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After the earthquake in Morocco, a huge wave of solidarity.

In the article published by the "MONDE", Morocco, as the country that suffered an earthquake that
devastated many regions and claimed many victims, experienced a great outpouring of hospitality in
the region. As a country in financial difficulty, many people in and outside the country donated
money and blood, and collected food, medicines, tents and clothing. Moroccans are mobilizing en
masse to come to the aid of disaster victims and help local people. Many stores, such as Decathlon,
were out of stock of tents and other items to shelter the population, and many people were on the
move, bringing vital needs to the people on the spot. The Marocian people showed the world what
caring, hospitality, generosity and bravery are all about.

Furthermore, in an article published by "Le Point", Morocco proved that these tragedies in no way
slowed down their financial development, as last October they were able to directly relaunch huge
construction projects in Marrakech with the help of major banks such as AFRICA INVESTEMENT, one
of Africa's biggest banks, which the country has invested in.
Overview of the internship at Sofima (a company specializing in waterproofing and cladding) in

Background and overview ?

My internship at Sofima plunged me into the heart of the waterproofing and cladding industry in
Morocco. Sofima, a reputable company in the sector, played a key role in my understanding of the
local market and industry practices.

Learning and skills development:

What I learned on the job ?

Waterproofing and cladding techniques: I gained practical expertise in specific waterproofing and
cladding techniques, working on real-life projects.

Project management: I honed my project management skills, learning how to plan, execute and
monitor projects effectively.

Interdisciplinary collaboration: Working closely with technical teams helped me understand the
importance of coordination in a construction environment.

Challenges and problem-solving:

Managing unforeseen circumstances on site: Managing unforeseen circumstances on site, such as

changing weather conditions, was a major challenge.

Adapting to project specifics: Some projects required constant adaptation, necessitating flexibility
and rapid problem-solving.

Collaboration and networking:

Professional collaboration: I worked closely with technical teams, architects and engineers,
reinforcing my professional communication skills.

Networking: I had the opportunity to meet industry professionals at events, broadening my

professional network.

Cultural aspects and adaptation:

Adapting to the Moroccan work environment: Adapting to the Moroccan work culture enriched my
professional experience, by understanding the cultural nuances in professional relationships.

Discovering local culture: Exploring local customs and learning to work effectively in a multicultural
context was an educational experience.

Achievements and contributions:

What I'm leaving behind, what will be remembered:

Realization of key projects: My contribution to projects [specific projects] helped achieve concrete
results and strengthen Sofima's reputation in the field.

Process optimization: I provided suggestions for process optimization, improving the team's
operational efficiency.
Reflection and growth:

What the experience gave me, how I changed:

Professional development: This experience consolidated my passion for waterproofing and cladding,
while developing my confidence in my ability to excel in a demanding professional environment.

Leadership and initiative: I developed leadership skills and learned to take initiative in a professional

Recommendations and advice :

Comments on the experience for other students:

Immerse yourself in the company culture: A thorough understanding of the company culture is
essential to succeed and contribute in a meaningful way.

Be open to challenges: Challenges are learning opportunities. Approach them with an open and
creative mind.

Future plans:

Return to the same place, similar experience elsewhere:

Return to Sofima: I would be excited to return to Sofima to explore more advanced opportunities.

Similar experience elsewhere: While considering returning, I will also explore similar opportunities in
other companies to broaden my skills.

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