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Natural and

Grade 2
New Vocabulary
1. Environment = your
2. Artificial environment = Your
surroundings made by people
3. Natural Environment Your
surrounding made from the
natural itself.
4. Preservation = caring for the
5. Mangrove forest
Natural Environment

Mangrove forest is useful to withstand/hold

off waves or prevent/avoid/block abrasion/
scarpe/ dig up the land.

What are the consequences if mangroves

are not conserved?
The benefits of preserving the
natural environment

preserving the natural environment: water from

lakes, rivers, wellsprings, and the sea can be used
for: bathing, drinking, cooking, and irrigating
agricultural land.

Land is used to grow crops and trees. Trees

produce oxygen in the air. Clean air makes people

Animals as a source of protein needed by humans,

and transportation.
Plants are used as vegetables.
The Consequences of not preserving
the natural environment
Humans must protect the natural environment. The
natural environment will be damaged if it is not taken
care of. examples of natural disasters: floods and
A flood is an event where large
amounts of water pool on land.
Floods occur because of heavy
rain and rainwater does not have
water flow. rivers that are
clogged with garbage are the
cause of flooding.

A landslide is the fall of a large

lump of earth from a high place
to a lower place. Landslides can
occur if the soil is not planted
with plants. Humans cut down
trees and do not replant trees in
forests or where they cut trees.

The Consequences of not preserving the

artificial environment
The artificial environment must also be maintained. if not
taken care of the artificial environment will be dirty, damaged
and polluted. it carries of disease. people will get sick.

littering is an example of a bad habit that makes the

environment dirty.
Answer the following questions:

1. If you don't preserve the environment, the

environment will become...
a. damaged
b. beautiful
c. comfortable

2. The above event was caused

by the actions of...
a. scribble on the wall
b. throw garbage
c. cut down trees
3. River flow can be clogged if we ...
a. maintain cleanliness
b. protect the environment
c. throw garbage into the river

4. A school environment that makes learning activities

a. comfortable
b. disturbed
c. hampered/ clogged

5. The picture that shows the result of natural

damage is...
a. b. c.
How to preserve the environment
How to Preserve Nature:
Don't litter
Save water
Plant trees around the house
1. Maintain the home environment
a. Keep clean in the house.
b. Throw garbage in its place
c. Do greenery at home.

2. Maintain the school environment.

a. throw trash in the trash.
b. keep the school bathroom clean.
c. clean class together
Practice 2
Answer the following questions:
1. Mita and family go on an holiday to grandpa's
house. Mita saw a bird perched on a tree branch.
Mita likes the birds. Mita should:
a. feed the bird
b. ask grandpa to catch the bird for Mita

2. Bayu and his family are on vacation to Lake

Toba. Bayu wanted to throw away his used drink
bottle. Bayu did not see the trash can. Bayu
a. throw the bottle into the lake
b. save the bottle to throw away later

3. Alif crosses the bridge on his way home from

school. Alif saw several children scribbling on the
walls of the bridge with spray paint. Alif's actions...
a. reprimand the children
b. scribble on the walls.

4. Alex's school held a tree planting activity. The

students brought tree seedlings to plant in the
school yard. Edo didn't help. Alex's actions are
a. complain about Edo to the teacher
b. invite Edo to plant a tree
5. Tasya uses the school toilet. Tasya saw the sink
tap in the toilet was open. Water overflowed
from the sink and made the toilet floor wet. The
best action of Tasya is...
a. close the tap
b. leave the tap open

Chapter Test
November 15, 2023

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