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CLOX: An executive clock drawing task

Article in Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry · June 1998

DOI: 10.1136/jnnp.64.5.588 · Source: PubMed

800 4,121

3 authors, including:

Donald Royall Marsha J Polk

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio


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588 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1998;64:588–594

CLOX: an executive clock drawing task

Donald R Royall, JeVrey A Cordes, Marsha Polk

Abstract with longitudinal changes in cognitive

Objective—To describe a clock drawing testing.5 9 Moreover, CDTs are rapid and well
task (CLOX) designed to elicit executive accepted.5
impairment and discriminate it from Unfortunately, CDTs still have both concep-
non-executive constructional failure. tual and practical limitations. Conceptually,
Subjects—90 elderly subjects were studied clock drawing has been viewed as a visuospatial
(45 elderly and well persons from the task, sensitive to right perietal pathology.10–12
independent living apartments of a con- Recent studies undermine this notion, how-
tinuing care retirement community and ever. For example, CDT failure has been
45 patients with probable Alzheimer’s dis- shown to be a state dependent feature of major
ease). The clock drawing performance of depression.13 Whereas Alzheimer’s disease may
elderly patients was compared with that of be associated with signs of right hemispheric
62 young adult controls. impairment (visual agnosia and apraxia), major
Methods—Subjects received the CLOX, depression generally is not. Failures of CDTs
an executive test (EXIT25), and the mini in non-cortically impaired subjects undermine
mental state examination (MMSE). The a chiefly visuospatial conceptualisation of the
CLOX is divided into an unprompted task CDT.14
that is sensitive to executive control Practical limitations arise from the fact that
(CLOX1) and a copied version that is not there is no consensus regarding CDT rating.
(CLOX2). Between rater reliability (27 This is a problem because a patient’s perform-
subjects) was high for both subtests. ance may vary greatly as a function of the task
Results—In elderly subjects, CLOX sub- itself. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease have
scores correlated strongly with cognitive been reported who can construct perfectly
severity (CLOX1: r=−0.83 v the EXIT25; adequate copies of a clock face, yet are unable
CLOX2: r=0.85 v the MMSE). EXIT25 and to draw a clock when given a blank piece of
MMSE scores predicted CLOX1 scores paper to work from.15 The available CDT
independently of age or education rating schemes vary widely on the stimuli given
(F(4,82)=50.7, p<0.001; R2=0.71). The to the subject, the time to which the clock is set,
EXIT25 accounted for 68% of CLOX1 and the elements considered during scoring.
variance. Only the MMSE significantly Moreover, there are qualitative diVerences in
Department of contributed to CLOX2 scores (F(4,72)= how dementia subgroups fail a clock drawing
Psychiatry, University 57.2, p<0.001; R2=0.74). CLOX subscales task even if they are equated for overall severity
of Texas, Health discriminated between patients with
Science Center at San
of dementia.9 15 These qualitative diVerences
Alzheimer’s disease and elderly controls must be acknowledged in scoring a CDT if it is
Antonio, Texas, USA
D R Royall (83.1% of cases correctly classified; not to be biased by the presentation of a single
JeVrey A Cordes Wilkes’ lambda=0.48, p<0.001), and be- dementia syndrome.16
Marsha Polk tween Alzheimer’s disease subgroups with We propose that the concept of “executive
and without constructional impairment control” has the potential to greatly improve
Department of (91.9% of cases correctly classified;
Medicine, South Texas CDT interpretation. Executive control func-
Wilkes’ lambda=0.31, p<0.001). tions (ECFs) guide complex goal directed
Veterans’ Health
System, Audie L Conclusions—The CLOX is an internally behaviour in the face of novel, irrelevant, or
Murphy Division, consistent measure that is easy to admin- ambiguous environmental cues.17 18 Examples
Geriatric Research ister and displays good inter-rater reli- of ECFs include goal selection, planning,
Education Clinical ability. It is strongly associated with motor sequencing, selective attention, and the
Center (GRECC) cognitive test scores. The pattern of CLOX
D R Royall self monitoring of a subject’s current action
failures may discriminate clinical demen- plan. All are required by clock drawing.
Division of Clinical tia subgroups. Impairment of ECF was added in 1994 to the
Pharmacology Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
D R Royall (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1998;64:588–594)
Disorders, 4th edition’s definition of
Correspondence to: Keywords: dementia, Alzheimer’s, executive, assess- dementia.19
Associate Professor ment Neuropsychological test scores generally
D R Royall, Department of reflect the integrity of both the cognitive
Psychiatry, University of
Texas Health Science Center
domain in question and its executive control.
at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd There is a growing interest in the potential of In the case of clock drawing, a subject’s
Curl Drive, San Antonio, clock drawing tests (CDTs) as a screen for performance requires the separate analysis of
Texas 78284–7792, USA.
Telephone 001 210 567
cognitive impairment.1–7 CDTs have been visuoconstructional praxis and the executive
8545; fax 001 210 567 8509; found to correlate significantly with traditional control demanded by the testing paradigm.
email: cognitive measures1 2 4 5 and to discriminate The relative variance in CDT performance
healthy from demented elderly patients.8 The explained by ECF remains to be determined.
Received 11 April 1997 and
in revised form 29 July 1997 severity of clock drawing failures progresses This is because (1) current CDT rating
Accepted 3 October 1997 over time in Alzheimer’s disease, and correlates schemes are designed to elicit constructional
CLOX: an executive clock drawing task 589

