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Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

Keells Online Shopping

Managing Brands Through
Market Penetration
Prepared for : Senior Management team
Prepared by : Marketing Manager
Date :24th November 2020

Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

Page No
Task 01……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7-11
1. A Organization background………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
1. A.1 Organization name- …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
1. A.2 Organization Information……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1. A.2.1 Size of Organization………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
1.A.2.2 Range of Product and Services ………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1. A.2.3 Customer base of Keells Super …………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1. A.2.4 Competitor analysis …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1. A.2.4.1 Initiates adopted by Competitors ………………………………………………………………………….. 8
1. A.3 Stakeholders………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
1. A.3 .1 Medlow matrix power/interest stakeholder…………………………………………………………… 8
1. A.4 Overview of the key customer segment ………………………………………………………………………… 8
1. A.5 Rational for theme –Market Penetration……………………………………………………………………… 8
1. B Evaluate how your chosen organizations brand position, attributes and personalization to 9
key customer segment could utilize digital techniques to improve the customer journey and
build effective touch points …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
1. B.1 Desired Market Position for keells website………………………………………………………………….. 9
1. B.2 Positioning Statement in supporting to the desired market position …………………………… 9
1.B.3 Understanding current customer journey and touch points with introduction of new 9-11
digital techniques provide personalization and shows expected customer journey & new touch
points …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
1.C Appraise the role of the elements that combine to form the organization’s brand strategy, 11
in terms of their ability to penetrate the market ………………………………………………………………….
1.C.2 Brand attributes to penetrate market via keells website……………………………………………. 11
Task 02……………………………………………………………………………………… 14-18
2.A Assess the effectiveness of the organization’s brands in adding value and equity, through 14
an assessment of the corporate brand identity and image…………………………………………………….
2.A.1 Effectiveness of corporate brand identity of keells super market to penetrate market via 14
keells website………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2.A.2 Assess the effectiveness of the organization’s brands in adding value and equity, to 14
penetrate market via keells website……………………………………………………………………………………….
2.B Develop a brand plan to deliver the brand strategy for the organization and support the 15
objective, including a discussion of how potential barriers to brand building could be
2.B.1 Deep drive business review in creating a brand plan ……………………………………………………. 15
2.B.2 Brand Audit of keells ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
2.B.2.1 Brand inventory ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
2.B.2.2 Utilizing Brand equity model (Keller 1993) in understanding Brand Explotaray ……… 15
2.B.3 Key issues to penetrate market via keells website ……………………………………………………… 16
2.B.4 Objectives of Keells super market website in order to penetrate the market ………………… 16
2.B.5 Presenting strategies in order to rectifying key issues to penetrate market via keells 16
website …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2.B.6 Branding strategy to penetrate market via keells website……………………………………………… 16
2.B.7 Pricing Strategy to penetrate market via keells website…………………………………………………. 17
2.B.8 Distribution strategy to penetrate market via keells website…………………………………………. 17
2.B.9 Communication and promotion strategy to penetrate market via keells website………….. 17
2.B.10 Brand tracking to penetrate market via keells website……………………………………………….. 17
2.B.11 Brand building barriers and how to overcome to penetrate market via website………… 18

Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

2.C Evaluate the robustness of data available to create the relevant insight to support the 18
brand plan, identifying data gaps and recommending how these could be filled……………………..
Task 03………………………………………………………………………………………… 22-27
3.A Recommendations and justification of the skills , Physical resources and culture needed to 21
deliver the organization brand plan ………………………………………………………………………………………
3.A.1 Human resource allocation ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21
3.A.2 Physical resources ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
3.A.3 Brand plan budget ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
3.A.4 Cultural change …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
3.B Develop an appropriate dashboard for measuring brand performance, by assessing which 23
online and offline metrics should contribute to the proposed dashboard…………………………………
3.B.1 Brand Performance ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
3.B.2 Importance of a dash board …………………………………………………………………………………………. 23-24
3.C Metrics and analytics suggestion that will help help brand plan revisions proposed……… 25
3.C.1 Competitor Intelligence ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
3.C.2 Key digital tools that can help the revisions ..……………………………………………………………… 25
3.C.3 Surveys and real time metrics ……………………………………………………………………………………… 25
3.C.4 Continuous Improvement Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………. 26
Reference ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27-28
Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28

Tables of tables Page No

Table 01 Product and service range ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Table 02 -Customer base-Internal report …………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Table-03 competitor analysis-Competitors annual report 2019……………………………………………… 7
Table-04 stake holders ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Table 05 Mendelow’s matrix ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Table 06 Key Customer Segment overview …………………………………………………………………………… 8
Table 07 internet social media ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Table 08 Customer Journey Map ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
Table 09 Brand finger print …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Table 10- Brand attribute………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Table 11-Corporate brand identity ………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Table 12 Brand value and equity …………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Table 13 Deep drive business review …………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Table 14 Brand Inventory………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Table 15 Brand exploratory …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Table 16 Key issues ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16
Table 17 Brand objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Table 18 Brand plan strategies ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Table 19 Distribution strategy ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17
Table 20 Communication Strategy ………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Table 21 Brand building barriers overcoming ………………………………………………………………………… 18
Table 22 Brand plan data………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18
Table 23 Human resource allocation……………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Table 24 Physical resources…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Table 25 Gantt chart……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Table 26 Competitor intelligence…………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
Table 27 Digital tools……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25

Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

Table 28 Surveys & real time metrics …………………………………………………………………………………… 25

Table 29 Continuous Improvement Plan ……………………………………………………………………………. 26

Tables of figures

Figure 1 Revenue…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Figure 2 Market share………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Figure 3 Online purchase of rival………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Figure 4 Positioning map……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Figure 5 Positioning statement…………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Figure 6 Branding strategy ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

Task 01

Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

• Focus : Keells Online shopping

• Methodology – : Brand strategy

• Word Count : 1284

• To – : Senior Management team

• From – : Marketing Manager

• Subject : Market Penetration

• Date – : 24th November 2020

Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

Task 01

1. A Organization background

1. A.1 Organization name- Keells

1. A.2 Organization Information- Keells Super Market is a trendsetter in modern organized retailing
which is a subsidiary of John Keells Group and controlled by Jay Kay Marketing Services (PVT)

1. A.2.1 Size of Organization- Keells Super Market has planted its retail outlets across the island in
ensuring modern retailing concept is witnessed by target Group Island wide. (Source Internal report)

• Number of outlets-120 • Number of outlets Under construction -4

• Labor force-2134 • Revenue of the organization
1.A.2.2 Range of Product and Services
In Milions
Products Description
Grocery Rice, Flour, Dhal, Sugar,Coffee etc
60 55750 Beverage /Liquor Fizzy drinks, Imported liquors etc
Chilled/Frozen Yogurts, Ice-creams, Meat etc
Vegetables Carrot ,Cabbage, Leeks ,Brinjal etc
20 Meat Chicken ,fish ,Sausages ,Beef etc

0 Table 1 Product and service range

2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1.A.2.3 Customer base of Keells Super
Figure 01 Revenue for past three years (annual report 2019) Market
1.A.2.4 Competitor analysis Customer base of 5.5 Million and counting

1.A.2.4 Competitor analysis Segmentation Classification

Market Share of Competitors Geographically Catering to customers island wide
Cargils Psychographic Middle& High class
Demographic Male ,female, all ages
Spar Behavioral Convenience, Quality Minded
1.A.2.4 Competitor
20 analysis
35 Glomark The customer base is stationed island wide &
Arpico understanding this the branch network is spread
15 island wide with highly populated areas having
7 8 analysis Laughfs
1.A.2.4 Competitor small, medium and large outlets .Table 02 -Customer
Figure 2-market share- base-Internal report
1. A.2.4.1 Initiates adopted by
1.A.2.4 Competitor analysis
Competitor Turn over inTarget Growth Online Location
billions Group rate purchasing 1. Spar-Allocation of bigger
Cargill’s 76.40 bn Mass 11% Yes Island parking slots
Market wide 2. Laughfs-24 hour service
Spar1.A.2.4 Competitor analysis
Affluent 4% No Urban
Market 3. Glomark-Loyalty cards
Glomark 20bn Affluent 3.5% No Urban 4. Arpico-Introduction of various
Arpico 38bn Middle and 4.3% No Island
imported Items to all category
Affluent wide 5. Cargill’s –Promotional activities
Laughs 21bn Mass market 3.6% No Island taken place on a weekly basis in
online mediums
Table-03 competitor analysis-Competitors annual report 2019

Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

1.A.3 Stakeholders 1. A.3 .1 Mendelow’s Matrix power/interest

Key Importance of respective
stakeholders stakeholders Minimal effort- Least Least power but must
LOW prominence of kept informed (Sales
Customers A bussiness is not a bussiness stakeholders (Low and person Graphic designers,
without valuable customers cause medium level Agencies)
they make bussiness sucessful employees) Internal Internal party
Employees Skillful employees guided with POWER party
professional training programs Keep satisfied Key Players-Vital segment
Shareholders Shareholders facilitate funding for Influence the decision with a good
,Board of organization. BOD responsible for less involvement communication mode
Directors corrective decision HIGH (Suppliers) External Customers External party,
Suppliers Due to supply availability& healthy Party BOD Internal Party
bonds stocks in outlets are stable Table-04
1.A.4 Overview of the key customer segment - stake holders Table 5 Mendlow matrix

Keells purely targets on mass affluent with segment A being primary market with mindset of High Quality &
convenience due to liquidity to buy high quality products & requires convenience due to busy life work routine
Bases of Quality and Convenience Family Feeder On the go customers Money Minded
Segmentation (Segment A ) (Segment B) (Segment C) (Segment D)
Region Urban, Sub urban Urban, Sub urban Urban, Sub urban Urban, Sub urban
Age group 30-60 25-65 20- 35 25-65
Income 75KR-200LKR 30LKR-90LKR 30LKR-80LKR 30LKR-50kLKR
Gender Male/Female Male/Female Male/Female Male/Female
Occupation Senior,Junior Manager Managerial Junior Executive Junior manger Executives
Usage level 1-4 weeks 1 -3 weeks 1-5 days Based on situation
Spending Lavish, Value for money Lavish, small Quantity Conscious on cost
Life style Social status, healthy Family oriented Single life Middle class life
Priorities High Quality, & High Basic quality Basic Quality, High High convenient low
Convenience Convenience, Convenience Quality
1.A.5 Rational for theme –Market Penetration
Table-6 Key Customer Segment overview

