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A Research Proposal Submitted to the Department of Renewable Energy and Technology in Partial
Fulfilment of the Requirements of Degree of BSc. Renewable Energy Technology of Turkana University

October 2023
Table of Contents
Declaration and certification.......................................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................4
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.............................................................................................................4
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM...................................................................................................................5
JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY.............................................................................................................6
SCOPE OF THE STUDY........................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................8
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................................8
Theoretical and Conceptual framework....................................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................15
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN..............................................................................................15
Research paradigm................................................................................................................................15
Methods of Research.............................................................................................................................15
Site visit and case study........................................................................................................................16
Literature survey...................................................................................................................................16
Target population..................................................................................................................................16
Data processing and analysis.................................................................................................................16
Ethical Considerations...........................................................................................................................17
Work plan..........................................................................................................................................19

Declaration and certification
I declare that this research proposal is my original work and has never been
presented in any other university for consideration of any certification. This
research proposal has been complemented by referenced source.

Signature--------------------------- date ----------------------------------

Name ----------------
Registration number----------------------

Supervisors’ certification
This research proposal has been submitted with my approval as university
Signature ------------------ date-------------------------
Name ---------------------

This research proposal aims to solve the vital challenge of increasing cogeneration
plant efficiency to enhance sustainable energy production and reduce
environmental consequences. Cogeneration, also known as Combined Heat and
Power (CHP), is a strong method of producing both electricity and useful thermal
energy at the same time, but there are still unexplored chances to improve its
overall efficiency.
Our main objectives is to Investigate current working of biogas cogeneration
plants, utilization of materials and overall efficiency of the plant.
Assess the quality and potential application of produced biogas from the waste and
their electricity generation potential.
Evaluate microbial inoculation strategies of the materials, metabolic pathways.
Optimize digestion process, explore pretreatment methods such as chemical
treatment , thermal and mechanical to improve the digestability of biomass to
increase biogas yield.
The project involves the identification of best practices and innovative
technologies to improve cogeneration efficiency, as well as the development of
new approaches tailored to specific plant configurations and operating
The optimization techniques include digestion ratios and pretreatment methods to
enhance biogas yield and improve on the digestion process respectively. Microbial
inoculation techniques and strategies will be investigated to optimize the microbial
activities involved in efficient biogas production. The quality and potential
applications of the produced biogas will be analyzed, considering the composition
of methane in it, its purity and energy content.

Maximizing efficiency is the process of optimizing every aspect of operation.
Sustainable energy is derived from resources that can maintain current operations
without affecting the energy needs or climate of future generations. The most
popular sources of sustainable energy, including biomass, wind, solar and
hydropower, are also renewable.
Urgent need to transition towards sustainable and renewable sources of energy has
led to increased interest in biogas cogeneration plants.
Through anaerobic digestion of organic matter to produce biogas methane rich gas
holds great potential for meeting energy demands in the growing population while
reducing emissions.
Utilization of maize feedstocks materials, baby corns, avocado remains and flower
remains after selection of export flowers is an exciting opportunity to enhancing
the efficiency of biogas cogeneration plant. Also helps in solving the energy
problems of the plant.
Maize is currently mostly cultivated crop in Africa and that makes it key source
material for biogas cogeneration plant anaerobic digestion process.
Utilization of this waste does not only solve energy problem but also waste
The research aim to explore the integration of the agricultural waste in biogas
Main objective is to maximize the efficiency of the plant by optimizing the
digestion process and harnessing the energy potential of the organic materials.
The research involve investigation into the characteristics of the selected biomass
feedstock, including their chemical composition, biogas production potential and
challenges associated with digestion. Process optimization techniques example the
co-digestion ratios, pretreatment process and methods and also microbial
inoculation strategies will be looked into to enhance biogas production and
improve plant efficiency.

The outcome of this research will provide valuable information into the viability
and effectiveness of utilizing maize feedstock , flower residue and other
agricultural waste which are not used to produce biogas.
The research will contribute to advancing the field of sustainable energy and waste
management which will help engineers and project managers to make decision
using the study while working in biogas cogeneration plants.