Table 1 Mean (SD) for selected clinical variables by group

Young adult AD cases with MMSE AD cases without

controls Independent living constructional errors MMSE constructional
Variable (n=62) retirees (n=45) Probable AD (n=45) (n=19) errors (n=26)

Age (y) 24.4 (4.3) 76.0 (11.6)* 75.8 (8.5)* 73.8 (9.2)* 76.5 (7.9)*
Education (y) 14.6 (1.2) 14.9 (2.2) 12.7 (2.8)* *** 13.4 (2.1)* *** 12.2 (3.1)* ***
EXIT25 4.2 (2.2) 8.8 (3.7)* 26.8 (7.5)* *** 31.1 (6.9)* *** 23.7 (6.3)***‡‡‡
MMSE 29.3 (0.9) 29.1 (1.3) 16.4 (6.9)* *** 12.0 (6.7)* *** 19.7 (5.0)***‡‡‡
CLOX1 13.2 (1.6) 12.1 (2.6)* 4.6 (4.5)* *** 2.1 (3.3)* *** 6.5 (4.4)***‡‡‡
CLOX2 14.2 (1.2) 14.2 (1.0) 8.3 (5.3)* *** 3.4 (3.9)* *** 12.0 (2.4)***‡‡‡

AD=Alzheimer’s disease.
*P<0.05 v young adults.
***P<0.001 v well elderly cases.
‡‡‡P<0.001 v patients with AD with MMSE constructional impairment.