Keells super website is a completely featured shopping powered website .It’s an upcoming selling point
to end consumers for all essential items for daily consumptions and monthly shopping. Its an upcoming
purchasing point in online so market penetration is lesser . Keells currently holds the number two market
place and needs to rise the market share in
Keells Website
website purchasing to become the market
purchase Penetration
2018 leader in order to boost the image of the brand
Cargills website
2017 while increasing sales and profit. Below data
purchase penetration
2016 portraits the vital characteristics needed in
Figure -3 online
0 20 40 60 purchase of rival
having access to website which is internet &
awareness to be created about website via
social media which has risen which aids in penetrating market via keells website for online shopping.
Whereas market leader in website purchasing Cargill’s has penetrated only two fourth of internet
penetration as of 2020 whereas the remaining is untouched which indicates there is room for expansion.
Factors No.Of No .of users Internet penetration To gain more market share, market penetration
users increased & % as of 2020
focuses on selling your existing goods in your
Internet 10.10 399 thousand (4.1%) 77.1%
Users Million 2019/20 existing market .Market penetration therefore
Social 6.40 491 thousand (8.31) 50.62% Table 7 best strategy to deliver objective of creating growth
Media User Million 2019/20 internet social media
Source -

Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

1. B Evaluate how your chosen organizations brand position, attributes and personalization to key
customer segment could utilize digital techniques to improve the customer journey and build effective
touch points

1.B.1 Desired market position to penetrate market via keells website

Best Quality Model of brand positioning explains how to create
competitive advantages in the mind of consumers
in the industry (Keller, 2013).At present Keells is
positioned as best quality with less convenience in
order to aid its theme market penetration to its
existing customers and attract new customers with
Low High
the superior distribution channel in the digital
Convenience Convenience
space the desired positioning would be as shown in
the positioning map which is best quality with high
convenience. This creates unique place in
Good Quality Figure 4- customers mind as its catering to their priorities
Positioning map
with a convenient approach

1. B.2 Positioning statement in supporting to the desired market position which aids Market
penetration in keells website

A brand positioning statement outlines what your company does, to whom it does & what makes you
different. The idea behind this is to create a unique place in customers mind (Ethos Blog, 2019)

For those who are running a hectic life and less time to
do monthly and daily shopping

To aid the valuable customers to save time and do their

Keells Website is for
monthly and daily shopping via keells website

That Saves time for the customers and get all necessary items
with one click away

That’s because Customers prefer convenience and in a customer review

Customers are willing to move online purchase rather
offline due to convenience

Figure 5- Positioning statement

1.B.3 Understanding current customer website journey and touch points with introduction of new
digital techniques provide personalization and shows expected customer journey & new touch points

Overview of current consumer behavior literature and indicating that particular elements of consumer
behavior play important roles at different stages of consumer decision process priorities, schema,
information processing, memory, engagement, attitudes, affective processing, atmospherics, and
consumer attributions and choices.(Nancy .ET,AL 2009)

Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

Stage Awareness Consideration Decision Delivery & Use Loyalty & advocacy
Customer The created Surf to the Find & select Receive an order Repeat good customer
Goals website awareness website and look products effortlessly. Get experience. Share
must cater to into its feasibility easily, get help if problems feelings and give
customers hectic in purchasing inspired. Order arise and request feedbacks to people
life style and aid products served effortlessly for for refunds. Have
them efficiently by keells which the quality and
target group is right products
Current customer experience

looking at.
Touch 1.Word of mouth 1.Word of mouth 1.Website 1.Delivery service 1.Loyalty card number
points 2.Social media 2.Social media 2.Order 2.Packing and 2.Email
3.Traditional 3.Website confirmation service 3.Text message
media 4.Social media email 3.Email 4.Word of mouth
review 3.Shopping 4.Items 5.Socail media review
Customer 1.Not convinced 1.Website 1.Previous 1.Is customer 1.Will there be a
thoughts with given containing purchase cart service assistance downfall in the service
and (Paint information from message error not available available at any provided with the
Points) communication due to technical to purchase given point increase number of users
mediums failure at times effortlessly 2.Ordering in the existing market
2.Missunderstand 2.Does the 2.Not easy to effortlessly is it 2. By recommending
proposed value consumer have find and select worth with the people will they to get
addition expecting to provide many products delivery time same level of services
way more better information to 3. Assured quality
than real services log into the level maintained

Digital 1.Programtic 1.Carrying out 1.Analysing 1.Iniate chat bots 1.Posting of videos of
Technique advertising to website updates previous and hotline recent customers who
consumers with a in giving the best purchase number & email had purchased from
well detailed plan convenience presenting it to id of organization website in social media
about how things 2.Social customers in getting things 2.Having survey and
work out by media stories & when they rectified feedbacks in website
targeting ads in what come next 2.Tracking how to improve services
consumers information’s time options in the to new customers and
geographically required to log 2.Dedicated website to know existing customers
2.Producing a into website category range accurate delivery
video blog on what with a search time
really will keells be bar option 3.Publishing
offering social media
review about
product quality in
New Touch 1.Attractive 1.Homepage- 1.Previous 1.Maps 1.Experience of recent
points content, Certified logo by purchase cart 2.Automated customers
Company logo keells 2. Various chat bots 2.Feddback and survey
2.Video blog- 2.Social media category range 3.Socail media forms
New Customer experience

featuring ads, stories & search bars review

celebrities, notice,
website features

10 | P a g e
Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

New 1.Gaining details 1.Customers have 1. Customer 1.Mechanism in 1.Creates a customer

Customer in satisfying the freedom to gain the getting problems satisfaction level before
Experience manner surf the website personalization solved personally purchasing
With 2.Without any without errors by gaining their 2.Not to be 2.Experiencing new
Personaliz misconceptions and purchase previous worried with improved service
ation 2.Proper purchases. delay of delivery proposed by customers
knowledge in 2.Search as enables real
required details products with time tracking of
to log into respective where the
website category products are
Table 8-Customer Journey Map

