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Use this template to analyse any TV adverts for both the Advertising Theory and
Advertising Practical units. This can also be printed if you prefer to hand-write your notes.

Advert Title – Amazon prime

Technical Codes

Use of Camera Editing Lighting

(Shots, angles, movement). How the advert edited in Identify how lighting is used
Identify some interesting terms of pace, length of shot, – low-key lighting, high-key
examples, when they occur cutting to the music etc. lighting, natural lighting,
within the advert and why Identify some examples and studio lighting. Identify some
they have been used when they occur within the examples and when they
occur within the advert

There are a lot of mid Things are taken slow Things are bright to
shots. This is done to to show the kindness show warmth in the
show the two men’s between the two old advert and make their
emotions, for example, men. The music is services more
when they open or calming and sweet welcoming.
receive their packages. throughout to keep with
the pacing. The advert also has
more natural lighting
that comes from the
windows. The windows
are also the main
source of light in most
Technical Codes

Sound (including music, Animation Special effects

effects and dialogue)
Is there any use of Identify any use of digitally-
Identify some interesting animation? This could be an produced special effects.
examples of how sound is animated character or an Identify some examples and
used and when it occurs animated slogan, for when they occur within the
within the advert. example, and when it occurs advert
within the advert

The music is calming to No animation is in this No special effects are

help with the advert. in this advert.
association of the
company, they want
people to think of
amazon and think
they’re a great
Advert title – Amazon prime
Symbolic Codes

Setting Location Costume

Identify where the advert is Identify specific locations Identify relevant costume
set in terms of ‘place’ used within the advert and worn by characters. How do
(Country/City/Town/Village) when they occur they fit with the
and ‘time’ product/message?

It is set in the present There is a home to They both wear normal

day in a home and in show warmth and then clothes in the beginning
two different churches. two different churches when one of them visits
to show friendship even the other for a cup of
with their different tea. Then they’re both in
beliefs. religious clothing to
show their different
Symbolic Codes

Characters/Performance Props Colour

Identify particular characters Identify any important props Identify relevant use of
and how they are presented within the advert (including colour or colours. Do they
to the audience – natural, the product if it is physical). represent the brand,
funny, serious etc. When are they seen in the product? Do they send out
advert? connotations to the

The two show a happy The knee pads they Warm colours are used
friendship to show the give each other is used to give a warm feeling
audience that they’re to show that they are to the advertisement.
friends despite their concerned for each The general feeling is
differences in belief, other. supposed to show the
this is a good message. power of friendship.
The box that is also
This advert has the used in the delivery The warmer colours
actors present in a more scene is used to show also give off a
natural way to help keep that the two men are Christmas feeling due
the calm feeling. happy to receive their to the yellow used and
package. the packages delivered.
It might just be winter
though because it looks
like it’s around the
autumn winter time.
Advert Title – Amazon prime

Storyline Brand Identity/ USP Celebrity Endorsement

Can you identify a ‘storyline’ What examples can you If the advert features a
in the advert? identify of how the company celebrity, how are they
might be recognisable? Is presented to the audience?
How might the storyline Why have they been
the company known for
develop over the duration of chosen? How might this
specific values or products? affect the audience?
the advert? What happens at When do these occur in the
the start and how does it advert? What might be
end? What is happening in unique about the company
the middle? and/or product? How might it
be different from its

Amazon usually sticks There are no celebrities

The storyline is two old to blue and brown in this advert.
men being friends even because of the boxes
with their different that they deliver but
beliefs. This advert they go for warmer
shows a Christian man colours instead for the
who is able to put his message the advert is
differences aside with trying to convey.
others and be able to
get along with them. This company is not
known for any sort of
The other old man is a values or at least not
Muslim and this advert any good ones due to
shows that he is able to the treatment their
overcome and prove employees have
them wrong and still reported.
live a normal life.
The advert is not that
different from other
competitors due to the
Christmas vibes it gives


Repetition of Message Use of Stereotype Use of Slogan

Are there regular uses of Identify any stereotypical Does the company have a
words/themes throughout characters, places, recognisable slogan and is it
the advert? When do featured? Is it presented as
colours, sounds etc. text or sound? When is it
these occur? which are associated with used?
the brand/product

There is a constant People tend to see This company does

show of their friendship Christians as self- not use a slogan in this
and kindness. We see centred due to the advert.
the two have a cup of homophobia and
tea together to show discrimination certain
that they enjoy each individuals show but
other’s company. that does not mean that
all Christians are like
They also show the two
send each other a gift to Due to certain groups,
show that they think of they are seen as awful
each other. This might people who want to hurt
imply that it is everyone. This is just a
Christmas. bad stereotype that is
perpetuated by racism.

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