failures rather than ECF related failures, (2) ropsychological testing, and functional status
bedside mental status examinations are either evaluation. Clinical data were confirmed by
indirectly sensitive to ECF failures or ignore family members or other available caregivers.
them altogether, and (3) the possible qualita- All pertinent laboratory results and neuroimag-
tive diVerences in CDT failures arising from ing studies were reviewed. The patients with
true constructional as opposed to ECF related Alzheimer’s disease were further divided into
pathology are not routinely assessed.20 Al- those with (n=19) and those without (n=26)
though several authors have commented on the gross constructional impairment on the mini
sensitivity of CDTs to “abstract” thinking or mental state examination (MMSE). Table 1
“complex behaviour”, there have been no compares these groups on selected clinical
eVorts to grade the CDT as an executive task, variables.
nor to divorce the executive control of clock
drawing from drawing itself. We expect that a INSTRUMENTS
significant proportion of the variance in CDT Subjects were interviewed by trained physi-
failures is in fact the product of executive dys- cians using the CLOX, EXIT25, and MMSE.
control. In this paper, we describe a clock The CLOX was scored blind to the other
drawing task which has been designed specifi- instruments. Each instrument is briefly de-
cally to discriminate executive and non- scribed below.
executive elements.
The executive clock drawing task (CLOX)
Methods The CLOX has been divided into two parts to
SUBJECTS help discriminate the executive control of clock
The CLOX instrument was first piloted in a drawing from clock drawing itself. The patient
sample of 62 young adult undergraduates is first instructed to draw a clock on the back of
(mean age 24.4 (SD 4.3) years) attending the the CLOX form (see fig 3). He or she is
University of Texas at San Antonio. This refer- instructed only to “Draw me a clock that says
ence group was compared with 90 elderly sub- 1:45. Set the hands and numbers on the face so
jects, selected from two clinical settings. Forty that a child could read them.” The instructions
five were recruited from the independent living can be repeated until they are clearly under-
apartments of a large retirement community. stood, but once the subject begins to draw no
All were free of depression and self reported further assistance is allowed. The subject’s per-
impairment in activities of daily living. The formance is rated according to the CLOX
mean geriatric depression scale (GDS short directions, and scored as “CLOX1”.
form)21 score was 1.2 (SD 1.5). Scores >07/25 CLOX1 reflects performance in a novel and
are considered “depressed”. The mean inde- ambiguous situation. The patient is presented
pendent activities of daily living score for this only with a blank surface and no further
group was 13.7 (SD 0.77). We further required guidance regarding the task. He or she is
that these cases scored no less than 1.0 SD responsible for choosing the clock’s overall form
below the mean for 25 year old subjects on both (a digital or analog face, alarm clock, wrist
the verbal and performance subscales of the watch, or wall clock, etc), its size, position on
Weschler adult intelligence scale. This helps to the paper, elements (hands, numbers, date
assure us that the elderly control group is free indicators), the forms of these elements (hands
of incipient dementias. Less than 25% of inde- as arrows, relative lengths, roman v arabic
pendent living septuagenarians at this retire- numerals, etc). Furthermore, the patient must
ment community can pass this stringent crite- also initiate and persist in clock drawing
rion. Informed consent was obtained before through a sequence of constructional actions
the evaluation of both control groups. (usually drawing the outer circle, followed by
The remaining 45 elderly subjects were out- placing the numbers if any, followed by setting
patients diagnosed with probable Alzheimer’s the time). Finally, he or she must monitor
disease using National Institute of progress as the task unfolds, both anticipating
Neurological Communicative Disorders and (placing the 12, 6, 3, and 9 first) and/ or
Stroke (NINCDS) criteria.22 All had correcting errors as they occur.
undergone comprehensive geriatric assess- It is just as important to note what a patient
ments, including examination by a geropsy- does not do during a clock drawing task. Our
chiatrist. Each received a history, physical CLOX form and its verbal instructions have
examination, mental state examination, neu- been designed to distract the subject with
590 Royall, Cordes, Polk