Currently due to rise in energy crisis resulting from hiking of fuel and other fossil
contents, there is a need in utilizing available resources around our environment
and that leads us to solving problem of waste from agricultural sector of food
products which in turn solve our main problem: energy.
In Biojoule, the efficiency of the plant is low because the all the activities
involving the production of the biogas is not the best practices of electricity
generation. And therefore, the plant is running at lose due to not meeting the
required efficiencies from feedstock handling to the power generation of the plant.
For example, in areas where green houses are used to produces flowers , baby
corns and this companies are all year-round production of produce and they have
the problem energy in the plants and nearby users of electricity.
1. Investigate current working of biogas cogeneration plants, utilization of
materials and overall efficiency of the plant.
2. Assess the quality and potential application of produced biogas from the
waste and their electricity generation potential.
3. Evaluate microbial inoculation strategies of the materials, metabolic
4. Optimize digestion process, explore pretreatment methods such as chemical
treatment , thermal and mechanical to improve the digestability of biomass
to increase biogas yield.
5. Determine the biogas production potential of the listed feedstocks and their
calorific value to assess their suitability for anaerobic digestion.

a) How can the digestion process of the waste be optimized to enhance biogas
yield and improve the digestion of compounds present in the biomass
b) What are microbial and metabolic pathways involved in efficient biogas
production from the agricultural products?
c) What are the challenges and barriers adoption of biogas cogeneration
utilizing agricultural waste and energy crops?
d) What are the environmental benefits of utilizing the waste in energy
e) What are the calorific values of the listed agricultural and horticultural
f) How does the current plants work?
The study will be able to give insights and viability of agricultural and horticultural
waste from respective plants and their biogas potential.
From the study, engineers will be able to solve problems in the cogeneration plants
which in turn reduces losses made due to use of methods or poor organic materials
mixing ratios.
For example, in the only cogeneration plant in Africa methods used to produce the
gas is still low which leads to the plant burning the gas in flare because is does not
meet the percentage of methane required by the engine.
From the objectives and questions, the project will be able to state and bring out
the difference between the plant daily works and the study conclusion which are
compared well and corrections made.
This project will help energy industry professionals, energy project engineers and
other industry players not to forget waste management engineers with
collaboration with energy engineers.
The study objectives and conclusion will help them solve problems and improve
efficiency of the biogas cogeneration plants.

Shareholders or the investors of the project will be able to go through to see where
the engineers did not follow if the plant does not function as stated before
This study the same as other studies as its own limitations, they include; it will be
very expensive to adopt methods of biogas production from the feedstocks.
The digestion of some of the agricultural waste will take more time and thus profit
is will not be realized faster.
Despite increasing the yield of biogas methane, some engines function in a certain
range which means it will be required to purchase of all range gas content which is
in turn expensive to the shareholders of the project.
The scope of the study will involve the following in order to achieve the study
objectives and they include the following;
Process optimization inorder to get better insight of the parameters involved the in
the overall process of biogas yield example the retention time of the feedstock in
the digester, ph controls, temperature in the digesters and pretreatment methods in
the plant.
Feedstock characteristics, this will involve detailed study of the various feedstock
chemical composition example the moisture content of the feedstock and also
volatile properties the feedstock and other examinations.
Anaerobic digestion experiments. By using the BMP will be able to get to know
the biogas potential of the feedstock.
Also analyse the co-digestion ratios of the feedstock and their biogas yields.
Biogas analysis. To determine the content of gas example the methane percentages
and carbon dioxide.
Determine the calorific values of the biogas produced.
Data analysis and interpretation. By using the data collected from the experiment,
will use the result to come int conclusion and provide recommendation on
improving the efficiency of the plant.

