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The possible research topics on ethical issues in IT for IT students:

1. Data privacy and security: How can IT companies protect user data from unauthorized access, use, or
disclosure? What are the ethical implications of new data collection and analysis technologies?

2. Algorithmic bias: How can IT companies ensure that their algorithms are fair and unbiased? What are
the ethical implications of using algorithms to make decisions about people's lives?

3. Artificial intelligence (AI) safety and ethics: How can we ensure that AI systems are safe and beneficial
to humanity? What are the ethical implications of developing and deploying autonomous AI systems?

4. Social media ethics: What are the ethical implications of social media platforms? How can we address
issues such as misinformation, hate speech, and cyberbullying on social media?

5. IT accessibility: How can IT companies make their products and services accessible to people with
disabilities? What are the ethical implications of designing IT systems that exclude certain groups of

6. IT worker rights: What are the ethical implications of IT outsourcing and offshoring? How can IT
companies ensure that their workers are treated fairly and paid fairly?

Some possible titles for research papers on ethical issues in IT:

1. The Ethical Implications of Data Privacy and Security in the Era of Big Data

2. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Safety and Development

3. Algorithmic Bias and the Ethical Implications of AI-Powered Decision-Making

4. Social Media Ethics: Addressing the Challenges of Misinformation, Hate Speech, and Cyberbullying

5. IT Accessibility and the Ethical Implications of Designing Inclusive Technology

6. IT Worker Rights: The Ethical Considerations of Outsourcing and Offshoring

7. Using Data for Good: How IT Companies Can Protect User Privacy While Improving Lives

8. The Ethics of Facial Recognition Technology: A Case Study

9. Mitigating the Risks of Algorithmic Bias in IT Hiring Systems

10. The Ethical Implications of Autonomous Weapons Systems: A Call for Action

11. Promoting Positive Social Change on social media: A Balancing Act

12. Making IT Products and Services More Accessible to People with Disabilities: An Ethical Imperative

13. The Ethics of Tracking and Monitoring Workers in the Digital Workplace

1. Group yourselves max. of 6 members per group, but you may present solo, duo, trio, up to 5 and max.
is 6 members per group.

2. After the group selection, kindly choose one topic or you may propose any topic but make sure it must
be related to ethical issues in the field of Information Technology.

3. Next, Kindly provide 3 to 5 RRL (Review of Related Literature) , you may read journals and some of the
published papers or books that may help you in gathering of literatures. Our goal is to make sure that
there is no copying of other works because it may become an ethical issue. Just cite the names of the
authors if you will make their studies as a reference.

4. You may use ChatGpT or Bard for gathering information, but use it responsibly and ethically.

5. Save your work in PDF (Grouped Submission) The leader will the only one who will submit the paper.

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