o’clock positions. CLOX scores range from

0–15. Lower scores reflect greater impairment.
The CLOX’s second step is a simple copying
task. The examiner allows the patient to
observe him or her drawing a clock in the circle
provided on the scoring sheet. The examiner
sets the hands again to “1:45”, places the 12, 6,
3, and 9 first, and makes the hands into arrows.
The patient is allowed to copy the examiner’s
clock. This clock is scored as “CLOX2”. The
diVerence between CLOX scores 1 and 2 is
hypothesised to reflect the specific contribution
of executive control versus visuospatial praxis
to overall clock drawing performance assessed
by CLOX1. Assuming that right parietal corti-
cal function has not been compromised, lesions
to the frontal systems controlling clock drawing
should aVect CLOX1 more than CLOX2. This
could occur in major depression, non-cortical
dementias, or frontal type dementias that spare
posterior cortical regions. If the right cortical
hemisphere is aVected, both scores should suf-
Figure 1 presents the clock drawing per-
formance of a non-demented elderly control
versus two demented patients who have been
matched to their overall level of executive con-
trol. Each patient’s pentagon drawing from the
MMSE23 has been included for comparison.
Note that the pentagons in the MMSE are
essentially a copying task that depends little on
executive control.
Patient A is an independent elderly control.
The presence of an essential tremor does not
aVect CLOX scoring. Patient B has Alzheim-
er’s disease. Clock drawing is impaired in both
unprompted and copy conditions. The MMSE
has an inherent bias towards cortical type
dementia features.24 This is reflected by
impairment in patient B’s MMSE pentagons
Figure 1 Qualitative diVerences in CLOX performance. in a normal elderly control, a
and total MMSE score. Patient C has a vascu-
patient with Alzheimer’s disease, and a patient with non-cortical vascular disease. (A) An lar dementia without cortical features. Only the
82 year old elderly control. EXIT25=08/50 (scores>5/50 impaired), MMSE=29/30 unprompted clock drawing task is aVected.
(scores<24/30 impaired). (B) A 74 year old married white woman with Alzheimer’s This patient’s MMSE pentagons and total
disease. EXIT25=21/50(24/50 comparable with six year old children or residents requiring
skilled nursing), MMSE=12/30. (C) A 74 year old right handed white man with a history MMSE score is within that instrument’s
of coronary artery disease (status post myocardial infarction), hypertension, non-insulin normal range.
dependent diabetes mellitus, and falls. EXIT22=24/50, MMSE=28/30.
strongly associated but irrelevant cues. The
circle in the left lower corner is irrelevant to The EXIT25 is a bedside measure of executive
clock drawing when viewed from the reverse control.25 26 It defines the behavioural sequelae
side of the form, but it tempts the patient to of executive dyscontrol and provides a stand-
place their clock within its image. We chose the ardised clinical encounter in which they can be
words “hand” and “face” because they are observed. EXIT25 scores correlate well with
more strongly associated with body parts than other measures of ECF including the Wiscon-
clock elements, and may trigger semantic sin card sort (r=0.54), trail making part B
intrusions from their more common meanings. (r=0.64), the test of sustained attention (time,
The number “45” does not appear on a typical r=0.82; errors, r=0.83) and Lezak’s tinker toy
clock face, and may intrude into the patient’s test (r=0.57). EXIT25 scores also seem to cor-
construction in the form of a digital image relate strongly with mesiofrontal cerebral blood
(1:45) or hands pointing to the four or five flow by single photon emission computed tom-
ography (SPECT).27
Table 2 Pearson product moment correlations for selected EXIT25 scores range from zero to 50.
clinical variables
Higher scores suggest greater impairment. A
Age Education EXIT25 MMSE CLOX1 cut oV point of 15 out of 50 best discriminates
non-demented elderly controls from both cor-
Education 0.05
EXIT25 0.02 −0.40*
tical and non-cortical dementing illness
MMSE −0.05 0.39* −0.92* (SE=0.93, SP=0.83; area under receiver oper-
CLOX1 −0.08 0.36* −0.83* 0.82* ating curve (ROC), c=0.93).28 An EXIT25 cut
CLOX2 −0.10 0.24* −0.79* 0.85* 0.79*
oV point of 10/50 best discriminates young
*P<0.05. adults with and without mesiofrontal perfusion
CLOX: an executive clock drawing task 591

15 MMSE. Education failed to enter. Ây contrast,

only the MMSE significantly contributeed to a
similar model of CLOX2 scores (F(4,72)
=57.2, p<0.001; R2=0.74). It accounted for
72% of CLOX2 variance after adjusting for age
and education. The EXIT25 failed to enter.
Tolerance for these analyses was set to 0.15 to
avoid possible multicolinearity.

The relative contributions of ECF (EXIT25)