1.C Appraise the role of the elements that combine to form the organization’s brand strategy, in terms
of their ability to penetrate the market

1.C.1 Brand fingerprint by Vyse to penetrate market via keells website

Identifying brand inevitably requires understanding customers, who has primary relationships with it,
after all. But any market information is worthless unless it is in a form that can be read & understood by
anyone involved in the process of brand creation. (Vyse, ,1999)

Elements Evaluation
Promise Keells promises satisfying and world class shopping experience with quality products and catering to customers
needful with convenience via website which customers are willing to experience and we are here to serve.
Perception Currently customers see Keells as high quality product with convenience in outlets only .As a reason to have
convenience at all times to the target group online store via the website has been initiated.
Values Carry out the business ethically, being CSR concerned and give something back to the society, responsible
leadership, being ecofriendly with regards to operation process which creates an impression to travel with the
Trust Trust is the reliability consumers have about the brand .Customers seek for high quality and reliable products,
with more convenience and they show high interest when product from this range are being presented which
enables market penetration effectively
Target Target audiences are the group of people who seek for best quality & convenience at all times in mass affluent.
Who barley has time to spare on shopping physically with hectic daily schedules
Insight Something that saves time and convenient while shopping rather stepping into physical outlets ,
Competition Direct competition with physical outlets and online purchasing which are intense but Keells brings in new
initiatives in trying to compete strong and hard with competitors
Benefits Emotionally benefits customer with giving experience of its online store which is attractive ,charming
ambient & well organized mechanisms
Proposition Due to its best quality aspect which its renowned for customer which ensures what they get will be of same
standard even in the website purchasing
Reason Due to its innovative initiatives established at all instance in giving worthwhile experience customers tend to
believe more on the brand
Essences The green background installed in each and every aspect of keells projects which enables consumers identify
brand without an introduction
Properties Green background in the logo and keells cloth bags to banners which recalls the brand at any given point
1.C.2 Brand attributes to penetrate market via keells website Table 9-Brand finger print

Core principles that describe overall existence of business and reflect the meaning of brand are brand
attributes (Hitesh ,2019)

Hard Attributes Soft Attributes

Name –Similar to the synonym for the word super market Uniqueness -Great shopping experience for customers
Value mantra -High quality Credibility -Standardized and customer centric service
Logo resembles -Represent high quality with an ecofriendly Sustainability-Plastic recycling & usage of cloth bags instead of
approach plastic bag
Sign-White wording in green background easily identified Appeal -Pleasing ambient triggers purchasing
Table 30- Brand attributes

11 | P a g e
Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

Task 02
Brand Management

12 | P a g e
Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

• Focus : Keells Online shopping

• Methodology – : Brand Management

• Word Count : 2078

• To – : Senior Management team

• From – : Marketing Manger

• Subject : Market Penetration

13 | P a g e
Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

2.A Assess the effectiveness of the organization’s brands in adding value and equity, through an
assessment of the corporate brand identity and image.

2.A.1 Effectiveness of corporate brand identity of keells super market to penetrate market via keells

Depicted model of effectiveness of corporate brand identity is known as Stadlers model illustrates
corporate identity is physical expression of organizations personality .

Identity Critical Assessment Rate How market penetration will help the
Factors identity
Behavior High quality products in a clean and attractive 55% Not only unique shopping experience in
environment with educated and trained staff outlets but in website too. Being more
across all outlets. Being customer centric and customers centric and providing convenience.
no barriers to customers at any instance by Increase the high quality product assurance in
providing world class shopping experience website too increases satisfaction level
Communication Internal –Values of the brand is 25% Internal-Reflects on how well customer are
communicated to staffs aligned to company trained to be customer centric and
organization standard via emails to notice professional which benefits in market
boards penetration
External-Communicate to customers via External-Decreases customer dissatisfaction
digital and traditional ways equally. By using rate and low level inquiry via email , chat bots
the iconic name keells and the green color and calls
background and its CSR activities
Symbolism Unique design of outlet layouts and green 20% Digital techniques to improve via website
color theme in remembering Keells always with brand enhancing identity
Table 11-Corporate brand identity

2.A.2 Assess the effectiveness of the organization’s brands in adding value and equity, to penetrate
market via keells website

(Aakers,1991) brand equity model is a combination of brand recognition, brand loyalty and connection
which eventually combined to show value of product & service given by keells (Hitesh ,2019)

Brand Loyalty Due to Brand awareness Perceived Quality Brand association Other brand proprietary
world class shopping Considerably well due Customers seek for Standardized and asset Importing global
experience with to its performance for high quality and customer centric brands
quality products and the past years reliable products so service
convenience keells is ready to serve

Attracting new Familiarity-Gaining Reason to buy- Barriers to competitors – Competitive

customers- awareness Island Consumers is compelled Competitors compete in advantage-
With its high quality wide due to its offline to buy as its perceives the same positioning Trade partners
goods in aiding customer and online intense high quality with attributes but are unable Globally in importing
loyalty& customer centric campaigns and affordable pricing and to cater the target group international products
service responding to advertisement with freshness due to keells has an in catering target
competitor threat via Brand to be pertaining to all organized approach which group which they like
disruptive technology considered- products & proving it enables customers to associating with
and retaining and acquire Of high quality consistently associate with brand global brands
customers product which many are unaware

Table 12-Brand
Brand equity value and equity

Provide value to customers by enhancing customer Provides value to firm by enhancing

1.Confidence in purchase decision 1.Efficiency of marketing programme
2.Use Satisfaction 2.Brand Loyalty
3.Interpretation 3.Competitive advantage

14 | P a g e 1. Efficiency of marketing programme

Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

2.B Develop a brand plan to deliver the brand strategy for the organization and support the objective,
including a discussion of how potential barriers to brand building could be overcome.

