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The topic is Community Language Learning, where it revolves around learners and teachers
interaction in class, helping them to appreciate their subject even more via expressing themselves
freely through their first language.


Community language learning (CLL) was primarily designed for monolingual conversation
classes where the teacher-counsellor would be able to speak the learners’ L1.


The intention was that it would integrate translation so that the students would disassociate language
learning with risk taking. It’s method that is based on English for communication and is extremely
learner focused.

How it function the study hall

Stage 1-Reflection
Stage 2-Recorded discussion
Stage 3-Conversation
Stage 4-Record
Stage 5- Language examination
Length of stages
For and against CLL
Working with monolingual or multilingual classes
Working with huge classes

The timing will rely completely upon the class, how rapidly they answer CLL, how long you or they
choose to spend on the language investigation stage and how lengthy their recorded discussion is.
Be cautious anyway that the discussion isn’t excessively lengthy as this will thus make the record
extremely lengthy.



Students value the independence CLL offers them and blossonb with dissecting their own
discussions. CLL functions admirably with lower levels who are battling to deliver communicated in
English. The frequently turns into a genuine local area, while involving CLL as well as constantly.
Understudies become considerably more mindful of their companions, their assets and shortcomings
and need to fill in collectively.


At the outset a few students find it challenging to talk on tape while others could find that the
discussion needs suddenness. We as educators can find it abnormal to give our understudies such a
lot of opportunity and will generally intercede excessively. In your endeavors to allow your
understudiesto become free students you can disregard their requirements for directions.

Working with monolingual or multilingual classes

People have utilized CLL with both monolingual and multilingual classes and found that it functions
admirably with both. With the multilingual low-level classes I, as the educator guide, reformulated
their English similarly you could do with more significant levels. Nonetheless, the initial not many
endeavors at CLL work better with a monolingual class as the guidelines can be given in L1. The
students should comprehend their and your new jobs in the language growing experience.

Working with huge classes

For the primarily illustration it’s vital to record the discussion in general class despite the fact that this
can restrict understudy talking time. It’s more pragmatic as far as giving directions before you start
and for moving starting with one understudy then onto the next when they need to say. The following
time you use CLL nonetheless, you could part the class into two gatherings. This given them
seriously talking time.

Ensure the gatherings are far enough away from one another for the recording stage however
not up to this point that you can’t move openly starting with one gathering then onto the next. A
further option is that they trade tapes for the record stage. The language is clearly less customized
yet their listening abilities are being tested another way they actually feel part of an entire class local
In spite of the fact that CLL is principally implied ‘all in all’ way to deal with showing I have found it
similarly helpful for a periodic example, particularly with teens. It empowers me to pull together on
the students while my understudies promptly respond emphatically well to peer-adjustment and by
cooperating they conquer their apprehension about talking. I have likewise found calmer understudies
ready to offer redresses to their friends and happily add to the recording phase of the example. It’s a
showing strategy which envelops every one of the four abilities while at the same time uncovering
student’s styles which are pretty much scientific in their way to deal with language learning. All of
which raises our mindfulness as an instructor and that of our understudies.

Although CLL is primarily meant as a ‘whole’ approach to teaching I have found it equally useful for
an occasional lesson, especially with teenagers. It enables me to refocus on the learner while my
students immediately react positively to working in a community. The take exceptionally well to peer-
correction and by working together they overcome their fear of speaking. I have also found quitter
students able to offer corrections to the recording stage of the lesson. It’s a teaching method which
encompasses all four skills while simultaneously revealing learners’ styles which are more or less
analytical in their approach to language learning. All of which raises our awareness as a teacher and
that of our students.

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