and constructional praxis to unprompted clock
6 drawing (CLOX1) can be estimated by using
CLOX2 scores as a proxy for constructional
Regression line for probable AD cases praxis. Together, the EXIT25 and CLOX2
3 5th percentile for young adult controls explained 74% of the variance in CLOX1
Well elderly n = 45 scores (F(2,86)=120.98, p<0.001; R2=0.74).
The EXIT25 was responsible for 93% of the
0 variance in CLOX1 scores (partial R2=0.69).
0 5 10 15
Figure 2 Scatterplot of CLOX1×CLOX2 scores for 45 independent and well elderly We have examined the CLOX’s ability to make
subjects. Regression line for 45 patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease superimposed. two clinically important discriminations;
firstly, between well elderly subjects and
deficits after anterior cerebral artery
patients with Alzheimer’s disease, and sec-
aneurysmectomy.27 The EXIT25 is more sensi-
ondly, between Alzheimer’s disease subgroups
tive than the MMSE to early cognitive impair-
who present with and without gross construc-
ment and non-cortical dementia in elderly
tional impairment. CLOX subscales discrimi-
subjects.24 26
nated Alzheimer’s disease cases from elderly
controls after adjusting for age, education, and
MMSE test performance (MANCOVA:
The MMSE is a familiar instrument.23 It has R(2,81)=3.6, p<0.03 (covarying age, educa-
been criticised for insensitivity in early demen- tion, and MMSE scores)). They did not
tia, and poorly educated subjects.28 In our discriminate these groups after adjusting for
experience, the MMSE is also selectively the EXIT25 ((MANCOVA: R(2,85)=1.7, NS)
biased against the detection of isolated frontal (covarying EXIT25 scores)).
system disease.24 29 We hypothesise that in the In a discriminant model, the pattern of per-
absence of posterior cortical type construc- formance on the two CLOX subscales cor-
tional impairment, CLOX scores will be more rectly identified 83.1% of cases (Wilkes’
sensitive to dementia than the MMSE. The lambda =0.48; F(2,86)=46.27, p<0.0001). For
MMSE was obtained blind to the subjects’ comparison, 89.9% of cases were correctly
EXIT25 and CLOX scores. identified by the combination of the EXIT25
and the MMSE (Wilkes’ lambda=0.29;
Results F(2,86)=103.80, p<0.0001).
RELIABILITY However, patients with Alzheimer’s disease
The internal consistency of the CLOX in this are clinically heterogeneous. Specifically,
sample was high (Chronbach’s á=0.82). Item Alzheimer’s disease subgroups are known to
total correlations ranged from r=0.32 to 0.77 exist that diVer with respect to right hemi-
(mean r=0.41). No item improved Chron- spheric pathology.30–32 Therefore, we used the
bach’s á if removed. The CLOX’s between qualitative evaluation of dementia (QED)24 to
rater reliability was determined in a subset of divide the patients with Alzheimer’s disease
27 elderly subjects. The subjects’ clocks were into those with (n=19) and without (n=26)
examined by two blind raters in the absence of grossly disorganised MMSE pentagons, to see
clinical or demographic information. A high if CLOX subscales could discriminate between
degree of between rater reliability was found them. These Alzheimer’s disease subgroups
(CLOX 1: r=0.94, CLOX 2: r=0.93; both diVered in their EXIT25 and MMSE scores
p<0.001) (item 5 was excluded from this (table 1). However, CLOX2 scores discrimi-
analysis). nated between these groups after adjusting for
these measures ((ANCOVA): F(1,33)=40.13,
CONSTRUCT VALIDITY p<0.0001 (covarying EXIT25 and MMSE
Scores for CLOX correlated strongly with cog- scores)). CLOX1 scores did not (ANCOVA:
nitive impairment (EXIT25 and MMSE F(1,33)=0.61, NS). This suggests (1)that the
scores)(table 2). These instruments made constructional diVerences between these
significant contributions to CLOX1 scores Alzheimer’s disease subgroups cannot be
after adjusting for age and education (F(4,82) attributed solely to general diVerences in
=50.7, p<0.001; R2=0.71). In a forward dementia severity, and (2) that this diVerence is
stepwise least squares regression model, the selectively detected by the CLOX2 paradigm.
EXIT25 entered first, accounting for 68% of In a discriminant model, the pattern of
variance in CLOX1 scores (partial R2=0.68). performance on CLOX1 × CLOX2 subscales
The MMSE entered next (partial R2=0.03). correctly classified 91.9% of these Alzheimer’s
Age did not contribute significantly to the disease subgroups (Wilkes’ lambda =0.31;
model after adjusting for the EXIT25 and F(2,34)=37.8; p<0.001) This is remarkable
592 Royall, Cordes, Polk