Cogeneration is defined as the sequential generation of two forms of useful energy
from a single primary energy source; typical two forms of energies are mechanical
energy and thermal energy.
Plant efficiency is the total energy content of a plant’s fuel or material that is used
to produce electricity, the remaining energy is used for heating plant processes.
The composition of the feedstock we are investigating in the study are the maize
feedstocks called baby corns, flower residues and avocado remains
When they are incorporated in a biogas cogeneration plant it will be able to
increase biogas yield thus electricity produced.
studies have been done to determine the use of maize feedstock as a potential
source of biogas in cogeneration plant
Maize feedstock- studies have shown that they have high potential of biogas yield
and biochemical experiments to determine their suitability in anaerobic digestion
process. Also their pretreatment methods
Flower residues- Studies have focused on characterizing the chemical composition
and biogas production potential of the flower residue, including their cellulose,
hemicellulose, and lignin content. Research have also investigated the effects of
pre-processing techniques, such as size reduction by shredding and ensiling, on
improving the digestibility and biogas yield of the flower residue in the tanks.
Avocado remains- they include the waste products of the processing, example the
peels, and seeds. Researchers have studied and examined the biochemical
composition and energy potential of avocado remains, highlighting their high lipid
content as a valuable energy source for anaerobic digestion. Studies have
investigated the effects of different operating parameters, such as temperature, pH,
and hydraulic retention time, on optimizing biogas production from avocado
For cogeneration plant being studied, the heat should be used to heat the digester to
maintain optimal conditions for functioning of bacteria.
Utilizing of resources well in the biogas cogeneration plant leads to maximizing of
the plant operation and safe on the costs incurred in the plant.

Biogas can be generated from any vegetable or animal matter including wastes.
The raw material used for biogas generation can be of different varieties depending
on the setup of the plant power requirement.
The biomass from agriculture is;
Different grass.
Residues (tree leafs, roots, etc.).
Industrial plants (sunflower, sugar beet, etc.).
Biomass from livestock;
Animal wastes.
Municipal organic wastes:
Waste water.
Solid organic municipal residues.
Industrial organic wastes Food wastes, Agricultural waste and Waste from food
industries and fats
For this study, maximizing efficiency of biogas cogeneration from agricultural and
horticultural product is of key focus.
Biogas generated using anaerobic digestion is cheap and can be a valuable source
of renewable energy.
During the biogas combustion, a neutral CO2 is produced. The biogas combustion
allows treatment and recycling of different types of wastes and residues from
agriculture, food industry, waste waters and leads to a sustainable attitude towards
the environment and all this to happen without any clichés, efficiency of the
overall process must be considered.
The plant operations for biogas production include;
Feedstock storage
Processing of the feedstock which include, cutting them down further into smaller
amount for easy digestibility by the anaerobic digesters.
Measuring the feedstock methane potential using the BMP( biochemical methane

Feeding of the feedstock to the plant through hydrolysis tank where it is mixed
with water for easy digestibility by the anaerobic bacteria.
Transferring of the resultant to digester where the gas is stored. The digester tank
should include a gas dome for storage of gas .
Treatment of the gas in the scrubbing area where carbon dioxide is scrubbed, water
The treated gas is the channeled to engine which runs and produces heat in its
exhaust. The heat produced is used to heat the digesters for temperature regulation.

Parameters for biogas production include;

Solid content - There are different ranges of solid content; low solid, which
anaerobic digestions systems contain less than 10% total solid, medium solid
ranging from 20% and high solid systems ranging from 22-40%”. Increasing
the total solid content leads to decrease in volume of the digester because of
lower water requirements. The total solid content of the feedstock affects the
performance of the anaerobic digestion process and the change of the total
solids content will affect the microbial morphology of the system.
Temperature – this plays a vital role in rate of biogas production. Mostly,
temperature is always maintained by the type of digester used in the case biogas
cogeneration plants the optimal temperature are maintained by using the heat from
the engine exhaust.

