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Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as concrete ingredient

Description Improvement of hardened concrete properties:

Blast furnace slag is a by product from the manufacture of iron The impacts GGBS addition on hardened concrete
in a blast furnace. The liquid iron blast furnace is lighter in performance are as follows:
weight than the main product which is iron in a molten state.
The blast furnace will naturally separate from the iron where it • Increased tensile and flexure strength
is collected and cooled with large amount of cold water. This • Enables production of high performance concrete
quenching process results in the transformation of liquid into • Enhanced resistance to chloride attack, sulphate
small sized particles having amorphous particles’ structure. attack, Acid attack and various other external chemical
Following an efficient drying process, the particles are ground attacks
to the desired fineness and the material gain a cementitious • Enhanced resistance to internal chemical attacks such
property. as Alkali silica reaction and alkali carbonate reaction
• Improved impermeability to liquids, gases and ions
• Improved bonding between concrete and steel
Mode of Action reinforcement
• Reduced risk of cracking due to thermal stresses
The glassy GGBS particles react with the calcium hydroxide,
produced from the hydration of Portland cement, and the
product of this reaction is calcium silicate hydrates similar to Typical Dosage
those produced by the hydration of Portland cement alone. The
presence of water is essential for the reaction to take place. The optimum dosage of GGBS to meet specific
This is what is referred to as pozzolanic reaction in the concrete requirements should be determined by trial mixes using the
literature. specific materials under field conditions. However, a dosage
between 50% to 90% by weigh of cementitious materials
Two major improvements in relation to concrete quality result would lead to significant improvement in concrete
from the use of GGBS as cement replacement: performance.

1. The pozzolanic reaction consumes most of the calcium Lower dosages are sometime used when GGBS is used in
hydroxide produced during Portland cement hydration combination with microsilica and Portland cement to
and at high GGBS replacement all calcium hydroxide produce very high strength concrete. The dual benefit of
is consumed. The impact of this phenomenon is that using GGBS and microsilica simultaneously results in
the quality of hardened cementitious matrix is significant further enhancement in concrete performance in
enhanced. relation to durability of reinforced concrete.

2. The pozzolanic reaction is a latent reaction and unlike

Portland cement immediate reaction with water, GGBS Standards Compliance.
starts to react upon release of calcium hydroxide. The
implication of the delay in GGBS reactivity is that the GGBS is composed of the same mineral oxides that
amount of heat released from the hydration process is constitute Portland cement; however, the oxides exist in
reduced and the timing of heat release is delayed. different proportions.
This is very important for mass concrete and high
strength concrete where the use of GGBS reduces the Standards governing the chemical composition and physical
possibility of thermal cracking in hardened concrete. properties of GGBS exist such as:
Improvement of fresh concrete properties • BS 6699
• ASTM C989
The impacts of GGBS addition on the behavior of fresh
concrete are as follows: Other standard governing the properties of factory’s pre-
blended Portland cement and slag in various proportions
also exists such as:
• Increased cohesion
• Reduced internal and external bleeding • BS 146
• Reduced risk of segregation • BS 4246
• Reduced washout for under water concrete • ASTM C 595
• Enables the production of self compacting concrete

EN ISO 9001:2000

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