Economics Grade 10 Term 3 Week 6 - 2020

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Directorate: Curriculum FET


TERM 3: Week 6
TOPIC: Economic pursuits
LES Labourforce
PURPOSE LESSON: I must be able to understand the following
• The effect of the composition of age, labourforce numbers, unemployment and geographical distribution of the
INTRODUCTION: This section requires knowledge covered in:
Gr. 8 EMS - Factors of production, Markets.
Gr. 9 EMS - Circular Flow, Trade unions
Make flash cards. 1. Labourforce consists of those people who take part in the country’s production and exchange
Write the concept activities. (15 yrs – 64 yrs)
on the one side 2. Economic Active consists of those people, in the age group of 15 – 64, who take part in the
and the Population (EAP) country’s production and exchange activities.
explanation on
the other side. 3. Labour force is the rate to determine which part of the population is economically active.
Read through it Participation Rate
on a daily basis 4. Nomadic When people move from place to place in search of food water and grazing.

5. Unemployment someone between the ages of 15 -64, who are able to work, wish to work and are
looking for a work but cannot find work or become self- employed.
6. Employment is the engagement of the factor of production called labour in the productive
activity for which they receive a remuneration.
7. Urbanisation is the movement (migration) of people from rural areas to urban areas.

SKILLS: At the end of this lesson, I must be able to:

1. understand the concepts relevant to the labourforce
2. explain the effect of the composition of age, labourforce composition, labour force numbers, unemployment and
geographical distribution on the labour force.
NOTES: Labourforce:
Three groups not part of the labour force:
1. Children and senior citizens (0-14 and 64+)
2. People who cannot work (Disabled people)
3. People who prefer not to work (homemakers)

The table above shows the age composition of South African population.

Youth • Children younger than 15 years of age.

0-14 • They are depended on adults for their food, clothing and education.
Carefully read EAP • It is persons between the ages of 15 and 64.
through the notes. 15-64 • They form part of the economically active population (EAP).
Re-write it in your • They support the youngsters and the elderly.
workbooks Elderly • People in this group is 65 and older.
65+ • They are not regarded as part of the economically active population.
Read through it on • These people are mostly pensioners.
a daily basis “Labourforce participation rate” (LFPR)
• Labour force participation rate = Labour force (EAP) ÷ Population (15-64) X 100
Expanded definition of unemployment Strict (official) definition of unemployment
Include unemployed persons not looking for a Includes only persons actively looking for
job or trying to become self-employed. work or trying to become self-employed
• Employment rate = Employment ÷ population (15-64) x 100
Geographical distribution: (Reasons for urbanization)
• People move to certain areas in the search of:
1. Better economic opportunities
2. Employment opportunities
3. Better living conditions
4. Better climate
5. Access to water resources
6. Fertility of soil

ADDITIONAL Econ Gr.10 Core Notes
RESOURCES: Econ Gr. 10 Answer Series
Any other CAPS approved Econ Gr.10 Textbook

Consolidation 1. Choose a description in Column B that goes with the concept in Column A.
1.1 Nomadic A. People in the age group of 15 and 64 who
work or are actively seeking for work.
1.2 Unemployment B. When people move from place to place in
search of food water and grazing.
1.3 Non-labour force C. A situation where members of the labourforce
are without work.
1.4 Economic Active Population D. Includes discouraged job seekers, students,
disabled people.

(4x1) (4)
2. Study the table below and answer the questions that follow:
Labourforce – all population groups (Male)

Oct.–Dec 2016 Jan–March 2017

Population 15–64 18 226 18 307
Labour Force 11 966 12 195
Employed 9 037 9 030
Unemployed 2 929 3 165
Not 6 260 6 113
Discouraged job 1 003 1 044
Rate (%)
Unemployment Rate 24,5 ?

2.1 Name ONE example of people who are economically inactive. (1)
2.2 What does the population in the age group of 15 to 64 yrs represents? (1)
CONSOLIDATION 2.3 Briefly explain the concept ‘Labourforce Participation Rate’. (2)
ACTIVITIES 2.4 What do you think ‘non-voluntary migration’ means? (2)
2.5 Calculate the unemployment rate for the 1st term of 2017. (4)

3. Discuss the reasons for urbanisation in South Africa. (4x2) (8)

4. How can the government improve the unemployment rate of South Africa? (4x2) (8)


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