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 Contents of Medicine and History of Medicine

 Arguments for the necessity of knowledge about History of

Medicine for doctors
 Sources for studying of History of Medicine and their
 Material conditions of people’s life and their influence on
appearance and development of Medicine of primitive society
 Medicine during the times of matrimony and patrimony
 The influence of the manufacturing remedies and relationship
on the points of view for the causes of diseases and tjeir
 Conclusions
Scoring system
Short lecture 10
Quiz during 10
Oral 10
presentation + Final test Total
during 100
Test 1 15
Test 2 15
Max 60 Max 40
points points
 A – 90-100 points (excellent)
 B – 82-89 points (very good)
 C – 75-81 points (good)
 D – 67-74 points (satisfactory) PASS
 E - 60-66 points (pass)

 FX – 35-59 points
 F – 1-34 points NO PASS!
History of Medicine

The science about the development of medical

knowledge and scientific practise in the field of
Medicine according to the development of
human society
The aim of teaching History of Medicine:

- To discuss general patterns of world historical process of the

establishment and development of treatment and medicine from
primitive society till the modern time,
- To demonstrate the achievements of every historical period in
the field of medicine in the context of translational
development of spiritual culture of humanity
- To show the interaction and unity of national and international
factors in the formation of Medical Science and Practise in
different regions of the planet
- To introduce the History of doctor’s ethics in different
countries to students
Main fields of historical-
medical investigations
General History of Medicine is focused on:
• development of medical knowledge in human society;
• practical activity of famous doctors and medical
• history of the most important findings etc.
Special History of Medicine,
Lightens the development of special areas of medicine
Periodization of History of medicine:

1. Medicine of Primitive society.

Period from 4-3 mln. to V millenium BC
2. Medicine of Ancient World.
Period from V millenium BC to V century AD.
3. Medicine of the Middle Ages (V - ХVII ст.).
4. Medicine of XVIII century.
5. Medicine of XIX century.
6. Medicine of XX century.
1. Medicine of Primitive Society (until IV millenium
2. Medicine of Ancient World (IV millenium BC –
VIII century AD).
3. Medicine of Middle Ages (IX–XVII centuries).
4. Medicine of XVIII century.
5. Medicine of XIX century.
6. Medicine of XX century.
Sources for studying of History of Medicine:

1. Written sources. Their maintenance is passed by means of graphic

signs (manuscripts, printing, papyrus, parchment, ceramics, icons,
cuneiform, hieroglyphs, Roman alphabet, cyrillic alphabet and other).

2. Material sources. Marked to the varieties of forms (tools, instruments,

monuments, bones of animals and people, medals, pictures, chinks).
Educed during excavations of ancient burial places.

3. Ethnographic sources. It is the phenomena of cultural and public life,

that is passed from a generation in a generation (ceremonies, habits,
songs, translations, facilities of treatment).

4. A lifestyle of modern tribes, which live at the level of past epochs.

5. Photo- and video- documents, phonodocuments, which represent the

voice side of historical events..
The appearance of Medicine. Medicine of Primitive
• Includes Paleolithic (4-3 mln. years BC) Mesolithic
and Neolithic periods (5 mln. years BC) and occupied
around 99 % from the total time of the human
development on planet.

→ →
In history of primitive era 3 stages were distinguished: formation of
primitive society (over 2 million years ago - about 40 thousand years ago),
2) blooming of primitive society (approx. 40 thousands years ago – X
thousands BC) and decline of primitive society (X – V thousands BC).
According to the historical stages 3 periods were conditionally determined
in development of primitive treatment :
1) appearance of man, primitive society and primitive treatment, when a
primitive accumulation and generalization of empiric knowledge was about
natural remedies (animal and mineral phytogenous);
2) treatments in the period of bloom of primitive society, when purposeful
application of empiric experience of collective treatment developed and
became firmly established in social practice;
3) treatments in the period of disintegration of primitive society, when
becoming of cult practice of treatment (what was conceived in the period of
late family community) went together with the origin of classes and
peculiar, an accumulation and generalization of empiric knowledge of
treatment (as collective experience of community and individual activity of
healer) proceeded.
The basic difference of human beings from other living creatures is
characteristic for purposeful labour. Making first tools was the
consequence of certain level of brain development.
During the period of establishment of primitive society primitive
rudiments of hygiene appeared. These are elementary measures of
protecting from unfavorable external conditions - cold, inclement
weather, protection of body or his separate parts by a clothing,
arranging of the simplest accommodations, even only roof; a burial
place of the dead people far away from dwellings.
Paleopathology - studies the pathological changes of bits and pieces
to the skeleton of primitive man and animals.

Tumour in dinosaur tail vertebra Hip osteosis in Pithecantropus erectus.

