Murder Mystery Conversation Game (Part 1)

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Instruc ons of the Game

 Everyone is to receive one character sheet which has all the

informa on needed. On each character sheet there are details
about the character and also answers for any ques ons that the
detec ve might ask. NO NEED FOR ACTING SKILLS.
 Whoever is chosen to be the detec ve they cannot see the
other character sheets. The same applies to the other
 In case of less players, one person can play mul ple characters
 In case of more people, they can act as the audience and find
the murderer for themselves or be on a team with detec ve
and help with he inves ga on
 Introduce the appendix first before star ng the game. The
appendix consists of vocabulary that can be necessary for the
students to understand prior to the game. PLEASE EXPAND ON
 Print out the map and descrip ons for the people not playing
 The murderer is Ma lda Knowital. She needed to her boyfriend
Arnold Duncen to get the promo on at work so that he can be
more successful in life, and he was not ready to fight for
himself. So, she had to do it for him in the worst way possible.
Vocabulary Appendix

To compile: to put together, to collect, to bring together
To discover: to accidentally find something or to realize something
To suspect: to think, believe or assume that someone has done
To lay: the same as to lie down from standing to posi on to the
To treat: to show behavior to someone (either treat someone good
or bad)
To tap: a physical movement with a finger or foot on a surface to
make a sound
To annoy: to make someone feel bad or make someone feel
uncomfortable by your ac ons
Scene: a place or loca on where something happened
Promo on: to receive a higher posi on with more responsibility
Tes mony: an official record of what you have seen, heard or
culprit: a person who has done something illegal
warehouse: a big building or space that keeps storage of product or
ethic: the way you do things that makes your ac ons feel correct and
poison: a chemical that can seriously hurt or kill people and animals
garbage: the same name for trash or rubbish
ul matum: when a person gives a choice to another person. The
other person must decide which makes both situa ons
Ferret: An animal that looks like a very long rat.
Dodgy: when something could be a lie or not true, untrustworthy
Phrasal verbs and phrases:
Put together: to assemble, to bring together, the join with something
Constant complaints: saying nega ve things all the me, the nega ve
things are always the same.
Clean up on Aisle MURDER

On September Friday 13th, there was a murder at a local DESCO

grocery shop. Detec ve Jonathan Grey was called onto the scene and
compiled some evidence. The vic m’s name was Leslie Heisenberg,
35, the newly promoted manager of DESCO. He was found in the
garbage pile outside of the store. The body was discovered by the
store’s owner Stanley Fucci, who is no longer available to interview
because he is busy solving legal issues and we only have a tes mony
from him.
There are five suspects that the detec ve needs to interview to
find the culprit. On the list is Jou Landry, the baker in the store, Lisa
Sympsun who is the store’s butcher and Arnold Duncen the
warehouse worker. The next-door neighbors are also to look at, Milan
Shady who was seen near the DESCO on the night of the murder and
Ma lda Knowital is the old lady living next door to the vic m.
Leslie Heisenberg was not liked by many, had a bad past of
shopliBing when he was younger, not in good standing with his
neighbors. Constant complaints about his work ethic from his co-
“This one might be difficult to solve…”

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