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Reading and Writing


1.Command of Evidence - Textual

➔ Scientific Evidence
◆ São apresentadas hypothesis + context of new research/experiment
● Interprete a hipótese
● Identificar um resultado da pesquisa → suporte/comprove a hipótese
➔ Literary Evidence
◆ São apresentadas discussões sobre trabalhos literários
● identificar evidências diretas para a discussão

➔ Passos para qualquer pergunta

◆ Identifique o argumento central que precisa ser provado/apoiado
◆ procurar as frases que resumem o argumento
◆ Foque nas frases que descrevem de forma específica
● não são vagas
● tem foco estabelecido
◆ Lembre de procurar qual a evidência mais forte/direta

2.Command of Evidence - Quantitative

➔ Questões com gráficos e informações deles
◆ Geralmente → +informação do que precisamos
◆ Olhar diretamente a pergunta
◆ OLhar quais dados estão sendo analisados (horizontal vertical)

3.Central Ideas and Details

➔ Identificar a main idea
◆ the main idea → cover the majority of the details in the text
◆ o que o texto tá tentando dizer
➔ Details
◆ perguntas sobre ideias específicas nas passages
◆ information in a particular sentence

➔ Encontrar uma resposta lógica que complete o texto
◆ com base no contexto
➔ Look for
◆ premises
● facts in which an argument is based
◆ conclusion
● the main idea idea of an argument
◆ the word before the blank

5.Words in Context
➔ choose the most logical/precise word or problem
➔ What to do
◆ identify the phrase that contain the meaning of the answer
◆ find the equivalent idea
◆ understand the connotation
● if a word feels positive/negative

6.Text Structure and Purpose

➔ identify → main reason or overall structure
◆ Purpose
● meaning of each sentence
○ align meaning and action verbs

○ the author wants you to have specific experience when you
read their writing
◆ understand a new concept
◆ convince you

◆ Overall Structure
● Pay attention to:
○ How is the text flow?
○ How is the meaning created?
➔ Part-to-whole questions
◆ Identify the function of an underlined sentence within the text as a whole
◆ What comes before and after the underlined sentence?

● the answer is directly related to the underlined
● look of the words that come before

7.Cross-text connections
➔ 2 short texts
➔ compare points of view in each one
◆ if they agree/disagree with each other
➔ To do
◆ identify the opinions/perspectives of the individuals
● the author/scientists/researchers/
◆ identify the sentences the directly agree/disagree
◆ determine the relationship between the texts

◆ Look for positive/negative words

● how the person feels about the subject
◆ Prestar atenção em quais pontos estão sendo citados em cada texto

➔ they are the connection between sentences/ideas
➔ they tell how the sentences are related
➔ Types of relationship
◆ Agreement/disagreement
● words like: similarly/however
◆ Sequence/Order
● events organized by time or position
○ words like: previously
◆ Addition/Exemplification
● words like: furthermore/for instance
◆ Cause e Effect
● words like: therefore
➔ Todo
◆ identify the relationship between sentences/ideas
◆ atenção nos fatos que estão sendo apresentados

9.Rhetorical Synthesis
➔ Bullet points with information
◆ identify the goal in the question prompt
● if you should look for:
○ emphasis in similarity/difference
○ introduce a study and the results
○ provide explanation/examples
◆ Simplify the goal
◆ identify the relevant information in the bullet points
➔ Question Structure


10.Form Structure, and Sense

➔ Questions about: the rules surrounding various parts of speech and their usage
➔ You will have to → answer based on the conventions of standard english
➔ Geral to-do
◆ identify which grammar rule is being tested
● look for patterns in the choices

➔ Subject-verb agreement
◆ requires a subject and a verb to agree in numbers
● both plural/singular
● sujeito singular → verbo plural(3 pessoa it/she/he)
● sujeito plural → verbo singular

◆ Uso do apóstrofo
● Grammar - Documentos Google

◆ Extra words between subject and verb

● eliminate while reading the sentence

◆ Inverted sentences
● ask yourself which is the logical subject?
● Flip the order

● Prepositions

◆ Complicated sentences
● Try to identify the main subject

➔ Pronoun-Antecedent
◆ identify the relationship between a pronoun and an antecedent
◆ The pronoun is the subject
● is singular/plural?
● is a person or a thing?
● pronoun
○ palavra(noun) que substitui substantivos(noun)
● Antecedent
○ o substantivo(noun) ao qual o pronoun substitui