A deep down business review should be undertaken in the brand planning process in ensuring the plan
addresses vital issues organization possess the knowledge to make informed decision about the brand

2.B.1 Deep drive business review in creating a brand plan to penetrate market via keells website

Dig into five relevant parts to draw conclusions to help set up core issues of your company, which you
discuss in brand strategy, marketplace, clients, platforms, rivals and the brand. (Robertson,2010)
Category Consumer Channel Competitors Brand

As target group New customers and Understanding target Keells super market is Growth has come
priorities are existing customers are groups has less time to having an opportunity in from its high quality
changing while being attracted towards be spent in outlets due dominating target group products. But the
shopping online the business due to its to work life , taking of competitor with high new position of high
they expect more high quality product and this into consideration convenience and best convenience will
convenience in convenience, But establishment of quality. Competitor connect deeper and
website purchases conversion to loyalty is online purchase via enhancing convenience fuel demand which
ensuring no shrinks not constant due to website due to via online at current by eventually leads to
in the target group consumers shifting is a accessibility to devices understanding the rise in market penetration.
as best experience question mark as if they and internet in internet and device Which is a strength
being provided via see better convenience creating more demand usages but
website in shopping they would switch which and penetrates unpredictable when
is an opportunity is a threat market. Error in competitor would
website due to capitalize on it with
technical and software unique value proposition
errors is a weakness which is a threat
2.B.2Brand Audit of keells super market to penetrate market via keells website Table 13 Deep drive business review

Brand audit consist of two vital elements which brand inventory and brand exploratory. Brand inventory
gives an up-to-date itinerary of how business have branded themselves while exploratory brand is an
examination performed to know what consumers feel about the brand (Grover & Vriens 2006, p. 98)

2.B.2.1 Brand inventory to penetrate market via keells website

Offline Discussion
Logo Logo which gives a rich look which enables customers that it provides high quality products
Packaging After purchase products been packed into keells cloth bags
Mission Statement Satisfy people with nutritious quality products ethically
Online Discussion
Website Online purchase via its website which enables convenience and purchase effortlessly
Facebook Frequent updates on its new offerings Table 14 Brand Inventory
2.B.2.2 Utilizing Brand equity model (Keller, 1993) in understanding brand exploratory to penetrate
market via keells website

Level Position Application

Who are 1.Salience 1.Best and warmth in service in comparison to rivals in online purchasing
you?(Identity) 2.Associated with the word best quality well recognized as a supermarket in Srilanka
What are 1.Performance 1.High quality products, Differentiation strategy
you?(meaning) 2..Imagery 2.Creative store concept ,Consumer friendly
What About 1.Judgment 1.Unique name ,Recognizable logo
you?(Response) 2.Feelings 2.Customer centric
What about you and 1.Resonance 1.Subsidary of Srilankas largest conglomerate
me? (Relationship)
Table 15 Brand exploratory

15 | P a g e
Managing Brands December 2020 CIM MEMEBERSHIP NUMBER-40069010

2.B.3 Key issues to penetrate market via keells website

Below section depicts issues faced by brand from business review and barrier for market penetration

Consumer Channel Competitors

As the key customer segment With convenience being utmost concern to If competitor puts up initiatives in
priority is high level convenience target group and they experience technical capitalizing well on the online purchase
while shopping in keells website failures in website while trying to purchase platform with better value proposition
via online if they see any due to technical and software errors they than keells which allows consumers
convenience better elsewhere would prefer looking alternatives rather leave the brand and join competitors
switching brands is definite so that being stagnated with issues which allows which denies market penetration
penetrating the market want be competitors acquire consumers of keells and
efficient disables to penetrate market via online Table 16 Key issues
2.B.4 Objectives of Keells super market website in order to penetrate the market
Brand objectives are brand goals that involve both end goals such as sales and measures towards end
goals such as the market image of the brand and the following elements.(John ,2017).Objectives are
being constructed under SMART criteria Table 17 Brand objectives

Awareness Increase keells super website convenience level awareness in its existing market from its
current rate 35% to 50% by the 4th quarter of 2023
Sales Increase keells super website sales in its existing market and new customers by 21% from its
current level 26 % by end of 4th quarter 2021
Social media engagement Increase Social media engagement from its current level 35% to 65% by end of 4th quarter 2023
Website Bounce rate Website Bounce rate of keells stands at 15% reduce it by 6% by end of 4th quarter 2023
Increased Qualified traffic Increasing qualified traffic into website of 30,000 new customers by end of 4th quarter 2023
2.B.5 Presenting strategies in order to rectifying key issues to penetrate market via keells website

Status quo has a rapidly changing market dynamics changing perceptions of consumers and new
innovations that disrupt the way we do business so it’s vital in adopting disruptive innovation in
proposing strategies in catering to keells website key issues

