To Prove or Disprove That The Vectors

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To prove or disprove that the vectors

v₁ = (5, 3, 4),
v₂ = (1, 2, 5), and
v₃ = [1, 1, 2]
form the basis of ℝ³, we need to check if they are linearly
independent and span the entire ℝ³.

Linear Independence:
To determine linear independence, we set up the following
α₁v₁ + α₂v₂ + α₃v₃ = [0, 0, 0]

where α₁, α₂, and α₃ are scalars.

Using the given vectors, this equation becomes:

α₁[5, 3, 4] + α₂[1, 2, 5] + α₃[1, 1, 2] = [0, 0, 0]

Expanding this equation component-wise, we have:

(5α₁ + α₂ + α₃, 3α₁ + 2α₂ + α₃, 4α₁ + 5α₂ + 2α₃) = (0, 0, 0)

This system of equations can be written as:

5α₁ + α₂ + α₃ = 0
3α₁ + 2α₂ + α₃ = 0
4α₁ + 5α₂ + 2α₃ = 0

To determine if this system has a non-trivial solution (other than

α₁ = α₂ = α₃ = 0), we can solve the system of equations:

5α₁ + α₂ + α₃ = 0 ...(1)
3α₁ + 2α₂ + α₃ = 0 ...(2)
4α₁ + 5α₂ + 2α₃ = 0 ...(3)

Using row reduction or other methods, we can solve the system

and check if there are any non-zero solutions. If a non-zero
solution exists, the vectors are linearly dependent and do not form
a basis. Otherwise, they are linearly independent.

Solving equations (1)-(3):

By subtracting equation (1) from equation (2), we get:

(3α₁ + 2α₂ + α₃) - (5α₁ + α₂ + α₃) = 0 - 0
-2α₁ + α₂ = 0 ...(4)

By subtracting equation (1) from equation (3), we get:

(4α₁ + 5α₂ + 2α₃) - (5α₁ + α₂ + α₃) = 0 - 0
-α₁ + 4α₂ + α₃ = 0 ...(5)

Now, we have equations (4) and (5) that form a new system of
equations. Solving these equations further, we find:

-2α₁ + α₂ = 0 ...(4)
-α₁ + 4α₂ + α₃ = 0 ...(5)

Multiplying equation (4) by 2 and adding it to equation (5), we get:

(-4α₁ + 2α₂) + (-α₁ + 4α₂ + α₃) = 0 + 0

-5α₁ + 6α₂ + α₃ = 0

From this equation, we can observe that there are infinitely many
solutions, other than α₁ = α₂ = α₃ = 0. Hence, the vectors are
linearly dependent, and they do not form a basis for ℝ³.
Therefore, we have disproven that the vectors [5, 3, 4], [1, 2, 5],
and [1, 1, 2] form the basis of ℝ³.

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