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Marketing Strategy Agency

Submitted by: Brent Joseph Rabillas

Student Number: 225227, Year Level: 2

Endorsed By: Mariano Dinglasan Jr.

Date Submitted: September 9, 2023

I. Introduction.......................................................................................................1
A. Name, Year, Age..........................................................................................1
B. Nature of Family Business............................................................................2
C. Relationship of NBV to Family Business......................................................2
D. Common and Relevant Networks.................................................................2
II. The Business Model Concept & Model..........................................................2
A. Business Concept.........................................................................................2
B. Business Name.............................................................................................3
C. The Business Model Canvas........................................................................3
1. Value Proposition.....................................................................................3
2. Customer Segments/Target Market.........................................................3
3. Customer Relationships...........................................................................4
4. Revenue Streams/Pricing Model..............................................................4
5. Key Partners/Linkages.............................................................................4
6. Key Activities/Business Process..............................................................5
7. Key Resources.........................................................................................5
8. Cost Structure..........................................................................................5

I. Introduction

A. Name, Year, Age

My name is Brent Joseph Rabillas. I am 19 and in my second year of the

Entrepreneurial management program. I started my first business selling iced candies at
eight to repay my mom after using her credit card to buy virtual currency. In the summer
of Grade 8, knowing what I knew about iced candies, I started another one. It was
stressful knowing that I had to do almost everything myself this time, from buying
ingredients to making ice candies, and I had to do some basic accounting, but it gave
me a taste of what I now have to do. I learned the importance of understanding other
people in business, and I made P14,500 during the summer. In my 2nd year of EM, I
want to create a practical business, something people wouldn’t buy as a gimmick but
something they would keep returning for a reason, whether affordable, tasty, etc.
B. Nature of Family Business,

My family owns two buildings we rent to boarders and as commercial space. My family
is relatively new to entrepreneurship. We just opened a laundry shop last November,
and it’s doing well. I do whatever I can to improve the store's operations, whether
helping out the attendants or implementing new ways to make things more efficient.

C. Relationship of NBV to Family Business

My NBV has nothing to do with what my family does for business. My business is
entirely separate. I will offer my services for free to help them out now and then, but I
can operate without my family’s assistance.

D. Common and Relevant Networks

My mother has a lot of friends who are entrepreneurs. They are doing well but, in my
opinion, don’t have that much of an online presence. I could offer my services to them
for free to start helping them grow their businesses. They can serve as my first clients
and who I will reference when it’s time to network with other business owners.

II. The Business Model Concept & Model

A. Business Concept

My business will be a marketing strategy agency. Essentially, I will come up with what I
believe are the most effective ways to promote my client’s business. I chose this
business because I don’t need to invest money to get started. I just need to learn and
master the skill. I’m also planning on starting another business with another EM student
on the side to serve as a practice and my parent’s businesses back in Cebu.

Traditional market research methods won’t apply since I’m not trying to reach out to as
many people as possible. UAI research and Segmentation won’t apply here. Instead, I
have criteria for an ideal client in mind. Businesses that are not small, like a sari-sari
store, and are not too big, like an already established corporation. Companies that don’t
have an optimized social media presence but are already doing well.

B. Business Name
The name of my agency will be called BrentStrat. It is a simple yet catchy title that combines my
first name and what I would do for my clients.

C. The Business Model Canvas

1. Value Proposition
I help grow other businesses by advising them on the optimal marketing/promotional
strategies in 2023, which are tailored specifically for them.

What differentiates me from a social media manager or content creator? My role is a

strategist who chooses the right kind of content to promote my client’s business
effectively. My services are a great alternative to hiring expensive marketing agencies.
When I sell, my offer will not solely focus on price but more on the value of what I
provide them.

2. Customer Segments/Target Market

My area, for now, will exclusively be small to medium-sized businesses in Metro Cebu. I
will not target individuals or micro businesses like sari-sari stores. Ideal businesses are,
for example, small cafes, start-up restaurants, etc.

I don’t need a lot of clients; ideally, I would only get 2-3 clients a month, as even one
client needs a lot of time and attention. It will be hard to manage many clients all at

I will not target established businesses that have already built a reputation because their
needs will be very demanding, and I may be unable to accommodate them now.
3. Customer Relationships
As I’ve mentioned in the Value Proposition. I need to tailor my strategies precisely to the
needs of each client. For example, the process I will use for a cafe may differ from that
for a food catering business.

To develop trust, I must create a close relationship with my clients and make them feel
important. This encourages them to keep using my services and refer me to others.

The initial pitch to the client would be a free demo I could offer, as Filipinos are usually
hesitant to pay if they are not sure something would satisfy them.

4. Revenue Streams/Pricing Model

Since I am not selling a physical product and am merely selling my knowledge and time,
the way I would be compensated is negotiable between me and the client. Either I get a
flat fee for my services, or we can agree that my compensation will be result-based. For
example, if I can generate P100,000 for my client, I would get 20%.

How much I would charge is small when I first start, around P1500 to P3000 per job,
and I would gradually increase my rates the more experience I get and the better I

5. Key Partners/Linkages
As a service-based business, I don’t require any inventory like how a restaurant would
need ingredients or a T-shirt printing business would need machinery and raw
materials. Since I don’t need any suppliers, my most important partners would be my
network of clients. My relationship with them is significant as it is an opportunity for new
paying clients.

I will also network with video editors and digital artists to help create the material I will
use to promote my client’s business.
6. Key Activities/Business Process
There are three main vital activities. First is networking with potential clients and
freelancers to create the marketing material. Second is the strategizing itself, finding the
most effective ways to promote my client’s business. And finally, the continuous grind of
looking into and researching trends in the market to improve my skills

7. Key Resources
I, myself, am the most significant asset. I am the one creating the strategies and giving
advice to my clients. Investing in digital freelancers to make the material is wise,
provided they are more skilled.
I don’t need any money to start my business. All the necessary equipment I need is my

8. Cost Structure
My business doesn’t require any startup capital to get started. All I need is my laptop.
Some potential expenses include visiting Cebu to meet my clients in person.

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