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Source: Nunavik Tourism Association

Sustainable buildings for climate resilience in

Northern communities
Lecture 7: Bioclimatic Design: Part 2
Dr. Miroslava Kavgic
Source: Nunavik Tourism Association
Thermal insulation Space zoning and Shading by Convective heat exchange
orientation • Shading by building shape • Ventilation cooling
• Shading by external • Earth cooling
obstructions • Wind towers
• Fixed or movable devices • Stack assisted ventilation
• Shading by glazing optical
Thermal mass Direct gain Space zoning and Evaporative heat
• Thermal mass orientation Exchange
• Direct evaporative cooling
• Indirect evaporative cooling
S/V ration (building massing) Indirect gain Thermal insulation Radiative heat exchange
• Thermal mass
Space zoning and orientation Isolated gain Thermal mass S/V ration (building massing)
• Sunspace-Thermal mass
Convective heat exchange Convective heat exchange
• Airtight envelope • Ventilation heating

Mitja Košir, Climate Adaptability of Buildings Bioclimatic Design in the Light of Climate Change, Springer, 2019.
Space zoning and orientation
• The azimuth angle of the sun is dictated by the
time of day and by the season.
• While the daily maximum altitude of the sun
increases as a location approaches the equator,
the seasonal altitude variation is the same for all
latitudes (except at those extreme north and south latitudes where
the sun is above or below the horizon for extended time periods).

• The altitude of the sun is highest in summer, lowest in winter, and

in between in spring and fall for all latitudes.

• The maximum difference in altitude angle between summer and

winter solstices is about 47º.

• The sun rises north of east during the summer, due east on the
equinoxes, and south of east during the winter.
Ottawa, Ontario
Latitude 45.4, Longitude - 75.7
Simulation script written in Stellarium to trace sun's path through the year
Space zoning and orientation

40° North
Thermal insulation Space zoning and Shading by Convective heat exchange
orientation • Shading by building shape • Ventilation cooling
• Shading by external • Earth cooling
obstructions • Wind towers
• Fixed or movable devices • Stack assisted ventilation
• Shading by glazing optical
Thermal mass Direct gain Space zoning and Evaporative heat
• Thermal mass orientation Exchange
• Direct evaporative cooling
• Indirect evaporative cooling
S/V ration (building massing) Indirect gain Thermal insulation Radiative heat exchange
• Thermal mass
Space zoning and orientation Isolated gain Thermal mass S/V ration (building massing)
• Sunspace-Thermal mass
Convective heat exchange Convective heat exchange
• Airtight envelope • Ventilation heating

Mitja Košir, Climate Adaptability of Buildings Bioclimatic Design in the Light of Climate Change, Springer, 2019.
• Incidence solar radiation can be the primary cause for occurrence of building overheating under
any climate type, if building envelope configuration is not designed to block it when solar gains
are undesired and if the area of glazing is substantially large.

• Overheating due to solar gains can occur even in otherwise cold locations at high latitudes,
because long summer days, often combined with clear skies, can result in significant amount of
received solar radiation.
 For example, the average received daily total global horizontal irradiance of 5,107 W h/m² in
Kiruna, Sweden with a latitude just above the Arctic circle (⁓67°) is comparable to 5,383 W h/m²
in Vienna, Austria at the latitude of ⁓48°.

• While this means that shading as a heat exclusion bioclimatic strategy design measure is
important under all of the four main climate types, it is particularly crucial for cooling dominated
Mitja Košir, Climate Adaptability of Buildings Bioclimatic Design in the Light of Climate Change, Springer, 2019.
• The total solar load consists of three components:
 Direct,
 Diffuse, and
 Reflected radiation.
• The type, size, and location of a shading device will, therefore, depend on the size of the direct, diffuse,
and reflected components of the total solar load.

• To prevent passive solar heating when it is not wanted, one must always shade a window from the direct
solar component and often also from the diffuse sky and reflected components.

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.

• The direct solar component is effectively controlled by exterior shading devices.

• The reflected component is usually best controlled by reducing the reflectivity of the offending
surfaces (e.g., plants), extra-large shading devices, additional indoor shading devices, or shading
within the glazing.

• The diffuse-sky component is much harder problem because radiation comes from a large
exposure angle.