Consumers Usage of disruptive technology in website consistently in proving the positioning attribute convenience by
analyzing consumers monthly and daily purchasing when they come back for another purchase ,show their
previous purchase so that they can purchase effortlessly
Channel High investment in aligning website with customers with use of ICT tools like Updating software ,Run
crash test, Get a CDN ,Re-evaluate the server in ensuring smooth working of website
Competitors Upgrading website with unique elements like, chat bot delivery tracking option and hotline number in
gaining assistance at any given time which would outplay competitors and be a customer centric approach
Table 18 Brand plan strategies
2.B.6 Branding strategy to penetrate market via keells website
Eventually branding decision to penetrate market require brand creation and brand creation has four
aspects multi branding ,new brands ,brand extension ,line Extension (Maximilian , 2015).
By using the brand name of existing product to launch a new, slightly different item in the same product
category, as a branding strategy keells can utilize brand line extension. With new flavors different
packaging sizes, nutritional content or items containing special additives are included in this concept..
Benefits of using line extension in penetrating market Product Category
Existing New
• Gain more prospective customers Existing Line Brand
• More choices to customer to choose Extension Extension

New Multi New

• Greater marketing efficiency
Branding Brands
Figure 06 Branding strategy

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2.B.7 Pricing Strategy to penetrate market via keells website

Pricing objective regarding to the offerings would be price to convey quality with least cost in order to
penetrate the market with the usage of value based pricing strategy

• Product line pricing –Setting Price steps between products in a product line based on the quality
level by squeezing the margins of suppliers and provide the best quality products with
affordable pricing with convenience in penetrating the market

2.B.8 Distribution strategy to penetrate market via keells website

As of now keells super market is dealing only with delivery systems purchasing via website ,feasible
distribution strategy proposed in enabling more convenience

Factors Objective Justification

Branch Work with all outlets to order online and As target group has less time with busy schedules they could purchase
Network pickup in outlets irrespective of them from any point there in and select the closest outlet when they go
being in urban or suburban, As outlets back home
are being expanded across island
Delivery Delivery done by in house employees and Key segment orders online and get it delivered as they have no time to
third party should assure items received spare in getting into outlets to do physical shopping so the delivery
on time stated in website has to be done promptly in assuring convenience to customers
Table 19 Distribution strategy

2.B.9 Communication and promotion strategy to penetrate market via keells website

A simple and unified message intended for a well-defined audience is expressed in most effective way
(Duralai ,2018.p.93).Promotions allows you to draw attention to your aim in penetrating the market in
generating interest on your goods and services ,generate requirements and persuade to buy from you.
(Carlos Trillo ,2020)

Communication Strategy Discussion

1.Communicating 1.Understanding the consumer engagement in various communication tools online and offline
consumers and ,very reason key customer engage in offline tools like T.V is to keep them updated on programs like
promotion strategies news and lifestyle programs so these segments should be sponsored in showcasing keells website
capabilities and radio is being listen by many consumer while commuting to work so radio
segments could be sponsored(Refer Appendix one ).Online mediums are vital in communicating to
key segment as they are game changers in digital world social media ads ,videos which consumers
interact on a daily basis which they accustomed to like Facebook and Instagram . Via social media
ads targeting competitor’s consumers on showing the better convenience Promotion carried out
on offers partnering with banks in increasing usage rate .Coupon programs target at non users
with a rate of 250 LKR in converting them to potential customers.
1.Team Briefings (Staff 1.Outlet mangers briefing staffs on proposed strategies and how customers satisfaction is achieved
level ) and impact on the brand ,how well it can penetrate its target group
2.Internal emails 2.Mangers are briefed via videos on how the proposed strategies in website will be working
Table 40 Communication Strategy

2.B.10 Brand tracking to penetrate market via keells website

Insights gained from brand tracking will be showcasing effectiveness of branding strategy implemented
in penetrating market with better convenience via keells website in knowing consumers are being
satisfied & visit to keells website page due to its smooth functioning,

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2.B.11 Brand building barriers and how to overcome to penetrate market via website

Possible to amplify bad online reviews by tweets & articles although some maybe positive when attacks
are vicious they have to be minimized (Rob ,2017)

Barriers Overcome
Website does not convert –Websites gain the required Introduction of new digital techniques in ensuring the purchase
traffic but does not turn visitors to sales .Keeping in mind being done via website with email marketing, social media ads
in cyberspace its always looked upon on convenience ,& re-marketing
Organizational Barriers –As there is a generational division Solution here is to integrate the marketing plan that may give an
in organization as some require traditional print approach efficient out put
some require digital marketing
Lack of coordination- If the marketing team is too big social Integrate it to proper dashboard and load it and organization
media team has no connection with offline communication can see how the online and offline communication work
mediums that ends in a break down in the system together and ROI . Table 21 Brand building barriers overcoming
2.C Evaluate the robustness of data available to create the relevant insight to support the brand plan,
identifying data gaps and recommending how these could be filled.

