vocabulary and writing skills.
Summarizes some significant work and describes it in an organized and
interesting manner.
A written outline will help you organize your thoughts properly, not to
forget anything and to end up writing it faster.
Here is the outline of movie review structure you may use:


Consists of: 3 paragraphs of: Consists of:
An attention Opinions/ Thesis
getter/hook, personal restatement,
general information interpretation recommendations
about the movie: about the movie and
title, genre, release (like/dislike) rating.
date, main with specific
characters, director, references/
producer, and scenes
a thesis statement
Pick a Movie
To write an
Watch effective movie
the Movie review, you must
follow the correct
Make Notes sequence of
actions that will
Analyse gradually lead you
the Movie to your desired
Draft a These are detailed
Review Outline
Write instructions for
your Review
writing a movie
Edit your
Final Draftt
1. Pick a Movie 2. Watch the Movie
Carefully consider which movie Watch the movie once and watch it
you want to analyse based on the again to discover new details, and to
movies suggested by your understand the characters and their
instructors. Most of us would motives betters. While watching it for
undoubtedly select one of our the first time, you must concentrate on
favourites or one that we are all the main characters, their storyline,
familiar with. and emotions. The second time
around usually helps you to notice the
details of minor characters and their
stories, such as music, timelines,
settings, events, and locations. All
these factors influence your
perception of the film and your
3. Make Notes 4. Analyse the Movie
Keep a paper and pen near you Carry out a thorough research. Consider
to write down things you notice in everything you saw in the film and form
the film, or to note your ideas your own opinions. Do not start working
while watching, or right after it. on the review if you are not sure you
Do take notes of both major and understand the movie. Evaluate the movie
minor events and characters. It is from beginning to an end. Re-watch it, if
a mistake to rely solely on your necessary, if you find some parts
memory; there is always confusing. Only when you understand
something we overlook or forget. what happened on the screen will you be
able to create the review more easily.
Discuss the film you've chosen with your
friends or family to get new ideas to back
up your point of view or to get a different
5, Draft a 6. Write Your 7. Edit Your
Review Outline Review Final Draft

Before writing the actual After you have completed Once you have written
movie review, create an your research and prepared your review, take a break
outline of your work to your work, it's time to put for a while. Then, go over
structure all your thoughts everything together and your work again and
and ideas. Outlining will begin writing. Put all your again. Check for spelling
help you in building and thoughts and ideas together errors, grammatical
organising ideas in a and stick to the outline you mistakes, the sequence of
sequential and thoughtful wrote before. Include paragraphs, compliance
flow. examples and evidence for with the outline and task
comments you make about demands, and the format.
the movie.
As with any essay, your review should begin with
an introduction. There are three elements in
writing the introductory paragraph you need to
focus on which are an attention getter/hook,
brief movie background and a thesis statement.
T E R / H O O K
1.A T t h e fi rs t 1- 3
v ie r e vi e w ,
g in y o u r m o ra p h
To b e c t o ry p a ra g
y ou r in tro d u
n c e s in e tt e r o r
sente a n a tt e n ti o n g
w ri tt e n w it h in g
mu st b e e s t in g o p e n
is t s o f in te r
k . It c o n s io n .
a hoo re a d e r' s a tte n t
t o gr a b t h e
sty le s
Quote Famous Lines- Using a famous line from the
Ask a Question - Asking a rhetorical question.
Example: Example:
What would happen if Anna did not save Elsa? “To infinity and beyond!” said Buzz Lightyear.
Is Dory syndrome – short term memory loss a real thing? Dory once said, “When life gets you down, you know what
you gotta do? Just keep swimming.”

Share Anecdote – Creating a short story or a product of

State Fact or Statistical – Providing actual and accurate
your imagination.
Example: Example:
The Little Mermaid” brought prestige back to Disney, which went on to Watching the story of toys come to life reminds me of childhood and
dominate Oscars for animated movies and won Oscars for best score how I used to play with toys. “Toy Story” makes me reminisce how I
and song. used to think my toys could come to life when I was not around.
“Up!” is the first 3D film ever to open the Cannes International Film
Festival in 2009. You know, my dog was my best friend during my childhood days. He
made my life more exciting at that time. “The Secret Life of Pets”
reminded me of it as the movie portrays a sweet story about the
unique relationship not only between pets and their owners but also
between them.
2. M c kg ro u n d c o n sis t in g
a m o v ie b a
m u s t w ri te O N LY ) a n d
Next, you y , ( O N E S E N T E N C E
ie f su m m a r e o f
of a b r m o v ie , n a m
c t s ( t it le o f d /
mo v ie fa a s p r o d u c e
e a r m o v ie w
p r o d u c e r , y a ra c te r( s)
d ire c t or / n d m a in c h
, s e ttin g s , a
a t e , g e n re , yo u m ig h t
rele a se d on a b o o k
f it is b a s e d
h e m o v ie . I o o .
o f t ti on t h a t , t
e n
want to m
The animated movie “Inside Out” is about a young girl whose emotions
get out of control after her family relocates to San Francisco. “Inside
Out” is a spectacular animated Pixar movie produced by Jonas Rivera
and directed by Pete Docter. This box office movie was released on
24th July 2015 in United Kingdom under kid and family, animation,
fantasy, and adventure genre.
3. T h ic h is a th e si s
u r w rit in g w
k e y t o y o m m a r is es
Lastly, the n a m o v ie re v i ew s u
T h e t h e sis i in o n e
statemen t. n t h e m o v ie
a n d fo c u s o
h o u g h ts e r w ith a
your t r o v id e th e re a d
. It sh o u ld p m o v ie
sente n ce c t f ro m th e
h a t to e xp e
a l id e a o f w o p i n io n .
gen e r o u r c ri t ic al
in c lu d in g y
wh i le a ls o
These are some of the questions to better understand yourself and a lens to help others
better understand the movie. From these, you can set your stand/ opinion/ critique for
the movie and write a concrete thesis statement.
What thoughts does this movie spur in you? What does it make you think about?
What is your emotional response to this movie? What did this movie make you feel?
What moments, character, or ideas resonated with you while watching this movie?
What about them? Why did you connect with them?
What themes are present in this movie?
What is this movie saying about our world?
Why would someone want to watch this film?
What is one good or winsome thing you could say about this movie to someone else?
What does this movie have to say about the big story we are in?
Example 1: “Up” should not be considered a kid movie because its character conflicts,
witty storyline and main theme of loss are too complex for children to understand.

Example 2: “The Greatest Showman” is one of the best movies for its implementation
for entertaining people, giving them hopes and showing the reality of their lives.

Example 3: ‘A person can honor his family along with pursuing his dream’ is the
highlight message in “Coco” which would appeal to a wide audience.
The movie entitled…
The movie is about…
This is an/a (action/horror/thriller/comedy/romance)
It was written by/directed/produced/published
This movie was published in….
The main character(s) of the movie is/are….
Joy once said, “Do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on
inside their head?”. The animated movie “Inside Out” is about a young girl
whose emotions get out of control after her family relocates to San Francisco.
“Inside Out” is a spectacular animated Pixar movie produced by Jonas Rivera
and directed by Pete Docter. This box office movie was released on 24th July
2015 in United Kingdom under kid and family, animation, fantasy, and
adventure genre. “Inside Out” is a worth watching movie for its roller coaster
storyline, tremendous characters, and deep messages.

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