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001. Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.
• All orientations except south receive maximum solar radiation in summer.
Which window orientations need the most shading in the summer?
• A skylight receives about four times the solar heating that south windows receive on June 21. (© J. Douglas Balcomb,

• During summer, east and west

glazing collect two times the
solar radiation of south.

• In contrast during winter, south

glazing collect significantly
more solar energy compared to
the other orientations

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.

• This suggests that the shading of east and west windows is more important than the shading of south

• On the other hand, south windows are very desirable from both a shading (summer) and a passive solar
heating (winter) point of view.

• Skylights should be avoided because they collect a

large amount of solar radiation in the summer and
little in the winter.

• Similarly, east and west windows are not

desirable from both heating and cooling points
of view.

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.

Shading systems
• Unless it is used for daylighting, solar radiation should be
blocked during the overheated period of the year.

• Shading effect can be achieved by building shape, by external

obstruction, by fixed and movable shading device (interior or
exterior devices), and by glazing optical properties.

• Even though indoor shading is typically movable, exterior

shading can and often should be dynamic.

• Figure on the right compares some shading strategies and

shows that exterior shading devices are the most effective at
shading direct sunlight.

Exterior shading devices block about 80 percent of the solar gain through clear windows, while indoor
shading blocks only about 20 percent. Low solar gain glazing blocks almost as much solar gain as exterior
shading, but, unfortunately, also blocks much of the winter sun and light from the view. Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.
Shading systems: Building form
• One of the ways to accomplish shading is to use the building form (i.e. shape) to cast shadows on its own
transparent envelope elements.

• This can be realized by shaping the building mass in such a way to block the incoming direct solar radiation,
while at the same time the daylighting of indoor spaces will still be possible through diffused light.

• The described design approach is frequently implemented in hot-arid and Mediterranean locations where
internal open or closed atriums (see Figure) are employed with the intention of providing self-shading of a

• Orienting the indoor spaces with the corresponding

transparent building envelope elements into the atrium
provides an almost permanent shade, if the courtyard is
properly dimensioned.

• In a similar manner, external obstructions can be used to

provide shading. These can either be in the form surrounding
urban structures (i.e. neighbouring buildings) or vegetation,
particularly trees.
Mitja Košir, Climate Adaptability of Buildings Bioclimatic Design in the Light of Climate Change, Springer, 2019.
Shading systems: External obstruction

• The shading by deciduous trees or vines is often used under the temperate climate conditions, where the
seasonal cycle of vegetation provides the desired variation between winter (i.e. no leaves) and summer
(i.e. leaves). This means that the vegetation performs as an seasonally variable shading.

• Nonetheless, care must be taken to select trees with dense treetops that provide enough shade during the
summer, while at the same time having sparse branches so that they provide little obstruction to the winter

Mitja Košir, Climate Adaptability of Buildings Bioclimatic Design in the Light of Climate Change, Springer, 2019.
Shading systems: External obstruction

• In addition to the use of vegetation and surrounding buildings, sometimes topographical features like cliffs
and caves were used to provide shading to buildings or even entire settlements.

• In the example of Native American

Ancestral Puebloans culture of the Mesa
Verde, Colorado, USA, entire villages were
situated under cliff overhangs providing
environmental (i.e. shading, thermal mass
of the cliff) as well as physical protection
from potential intruders (see Figure).

Mitja Košir, Climate Adaptability of Buildings Bioclimatic Design in the Light of Climate Change, Springer, 2019.
Shading systems: Fixed exterior shading

• The common fixed exterior shading are all variations of

either the horizontal overhang, the vertical fin, or the
eggcrate, which is a combination of the first two (see

• Nevertheless, almost an infinite number of variations are


• The louvers and fins can be angled for additional solar


• Fixed rather than movable shading devices are often used

because of their simplicity, low cost, and low

• Because their effectiveness is limited, movable shading

devices should be seriously considered.
Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.
Shading systems: Movable exterior shading

• Movable shading devices respond better to the dynamic nature of the environment than do fixed
(static) devices.

• Because full shade is needed during the overheated periods and full sun during the underheated
periods, a shading device must be in phase with the thermal conditions.

• With a fixed shading device, the period of solar exposure to the window is not a function of
temperature but rather of sun position.