◆ How to identify
● if there is singular/plural nouns/pronouns in the choices
● if a pronoun refers to a noun

◆ When gets hard to identify

● Distance between pronoun and antecedent
○ ignore non-essential information
● Multiple nouns before the antecedent
○ teste each one logically
● Pronoun before antecedent
○ flip the order and check for agreement
➔ Verb Forms
◆ Identify qual o período do verbo
● past/present/future
◆ identify the conjugation
◆ When gets hard to identify
● Complex sentence structures
○ pay attention to the verbs around

● Missin verbs
○ just remember of the pronouns antecedents
○ read carefully

➔ Subject-Modifier Placement
◆ Its about a convention that requires a modifier and its subject to next to each
● modifier → word/phrase that describes a noun
◆ Example

◆ Try to identify its characteristics

● a big blank to fill
● choices with rearranged words
◆ To-do
● pay attention to the modifier introducing the phrase

➔ Plurals and Possessives

◆ Its about
● Understand how plurals and Possessives are made

➔ To do
◆ Identify if the two words are singular/plural
◆ Identify if something belong to them
● If they are possessive ou not
◆ Pay attention to what's written before the sentence
➔ Questions focused on how phrases/clauses/sentences are → linked together
➔ Clauses
◆ series of words that contains a subject + conjugated verb
◆ Independent clause
● don't need help to be complete

◆ Dependent clause
● need to be linked to an independent clause → to make full sense

➔ Linking Clauses
◆ Ways to link clauses
◆ How to identify the question type
● if the choices
○ add/remove (,)(?)(;)/ conjunctions FANBOYS

◆ End of sentence punctuation

● Usage of “! or ? . ”
● Tem que combinar com o contexto

● Só pode ser usado depois das independent clauses
● Porque as sentenças têm que fazer sentido sozinhas já que vão ser
finalizadas com uma pontuação

◆ Coordination
● linking 2 independent clauses in 1 sentence
● Por meio de
○ (,) vírgula + FANBOYS → (for/ and/ nor/ but/ or/ yet/ so)
○ ou (;)

◆ Semicolons
● link 2 independent clauses → without conjunction
● parece q a 2 independent clause adiciona informação primeira

◆ Subordination
● linking 2 clauses → by making 1 of them dependent
○ we subordinate a independent clause
● we need
○ subordinating conjunction + (,) comma
◆ although/ since/ because/ while/ when/ after

○ Exception → linking without comma

◆ only if the 2 clause is dependent

➔ Supplements
◆ word/phrases/clauses → that add extra information to a sentence
● purpose: description/elaboration

◆ Essential elements
● dont require punctuation
● are necessary to → give meaning to the sentence

◆ Non-essential elements
● are separated from the main part with punctuation
● add extra accessory information

◆ Punctuation in Supplements
● the punctuation separa o que não é importante
○ sem pontuação → importante
○ com pontuação → desnecessário

◆ Position in the sentence

● non-essencial supplements no inicio/fim da sentence → (,) use 1 comma
● non-essencial supplements no meio da sentence → (,) use 2 commas para

◆ Punctuation in supplements
● most used → (,),(--),()
● have to appear in both sides

◆ How to identify the question

● choices remove/add commas (but not conjunctions)
● if they contain multiples punctuations

➔ Punctuation
◆ uso de pontuação em sentenças
◆ Commas (,)
● Use to:
○ list items
○ Separate non-essencial information
○ Link dep-ind clauses
◆ sub conjunction + (,) comma

○ Link ind-ind clauses

◆ FANBOYS + (,) comma

● Commas should not

○ separate verb and subject

○ come before prepositions

○ split items in a list of 2 things

◆ Semicolons(;)
● Usados para
○ Link 2 independent clauses → without comma

○ Separate list items → that já tem (,) comma

◆ só se absolutamente necessário → para evitar confusão entre

◆ Colons(:)
● comes only at the end of a → independent clause
● They introduce
○ Explanation/ extra information

○ Lists

◆ Dashes(--)
● Used only to separate non-essential information
● Always in the middle of sentences

◆ How to identify the question

● look if
○ the choices offer variety in punctuation

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