Moisture content – anaerobic digestion process depending on the moisture
content is categorized into wet and dry processes, wet process moisture
content is about 80-85% moisture. Dry process moisture is between 60-65%.
This also affects the size of the digester being wet process will need more
tank size than dry process.
Substrate characteristics – type of substrate highly affects the biogas yield in
the plant, example feedstock which are of more lignin tend to be difficult to
digest. Also substrate characteristics play a role in pumping ability of the
Ph value - The acidogenesis and methanogenesis stages of the anaerobic
digestion of organic wastes are of differing optimal pH values
During the acidogenesis stage, acetic, lactic and propionic acids are formed
with a drop in pH value which can inhibit the process.
For the methanogenesis stage, the bacteria functions optimally with a pH range
of 6.6 and 7 as a pH below 6.4 can be toxic for methane formation.
The pH is about the most sensitive parameter in the anaerobic digestion process
when talking about environmental conditions, the pH of the liquid emanating from
the digesters is an indicator of the stability of the system while the buffer capacity
of the system is dependent on the rate of variation of the pH under specific

Hydraulic retention rate – this is the amount of time taken by the substrate in a
digester to be completely broken down by bacteria into biogas and waste.
Characteristics of biogas from different organic materials.

From the study above it can be concluded that efficiency of the plant is vital for
running of the plant, A major challenge which Biogas production faces is cost
optimization, as some processes though Biogas efficient, are still cost intensive
mostly in the CHP production and process optimization has gone a long way in
making sure that this challenge is solved.
As a result of further research, the various processes involved in Biogas production
under the anaerobic degradation of biological waste have been investigated and
this gave rise to the emergence of innovative technologies to enhance these
processes as they indirectly affect the final Biogas yield.
The Biogas plant being a delicate facility requires high level process monitoring as
all process which takes place in the plant facility contributes in various capacities
to Biogas production. Further on, new and improved technologies have come into
existence which further alters the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the
plant and the substrates or biomass to utilize their potentials maximally to improve
Biogas yield. With these discoveries, it can be inferred that with further research
and findings, even more technologies could be uncovered that will further help in
boosting the Biogas yield while keeping the Biogas plant in optimal functionality
and maintain process stability.

Theoretical and Conceptual framework

Theoretical framework
Anaerobic digestion theory of gas production - This study will be focused on the
principles of anaerobic digestion, which is the process by which microorganisms

break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen in order to produce biogas in
the digester.
Theory of integration - Research will focus on the theory of integrating renewable
energy systems into existing energy infrastructure, specifically in conjunction with
combined heat and power systems. Biogas cogeneration plant integration will be
guided by concepts such as energy integration, system compatibility, and energy
Co-digestion process theory - Co-digestion refers to the simultaneous digestion of
multiple substrates in an anaerobic environment. Based on this theory, the study
will determine the optimal co-digestion ratios for biomass feedstocks. It will
consider the synergistic effects of co-digestion and how different substrates can
complement each other to enhance biogas yield.
Microbial theory- will be about understanding the dynamics of microbial
community in the anaerobic digesters. It will be able to guide us on how different
microbial species interact and collaborate to facilitate production of biogas.
Conceptual framework

Avocado remains Maize feedstock Horticultural flower remains

Pre-treatment methods

Anaerobic digestion

Biogas Waste and fertilizer


Biogas cleaning and scrubbing of co2

CHP Unit
Electricity and Heat
Water vapour removal

Research study variables
Independent variables in the study include the type of feedstock whereby in
our case we them as, maize feedstock, avocado remains and horticultural remains
Co-digestion ratios, this is the proportion in which we will mix our different
feedstocks in the anaerobic digestion process.
Process parameter , this include, temperature , ph, and the retention time in the
Pretreatment methods in the overall process of gas production which include
thermal, chemical and mechanical treatment.
Microbial inoculation, this is the presence or absence of specialized enzymes
introduced to enhance biogas production.
Dependent variables of the process, they include biogas yield, biogas
composition, process efficiency, economic viability, environmental impact and
microbial community dynamics
Control variables, they include the experimental conditions, initial biomass
characterization, digestion system.
Moderating variables , temperature flacuations and feedstock characterization
Outcome variables which include high quality biogas yield, quality of biogas and
environmental benefits of the plant.


