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SAP System


The system log message texts are maintained with Transaction SE92
The messages have a key, which consists of 3 characters, beginning
with an upper case letter A-Z. Position 2 and 3 can be an upper case
letter A-Z, or a digit. The first two define the transport object,
which can contain up to 36 messages.
The messages can contain place holders, which can then be replaced by
appropriate values in the system log entry. There are several kinds of
place holders, whereat the first two are recommended to be used:
#&A#, #&1# and #$# are distinct kinds of place holders. These kinds
must not be mixed within a single message. On the other hand #&a# may
be used in combination with #&A# and also with #&1#.

An ampersand with an uppercase letter (A,B,..., P) is replaced by the
ith word of the variable area. The variable area must be divided into
words with ampersands.

An ampersand with a lowercase letter (a,b,..., j) is replaced by the
ith parameter written in the system log with special temporary

&> - Modifier
All ampersand place holders can be modified in the following way:
inserting '>' and a destination letter indicates that the value to be
replaced there has a particular meaning.

Place holders which contain an 'errno' are identified with an '>E'.
The subsequent analysis can look for additional documentation to such
an error number. Example from a message:
Could not write file (errno=&>E4)

(not recommended) &>M...

Place holders which receive an SAP message number (message, T100
message) are identified with '>M'. The subsequent evaluation can make
the associated T100 documentation available. Example in a message:
Cancel Transaction &>M5
This format is not recommended, because it only works for old
(2-character) message classes. The parameter consists of 5 characters
(2 for the message class and 3 for the message number).

SAP System

(not recommended) &1

An ampersand ('&') with a number is replaced by that number of
characters from the variable area, consuming from the left to right.
This format must be used, if the writer of the syslog entry used a
structure for the variable data, where the fields have fixed lengths
and no separators.
This format is not recommended for two reasons:
In a message like #Language &2 (internal format &1) used for client
&3# translators assume the digits to be parameter numbers, which
might result in a wrong order of parameters, when the target language
has a different grammar.
As the length indicator is a single digit, you need to combine several
ampersands for more than 9 characters ('&9&92. instead of 20').

(obsolete) $$$
A sequence of dollar signs is replaced by that number of characters
from the variable area, working from the left. The dollar method
cannot be mixed with '&'!
Since this format offers not additional features to the &1 format, it
is declared obsolete.


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