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Ethnic Nationalities Organisation

Burma and Northeast India

Incorporated in Victoria * * *
ABN: 63509847755

Mr Salil Shetty Secretary General Amnesty International 1 Easton Street, London WC1X 0DW United Kingdom 1st October, 2011

10 Konrads Court, Truganina Melbourne, Victoria 3029


Tel: +61 3 93699220; Mob: +61 413693311 Email:

Dear Mr Shetty, I am writing to you as President of the Ethnic Nationalities Organisation: Burma and Northeast India, an organisation that represents and works on behalf of the many ethnic communities from Burma who live in Australia. On behalf of the Ethnic Nationalities Organisation (ENO), I would like to raise the concern felt amongst the communities we represent regarding the reported arrest and detention by the Burmese government of Mr Mahn Nyein Maung, a leading member of the Karen National Union (KNU) and a central committee member of the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC). It is the belief of Ethnic Nationalities Organisation that Mr Mahn Nyein Maung is entitled to Prisoner of War status under Part I Article 4 (2) of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War of August 12, 1949 (Geneva Convention III), to which the country of Burma is a party. The Ethnic Nationalities Organisation calls upon Amnesty International to undertake the following courses of action in relation to the detention of Mr Mahn Nyein Maung: 1. 2. 3. Call upon the government of Burma to confirm its detention of Mr Mahn Nyein Maung. Call upon the government of Burma to provide details concerning the location of Mr Mahn Nyein Maungs detention and the conditions under which he is being held. Demand that the government of Burma as a party to the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War of August 12, 1949 (Geneva Convention III) recognise and treat Mr Mahn Nyein Maung as a Prisoner of War with all the rights and protections due to this status. Request immediate access by representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross to confirm that the detention of Mr Mahn Nyein Maung conforms to basic standards of human rights and international law concerning prisoners of war.


Given that the government of Burma and its security forces are routinely accused of human rights abuses including torture and extra-judicial killings, the Ethnic Nationalities Organisation believe that it is essential that Amnesty International commit to undertaking these actions. The Ethnic Nationalities Organisation hopes that by taking action in this matter Amnesty International will help ensure that Mr Mahn Nyein Maung is treated humanely and according to international law. Yours sincerely,

Saw A Ganemy Kunoo president Ethnic Nationalities Organisation Burma and Northeast India

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