The research problem statement in the study is about the efficiency in Biojoule
power plant which is the only cogeneration in the country. In Biojoule, efficiency
is very low and this as led to the plant not realizing maximum profit as required for
running of the plant effectively.
The plant uses feedstock from green houses around it and farm for planting energy
crops example maize baby corns.
Here we will see how the efficiency of this existing plant can be improved by using
new methods of production.
This chapter describes the methodology that will be used in this study. It forms a
framework for specifying the relationships among the study variables. The chapter
covers various aspects of the target population, sampling methodology, data
collection procedure and methods, and data analysis.
Research paradigm
For the research to be effective we will employ mixed method approach whereby
we will combine both qualitative and data obtained from the workers in the plant
and materials used for operations.
By using this method will be able to solve complex issues in the plant that helps
make sure that our objective are achieved.
This method is chosen as it enable getting findings easily thus validity and
robustness of result in the end of studies.

Methods of Research
Quantitative and qualitative method is used to do surveys around the plant.
The initial survey is about the feedstock and other systems related to our project.
Any work without planning is like story without any end. Planning is a very
necessary and important step before starting a project. So we planned about the
works and divided the works according to time basis.

Site visit and case study
The study will be carried out in Naivasha Biojoule the only biogas cogeneration
plant in Republic of Kenya and Africa.
Literature survey
Literature is reviewed through resources of print, electronic and internet for
conceptual framework: Desk research/ Internet research. Based on the review of
literature, the study is designed based on conceptual framework. Upon finalization
of framework an inception report is prepared and presented to the advisor
Target population
In the study our target population is the workers in the plant from the electrical
engineers to mechanical and other personnel in the field.
Will gather information from each of the specialists and compile , whereby we will
compare them with the questions and objective.
Data processing and analysis
Qualitative data analysis should be used to analyze the data in the study. The four
steps of analytical process should be followed: categorization; ‘unitizing’ data;
recognizing relationships and developing categories; and developing and testing
hypothesis to reach conclusion.

Below is the block diagram of the plant operations which will help in identifying
the objectives

To make sure we meet our objectives and answer the questions the block diagram
above will give us insight on where we need to correct and do more design to make
sure we improve the plant efficiency.
Ethical Considerations
Informed consent – in the research will makes sure that all workers in the plant are
involved to get better feedback in our survey and interviews and also this will give

them time and confidence to communicate and give relevant information regarding
the current situation of the plant.
Also will make sure we involve the stakeholders of the project.
Safety and health
During the research will make sure that the safety of the researcher, plant
workers is to the standard by laying out safety protocols and risk
Transparency and accountability
Sharing of the research finding will make sure that the research is
transparent and also accountability is key in the overall project of improving
the plant.
Our research aims to contribute to the sustainability of the biogas
cogeneration plant, benefiting both the environment and the local
community which are the plants nearby needing the power from the plant.
Compliance with the regulations
We will adhere to all relevant local, national, and international regulations
governing biogas production, environmental protection, and research ethics.

Ahring, B.K. (2003). “Perspectives for anaerobic digestion”. Advances in
Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology.
Schematic diagram of a Biogas production from biomass. Retrieved from
Christensen, T.H. (2011). Solid Waste Technology and Management


Work plan
The research to be successful below is the time basis of the work done in the plant
situated in Naivasha.
1 Feasibility   
2 System   
3 Analysis of        
4 design    

5 documentation       

6 testing   

7 implementatio   

The budget of the research will be more varying depending on time but for the
project to be complete below items will be needed;
Serial number Item Cost
1 Writing material Sh.1000
2 Travel Sh. 2000
3 accomodation Sh. 8000
4 Researcher Sh.1000 per day
5 Miscellaneous Sh. 7000
6 internet Sh. 6000

7 Safety equipments Sh. 4000
8 Publication and Sh. 1000
Total Sh. 30000


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