Figure 3
CLOX: an executive clock drawing task 593

because the combination of EXIT25 and well elderly subjects and patients with Alzheim-
MMSE scores, which takes much longer er’s disease. Significant fractions of both
(25–30 minutes) to administer, gave a less sat- groups presented below the fifth percentile for
isfactory performance (Wilkes’ lambda =0.73; young adult controls on one or more CLOX
F(2,34)=6.4; p<0.005; 75.7% correctly identi- subscales (n =37 (82%) of Alzheimer’s disease
fied). cases; n =7 (16%) of controls). The pattern of
these deficits in Alzheimer’s disease suggests a
INTERPRETING CLOX SCORES generalised dementing illness. Twenty
CLOX scores were tightly distributed in young seven(60%) patients with Alzheimer’s disease
adult subjects (CLOX1 =13.2 (1.6); CLOX2 failed both CLOX subscales. By contrast, no
=14.2 (1.2) (table 1)). Thus, a CLOX1 score controls presented below this threshold on
of 10/15, or a CLOX2 score of 12/15, both subtests.
represents the fifth percentile (2 SD below the The cognitive impairments we found in well
mean) for the young adult reference group (fig elderly subjects suggest relatively isolated ECF
2). Cases presenting in box A of fig 2 have impairment. Six (14%) elderly controls failed
scored above the fifth percentile for young only the CLOX1 subscale, 12 (27%) failed the
adult controls on both CLOX subscales. Cases EXIT25 at 10/50. By contrast, only one elderly
in box B are below the fifth percentile for their control (2.2%) failed the MMSE at 24/30. As
unprompted CLOX1 score, but not the copied Alzheimer’s disease aVects posterior cortical
condition (CLOX2). Those in box D would regions before invading the frontal cortex,35
have constructional>executive impairment. isolated ECF impairment is not likely to repre-
Cases in box C have significant impairment sent early Alzheimer’s disease. On the contrary,
relative to young adults on both CLOX many non-Alzheimer’s disease medical disor-
subscales. The regression line for the 45 ders, including subcortical stroke, depression,
patients with NINCDS probable Alzheimer’s polypharmacy, and hypothyroidism might be
disease enters this box from box A (fig 2). expected to aVect ECFmore than posterior
Cases presenting above this regression line cortical function.18 20 The CLOX may provide a
have more executive impairment than would be practical means to screen for these “reversible”
expected for an average Alzheimer’s disease dementias in community settings.
case at that CLOX2 score. Cases presenting However, independent of these diseases,
below this regression line would represent there are also reports of (1) isolated age associ-
greater constructional impairment than could ated decline in ECF testing,36 37 (2) dispropor-
be expected for patients with Alzheimer’s tionate frontal system atrophy on MRI,38 and
disease at similar CLOX1 scores. Figure 2 also (3) disproportionate frontal system hypome-
presents the CLOX scores for the 45 elderly tabolism by SPECT in healthy elderly controls
controls. It is immediately apparent that a sig- relative to young adults.39 These studies
nificant fraction of this group (n=6, 14%) is support the phenomenological overlap be-
presenting in box B (with relatively isolated tween well elderly subjects and those with iso-
executive impairment relative to both patients lated frontal system dementias.40 41 The CLOX
with Alzheimer’s disease and young adult con- may provide a means of detecting this condi-
trols. tion. In this study, only age, CLOX1, and
EXIT25 scores discriminated between our
Discussion young and elderly control groups.
In this study we have shown that a clock draw- The CLOX2 subtest, like traditional cogni-
ing task can be constructed that is both tive tests, implicitly targets posterior cortical
internally consistent and strongly associated deficits. Recent studies suggest that differences
with an executive test measure. We can confirm in right parietal metabolism discriminate
the impression of Huntzinger et al33 that clock Alzheimer’s disease subgroups with and with-
drawing would be useful to clinicians in busy out constructional impairment.32 42 43 CLOX2
outpatient practices. The CLOX is reliable, scores discriminate Alzheimer’s disease sub-
easy to administer, and well tolerated by elderly groups with and without gross constructional
patients. Because many elderly adults are impairment, even after adjusting for severity of
resistant or non-compliant with formal at- dementia, whereas the pattern of CLOX1/
tempts to document their cognitive perform- CLOX2 scores accurately classifies 91.9% of
ance, a clock drawing assessment could im- patients with Alzheimer’s disease on this basis.
prove testing compliance, especially in In this regard, our data are consistent with
outpatient, community, and residential settings those obtained by Sawada et al.44 They showed
where professional examiners are not available. qualitative diVerences among patients with
We found that CLOX1 and CLOX2 scores dementia for the pattern of SPECT perfusion
were strongly associated with both the EXIT25 deficits in the right parietal and frontal cortices.
and MMSE. These associations persisted after As we have noted, the patients with dementia
adjusting for age and education, although edu- diVered from elderly and young adult controls
cation’s range was limited by our sample in both indices. All patients with dementia
frame.34 Construct validity is suggested by the showed frontal cortical hypometabolism rela-
finding that the EXIT25 accounted for most of tive to controls, but subsets among them
the variance in CLOX1 scores, after adjusting diVered with in right parietal perfusion. The
for the MMSE, whereas the opposite was relation of the CLOX to cortical pathology/
found for CLOX2 scores. perfusion has yet to be determined.
Subject performance on CLOX subscales In summary, the CLOX is an internally con-
disclosed interesting information about both sistent measure that is easy to administer and
594 Royall, Cordes, Polk

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