Data is secured to mitigate the risks of harm and consumer privacy policy, but appropriate authorities
may require access to available data obtained and processed by Keells to be used for the brand
strategy.Data from various sources such as focus groups, polls, website data, sales data and social media
should be collected and analyzed through a holistic customer insight strategy (Melissa ,2018)

Available data Robustness Insight derived How insight help Gaps in data Recommendation to
type and source L/M/H brand plan overcome gaps
Category High Technology trends, To determine which Barriers in Closely examine data
performance This are Economic trends, technology trend gaining full trend and assume
Nielsen quarterly organization Population trends would best suite in data due
report renowned for (working category ) increasing rules and
giving consumer & Business convenience level regulations
data in aiding condition more in status quo
objectives in
CRM Sales High Data that cannot Customer data will Data may be To manage database
Customer profiles be bought from allow the plan to obsolete or well assign a CRM
are protected market be tailored to make consumers executive to update
internally it successful not willing it
to disclose
Social media High –Always View and feeling Giving more Certain Connecting with
reports connected with about the brand importance to most profiles are them via emails with
customers with can be observed & interacted social private attractive contents
high engagement understanding media platform and which is
which social media look for ways in hassle in
has the best output improving the lower analyzing
engagement those users
Customer real High Collected Customers conduct Predict customers Predictions Assigning marketing
time behavior from consumers at towards the brand actions .Decisions vary from team member for
the exact moment powered by data consumer to inspections
Shopper insight High - Customers What level of Expected Each Looking at majority
real view and convenience are convenience level customers customers
thoughts gained by they looking for is of consumers how convenience convenience
interacting it being fulfilled could it be merged level would requirement and
personally to the brand plan vary going along with it

Table 22 Brand plan data

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Task 03
Brand Metrics

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• Focus : Keells Online shopping

• Methodology – : Brand Metrics

• Word Count : 1493

• To – : Senior Management team

• From – : Marketing Manager

• Subject : Market Penetration

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3.A Recommendations and justification of the skills , physical resources and culture needed to deliver
the organization brand plan

Branding means much more than giving a brand name & depicting the external world that a product or
service is being stamped with a mark and imprint of an organization .It requires long term corporate
engagement and high level of resources and skills (Kapferer, 2008)

3.A.1 Human resource allocation to penetrate market via website

Employees directly or indirectly involved in fulfilling organization brand promise, they represent an
important internal target group for brand management effort

Skill type Role Description of activity Availability

Manager Brand manager Adapting the strategy to target market Yes
Communication Communication Monitoring internal and external communication process Yes
Graphic Graphic Prepare materials used for online promotions Yes
designing designer
Analytics Social media Running the campaigns in respective mediums Yes
IT Assistance IT Manager In control of finding website bugs Yes
Call center Call center Assisting consumer in how to get things rectified if any hindrance caused No
agent while purchasing or delivered
Developer Website Using programming language & growth skills for testing & development Yes
developer of keells website and input the unique element proposed in website
3.A.2 Physical resources to penetrate market via website Table 23 Human resource allocation
Physical resources stated below are vital in implementing the proposed strategies

Types of resources Requirement Level of importance L/M/H Availability

Delivery As purchases are done via website in order to receive
goods to door step of consumers and ensuring the correct High Available
purchases given to respective customers with care.
Software’s/ Serves Software’s in ensuring the website has a smooth run. In
tracking the order and understanding will the product be High Available
delivered in said time
Branch Network Branch network being expanded across country its vital in
ordering online and picking up the goods from respective High Available
outlets in creating convenience
3.A.3 Brand plan budget to penetrate market via website Table 24 Physical resources
The budget method used by keels is share of market based on current and desired share of market &
linking to its, key issues and marketing mix strategies the budgeting is proposed
2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 Total (In Millions)
Website Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Website development 3.0 3.0 million
Website updates 4.5 4.5 million
Call center 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0
Delivery (3rd party) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.2 million
T.V 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 24million
Radio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 12 million
Facebook, Instagram 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 6 million
Coupon programs 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6 million
Table 25 Gantt chart

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3.A.4 Cultural change

Creating a different organizational culture that is not a copycat of the culture of another business is
what enables great companies to deliver phenomenal results .Leader recognize that a strong
differentiated culture of the business leads to strong differentiated brands and that an outstanding
brand will foster an exemplary culture and promote it .When you think and work and work internally in
a specific ways you will create the unique identity and picture you want externally (Yohn ,2017)

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3.B Develop an appropriate dashboard for measuring brand performance, by assessing which online
and offline metrics should contribute to the proposed dashboard.

3.B.1 Brand Performance to penetrate market via website

Three popular brand metrics are behavior metrics what employees internally do to advance a brand
.Perception metrics the way brand is viewed by consumers (refer 2.A.1) .Financial metrics are financial
and other indicators of business which propel an organization forward (Michael, 2008)

3.B.2 Importance of a dash board to penetrate market via website

When designed efficiently, dashboards are supposed to minimize the overload of information and
enhancing success management. Therefore recently interest in dashboards has increased, that is also
evident from the proliferation in the industry of dash board solution providers. Dash boards draw from
different areas finally use visualization to communicate important information to stake holders

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3.C Metrics and analytics suggestion that will help brand plan revision proposed

In attaining the objective for growth the effectiveness of listed brand plan in TASK 2B would need to be
updated by the benchmarking insights gained from dashboard 3B.Mertics and analytics will aid to
measure the effectiveness of brand plan and necessary steps and changes taken can be implied to brand
plan in the coming future

3.C.1 Competitor Intelligence to penetrate market via website

Competitive intelligence is the mechanism by which information from and about the internal and
external or competitive environment is gathered processed and analyzed to assist decision makers in
decision making and provide organization with competitive advantage (Hamid, 2018)