• The main reason for the discrepancy between sun angles and temperature is that the solar year and
the thermal year are out of phase.

Can you explain why solar and thermal year are our to phase?

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.

Shading systems: Movable exterior shading

Why solar and thermal year are our to phase?

• Because of its great mass, the earth heats up slowly in spring and does not reach its maximum until
one or two months after the day of maximum heating, the summer solstice (June 21).

• Likewise in the winter, there is a one- to two-month time lag in the cooling of the earth.

• The minimum heating effect from the sun comes on December 21, while the coldest days are in
January or February.

• Fixed overhangs do not exhibit optimal performance because they respond to the solar year rather
than the thermal year.
Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.
Shading systems: Movable exterior shading

• This is illustrated by the four sections shown in Figure.

• The presented overhang was designed for a climate
where it is hot through September 21 and cold through
March 21; i.e. North America.

• Therefore, for high performance the sun should be

shaded until September 21 and not shaded until March
• Since the sun angle is the same on these two days, the
overhang cannot simultaneously both fully shade and
fully not shade at the same time (see IV).

The importance of movable south overhangs is

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001. demonstrated by the poor performance of a fixed
Shading systems: Movable exterior shading

• Section I shows the sun when it is lowest in

the sky (December 21).
• Observe that part of the window is always in
• Section II shows that even more of the
window is in shade on January 21st when it is
even colder.
• Section III shows that most of the window is
in shade on February 21st when it is still very
• Finally, on March 21 when this climate still
requires heating, the window is in complete
shade (IV).
Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.
Shading systems: Movable exterior shading
• Clearly, a fixed overhang that shades fully in the summer will prevent effective passive solar heating in
the winter.
• Fixed overhangs on south windows may provide mediocre performance, whereas movable overhangs
can provide full sun when it is cold and full shade when it is hot.
• The movement of shading devices can be very simple or very complex.
• An adjustment twice a year can be quite effective, yet simple.
 Late in spring, at the beginning of the overheated period, the shading device is manually extended.
 After the last day of the overheated period in late fall, the device is retracted for full solar exposure

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.

Shading systems: Movable exterior shading
• Before air-conditioning became available, awnings were used to effectively shade windows in the
• Awnings were used on many buildings but were particularly common on luxury buildings, such as major
• In the winter, the awnings were removed to let more sun and light enter the building.
• Modern awnings are excellent shading devices; they can be durable, attractive, and easily adjustable to
meet requirements on a daily and even hourly basis.

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.

Shading systems: Movable exterior shading

• Movable shading devices that adjust to the sun on a daily

basis are often automated, while those that need to be
adjusted only twice a year are usually manually

• In many ways, the best ‘movable shading devices’ are

deciduous plants.

• Another very effective movable shading device is the

exterior roller shade.

• A roller shade made of rigid slats is very popular because

it offers security as well as very effective shading.

• These shading devices are especially appropriate on

difficult east and west exposures, where for half a day no
shading is necessary and for the other half almost full
cover is required.
Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.
Examples of Movable Shading Devices
Shading summary
• Every orientation should have a different shading strategy.
• Maximize south glazing because it is the only orientation that not only can be effectively shaded in the
summer while preserving the view but also can harvest a maximum of solar radiation in the winter.
• Maximize north glazing in very hot climates that have no or mild winters.
• Minimize east and west glazing because it is impossible to fully shade those orientations while
maintaining the view.
• Plants can be excellent shading devices. In this respect, deciduous plants can act as movable shading
• On the east and west facades more complex shading strategies are required.

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.

Shading summary

• Movable shading devices are much better than fixed devices because the thermal year and the solar year
are out of phase and because of the variability of the weather.

• Movable fins are much more effective than fixed fins.

• Exterior shading is superior to both interior shading and the shading from the glazing itself.

• Use indoor shading devices to back up the outdoor shading devices.

• Light transmission through glazing is a function of the angle of incidence.

• Use selective low-e glazing when low transmission of solar radiation is desired.

• Since walls and especially roofs are hard to shade, use very light colors to reflect the solar radiation; i.e.
in hot climates, white roofs are best.

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.


Mitja Košir, Climate Adaptability of Buildings Bioclimatic Design in the Light of Climate Change, Springer, 2019.

Norbert Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Wiley, 2001.

Thank you for your attention.


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