Java. Example of the oldest pathology of
Paleopathologists reported about the presence of
cardiovascular diseases in the primitive man.
Atherosclerotic plagues were found in mummies of
natives of North America, buried on territory of
the state of Kentucky in the USA. Ancient people
died from tumours, tuberculosis and even suffered
from caries. However, the most frequently found
disorders of skeletons were traumatic defects
related to the damage of skull.
Archeological investigations
 Paleanthropines already had a certain culture that was
expressed in the first hygienical skills : they were heating
water, dwellings, sewed a warm clothing. Due this people
outlived an ice-age and even extended the natural habitat of
residence, moved to more distant territories of North Eurasia.
 Neanderthal men continued to care about ill people, even
lying old "men". In the La-Shapel-o-Sen cave the skeleton of
man, who died in declining years, - in 45, was found. the
sewerity of his condition was approved by deforming arthritis
of backbone, break of thigh and arthritis of lower jaw.
Yet more strange findings were made in the Shanidar cave
(Iraq). On one of male skulls the educed deformation of wall of
eye socket was found. This shows that a man was blind on the
left eye. On the skeleton bones there were tracks of break,
which healed over, also the brightly expressed arthritis of joints
was observed. His right arm was amputated long time before
death, which has led to the dystrophy of bone tissue. Shanidar
paleanthropist was supported by his relatives until the age of
40. The erased foreteeth allow to make a conclusion that he
was using them instead of the lost hand for a long time.
9 skeletons of seriously sick people,
who lived 70-40 thousand years ago,
were found in Shanidar cave. All of
them were buried on a lodge made of
the branches of trees and medical
flowers. Sprigs of milfoil, centaury,
althaea, plants of Lilac family and
mallows were bound in bouquets and
decomposed around bodies. Plants,
which were mentioned above, still
grow in modern Iraq, thus many kinds
were found on considerable distance
from the Shanidar cave. Probably, the
"people of flowers", as archaeologists
named them, were making a long
journey, to collect healthful herbs.
 Scientists were able to set life-span in a Stone age: in most
cases it did not exceed 30 years. In rare cases people lived
 In a fight against nature first Homo sapiens were dying
before achieving the old age. The same duration of life
was kept at the same level until Renaissance age.
Conclusion: Thus, illnesses existed from the time of
primitive society and in any epoch of history of humanity,
showing a biological phenomenon, from one side, as they
develop in human body in close connection with
surrounding nature. From another side it is a social
phenomenon, because it is being determined by the
concrete terms of public life and activity of humans.
- help during the childbirth (especially to a
woman, who is giving a birth for the first
- during traumas (damaged places, falling
from height, traumas after fights with wild
- digestion impairments,
- external skin damages.
During the Stone Age aborigines of Australia widely
used a flora and fauna of the continent. They were
using castor oil, eucalyptus resin and bulbs of orchid
for the treatment of digestion disorders; were
stopping bleeding using spider web, ash or iguana fat;
after snake bites they were sucking out blood and
baking wounds; during skin diseases they were
washing skin with urine and applying clay on
damaged parts.
 In the period of maturity of primitive society doctors
also were applying operative treatment approaches:
cured wounds with medications, made from plants,
minerals and parts of animals; applied "tires" during
breaks; were able to make bloodletting, using thorns
and thorns of plants, fish scale, knives, made from
stones and bones.
 For example, in New Guinea the primitive doctors of
native tribes were opening a vein using shallow
arrows, which they were exposing from taut.
Totemism is believe in existence of close family connection
between by his birth and certain type of animal or plant.

Fetishism (Portugese. fetico – amulet, talisman) – believe in

supernatural features of non-live objects.

Animism (lat. anima, animus – soul, spirit) – believe in souls,

spirits and common inspiration of nature. It is banishment of
spirits of illness by plots, ceremonial actions, ritual dances
and masks. People believe that these concepts are related to
the early forms of cult of the dead.

Magic – believe in the ability of person to influence other

people through events, things or natural phenomena.
Food products
1) products of herbal origin:
– berries,
– nuts,
– roots
2) fish
Places of their first settlement were banks of rivers.
With this dietary composition people were forced to become familiar
with poisonous and curative properties of herbal products

An enormous event was

application of fire for
the necessities of
Paleolythic Venus

The leading role of woman

(matriarchy) in the management of
human societies was displayed in
numerous pictures of women, which
were sculpted from clay, cut out from
wood or carved out from stone (stone
Holy animals of tribes

The further genius inventions of humans were bow

and arrow. These instruments allowed to pass to the
hunting household. Hunting incomparably enriched
a man, animals started to be respected.
The reflection of the fact that animals became
patrons for people, were various amulets, which
people were wearing on neck, ears, nose.

Тотем племені
- Transition from hunting to
animal husbandry;

- Investion of clay dishes;

- Use of native metals;

- Manufacturing of various
instruments, including first
First operation, which was used by humans for help during
a birth process in animals, was cesarean section. Later it
was applied for humans as well.
This was the first surgical operation.
Also variolation (active
immunization method) or rubbing
of contents pox papules into the
person’s body appeared that time.
This prevented the disease
The soul of ancestor settles into him/her, tortures and makes ill.

Ancestor spirit was removed

from body by scary rituals,
shouting, wearing ritual mask etc.
Also the were methods of
transfering of ancestor spirit into
an animal.
Ritual mask from Sri-Lanka
Bronze knife for skull trepanation.
Skull trepanation
Skulls of primitive people, who survived after
trepanation (pronounced regeneration of
trepanation hole edges).

Skull of person, who died after skull

(no signs of regeneration).
Was established according to «taboo» principles,
which means strong prohibition.
 First taboo was related to marriage between brothers
and sisters.
 Second taboo was made for marriage between young
and old generation (incest).
 Castration of individuals, which give offsprings with
 Any violation of taboo was punished by death.
The development of pottery resulted in manufacturing
of ceramic tableware, which was used for preparation of
meal, and then - for creation of pots and jars, which
were used for preparation and preservation of medicinal
 The prevention of cold was conducted by the
methods, which are well-known for all modern
people: steam bath-house, hot compresses, massage.
 Circumcision - was made for a hygienic purposes and
also religious ceremonies.
 A bovine bubble or bowel (a prototype of condom)
was used in contraception; lumps of spider web, gold
rings were progenitors of uterine spirals.
1. Treatment of diseases is related to the oldest and most urgent
necessities of people.
2. Medicine appeared as a result of activity of primitive
community people.
3. The appearance of medicine attributed to the epoch of
4. People of primitive community period opened big quantity of
medicinal remedies, mainly phytogenous, produced some
surgical instruments, which entered medicine and are being still
used (caesarian section, variolation).
Thank you for attention!

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