Tareaaaaaaaa Ingles

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Estudiante A: gelou jose gud naig

Estudiante B: gelou jose jau war yu

Estudiante A: guel jau war yu

Estudiante B: veri gud ten qiu

Estudiante A: ai Wuud laik tu nou a lidel a bout your deili ruu tin. Guat ar de der trie actividis
yu du regyulerli?

Estudiante B: of corss. Ai gerap at six in da mornin, haf brekfest end ged ruedi for de dei. Den,
during de afternun, ai yushuali estadi for mai classes. Oh end ai olso trai tu ex xer sais, yushuali
eround seven piem.

Estudiante A: inter esting. Guat taim du yu haf brekfest end guen du yu star estadien?

Estudiante B: ai yushuali haf brekfest eround seven tiirdi in da mournin, end ai star estadien at
trii in da afternun. Ai laik tu haf a kapol of aurs afder lonch tu relax befoor daiving intoo boks
end in de iveng ai du som exxersais.

Estudiante A: hau interssting end enter teinin. End guuat taim du yu gou out tu du yur
exxersais end guuat taip of exxersais du yu du?

Estudiante B: yushuali, ai gou for a ran our du een exxersais ruutin at hom. Its a guud wey tu
kiip mai self muuving.

Estudiante A: is der eni thing yu dont du during de deui?

Estudiante B: ai dont yushuali gou out wit mai frends as mach, end ai tri tu redius mai taim on
sochool midia. So ai prefer oder forms of relatseishon laik lissening tu muisic or duing mai

Estudiante A: hou intersting yur ruutin.

Estudiante B: ayam interested in noguing yur daili ruutin jose, guat ar yur daili actividis?

Estudiante A: guel, ai gee rap at seven in da mournin, haf brekfest end hed tu guork. During de
guork dei, ai yushuali haf launch around one in da afternun. After guork, ai com hom end haf
diner around seven piem

Estudiante B: guat taim du yu yushuali ge rap end guen das yur guork dei end?

Estudiante A: ai ge rap at seven in da mornin end mai guork dei ents at faif in da afternun.
After diner, ai somtaims guach tivi or lisen tu music end tu relax ai rid be for going tu slip
around eleven piem.

Estudiante B: guat kin of miusic du yu laik tu lisen tu?

Estudiante A: guel, ai laik rock mor end nouw ayam estarding tu lisen tu regué.

Estudiante B: intersting. Is der eneding yu dont du during de dei?

Estudiante A: two tings ai dont yushuali du ar plei isport end ai dont spend mach taim on
soshal midia. Ai prefer mor relaxing actividis after guork laik riding or lisenin tu muisic.
Estudiante B: guat a gud ruutin yu haf. Nais tolking tu yu diego. Si yu tumorrou at de universiti,
gud bai

Estudiante A: gud bai jose.

Estudiante B:

Estudiante A:

Estudiante B:

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