UNIT 2 The World of Colours Writing - 1692931888600

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Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All

Conjunctions are used to join words or groups of words together. The most common
ones are and, or, but.
Conjunctions can be classified into following groupings.
 Coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, nor, for, so, and yet.
Jamie, Adam and Lee planned to meet at 7.
He can’t sing but he can dance very well.
 Correlative conjunctions appear in pairs: either...or, neither...nor, not only...but
She neither eats nor sleeps properly.
The house is not only big but also nice.
 Subordinating conjunctions are used to show the relationship between the
independent clause and the dependent clause: after, although, if, because, until,
when, where, whether...
He didn’t go to work because he was ill.
I will give her the book if I see her.

Exercise 2.6. Fill in each blank with a conjunction given.

although and if because

so when or but

1. .............pink was thought to be a stronger color, it was best suited for boys.
2. Blue was more delicate ............... dainty for girls.
3. Red ................. pink saris are the most popular colors for brides.
4. Most likely you feel good ................ you wear your favorite color.
5. .............. black symbolizes death in Western cultures, it is associated with powerful
forces in many parts of the world.
6. ................you see a young lady in violet, it is her, my mistress.
7. People think pink is for girls, ....................it isn’t always this way.
8. She wants to look stylish, .....................she decided to dye her hair blonde.

Viết – Tiếng Anh 1 – EN21 Trang 1

Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All

Free Writing
Free writing is a good way to brainstorm ideas before you write. In free writing, you
write down all of your thoughts about a topic or a question. It is a good strategy for
many kinds of problem-solving, whether at work, in another class, or at home. It helps
you think freely and creatively. Basic free writing follows these guidelines:
 Write nonstop for a set period of time (10–20 minutes).
 Do not make corrections as you write.
 Keep writing, even if you have to write something like I don't know what to
 Write whatever comes into your mind.
 Look at your ideas. Choose the best titles to develop your writing.

TOPIC: How do companies use color to advertise their products? Write about
companies that use color effectively.
Companies and colors, Internet companies – Google uses lots of different colors.
They are bright, happy colors. eBay also uses many different bright colors. Are they
the same colors? Macy’s uses a red star in its advertisements. I like the color red.
It’s a strong, exciting color. Macy’s uses a red star in its advertisements. I always
think of the red star and Macy’s. Sometimes I shop at Macy’s. The red star is a good
symbol. It’s easy to remember and recognize.

Exercise 2.7. Look at the photo. Write whatever you think about it using words of

Viết – Tiếng Anh 1 – EN21 Trang 2

Hanoi Open University Learning Opportunity for All

In this assignment, you are going to write a color proposal for a business. The goal of a
proposal is to gain support for a plan or a project.
Follow these suggested steps in writing your proposal.
1. State your purpose. Do this clearly so that the reader knows immediately why you
are writing.
2. Give some background information about why you are proposing your suggestion so
that the reader has a better understanding of the problem.
3. State a solution to the problem; this is where you give specifics about your
4. Continue with any costs that will be involved.
5. Conclude by restating the problem and proposed solution.

Viết – Tiếng Anh 1 – EN21 Trang 3

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