Mechanism Important Insights Effectiveness

Visualping Visualping helps the organization to set up highly targeted alerts for modification 80%
on the website of competitors .By getting to know the move of competitors real
time decision should be taken in implementing the modification of competitors in
keells website too so that customer journey is effective and has personalization
Similar Web Analyze efficiency of organization website against competitors ,So that develop a 75%
strategy to optimize it
Moat Comparing keells digital advertisement versus competitors, tracking promotions and 75%
benchmarking designs .Insight derived here is how well could digital advertising be
enhanced to meet competitors level and gain ideas for promotion and when to run
them based on your competitors activity
SEMrush Is a market intelligence and a strategic research tool that offer desktop and mobile 70%
Traffic traffic estimation to competitors website so that it could compare and contrast to Table 26 Competitor
improve customer journey via website intelligence
3.C.2 Key digital tools that can help the revisions to penetrate market via website

Evaluating innovations helps an organization to push boundaries & penetrate market effectively

Tool Aiding the brand plan

Google Google analytics is an application provided by Google for web analytics to help the organization to analyze
analytics the traffic on website .In understanding expected number being achieved in web traffic by benchmarking
internal reports if not required revisions to be made
Sales force Collect customer information via CRM systems in gaining depth knowledge of consumers to enhance
customer website journey and increase satisfaction level
Social media Thoroughly evaluating analytics and metrics number concluding weather proposed strategy are feasible
Analysis with proposed element established in website of keells .If the anticipated number are not reached
adjustments required in digital marketing aspect of the brand plan
3.C.3 Surveys and real time metrics to penetrate market via website Table 27 Digital tools

Metrics Insight Assistance to brand plan

Convenience How well are Customer feedbacks are gathered and evaluated to understand customer
satisfaction customers satisfied perception about the brand convenience via website as the proposed strategies
survey with proposed strategy show increased convenience
in catering to their
Number of Call queue volume Using the human skill in house and rectifying the error while purchasing in
calls received exceeding a day’s website faced by majority customers. Which allows experiencing the proposed
quota with majority strategies delightfully
customers having same
issue while purchasing
in website
Tracking Understanding the As consumer require goods to be delivered within stated time but with traffic
delivery frequent traffic routes congestion its unable at times but providing alternate routes while delivering
which omits traffic and aids brand plan
Table 28 Surveys & real time metrics

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3.C.4 Continuous Improvement Plan to penetrate market via website

Kaizen central philosophy is simple, you can make things better or do things better even though its
appears to perform well at a specific moment (Blaz, 2020)

Employee Get employees involved conduct monthly meetings with employees across all departments assigned with
Involvement various activities stated in Gantt chart

Find issues From above listed tools in identifying problems

Creative Encourage employees to put forward creative ideas .Consider all ideas and pick the most comprehensive
ideas ones
Test solution Do a trial solution
Analyze Rise frequency and track the quality of strategy revision utilize metrics and KPI to analyze results
Standardize Check the results & establish the plan if results are feasible
Repeat Seven step process should be constantly repeated in curtailing issues with new ideas for continuous

29 Continuous improvement plans

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Reference list

Bhasin, H., 2019. What Are Brand Attributes? What Is The Importance Of Brand Attributes?. [online]
Marketing91. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 September

Bhasin, H., 2020. Aaker Brand Equity Model - The Brand Equity Model Proposed By Aaker. [online]
Marketing91. Available at: <> [Accessed 15
September 2020].

Blog, E., 2019. How To Write A Brand Positioning Statement | Ethos Marketing. [online] Ethos Marketing.
Available at: <>
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analyze-and-use-consumer-insights-from-social-media> [Accessed 23 October 2020].

Claessens, M., 2015. Branding Decisions - 4 Brand Strategy Decisions. [online] Marketing-Insider.
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Evinex Digital Marketing Agency. 2020. Promotion Strategy: How To Promote Your Business [2020].
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Francis, T., 2020. The Role Of Competitive Intelligence And Its Sub-Types On Achieving Market
Performance. [online] Taylor & Francis. Available at:
<> [Accessed 22 October 2020].

Kapferer, J., 2008. Strategic Brand Management. 4th ed. London: Kogan Page [for] Les Éditions

Keller, K. and Swaminathan, V., 2013. Strategic Brand Management. 4th ed. Published by Pearson

Kos, B., 2020. Kaizen Method And Philosophy - Why Is Constant Improvement The Winning Strategy |
Spica International. [online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 15 November 2020].

Kotler, P., Keller, K., Brady, M., Goodman, M. and Hansen, T., 2016. Marketing Management. 7th ed. 2020. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 23 October 2020].

Milion, M., 2020. Brand Metrics To Measure Business Performance. [online] Available
at: <> [Accessed
19 October 2020].

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<> [Accessed 18 August 2020].

Roberston, G., 2020. How To Lead A Deep-Dive Business Review On Your Brand. [online] Beloved
Brands. Available at: <> [Accessed 06
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Spacey, J., 2017. 9 Types Of Brand Objectives. [online] Simplicable. Available at:
<> [Accessed 16 September 2020].

Yohn, D., 2020. Why Your Company Culture Should Match Your Brand. [online] Harvard Business
Review. Available at: <>
[Accessed 22 October 2020].

Appendix 1

Tool Media External communication detail details

Advertising Offline Reach - 60% Frequency - +3
T.V Sponsored segment- life style programs

Online Placement of new convenience level features teasers in all social media
Social media platforms. Ads
Display ads Placed in online community trending life style pages platform for existing and
new customer engagement
Direct & Digital Offline Placement of leaflets in retail outlets catalogues distributed to houses by
Leaflets assigned individuals of 1000 leaflets a day to be distributed showing how the
convenience level has enhanced in website in catalogues
Sales promotions online Promotions during month end as it’s the time huge crowds go for shopping So
Coupons promoting with coupon promotions for both users and non-users
In the last week of the month

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